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Fight for the Demonic Flute  Empty Fight for the Demonic Flute

Sun Dec 21, 2014 1:41 pm
Will await npc to post~ Take your time
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 139050

Fight for the Demonic Flute  Empty Re: Fight for the Demonic Flute

Sun Dec 21, 2014 2:57 pm
The sun hung atop of the dark forest setting, its rays of light piercing through the leafy canopy. the trees spanned for miles, endlessly, their hight mirrored skyscrapers, with plenty of tree trunks to provide shelter for the wild. The bottom floor of the forest seemed none existent, only the large thick tree branches allowed safe and moveable passage. A lonely crow makes its landing on the rim of a tree burrow, one of many. Its chest widens for a call, before it was cut short. "Piece of shit...", the bird now hangs above the small burrow, blood trickles down drop by drop from the kunai that now pinned the innocent creature to the tree. The Murder pays no mind however, her swaying pink hair hides her emotionless face, except for her dark red eyes that scanned her surrounding. She truly despised annoying creatures such as that crow, in fact, she truly loathed a great many things. Anything beneath her really, and she herself, was above many.

The Sun's rays finally reveal her youthful form, she wears her light tan canvas tunic which showed a small sign of a bosom, followed by her tight black shorts and a black pair of used sandals. Her long trademark pink her is unkempt, constantly swaying in the weak breeze. Its length is past her shoulder, nearing her mid back. Strands of cloth were also wrapped around her forehead, followed by a hard leather cap with demonic designs. A parted section of her long pink hair is sectioned in front of her fact, between her eyes, angles towards the left. Her view of vision is unhindered.  She retrieves the kunai, which she now watches the dead body fall endlessly to the bottom of the ground floor, from the large tree branch she stood on, 40 feet above the ground. The canopy above her, along with the many branches suspended high above her, seemed endless. She places the kunai within her large thick purple belt, which resembles a large rope rather than a belt. And finally, in her right hand, held her tool of destruction, her demonic iron flute, her rod of destruction. A small black wrist band was also worn on her right wrist.

She continues to sense out her other comrades, well, her weak associates she would rather phrase it. She sees them nothing more than degenerates, weak nobodies that she is forces to work with. This thought made her cringe her face, and tightens her grip on the flute with much force, she serves Orochimaru, and him alone. Why she is with these clowns? She will never understand.  However, what she herself doesn't realize, is that she is a relic, lost in time. She is so far ahead in the future, she can only remember bits and pieces of her past. But her group of weaklings that she is apart of, she will never forget, ever...

A slight breeze blows against her back, her hair moves slightly along her neck, revealing her brand of Sound Four.

Tayuya's Stats:

