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Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:40 am
Ganki waited in anticipation, to see the answer he would get from Misaki. Would it be a yes, or a no he wondered? Ganki fist pumped mentally in his head as he was the right guy for the job, It was about time Ganki got that promotion. Ganki nodded his head with each complement he received, until he finally he looked up towards the Raikage, his smile meeting hers. "Haha, well thank you", Ganki said as he was about to scratch the back of his head with his right hand. However, Ganki stopped himself in the nick of time, almost spilling the alcohol all over himself, "Damn I gotta stop drinking this", Ganki said mentally. "So I might as well apply then, put me down Lady Misaki", he said with a slight laugh.
Wait for a reply, Ganki took a quick peek back at his book, reading more about the seals and what not. How was someone suppose to know, this book was obviously difficult to understand, even with the many funny looking pictures. he let out a sigh, almost giving up on the idea of learning this crap. Ninjustu was way easier than this, few hand signs and bam, instant results. But this, you have to make the seals, channel chakra through them, and also apply the correct ratio to get the proper results. Even the raikiri was easier to get, and that was an S rank jutsu. But, Ganki had been instructed by the higher ups too study this information, so that he could test out the knew seals that the cloud scientist have been coming up with. Of course they themselves should be doing the testing, but due to their poor chakra reserves they needed a jounin ranked ninja, and Ganki being one of the few jounin here was summoned for duty unfortunately. Soon, it would all be over, but until then, Ganki would continue being the lab rat.
How would the life of ANBU be he wondered, it couldn't be worse than being a jounin. He figured maybe the pay difference would be greatly different, in a good way.
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Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:51 pm
Misaki would be sitting at her desk as she would lean on her hand resting her heac you can say. She would be looking at Ganki as he was walking around still with some book she never took him for being a book worm but that was just her honestly. She would be playing with her scroll as they fifhts were still taking place smirking as Yaju had won his match skillfully. She bring the bottle of jack to her lips taking a sip as she looked towards Gankk who was thanking her at this time."No need to thank me...i should be thanking you for your loyalty"She will say with a smile.

As he said place him down she already did as she was planning too since there last meeting he was a good shinobi for Kumogakure. Someone who could make Kumogakure stand before the villages like before."Well your requested as i said,i want great things fron you nontheless"she would smile. She would speak once more"this title .....hovers alot of bloodshed for the village sake"she explains
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Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:21 pm
Looking up once again, Ganki hearing the words of Miaski. His new job title would come with a bit more than he thought more bloodshed. "Hmmm, I see", Ganki said as he pondered on this. This was to be expected of his new job, to do what must be done for the sake of the village. This new step in his life would definitely be a hard one, seeing how Ganki would experience things he wasn't quite used too. But it was too late to back out now, Ganki accepted the title without fail. "Well looks like I will be in for one rough ride", Ganki's eyes shifted away from the kage. "Nah nah don't worry Lady Misaki, I'm pretty sure I can handle it. Though, if there is anything else, you might as well put it out on the table now", Ganki said as he giggled a bit.
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Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:53 am
Misaki would look forward at Gank her worry was evident as she would bring the bottle of jack to her lips finishing it off,"This title is dangerous like i said...if your sure your ready by all means i wil give it too you"she would pull out a file as she looked through it"Your record is so pure but if you take this i will not stop you...if you believe your truly ready i will put my fate into you"she will explain tossing the empty bottle in the garbage. She will sign a few papers and place a stamp of approval for Ganki request she will look up as she would grab a mask and a Bingo Book. "Then these are yours captain....i have given you my stamp of approval to become the first Captain of my Anbu,so i put you in high regard dont disappoint me"she will say with a smile as she chuckled. Turning her chair around she will think"There one more things missions progression been kinda slow will you increase the missions for the youngesters,that will be a good start as your new job..looking after everyone of this village just as i do..even the animals"she giggled. For now she will keep the secret of her sister death as she would look out the window."This step opens alot of doors if i happen to step from the village this means your in charge until i return im putting alot of things onto you...Ganki so i hope your prepared to do as i say,we have alot of work to do for Kumogakure"she explains.
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Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:10 am
Ganki closed his eyes as he heard the Raikage's word, this would really be a huge step in his life, a crucial choice that he had too really think on. After think for a few seconds, he took a sip from the bottle he had in his hand still, while placing the book back in to his back pouch, only to look at it later. Nodding his head he took a few steps forward towards the desk, only to place the bottle down and reach for the two items that were given to him, the bingo book, and the Anbu mask. "I got this", Ganki said as he grabbed hold on the two items. Taking a few looks at the book, he would also place that in the back pouch that he had, only to flip and play around with the Mask, he though it was kind of silly, running around with a animal mask. But, it was probably standard procedure.

