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Arthur Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon
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Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:30 pm
The King of Knights, Jounin of Tengakure and strangely enough a soda addict Arthur Pendragon finds himself waking up in the room rented to him by a kindly old woman introduced to him by a Jounin of this fine village of Sunagakure, it's been weeks now and his charge has not returned to his care...Perhaps the boy ditched him?
It seems most likely the case as his expression when he made himself known was rather annoyed looking.
Arthur's eyes narrow and he smiles a small that does not reach his eyes which show a large amount of annoyance at the situation...He trudged through a vast desert to get the brat candy...and then the little rat ditches him!? It seems he'll have to teach a certain Genin proper etiquette when he returns to Tengakure.

Standing up the Knight sheds his clothes in a huff and marches into the shower the sleek waxed stone floors that make up Suna's architecture actually rather comfy...they remind him of his own homes design rather then the sleek metal that Tengakure boasts with it's building design.

A quick shower is taken to wash the sweat from his body, the heat in Sunagakure still rather harsh for him, which is partly the reason he decides not to towel off and part of the reason his first step out of the shower results in his legs going straight up and his head coming straight down.
A loud thud echoes throughout the Inn and Arthur's vision goes black.

Awakening in the afternoon Arthur groans and sits up a bit the pressure of bandages felt around his forehead, he glances downward finding his pants and tunic in place and the rather old inn keeper smiling at him "So you're awake eh? You took a nasty fall!" She states with a deep laugh while raising her hand.

Arthur merely blinks in confusion and tilts his head to the left "...Who are you...?" He blinks again and his eyes widen his left hand coming to grip his hair his breath quickening and his frame shaking as panic sets in a realization striking him..or rather leaving him.

" I?" He asks glancing towards the woman his eyes wide, Okay, calm down...uh...Whatever my name is! Tis not such a bad situation! Surely this woman knows my identity! Surely I can get this sorted out! He reasons to himself silently clenching his fists shut as he forces himself calm while listening to the womans response.
The woman blinks before furrowing her eyes thoughtfully, unfortunately for Arthur this woman is actually rather senile, not incredibly far gone but too far in to remember certain facts...She does however remember two facts about the Knight. "Well, your Arthur Pendragon, and your a Knight that serves..." She pauses in thought for a moment "The Kazekage I must assume." She finishes looking slightly frustrated by her lack of memory "You showed up looking for a place to stay earlier this week...with two Shinobi that must have been your friends." She states before looking down at the Knight with worry "You sure fancy armor and swords too! Makin' em pop out of thin air with your fancy chakra techniques!" She states with a playful laugh before standing up "Well, I'ma get you some more stuff for your head pain! Just think slow I'm sure it'll come back to ya eventually!" She states before walking off.

The amnesiac nods with a gulp as the woman leaves before sitting up and sliding to the edge of the bed before standing "Swords...?" He ponders before an ache erupts from his forehead and he hisses his left hand instinctively raising the Blade of Evils bane appearing in his grasp, causing the mans blue eyes to widen.
He breathes in before whispering "I am the bone of my sword..." his eyes fixated on the blade his chakra spiking throughout the civilian populated area any Shinobi present instantly being warned to the Jounin's presence..perhaps an S.O.S one would think since no explosion or attack has happened.
"Steel is my body and fire is my blood..." he continues looking dazed before he stops and shakes his head the blade dispersing as he raises his right hand to lightly grasp his head once more, the words of his Familial technique flowing into his brain along with his family codes...but for the life of him he can't remember his personal life or the face of his family or friends...Did he have any family? The old woman said he had friends...Two...Shinobi? And apparently he's a Knight? But...Shinobi go against his code...that much he remembers he's way too flashy to be any help to the work Ninja do...

