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Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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One Weakness(Akihana) Empty One Weakness(Akihana)

Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:46 pm

As usual, when this visitor is out and about, music fills the streets of Kumogakure from a semi-famous black box shaped device, dangling from dexterous fingers as feet shuffle along the road, weaving in-between the crowds rhythmically, the citizens have grown use to his presence and merely look at the eccentric Shinobi with amusement, some even raising there hands which the Shinobi answers with a high-five and a chuckle as he rhythmically walks down the road towards a supermarket.

Onyx eyes twinkle with amusement over a young handsome face, a roguish grin reveals slightly sharpened canines, raven hair slightly obscures the sharp eyes of the Shinobi, spiked and slightly shaggy from the afternoon he's spent training..small signs of moisture show he's probably recently hopped out of a shower.
His shoulders are broad, his frame is slightly taller than average and his frame is athletically thin.
His attire consists of a pair of jeans, and a red t-shirt, he's out on errands, his black choker is visible around his neck but his only form of weapon seems to be a Shinai case on his back.

Echo walks into the market, his eyes scanning the area, looking for ramen cups for himself before something catches his eye...A stand for an assortment of toys...Echo blinks once while staring, the music coming down as he walks over, his eyes catching onto a stuffed Fox and a childs Oni mask...Echo allows a soft smile to spread across his face and he decides to purchase them for his Nephew and Niece back in Konoha...He's been away for awhile, but he'll return as soon as he's done with his mission...
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

One Weakness(Akihana) Empty Re: One Weakness(Akihana)

Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:33 am
"Mommy look, I'm as fast as you now!" Arata's voice rang through the street as he nimbly threaded his way through the crowds, leaving Akihana with both a look of admonishment at her son for running around the street as well as a soft smile at the light material of the grey haori streaming from the five year old's shoulder as he ran. The item of clothing was entirely too big for his small frame and yet nothing had brought him more joy these past few days than putting it on and proclaiming that he too was now a member of the Disciplinary Squad.

"Honey, watch out," she called as more of a precaution than anything else. The simple trip to the grocery store had soon turned into a major outing when her son had decided that today was a good day to have ice cream. Laden down with bags full of her weekly purchases, Akihana had nonetheless agreed and they had walked to the ice cream parlor, getting him a three scooped cone with chocolate shavings and sprinkles. The ice cream had disappeared not five minutes after being bought and as a result, her son now appeared to be on the kind of sugar high that the medic knew from past experience would lead to a sugar coma in an hour.

Knowing that she'd need to seal the bags if she was going to keep up with with the little boy, Akihana placed the bags full of groceries on the ground, swiftly retrieving a sealing scroll she kept for emergencies hidden under her civilian clothes. Performing the simple jutsu, the blonde sealed the bags safely away before her golden eyes scanned the crowds once more for her son.

Only to see him barreling straight towards another person.

With very little time to think, the kunoichi blinked once, applying chakra to her feet as she ran, her pale green dress flying and her sensible small heels leaving small tracks in the ground due to the chakra enhancement. The gold spun locks she had put into a simple three strand braid that morning were half undone already by the time they had exited the ice cream parlor and now thanks to the application of added speed, more strands escaped the simple knots, framing her heart shaped face as she zoomed towards where her son was about to collide with a complete stranger, with streaks of ice cream all over his face.

She almost made it, her slim hand on Arata's shoulders present when the sheer momentum pushed him slightly forwards and the inevitable happened. Soft golden irises collided with the young man's obsidian gaze even a s a streak of crimson flashed across Akihana's delicate features.

"I'm so sorry," the apology formed on her lips as she pulled her son back, only to realize that the damage was done. The stranger's jeans now sported a streak of chocolate ice cream. "I swear, I only took my eyes off him for a moment."

Lowering her gaze to Arata, she added 'What do we say to people we bump into?"

Taking the hint, the little boy lowered his head in apology. "I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going. But did you see how fast I was?" he turned to his mom with the question, his dark eyes dancing with excitement.

