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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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A Familiar SIGHT(P,NK,IO) Empty Re: A Familiar SIGHT(P,NK,IO)

Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:11 pm

Haru opened one eye slowly, looking around. Had he… fell asleep on a bench? He’d only sat down and closed his eyes for a moment… checking his watch, he groaned. He’d been there all night!
”What the hell! I’m paying good money for a hotel room!” He shouted to the air, drawing many a passerby’s eye. ”Dammit, Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!” He cursed, standing up, cracking his back as he tried to get all the soreness that came with sleeping on a bench out. He sighed, checking his wallet. He didn’t really have money issues, but… Seriously? Ugh. He spotted a ramen bar nearby, and despite his general dislike for the sorry excuse for chicken soup, he felt like he needed some hot food to warm him up, since he’d just slept in the cold for a whole night. He casually walked towards the building, cracking his knuckles as he walked. God, he was sore right now.
Stepping into the building, he ordered a bowl of broth, sitting down at the bar next to Matsu. He sighed as the bowl was set down before him, putting his numb hands over it to warm them. It had been a particularly cold night, and he was freezing. He glanced over at the boy next to him, nodding at him slowly, before double taking at him quickly. He would frown slightly, staring at him for a moment. If the boy didn’t look his way yet, he would grab him by the back of the head, turning the boy’s head to face him, and locking eyes with the boy.
”Holy crap! I didn’t know there were Hyuugas besides me and my family here!” He would exclaim, letting go of the boy’s head. ”I’m Haru.” He would add, amazed he’d found a cousin here on such a whim.  

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Haruna Shizen
Haruna Shizen
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A Familiar SIGHT(P,NK,IO) Empty Re: A Familiar SIGHT(P,NK,IO)

Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:53 am
Haruna was on her way back from the hospital. She had spent her entire night there on shift. After a few good rounds of training and several weeks shadowing the doctors in the hospital, she finally knew enough to take care of her own patients. She had managed to heal several minor injuries, a couple of poisoned shinobi and had even stopped someone’s internal bleeding. She felt proud of her work, now feeling that she was actually doing some good instead of just giving sponge baths to people in a coma. She shuddered at the memories. At least she wouldn’t have to do that anymore. She was building a reputation for herself now. She was on the right track. Maybe at some point, she could reach her goal and finally learn some of the techniques of legend that she had read so much about during her youth. Well, she couldn’t get ahead of herself. She was just a genin, after all. She sighed, knowing that she still had a pretty long way to go.
In the meantime, she would head over to the local ramen shop for some food. It felt like she hadn’t eaten in hours. Seeing as she had one surgery after another, she barely had time for anything other than a few gulps of water in between procedures. She just needed breakfast, then she would go sleep, maybe train later before she had to head back to the hospital. That gave her a total of what? Eight hours of free time? She let out a groan. Well, such was the life of a lowly apprentice. She could just find comfort the fact that she was slowly growing out of the grunt work and into the reality of being a medical ninja. Soon, she would probably have to be dispatched on real missions as a field medic. Honestly, she couldn’t wait.
But she was much too tired, hungry and in a bad mood to bother being excited as she walked down the streets of Tengakure. She finally reached the ramen shop. Much to her dismay, it was crowded. What time was it anyways? She had expected to be the only one there. The less people there, the more comfortable she felt and the quicker she would be served her meal. But of course there had to be other people there. Upon closer inspection, she recognized one of them…

He seemed to be talking to someone else, another Hyuuga, by the looks of it. With her eyes narrowed, Haruna walked over to the counter where both boys were seated. “Morning,” she grumbled. There were bags under her eyes, her hair was a mess and her clothes were somewhat disheveled. She would try to shove Haru off of his share. If she succeeded, she would take his seat and proceed to eat the ramen that the shop owner was serving him at that moment. If that failed to work, she would simply head over to the seat next to the other Hyuuga and order her own meal. Regardless of the outcome, she would sit quietly, feeling quite uncomfortable since she was surrounded by, well, men. That was a sight she was far from getting used to seeing in person. She had to say, she much preferred seeing them in images.