Above all the danger that would come with the job in the near future, Ganki sure did love the title. Ganki the ANBU Captain, master of all except those present today. "Don't worry about the whole mission activity problem, I've been currently working on that for quite some time with my team for starters, so once I reach out too a few more genin you should see a increase."

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Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:56 am
She would of crossed her legs as she just watched as Ganki would reach for the two items. She wasn't to fond of the choice but it was something he gladly excepted she would of been attempting to break down Ganki chakra she knew this will be a huge step for him and understood the role it brought. She remembers when she was offered Anbu she was to lazy then to take it."With those two items after you leave here today you will be a different shinobi one who vows to protect the village from all and to help produce even more glory if you are ready i shall admit you a new life...the one as jounin will end when your feet step out of this door understand?she will ask looking at him nodding at his words about the missions"Any questions you will like to ask?"she would ask.

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Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:56 am
"Yeah I got a few, or maybe just one I don't know it depends. Could you tell me what this title comes with, like perks or what not, I gotta know if there is a secret coffee room I don't know about", he said in a joking manner. While wait for an answer, Ganki would stare at the mask it bit, he was thinking about trying it on for a bit, hoping his head wasn't too big. He popped his head in an out, until he decided to walk over to the left side of the office, where their was a mirror. He slipped the mask on slowly, until he would look into the mirror while wearing the mask, "Lame...", Ganki thought, funny how that was the first thing that came to mind. It was obvious that he would not be wearing this thing a lot, it wasn't very comfortable really, but it did fit his face surprisingly. Perhaps he would make some adjustment to his mask over at Sc, business was doing ok for now.

This idea also reminded him of the new product that was going to come out, which dealt with using a seal as a activation process. Ganki reached into his back pouch with his right hand, and grabbed the sealing book that he was reading from before. Flipping through the pages he starting to read the chapter that talked about seals being used for more than just storage purposes, it could be used for body enhancements as well. Ganki was just learning this, so it would take a while for him to get used to the impossible logic behind seals doing what they do now.

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Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:53 pm
"First as a captain you lead the Anbu meaning the anbu are in your control it goes like this my authority then yours kind of deal,so you will hold power and have access to the anbu headquaters and anbu kind of missions which invovle assassnations if it must come down to it,you will have access to my prison i will give you the tour later and be looking over that"she would explain as she sat there writing her on the scroll and folder she had open this was a bright start for Ganki se hoped the best"Anythng else you have questions about?"she ask.
(1747 Chakra Sense Lvl2 Achieved)
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
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Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:25 pm
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Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:49 pm
"That's some deal", Ganki said as he smiled behind the mask. Ganki for now would be the only ANBU agent, but soon in the near future there would be more, more that he would lead on missions and such for the "Greater good", of the village.

reading his book even further, he stumbled across a man that had mastered the art of sealing, he was a famous leaf ninja too. Ganki continued to read, he even scratched his head a little, might have blown a brain vessel who knows? All Ganki knew was that these seals and formulas all started to looks the same now, the understanding of this shit was next to impossible. Who could get this crap, but, it was not like Ganki had a choice, he had to get this down pack so he could turn in a boring observation report to his scientist, it sure did suck being a lab rat. Ganki placed the book back into his back pouch once more, "he", believed that he had learned enough of that sealing techniques for today, more than he needed to know. When he would return back to the lab, he planned to give a blatant answer, the truth and nothing more but the truth, "this thing sucks."

"Well, I think I got everything down pack, I'll make sure reach you if I come across anything." Ganki would walk towards the bottle that he placed on the Raikage's desk, "Is there anything else you need?"

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