"Yes sweetheart, you were unstoppable," the kunoichi smiled fondly at him, ruffling his ink dark hair before looking up at the jean clad shinobi again. "And please, do accept my apology again. I should have known sugar cereal and ice cream all in the same morning would result in something like this."
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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One Weakness(Akihana) Empty Re: One Weakness(Akihana)

Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:53 am
Handing over the ryo required for his gifts, Echo slides them into a bag provided which he ties to his belt loop, at least it's useful that way, he himself never wears a belt.
He inclines his head, and grins, his ears pick up the sound of small footsteps and back of his neck tingles as chakra is channeled, causing him to tense instinctively, he turns his gaze towards the direction of the approaching chakra signature, only to have a small frame bump into his side.

He blinks in surprise as his attention turns downwards towards a young child with a...disciplinary squad haori draped over his tiny shoulders, his gaze snaps upwards when the signature closes in..To reveal an apologetic Mother and golden eyes which cause him to quirk an eyebrow.
She begins apologizing and speaks to her son, his eyes flick to the smear of chocolate which causes him to chuckle "Oi, could have sworn your were Navi the Swift a moment ago, had me scared something fierce." Echo states with a smirk of amusement "It's no problem, I know what sugar does to a young'un, got two tykes myself." Echo speaks, his tone carrying a bit of an accent but his voice is kind and sly, deep. Kind of smooth sounding is the best way one could describe it, slightly lazy with the amusement and confidence that comes from being one who's survived as many encounters as he's had.
When mentioning Samuru and Ashie, his eyes seem to shimmer with a bit of pride in their abilities...Now if only he can break Samuru of that bad attitude..which might be somewhat his fault...

He extends his hand in greeting for a soft handshake "Names Echo, apology accepted Miss...?" Echo asks, leaning forward with his offered hand the boom-box in his other hands grasp being flicked off by a quick twitch of his pinky.
Echo has a reputation as a flirt, however who he has attempted to court have also ended up showered with gifts, with varying results in his success, sure he could be considered handsome enough, but that doesn't really matter much to a Shinobi.
Point is, this is one beautiful Kunoichi, Echo would like to get to know this one better during his stay in Kumogakure.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

One Weakness(Akihana) Empty Re: One Weakness(Akihana)

Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:44 am
"Oi, could have sworn your were Navi the Swift a moment ago, had me scared something fierce."

The little boy let out a gurgle of laughter at the compliment, pumping his tiny fist in the air. "Yeah," he proclaimed before looking up at Akihana with his big dark eyes. "I like him mommy, can i be friends with him."

"Arata, give him some breathing room sweetie," she coaxed, reaching for her purse and the stack of baby wipes she kept for just such emergencies. Being a mother had taught her many important life lessons, one of them being to never leave the house without napkins and baby wipes because no matter how well your child behaved at home, he will smear something on his face, clothes or shoes when outside. When the raven haired young man however proclaimed that he had two of his own, Akihana felt the kind of relief course through her slender frame that came with the realization of no judgement being imparted. "Oh thank god, so you don't think I'm a terrible mother," she replied with a bright smile, dropping down to her son's height to help him clean his face. Arata grimaced at she rubbed the chocolate of his chin but otherwise bore the exercise with good grace.

"It's so hard to explain to people who haven't had experience with children, they just think you aren't doing your job well enough," the blonde contributed, disposing of the wipes once she was finished and getting up to her feet again.

"Names Echo, apology accepted Miss...?"

"Akihana," the kunoichi answered, shaking his hand gently. "Of the Akari clan." It had been a long time since the blonde had spoken to anyone from Konoha and for a moment, she found herself pondering if this man was indeed from her home village. Not that she showed any hints of her origin save to those with astute observation skills. Her accent she had lost long ago after moving to Kumo at sixteen and now the only thing that gave away her relation to the village hidden in the leaves were her typical Akari looks. Just another blonde in a sea of gold hair she had been back then, in Kumo, it stood out more. Her bloodline limit which turned her eyes golden too was common in Konoha but not in Cloud.