Fight for the Demonic Flute  Empty Re: Fight for the Demonic Flute

Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:04 pm
me stats :
Alice had been tasked with a legendary mission of sorts. Aparently a relic of the past had resurfaced in the forest and was causing havoc to all around. She stood on the outskirts of the forest, her mind's eye active. There was only one chakra signature in the woods, and it was about 120 meters away from Alice's current location. From her reports she knew the women was a genjutsu user, but that was all. The relic had lived so long ago all history and information on her was nearly all gone. That was the reason Alice was chosen, she too was a genjutsu user and had the highest probability for success based on the little information known. Alice was determined to finish this mission as swiftly as she could. Before beginning she activated her shadow boots in order to hide her chakra signature from any sensory or chakra seeing doujutsu, but did not suppress her chakra so she could still use techniques. She was ready to enter the forest and confront the relic from the past.
The darkness of the forest suit Alice given her style. Today she was wearing her ankle length black tattered dress bottom, that had rips through it revealing her left leg that was cloaked in her black ripped fish net stockings. The stocking looked like they had been stitched multiple times, but if one looked closer they would realize that the stitches were on Alice's leg itself. The stockings ended mid thigh, and Alice was revealing a few inches of her upper thigh after the stocking ended. Her shadow boots matched her dress and masked the sound of her feet and body as she moved silently and swift through the forest. Her kumo head band was tied around her waist loosely as a belt, thought it only clung to her right hip. She wore a sleeveless black top that stopped at her belly button, as well as arm warmers that also had tears and holes in them that began at her wrists and stopped just below her shoulders. Her hair was jet black and styled in two ponytails on each side of her head while the rest fell naturally. Alice completed her look with her signature dark black veil that she wore to cover her strange mouth that was stitched in the corners. Alice preferred darkness, but chose to stay higher up the tall trees jumping from branch to branch casually, there was never a spot she could jump that didn't have a branch for her to land on. She would travel swiftly, silently, and with purpose, tracking her target using her mind's eye until she got within 40 meters of where she sensed her. Once she was 40 meters behind her target Alice began to travel carefully, moving casually from branch to branch in front of her at a slower pace, no sound being caused her in the great forest. She stopped moving when she was about 10 above and 5 meters away from her target to the right. Activating her Byakugan she got the first glimpse of the relic. She had a powerful chakra flow and long pink hair and certainly did not appear nice. This was confirmed when she killed a poor defenseless crow with her kuni. Alice felt bad for the crow, but thankful that it had left an opening for her to strike. A ray of light seeps through the trees casting long shadows from the bird's corpse and from the relic, thankfully it stops 2 meters away form Alice keeping her cloaked in the dark shade of the forest. As the relic moves to grab her kunai Alice weaves her hand seals silently and at at incredibly pace worthy of someone of jounin rank. Just as the relic's fingers are about to make contact with her weapon dark arms wrapped in red wisps sprout from the bird's shadow and from the relic's own shadow at blinding speeds. Two arms shoot forward from the bird's shadow attempting to grab the girl's neck and mouth, while at the same time eight arms sprout from the Tayuya's own shadow that was behind, to the right, and to the left of her, each moving to grab a different part of her, 2 shooting from behind attempting to grab on to and bind her right leg, another 2 shooting from the behind attempting to grab on to and bind her left leg, 2 shooting from the left attempting to grab onto and bind her left arm, and 2 shooting from the right attempting to grab and bind her right arm. If successful the dark arm around the Tayuya's neck will squeeze with all its strength in an attempt to crush her throat and choke her, while all the other arms keep their current position of restraint and binding. If interrupted for some reason Alice will be prepared thanks to her Byakugan and focused Mind's eye.
(-1 for Byakguan)
(-30 for boots)
(-40 for mind's eye and -20 more for focusing in on the area giving Alice a plus 20 to reaction time)
(-40 for for hands of Nyx, base power 50, plus 30 since my chakra is 60 over the cap of the justu and plus 10 for using my inheritance of dakrness skill, giving the arms a health, speed, and strength of 90)
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 139050

Fight for the Demonic Flute  Empty Re: Fight for the Demonic Flute

Sat Dec 27, 2014 4:37 pm
A fight was about to begin, fate had deemed so. The Sun grew brighter with the sky being now absent of clouds, casted over Tayuya with its ever watchful eye. Tayuya was a mark for an assassin, a cloud shinobi in fact. This shinobi, more kunochi rather, made her way through the deep forest, tracking her prey to the point where she reached within eye sight of Tayuya, undetected. She was indeed skill, this skilled Kunochi of the clouds.

As the rays of the beating sun cast its light over Tayuya and her surrounding, looking over towards the Kunai she was about to reach for, she is prompted to, by her training provided by the legendary Ex Sannin of the Leaf, Orochimaru, to take note of every detail of her surroundings. The Crow found out the hard way when it met her presence. The unlit angle of the kunai, piercing the crow, revealed an image revealing bits and pieces of a figure in the shaded section above to her right behind her when the kunai came in contact with the light of the sun. Tayuya, leaning her eyes alone downward towards the right; it only took a second for her to react upon the image. Her hands still down at her side, she then quickly forms the ram seal with the flute in hand. Leaping forwards, she makes her to the branch across from her previous position above with her increased speed, crossing the rather large gap that led down below. She escapes the surprise attack, with her senses well primed. She knew nothing about her follower, except the fact that her life was coming to an end. Tayuya curses her foe mentally, her emotions riled up.