Sitting on the bed he groans softly and closes his eyes, just wishing someone could give him a hint...
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:40 pm
The Kazekage of Suna Koroshi Uchiha walks around the village, rather bored since he has finished all of his paper work, and no one seems to be free for a spar, or to just hang out. While he is walking down the streets however he is greeted by an Inn keeper, she is rather old, but for the most part she is a nice person, she explains that there is a knight staying in the Inn, and that he has had a bad accident and can't remember who he is, but she thinks that Koroshi might know him "Hmmm I will check it out, thank you" Koroshi says trying to act like a responsible Kage, but in side the only thing he can think of is "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! A real knight!?!? I have never met one of them before! I wounder what he is like!? Agraahh calm down Koroshi, act cool you are a Kage now"
But while he is thinking this he is directed to the room that the knight is staying in, and with a polite knock Koroshi says "Excuse me, I am the Kazekage, I hear that you have suffered a bad accident and I am here to help!" Koroshi says still trying to hold in his excitement.
Arthur Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon
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Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:33 pm
The Knight opens his eyes upon hearing the knock at the door and hearing the voice of his apparent Lord, the Knight has no reasons to doubt the words of the old woman and raises with a groan before walking shailly to the door and opening it. "Lord Kazekage, well met." He states with a firm polite smile the bandages around his head still sticking out from his blonde hair. "I've succumb to a head injury it seems...I currently have no memory of my life as a person, only my blades and my name." He states calmly with the regality of a King and the composure of a Knight despite his immense pain. "My Lord, forgive my weakness" He states with a small inclination of his head still under the impression that he is in fact a Knight of Sungakure the Inn keeper having informed him of such...He has no reason to doubt this.

He continues raising his gaze revealing sharp piercing blue eyes filled with determination "This shall not hinder my duties however, as a Knight of Sunagakure I will return to serve once my injuries are fully healed." He swears his voice filled with conviction...Like the roar of a Lion.
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:36 pm
Upon hearing the mighty knight say that he has lost his memories of who he is, and only knows his name and his blades, Koroshi smiles. He always loved the stories of knights and such when he was little, and now a real breathing knight is standing before him and doesn't know who he is, or where he is from. Koroshi first thought being 'can I keep him?!' Although he continues to listens to the man and hears that he thinks that he is a knight of Suna 'This is perfect I can keep him!' Koroshi thinks as he begins to smile "Don't worry sir knight, for now just rest. All of your duties will be taken care of in your stead while you recover" Koroshi says trying to have what he thinks is a kingly ascent "When you are at one hundred percent however, please join me in my castle, for we have much to discuss" Koroshi continues, still trying his best to sound like a king.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:14 pm
Arthur blinks once as the Kazekage speaks and huffs with a smile of happiness a small thought of 'Finally! Someone I can speak too!' He nods and speaks once again "Aye milord, I shall recover with haste." He agree's before his eyes narrow in determination and he answers with a tone filled with conviction and a readiness to serve his lands "As you command." He states before tearing the bandages away and tossing them into the trash-bin nearby, the tunic will have to do for now his King has given him an order....
Wait did he say castle...? Is the Kazekage mocking him...? ...Nah, probably not...
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:29 pm
Koroshi simply gives the knight an approving nod, before turning around and walking out of the room "I shall take my leave, may your wounds recover with the greatest of haste, and may your spirit stay strong" As Koroshi says this final thing he places a Suna headband upon the table next to the door, before exiting the room and making his way toward his office, hoping to make it look more like a castle so that he can make his new friend feel right at home.
Arthur Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon
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Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:30 pm
The Knight nods "Thank you Milord." He states loyally once more before grasping the Sunagakure headband and with a smile he ties it to his arm...he must have misplaced the other one..
No matter, he must recuperate and recover his strength before he can meet with his King and perform his duties.
There is no time to lose! With that the Knight walks over to the bed and takes a seat before he begins ordering a rather large amount of food for him to consume....
Pendragons of all ages do have a bit of a reputation for being very large eaters...

It is later that night after several plates are emptied that the Pendragon falls into a deep sleep and begins to dream...Of what..? Of past lessons..Of the desert...

