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The Search Empty The Search

Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:50 pm
The shinobi known as Xyxer Gyojin traveled across the vast expanses of the world, eagerly attempting to find a cure for the poison that was seeping from the cracks of his mind and infecting his very muscles, forcing him to perform actions that were beyond gestures of duress. The cure would be somewhere, or in someone, this he knew. Even if he had to claw and tear out the cure from the persons pulsating, heavy chest, he would get it. Even if he needed to drown the very lands he happened across, he would do it. This life was not mean for him, and he knew this, he desired something greater than what he already had. Being a Master was not a title he wished to have. He wanted to be feared, and he was, but the fear was but a fingernail of the hand that he wanted. His name had to be revered..

Days of old passed by like foreign memories, fleeting and rapid as they bombarded his mind. He was no longer in the safety of his home village, albeit the grizzly name the village had been honoured with. In the deep blue sea he was alone and he had abandoned his friends for now.. No news of Tengakure had reached his ears and with bandits being around, he knew that could certainly be quite fine by him. After all, they did not attack the village, they had attacked him for his eye. In this world, nothing was for certain. Kneeling down in the ruins of yet another village that had been reduced to rubble, his silver hair swaying with the rhythm of the wind, his metallic hand clawed into the dirt and lifted it, allowing the ashes of another time to seep through his fingers and land back where they had once been. He had heard stories of this place, the land of Tornados. A sadistic monster had lived here and had been brought to justice.. This left Xyxer wondering.. Why had the ones responsible for the destruction in Kirigakure not been brought to justice yet? The goon squad surely couldn't be that poor at tracking.. Alas, these were thoughts to be reserrved for another time. For now, the male basked in the silence of the dead and tormented, his senses keenly alert as the dead could always rise. Tales of such things had always kept the poor lad excited.

[400 WC, closed unless ya know]
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The Search Empty Re: The Search

Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:59 am
The reclusion that Xyxer had implemented in his own life was quite a story. He believed that secluding himself from the rest of humanity he could keep the 'beast', that he believed to be inside of his own very core, contained. Alas, that was but a fairy tale that could not be fulfilled, everyone knows that true monsters can not be changed, no matter how hard people attempt to sway their path. Deceit and betrayal was a tactic used by all, yet only the monsters were called out on it. The world was a monster itself, and the rest of the smaller spawn would have to kill one another to be honored with a place in it. He knew that now. Exiting the small village of the Tornados, he sought a greater purpose.

[Exit from the tornado village]
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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The Search Empty Re: The Search

Wed Aug 06, 2014 12:04 pm
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