A sudden urge finally sparks within Tayuya, vivid images of her master plays within her mind. His smile caused her body to tense, releasing the seal that was branded on the back of her neck. The seal released black demonic like markings that covered her entire body after she landed 20 meters away from her previous location. Her face cringes with a blood lust look towards her assassin she saw towards the shaded section. Her foe was going to die. She twirls her flute with insane speed and control before instantly bring it towards her lips to play.

She plays her flute of doom with both her hands, imbuing her deadly genjutsu, her style of combat, into her song. Her tune, strangely peaceful aside from Tayuya herself, is played and heard throughout the forest. Her song hopefully traps her target, her body is lassoed with many black leathery ropes that spawn from the trees and leaves around the cloud kunochi, one by one fastening itself on all her limbs with each pull, growing tighter and tighter. The ropes send threatening images into the targets mind, preventing her from moving in both the illusionary and real world.  Finally, after her solo, she would change her tune to an even more mellow tone once she acknowledged that her assassin could no longer move.

((-10 bodyflicker -40 Phantom Chains -80 for Tayuya’s curse seal[99 power due to flute] = 1370 Ap left.))

Fight for the Demonic Flute  Empty Re: Fight for the Demonic Flute

Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:04 pm
(calling for void as ganki changed the action in the timeline of his first post. His first post was uninterrupted until tayuya's reach for the kunai and my character finally began interacting with his, my character does not engage until she reaches for the kunai, so trying to react to the attack while hands are still at her side is impossible, as nothing happens until she reaches for the kuni to change his first post. Will await misa's ruling on this)
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Fight for the Demonic Flute  Empty Re: Fight for the Demonic Flute

Sun Dec 28, 2014 5:38 pm
Guess i'll take care of it..x.x

Ganki Sakura wrote: A lonely crow makes its landing on the rim of a tree burrow, one of many. Its chest widens for a call, before it was cut short. "Piece of shit...", the bird now hangs above the small burrow, blood trickles down drop by drop from the kunai that now pinned the innocent creature to the tree. The Murder pays no mind however, her swaying pink hair hides her emotionless face, except for her dark red eyes that scanned her surrounding. She truly despised annoying creatures such as that crow, in fact, she truly loathed a great many things. Anything beneath her really, and she herself, was above many.

In this post, you already drew the kunai and attacked the crow. In alice's post, she did not interfere until AFTER that point, yet in your next post;

Ganki wrote:The unlit angle of the kunai, piercing the crow, revealed an image revealing bits and pieces of a figure in the shaded section above to her right behind her when the kunai came in contact with the light of the sun.

Lets back up a moment here. How can you possibly see the reflect of a kunai you threw? At best, youd get a glint of light, unless you moved at the same time to witness the reflection. Even worse, metal like a kunai is NOT that reflective. Itd show you bright areas and dark areas, at BEST, and even that is flawed. With the non-reflective properties of a kunai, and the angle of vision you would have of it, itd be like using the light shining on a screw to determine where someone behind you is. It just doesnt work like that.

Further, she was ten meters ABOVE you, and five meters away. In case you dont know how far that is, that is about 30~ feet above you, and 15~ feet away, horizontally. That is way too far to get even a slight image from the Kunai, which is also away from you. Ninja or not, it doesnt work like that. Enhanced senses be damned, your positioning and the Kunai's lack of reflective properties make that post void.So if you could edit that post for me that will be great. But if any others have a problem with my ruling let me know~

Fight for the Demonic Flute  Empty Re: Fight for the Demonic Flute

Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:38 pm
(seeing as it has almost been ANOTHER week since my opponent has posted, and seeing as his last post was voided, and from consulting with other members I feel like I have more than enough reason to call hit.)
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Fight for the Demonic Flute  Empty Re: Fight for the Demonic Flute

Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:49 pm
Fight for the Demonic Flute  2rw45eu
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