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Yuki no more(village destruction)

Tank Akimichi
Kemuri Iburi
Kenshin Uchiha
11 posters
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Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Yuki no more(village destruction) Empty Yuki no more(village destruction)

Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:29 pm
The Demon and all of the genin would appear in the middle of Yukigakure as the villagers were going about their everyday duties. It had been so long since he had been here that he had almost forgotten what it felt like. With his eternal sharingan active he looked around taking in the environment. The cold air didn't reach him through his armor but through his mask he breathed out cold air.

"Be on your guard, they will come quick and their strike will be strong. If you survive this you'll be one step closer to being your own individuals born from fire and blood instead of whatever you called it you were doing in Konoha."

Taking another step into the village the Demon let his chakra ooze out creating a dark and heavy feeling that would reach out to any strong enough to feel it.

"Come defend your village attending leader."
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Yuki no more(village destruction) Empty Re: Yuki no more(village destruction)

Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:34 pm
Kiru couldn't do anything. Everything in the world stood against him and all he could do was run. In the shadow of a building on the far edge of town, he looked up at a large hole in the towns walls. He had put it there, in an attemmpt to hit Ice he had done significant damage. That was a long time ago. He tossed one of his daggers, flying silently through the air, entering the hole. It rebounded upwards and over the wall, Kiru appearing instantly catching it, making his way out of town.

(Escape Post, now a Missing Nin)
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Yuki no more(village destruction) Empty Re: Yuki no more(village destruction)

Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:54 pm
Appearing alongside Youka he would simply look around slowly, a bit chilled by the harsh weather of this land but little more he would listen to the man that brought them here. His attention immediately going out towards his surroundings he would focus himself, attempting to sense out any nearby opponents. His focus now placed it was no use for him to even speak to the others, only to find those that threatened him and the others and destroy them as swiftly as possible. His right hand slowly reaching behind his back he would quickly bring forth a single kunai in his grip, his eyes fluttering towards the direction of several civilians off to his right. "Is everybody to be killed or shall some be given a chance at life?" he spoke as he slowly pointed the kunai towards the gathering of men, women and children.

Yuki no more(village destruction) Empty Re: Yuki no more(village destruction)

Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:35 pm
A building at the edge of the village, that was where Urek had been when news of something going down had reached him. News travelled fast, incredibly fast. The young man had been in the midst of getting a snow cone, during his stay he had grown rather fond of them. Apparently there were several thousand shinobi in the middle of the village, some good distance from his location, intent on pillaging and raping there way through it. Urek doubted the sources were legitimate, considering it had come from a five year old child running around screaming. However from the frantic look of the citizens around him, perhaps there was some truth to the boys words. Urek himself sensed no individuals of note within the vicinity, they must have been far out of his sensory range. "This place was too bland anyway." The young man said with a sigh, grabbing what would perhaps be his last snow cone and then wandering off into the barren wasteland that was the Snow Country. Now if only he knew the way to the hotter climates, that would be nice.

[Escape post, now Missi- oh wait.]
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Yuki no more(village destruction) Empty Re: Yuki no more(village destruction)

Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:46 pm
Appearing beside Youka, Kenshin and Tank, Kemuri would feel the bitter cold as he appeared, his muscles tightening just a little at the sudden change in atmostphere. Glancing around at the village that surrounded him at the time, he noticed that it looked rather large. He had expected something smaller, but it appeared as though Youka planned on starting out with a larger village instead of small ones. Listening to Kenshin ask one of the only questions that really mattered, he would get the lay of the immediate area, looking over everything around him and putting it to memory in detail. Wondering what exactly it was that he was supposed to do right now he would wait for Youka to tell him what exactly he was supposed to be doing at the moment. Of course he was supposed to be destroying and killing, but he wasn't too sure where to begin.
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Yuki no more(village destruction) Empty Re: Yuki no more(village destruction)

Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:15 pm
Tank was teleported into the village along side Kenshin, Kemuri, and Youka. It seemed this climate was rather cold and it made Tank shiver a bit before his body adjusted to the climate. It looked as if there was a crowd gathering and Tank began to feel a bit uncomfortable with all of these citizens staring at them. He didn't want to kill these people and seeing their faces made it even worse. Hopefully there would be some shinobi showing up soon as he wanted no part in a massacre of innocents.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 10500

Yuki no more(village destruction) Empty Re: Yuki no more(village destruction)

Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:32 pm
Mitsui was running rather quickly at 75 speed thanks to the additional 50 speed boost. Mitsui would be able to move at 150 soon but right now he was building up speed dodging people and trying not to hurt anyone. Mitsui had already used the dragon and snake hand seals. He would be 5 meters from the village gates. Soon he would be out. (Attempted escape and hopefully and exit into tengagakure as well, 477 ap left, casted )
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Yuki no more(village destruction) Empty Re: Yuki no more(village destruction)

Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:54 pm
Anne, Charlotte, and Tiffany all met outside the barracks.  The war cry of Youka had reached their ears.  "My sisters, clearly you have heard what has been announced.  Youka.....the man who assisted this take over has offered us a blessing.  A chance to see his lifeless corpse hung from the village gates.  We shall work to see this come to fruition.  He is powerful, possibly stronger than all three of us combined.  Hold nothing back.  Even if it means putting individuals in danger, the destruction of the village....if we refrain from damaging such things we are already dead.  If we fail.....should we die..........know it was a pleasure to serve with you, as Yuki shinobi, and as sisters."  As she spoke the normally icy interim leader felt a tear slide down her right cheek and freeze there.  The winds were blowing in hard, her silver hair whipping around her face.  Her two sisters slid their ANBU masks over their faces, hiding all emotion.  To complete this task all emotion must be put away.  There was no room for fear in war, no room for weakness when death was the only reward.  This could be their last day on this earth, and if it was to be so, it would not be said of these Kunoichi that weakness had been shown. There was no time to send word to Maku, where ever the traitor was. Unlike other people who apparently had light speed letters that could cause others to travel an entire continent faster than the time it took for a single battle, well Yuki was all out sending one to that Kaede, little good it had done.

Making their way to were Youka had shouted, they would arrive soon after the last genin had appeared.  Youka had appeared in the middle of the town, in the town square, how convenient, even more convenient he seemed to be on the very edge of it to the northern side.  The square was approx. a 20m by 20m square with the buildings surrounding the area.  It was ironic in some ways, this was where Youka had announced the take over, and spread the food word of Maku's reign.  Now he spread a different message, one of death and destruction.....what a drag.  The sky was clear, not a cloud to watch the spectacle of blood to be displayed.  The sun beat down on the village, being noon.  All their shadows hugging their feet tightly, like a child clutching its mother.  The three sisters arrived at the south side of the square.  Entering into it, so they were 20 meters from the intruders.  

Tiffany stood in the middle, silver hair blowing in the wind.  Anne stood on her left, spaced 2 meters a kunai in her hand.  Hidden from their eyes by her clutch a single exploding tag lay unactivated on the blade.  Charlotte was on the left hands up, as if prepared for combat at any moment.  "Youka, the traveling priest....come to sate your blood lust I see.  You will find no weakness here.  However, this is no longer the time for words......."  Her eyes were sharp and picked up the 3 others that stood close to him.  She wondered who they were.  They were so young......yet they would die all the same.  Watching, each were prepared to act if any under hand tactics took place.
Stat Page : The Plague
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Yuki no more(village destruction) Empty Re: Yuki no more(village destruction)

Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:03 pm
The Demon smiled as his eyes caught on to the two figures moving in slow motion in the distance attempting to escape. They were far enough away that going for them would only seperate the rag tag group he had assembled. That would make it infinitely harder to reach and respond should something go wrong when someone was thirty meters away from you. The Demon would only shake his head no to Kenshin when he spoke knowing what he was asking when he brought up who should be killed.

Focus on the ones that are coming for us first, they are the ones who know their strength. Running after the others would only open you up to being stabbed in the back. They will come to us if they are worth anything."

Scanning the area he felt three signatures coming his way they were semi familiar yet still unknown to the man. He had seen one of them before but only felt the presence of the other two. These must have been the ones that Maku had left in charge as he went with Youka on their own journey. Cracking his knuckles freely as his hands stayed by his side he listened to the completely unnecessary speech from the lead whore. Looking over to the three genin he would look back towards the three women before scratching his head. Why were they still standing next to him, there were civilians walking beside them who now were cowering that could be killed. Also three ninja had just shown up and no one was attacking anyone. Clearly someone did not know what village destruction meant. Sighing the Demon would point towards the three girls.

"Those are your first targets....have fun."
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Yuki no more(village destruction) Empty Re: Yuki no more(village destruction)

Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:28 pm
Kenshin would nearly instantly feel the presence of three rather strong shinobi, one of them much more so than the other two approaching him and the others once they were within his sensory range. His attention immediately being focused in their direction he would look each one over closely as they appeared, the one standing in the middle starting to speak as he began mentally choosing which one would be the most interesting to battle. Deciding that opponents must be the woman in the middle he would simply look to Tank and Kemuri for a short moment before gazing back towards the woman who stood in their way. Personally Kenshin did not wish to harm these women, but what must be done, will be done and in a timely manner if he could accomplish such a feat. "Now..." he spoke softly, just loud enough for the others close to him to hear, practically ordering the other two genin with him to attack and do so swiftly. Now even bothing to raise his hands above his midriff he would form the tiger handseal and quickly jerk his head forward as his lips parted to expel and expansive amount of flames. Roaring forward at rather impressive speeds it would quickly expand in width and height to begin charring the buildings along the sides of the town square and rather quickly it would reach the women as well. Completely expecting something to stop his jutsu his eyes would shift to a more sinister crimson color, three tomoe emerging from his pupil and slowly rotating before coming to a stop in a formation that resembled a triangle. It would be obvious that Kenshin was taking this battle seriously as exposing a secret such as the sharingan to this man known as Youka could very well mean his death if he did not play his cards carefully.

-40 AP from great fire annihilation (speed and power of 60)
-1 AP from sharingan
216/257 AP
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