WC: 551
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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A Familiar SIGHT(P,NK,IO) Empty Re: A Familiar SIGHT(P,NK,IO)

Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:22 am
Haru smiled at the other Hyuuga, nodding his head slightly.
”You’ll get used to it, don’t worry. It’s a hard job, but it’s also a rewarding one. You get to save lives, genuinely help out the village, and meet some amazing people-“ He said to the boy, just as his world turned sideways for a moment. Haru was confused, what the hell was going on? As he neared the floor, he realized someone familiar had just, well, shoved him out of his chair.
”Haruna? He muttered, just before his head hit the floor. He rolled over, holding his head in pain for a moment. He got back up to his feet, still holding his head. ”What the heck was that for?” He said angrily, glaring at her. Whether or not she answered him, he would pull up a chair on her left, grumbling to the server that he needed another bowl of ramen.
”You can’t just live off free stuff from me, Haruna.” He would say, watching her eat his food. Then he just shook his head. Truth be told, he wasn’t all that hungry anymore, the blow to the head had lessened his appetite greatly. He wasn’t really sure why he stayed at this point. ”So Haruna, this is… Hell, I don’t even know his name.” He would say, looking over at Matsu expectantly. The server set down a bowl of ramen in front of him, which he turned his attention to, grabbing the naruto with his chopsticks. He wasn’t even sure what to say to Haruna, he thought he’d straightened everything out with her, but apparently, he was far from it. She was being kind of quiet… ”So anyways.” He would say, looking over at Matsu. ”If you need any help training, I’d be glad to help out a cousin.” Haru offered, making sure not to include the word byakugan in there, as he figured bringing that up would just make Haruna hit him again. Well, so would not offering to help her as well, come to think of it. ”Haruna, you’d be welcome to come along as well” He offered

(WC: 655)

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Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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A Familiar SIGHT(P,NK,IO) Empty Re: A Familiar SIGHT(P,NK,IO)

Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:50 pm
{Pseudo-invasion....Haru invited me.} 

The second Tenkage, Shinji Uzumaki, was on a rather Eh, hell, it was no mission it was in fact a date, yes, a date. Anbu operative Cat had resigned from the anbu black ops at the same time as Shinji stepped down from acting kageship. Perhaps she did not trust the new kage? Shinji was not sure and he did not bother to ask. All the same, the simple fact that she was no longer an anbu operative meant that Shinji could take her on a proper date. Former operative Cat, whose real name was Neko, wore a short black dress that actuated her curves and revealed her toned legs that were often hidden by the armor of battle. Her long blonde hair was neatly arrayed such that it was out of her face, so that one could see her delicate features. Shinji on the other hand wore jeans and a white T-shirt with the Uzumaki swirl on the back. Also, a rare sight, Shinji had attempted to tame his mane of hair that often got out of control.

It was this striking couple that walked down the road to what was the ramen bar of Tengakure. The two had been on expensive dinners and lunches before, but for now they wanted a simple sit down meal., thus the ramen bar was a rather convenient place that filled the couples wants to a tee. After a while they arrived at the shop and walked in, but what greeted them was not really what Shinji had expected in the least. He watched as someone, who he quickly realized was Haru Hyuuga, had just been pushed off his chair by a girl. At this Shinji quirked an eyebrow and simply said a few words to the Hyuuga in passing with a rather joking tone, "Haru, you really shouldn't let your girlfriend push you around like that." At this Neko let out a rather light airy laugh that echoed softly around the restaurant. Earlier that day Neko had been able to best Shinji in a spar, thus Shinji's comment was full of irony for the former anbu operative. Not wanting to get in Haru's way Shinji simply led Neko to a chair to the left of the small group. He would let Haru sort out what he was going through. Sure, if Haru or any of those other genin talked to Shinji then the former kage would gladly respond. However, for now his peculiar eyes, the right was coal black and the left was ghostly white, shined as he talked with Neko and ordered lunch.
Haruna Shizen
Haruna Shizen
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A Familiar SIGHT(P,NK,IO) Empty Re: A Familiar SIGHT(P,NK,IO)

Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:04 pm
Haruna didn’t bother to turn around as Haru fell of his chair and asked why in the world she would do that. “I’m hungry and your seat looked comfortable,” She said simply, slurping loudly on the bowl of noodles. Considering the fact that she hadn’t eaten in over twenty four hours, the simple dish tasted amazing. In under a minute she had eaten the entire thing without taking a breath in between slurps. She almost didn’t notice the other Hyuuga staring at her angrily. Setting down her now empty bowl, she turned to look at him. She cocked an eyebrow and tried to look relatively intimidating.
The result was… less than desired. Her lips were pursed awkwardly, trying to hide her awkward sense of embarrassment. Her eyes were narrowed successfully, but her skin was a light shade of red. She really had to work harder on seeming comfortable and perfectly fine with being surrounded by members of the opposite sex. Well, she supposed this was a start. The young priestess couldn’t quite expect to grow accustomed to such situations without going through them constantly. She would just take his as another part of her training… yes, training… that would do. She let go of her odd facial expression as the cook handed her another bowl of noodles.
In any case, the other boy – Matsu, as he had introduced himself – took her hand. Haruna visibly tensed as he took it towards his mouth and pressed a gentle kiss on her skin. The red color in her face returned soon enough. She didn’t exactly know what to do. Her instincts told her to run away while flailing and crying. But she had to be stronger than that. She would grin and bear it – and in quite the literal sense. Haruna forced a small smile. This also made her wonder how and why his angered demeanor had changed so quickly. Maybe it had been Haru’s offer to train them? Was he trying to make a good impression on the other boy? Maybe…
Haruna did a quick calculation in her head. Hm… She would have a total of eight hours before she had to go back to the hospital. She needed at least two of those for her daily prayers and meditations. She possibly needed about four to sleep… that left her with another two hours of free time. Well, why not spend it doing something productive. [clor=silver]“Sure, I’ll join you two,”[/color] she said finally. “Best to have a healer nearby in case you end up trying to tear each other apart,” she added.
The young girl took the bowl of ramen in front of her and ate it about just as quickly as the one before it. She was too engrossed in her food to notice the new couple joining their small group. At least, that was until one of them – a blonde man that Haruna didn’t recognize – spoke. Did he… had he… had he just called Haruna Haru’s girlfriend?!?!?!

Haruna went from an ivory pale color to a crimson red in a matter of seconds. She wanted to scream in protest but she found the words stuck in her throat. She wondered if the other boy would protest or if he would go along with the older man’s comment just to spite the young girl. If he denied it, she would sigh in relief. If he didn’t, Haruna would become lightheaded and fall of the chair as Haru had done only a few minutes before. Talk about karma…

 WC: 1137
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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A Familiar SIGHT(P,NK,IO) Empty Re: A Familiar SIGHT(P,NK,IO)

Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:33 pm
Haru would shrug as she explained her reasoning for stealing his food, and his seat. He’d pull a coin from his pocket and toss it to Matsu, as payment FOR the payment, just in case he was mad about having had money stolen from him.
”Okay, so I’ll grant that I deserved that.” He would admit, as he noticed Shinji Uzumaki had entered…. He hadn’t seen the former Tenkage in quite a while. Under normal circumstances, he would just say hello and continue eating, maybe start a conversation with him, but he said something that threw him off a little… he called Haruna his girlfriend. He turned a faint red, though he was much better at hiding this kind of thing then Haruna was, apparently. For a moment, he thought about responding, but…. What the hell, why not test the waters? He would stay silent, not looking at Haruna, but activating his byakugan to watch her reaction, without actually staring at her, since prolonging eye contact right after denying something like that was… awkward, to say the least. The results were… unexpected. Here was Haruna, the girl who left the impression on Haru of being overconfident and short tempered, turning bright red, and falling out of her chair. He would stretch out his arm quickly, grabbing Haruna by her arm before she hit the floor, and pulling her back up into the chair. He kept silent about the fact that this was a perfect example of the fact that there was, in fact, a god, with a really good sense of humor. He was half tempted to just let her fall, but he didn’t want to make an ass of himself.
”Are you ok?” He would ask her upon pulling her to her feet. After her response, which would most likely be violence towards Haru, he would turn to Shinji. He noticed now, that he had two very different looking eyes. He recognized the sharingan from last time he’d met the man, but…
”Is that a byakugan, Shinji?” He would ask him, ”Who in the hell gave you that eye?” He asked, before thinking of his fake byakugan that replaced his left eye… Did Daniel give it to him? Nah, Daniel would most likely have kept it for himself. 

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