The desert is a beautiful yet harsh place to live, it is why Sunagakure is called in some places 'The Village of Survivors' a place where even the villagers scoff at the weakness shown by tourists who require certain luxuries they themselves view as weakness...But the people are kind, they are strong willed, powerful people..The walls are tall, the merchants never attempt to cheat anyone, thievery is basically extinct and the sandy plains are comforting to the people....
Knowing that the dark times of the past are behind them. A certain Knight has made his presence known in the desert since he begun his venture here in the past few months, strong, fast, just, kind...And fairly good looking with his shock of blonde hair and sharp blue eyes along with his noble features. The strength of Sunagakure only increases with the Knights presence, a strange figure that instead of leaping through the shadows marches through in plain sight in the brightness of day...No stealth whatsoever...But Pride, Honor, the Code of Chivalry guides his actions and he shows no fear...even as it appears he carries no weapons at all...
A certain unlucky mugger found out the Knight is never without a weapon, a broken arm and three nights in jail was his penance, justice was deliver quite swiftly as the flat edge of a blade broke the mans arm in a clean snap, enough to hurt...enough to let it heal...Enough to give him a month or two to think about exactly what he's doing with his life.

The Code, a Knights Oath;
Defend your Village to your last breath, A Knight never Flees his foe when their is something to defend behind him.
Follow the orders of your King, a Knight is only as good as his loyalty unless it conflicts with the code.
Respect the weak, defend the weak, never let innocent blood be spilled in your presence, a Knight is a shield to all helpless.
Show no mercy to Evil or acts of cruelty, a Knight will stop at nothing to right any injustice he see's no matter what form it takes.
A Knight is a symbol of good, his blade never spills innocent blood, and smites the wicked, a foe who has gave in shall be spared if he sets aside his weapons. A disarmed foe is no foe, if you wish for the life of the Wicked then allow it to fight, show them the might of good Young Knight.
Never Lie, never go back on your word, your word is your Honor, it is what separates you from the wicked..Silence is best if you cannot speak truth.
Be generous, a Knight is kind to all and will do everything to keep the people he defends safe and happy.
Always and everywhere be right and good against evil and injustice....Young Arthur, it is you who is King to our house, in our homeland far across the ocean...You are not of this land, none of us are...We are Pendragons..and though we are scattered...We seek the Root, we seek Avalon...We seek Honor and a world free of injustice...

We are knights young Arthur...And you are our King.

The Knight sighs as he opens his eyes, laying upon a bed in the Inn he blinks and sits up as the words of the black figure runs through his mind...Still his memories elude him....except a Image of picture books....Displaying his families Birth-right....A horse arrived beside him the other night...It took a liking to him...He named it Aggro...He likes that name for some reason...
A blue tunic is what he wears, dark in pitch and lined with white trim he allows himself to stretch as he slides his feet into..surprisingly enough a pair of sneakers..white in color...He likes these as well for reasons he's unsure of, family he has not yet found...a memory lost...And a Kingdom...Far across the ocean...His Kingdom..It is what the black silhouette holding him upon his knee speaks of..It is what he yearns for in his heart of hearts...
The months here have not been set with just recovering, he's had to keep himself strong, keep him prepared to fight for his land of Sunagakure...the Land of Wind. Standing straight he stares hard with sapphire colored irises at an empty hand.
An imaginary gun cocks in his mind and he utters two words to himself "Trace On." upon this utterance a black blade appears in his right hands grasp and he swings downward the air splitting from the force and sharpness of the blade...Lancelots..the blades who will always be loyal to him and have always been with him..He's fond of these blades they have never failed him in a pinch...The blades he was given when he was old and skilled enough to wield real blades with confidence, to swing them with care and know who to turn there edge onto...Who to spare and who to smite...Who to show his kindness and who to show his fury..Blades...
I am the Bone of my Sword, steel is my body and fire is my blood...These are the words of the Pendragon clans aria, they represent what a Knight must do to save lives, to protect the innocent and defend the weak..They are not humans, they are weapons, they are not born...They are forged....Steel speaks to the Pendragon as Kin, and the Pendragon do the same.

