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Shadows within shadows {Private} Empty Shadows within shadows {Private}

Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:32 pm
One, tw---Pull ups were harder than they looked. Aki had been at the training towers of Tengakure for most of the morning, but she had been unable to do two pull ups in a row. Truth be told, she was not the most physically gifted shinobi of all time and, much like currently, found herself walking over to and sitting down on the bench more than training itself. Leaning against the wall behind the bench, the small girl took a quick sip of water from her water bottle, she was not making much progress.

Despite not really having quite the build for a exerciser she did have the outfit. She wore black spandex that stretched down to her mid-calf and wore a green tank top with the Nara clan symbol on the front proudly proclaiming her lineage to any passerby. There was a slight bit of sweat on her brow from working out, but not much. Her raven black hair was pulled back into neat bun that made her look a bit older than she really was. Sitting on the bench she kidn of wanted to quit for the day. If she had someone else to train with, well, that would be nice, but currently she did not and thus lacked the required motivation.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Shadows within shadows {Private} Empty Re: Shadows within shadows {Private}

Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:19 pm
It was like most days clear sky with a slight breeze. He wore the close he was made to wear. It was quite uncomfortable and the next time he saw the demon priest he would ask if he could change his clothing style. His silver ring glistened in the sun as Tatsuya walks to to new parts of the village. Still finding new arias to explore wonders into an aria called the training towers.  Walking in Tatsuya soon sees a young lady training. Tatsuya decides to ignore her until he spots the Nara symbol on he shirt. Walking closer he realizes that its the same girl he bummed into at the market. What a funny coincidence, Tatsuya thinks. She was definitely young and inexperience as she did not do so well on the pull ups but you have to start somewhere.

As he is now in front of the girl he says. "Hello again out for a bit of training I see."
Tatsuya wonders if she posses any shadow manipulation jutsu. Tatsuya himself only has three jutsu's developed by his clan two of which being shadow imitation and shadow neck binding jutsu.
If she did not posses any then Tatsuya would ask if she would like some training in there clans art. For now thought Tatsuya would just keep the conversation basic and let is lead into more possibilities.

Shadows within shadows {Private} Empty Re: Shadows within shadows {Private}

Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:37 pm
"O-oh, hi. Yes, just a bit of training. I guess you saw my sorry skills, if you haven't noticed I'm not too strong." Placing the water bottle down next to her and standing up, the Nara gave a short bow to the other Nara. She did not necessarily have to bow to him, but she did it out of polite habit that had been drilled into her during her upbringing. She was about to excuse herself from a social situation, especially with a guy, but curiosity got the better of her. Fidgeting with her hands she glanced up at Tatsuya with a slightly furrowed brow making full use of her puppy dog eyes.

"Your name is Tatsuya, right? You are part of the Nara clan? Um, well, I don't know how to ask this, but do you know that much about the Nara clan?" Aki paused for a brief moment, hesitating, before continuing, "Well, my parents refuse to teach me how the clan techniques work and there aren't many Naras around here. My family is the only one I know of in Tengakure to be honest. And, well, I was sort of kind of wondering if you knew anything about them. And, well, maybe could you teach me about them. I've read about them, but never seen how to use them...." The genin trailed off ever so slightly until she was silent.

Cocking her head to the left ever so slightly, Aki waited for a response. It was quite true what she had said, her parents never used any shadow oriented jutsu around her. Perhaps they did not think she was ready? Or that they were protecting her? Well, god dammit, she was twelve years old and a genin to boot, she deserved to know!
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Shadows within shadows {Private} Empty Re: Shadows within shadows {Private}

Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:46 pm
Tatsuya listens to Aki's words. She was definitely shy of having someone who was older then her but that is okay. Tatsuya remembers when he did the same.
“Yes I do know a fair amount of the Nara clan.”
Tatsuya felt bad for the girl not having an outlet to express the powers that lay dormant inside her.
As a member of the Nara clan it was Tatsuya's duty to help her learn the way of there clan.

Looking as she was getting more and more nervous Tatsuya brings up his figure to her lips. Only just hovering them to silence her.

“Alright Aki Nara of Tenga. I will take you as my student and teach you what I know. And then together we can become the most legendary members of the Nara clan.” With that Tatsuya brings his fist into the air.

It was true that Tatsuya only knew two shadow manipulation jutsu's and was working on a third but being apart of the Nara clan was more then just knowing how to throw around shadows.
Tatsuya will wait for her response before Tatsuya moves on.

After saying what he said Tatsuya realizes that he did get a bit excited to have found an interested member of the Nara clan and he hopes he did not intimidate her.
Looking at the girl Tatsuya sees a promising future for her and there clan. Perhaps one day they will go off on there own adventures together. They could create strange and unique jutsu that could destroy all but also create bonds between across boarders and help stop conflict before it begins.
Yes this is what Tatsuya wanted to do with his life and he hoped others in the world wanted to do the same.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Shadows within shadows {Private} Empty Re: Shadows within shadows {Private}

Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:48 pm
Tatsuya sense something and leaves. 
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Shadows within shadows {Private} Empty Re: Shadows within shadows {Private}

Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:04 pm
[[48 hrs passed bypassing Aki Nara's exit.]]
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