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Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Aqua "Missing Pets" Mission Empty Aqua "Missing Pets" Mission

Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:10 pm
Mission Name:Missing pets.
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Tengakure, Village.
Word Count Requirements:500

A few cats belonging to an old lady have ran away, she requested help on getting them back. Your job is to find the five missing cats and bring them home.

The task that they gave sounded simple enough to Aqua. When he woke up that day he knew that he was going to need to do some low ranked missions to pay the bills and make sure he was well taken care of. No matter the case he still needs to pay money to the landlord for the house and he needed to have enough money for food. Although he had a lot of money because of Koroshi he knew that he didn’t have a way to survive on just that other than money. No matter the case when the ninja was around the village Aqua would look for ways to make some money and also train for his new jutsu.
When Aqua got to the mission tower Aqua was pleased that day to find a few missions to his liking. The first one that he saw was a mission to do some work for a lady who had lost five of her cats. The ninja wasn’t one to get cats all the time but when it was time to do these missions if the woman had the money she was allowed to do it for them none the less. When Aqua accepted the mission the first thing that he did was go to the woman’s house to get pictures or something of the cats to see if he could find them easier. When he got to the lady’s house and got the pictures the woman looked so concerned for her pets that Aqua felt so compelled to help her and he didn’t know why. Aqua would take a large tote that he was going to carry the cats in and he got on his way.
No matter when he got the pictures it only took a few minutes to find the cats. They were all in a back alley at the base of one of the towers. It was shocking to see how easy it was to find them. When Aqua saw them there were only about a mile away, all together going through some food trash that was there. Aqua would realize that the best way for him to do this was with his tree technique. Using the Ram hand sign Aqua would begin to make a small tree with many branches that were just the size for the cats. Within a few minutes the cats were all in the tree and the ninja was going to complete the mission. Being able to take them all to the woman was the best part of the young ninja’s day; it wasn’t every day that the ninja was able to make a woman happy. The woman was so happy to see them that he didn’t know what to do. He just left her to her things and when he got back to the tower he would get the money from them and then head back home. When the ninja got back to his house he was happy to know that he had done the right thing today.

[WC: 507, Requesting 500 Ryo, 3 AP, 1 Stat, and 507 words to training for Wood Release: Nativity of a Sea of trees. ]
Yang Xiao Long
Yang Xiao Long
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Aqua "Missing Pets" Mission Empty Re: Aqua "Missing Pets" Mission

Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:58 pm
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