It is now that the Knight dismisses Lancelot and walks from the hotel he continues to stay in, it is now that he makes his way towards the training grounds in order to make sure his steel and body is ready to report for duty for his Lord in the Kazekage's office...Which from what he hears has begun being renovated...?

No matter, it is with a run, a sprint a harsh run as if chasing a foe he begins his feet moving as blurs and his frame much the same to the untrained eye, he dashes past targets and as he passes one would find several blades sticking from it's center as he rockets past over and over again, a bow is then found in the Pendragons grasp and he fires as he passes arrows hitting and embedding deep into the center of the gouges left by blades that are now dispersing as they get in the way of the arrows that are now being left to fire from the bow at an incredibly fast rate as he leaves gouges in the earth from his run, the sandy terrain causing his run to be much harsher....Strange..he must be worse off then he thought...No matter! It will not impede him! Nor will the heat! Arrows catch ablaze as their released from the Bow of Gareth, the arrows strike true as he continues to trace arrow after arrow in his run all the while crafting another blade in his mind to prepare for battle, he can't stop, won't stop until he's at full strength again....He'll return here for days if he has to, he is a Knight he cannot show such weakness to his Lord if he is to serve properly..And what if they was an attack? He'd be wholly unprepared...No, he will continue training until he's back to one hundred percent power!

Dashing from post to post he switches to two blades and begins spiraling past them as he dashes cleaving through them in it's whole with harsh roars of exertion his eyes sharp like a lions gaze upon it's prey as he practically flies from target to target bringing his blades to bear in order to push himself further and further to find the power he once had, to find the power he's lacking, and before he knows it "I am the bone of my sword..!" He begins shouting as he slashes through the targets as if they were unconquerable foes "Steel is my body..And fire is my blood..!" He continues as dark clouds appear overhead turning the day dark and the sky black. "I have created...Over a thousand blades..! Unknown to death nor known to life!!!!" He continues leaping upwards and bringing his blades down in a spiral as he flips and dashes to the next target "Have withstood to create many weapons..! Yet those hands will never hold anything...!!!!" He shouts his chakra pulsing and his muscles aching as he cuts a swath through his imaginary opponents he states "So as I pray...!" He states before spiraling to a stop "Unlimited Blade Works." He states his voice barely above conversational tone but deadly calm...Flames burst outwards and the sky and ground vanishes...Atop a hill of swords the Knight stands staring up into the sky before he collapses onto his knee's from the dizziness his injury still has on him...

What weakness...His body can't stand up on it's own right now....His own body disobeys him with it's weakness..
He clenches his fist and the world shatters around him leaving him back into the real world..A world of sand currently...
He stands after a few minutes and begins on his way home...the hotel rather...where he's staying...Does he own any property..? He can't remember..A house made of stone..He remembers that..Or does he..? Where is it...? Tch...He's an amnesiac now...No memories of where his house is...He has his blades and his heritage at least...But a house would be nice...

No matter! He knows where his head lays and whom he serves..! That is all a Knight needs..! He'll just have to keep training!
His feet carry him along the path through the city streets of Sunagakure, it took some time for him to find out the layout of the town after he forgot..But he'll pick it up again!
Veering left he stops at a vending machine a smile upon his face as he pays for a cold can which he kneels down and picks up before opening it.
A can of Suna shocked, it's most definitely a cola...It tastes good and he's found himself addicted to the caffeinated drinks...Soda Pop..His one vice...But..! He cannot resist!

Granted he could try a bit harder...But....
Hey look Kumo Thunder! Another soda later he's walking off towards a restaurant for some food...The owner rather likes it when he shows up for some reason...He can't tell why...

The Knight thinks while order everything from column A to C on the menu he's provided and beginning to dig in into plate after plate, bowl after bowl..more soda as well...
The Knight has an incredibly high metabolism..As do all Pendragon of the loyal lineage.

When he finishes, he pays and leaves once again...Back to training!
The Knight thinks as he turns on his heel and dashes off towards the training grounds...

This has been going on for weeks now...
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Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:55 pm
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