"And I'm Arata," her son introduced himself proudly. "I'm going to be a ninja one day, just like mommy!"

The medic let out a soft chuckle. "Yes, this is indeed Arata, and he's going to be a much better ninja than mommy," she corrected affectionately before adding. "I actually work at the Raikage building. Not so much ninja as secretary these days."
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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One Weakness(Akihana) Empty Re: One Weakness(Akihana)

Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:24 am
Echo's eyes flick to the child in amusement a soft laugh escaping from him as he watches the Mother tend to her child's ice-cream assaulted face, for a moment he remembers wiping Samuru's face when the child first started eating solid foods, pancakes with syrup...
He ended up wearing a bottle of syrup when Samuru got a bit fussy, he smiles fondly at the sight and the memories. He shrugs looking sheepish, remembering his own problems having to chase Samuru down, the boys Kyuubi enhanced strength knocking over carts and causing quite a disaster before he could pluck him up and take off into the sky...

He chuckles sheepishly "We've all been there, looks like yer doin' great to me." he comments, the woman introduces herself and he shakes her hand softly "Charmed, Miss Akihana." Echo states, before his gaze turns towards Arata, an eyebrow quirking in amusement at the boys loud declaration "Heh, oh? Gonna be entering the Academy soon huh?" He asks his gaze flicking towards Akihana again, he talks to children like equals, talking down to them is just gonna make them think you don't care what they have to say...Makes em rebellious.

Echo quirks an eyebrow in interest as Akihana speaks "Oh? I haven't seen you around." He asks, striking up a conversation with the Kunoichi, he's kicked down the Raikage's office doors a few times now..Bit surprising she hasn't been one of the Shinobi to try and get him to stop.
Echo continues on after listening to her continue "I'm actually retired from active duty." Echo reveals with a shrug of his shoulders "Too many injuries." he says with a roll of his eyes "Med-Nin have a fit when they catch me training in village, so I'm taking a vacation since my Brother took the kids back to the manor.." He says with a bit of a melancholy look flickering across his eyes at this fact.
Samuru needs his Father, Uncle Echo just needs to accept that...
He's not the boys Father, but he's the favorite at least.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

One Weakness(Akihana) Empty Re: One Weakness(Akihana)

Sat Dec 27, 2014 11:49 am
The ANBU operative watched Echo as he looked at her son, spoke to him like an equal. It was no wonder Arata was so easily taken in. Though the boy was friendly by nature, taking after his mother in that respect, he was ridiculously attracted to dangerous things. And despite this man's soft voice and well kept appearance, her chakra sensory could pick up a huge signature emanating from him. The blonde hadn't even been putting out feelers to notice that this man was not simply a shinobi but one likely of great prowess. Briefly she wondered why she hadn't seen him around the village before concluding from his accent that he was not from here.

"We've all been there, looks like yer doin' great to me."

"Thank you, I do try," the golden eyed kunoichi replied, lips pressed together in a small laugh. "And lovely to meet you too. Are you not from around here?" The question was accompanied by a polite eyebrow raised in interest, letting him subconsciously know that he didn't have to answer the question if he wasn't comfortable doing so. After all, every shinobi had his secrets, powerful ones even more so.

"I'm already in the academy!" Arata replied enthusiastically, happily oblivious to all the chakra detecting happening in the periphery. "I'm not the best in my class yet but I'm in the top five. i just need to learn to walk on water and then I can be the best," he explained, going over the intricate details of his class roster and ranking system.

"Oh? I haven't seen you around."

The young woman simply smiled softly at that, taking Arata's hand and using her free one to brush a few locks of hair behind an ear before she spoke. "That's alright, I'm not very noticeable," she joked, studying his pale features. In a way, he looked familiar to her. The eternally dark hair and onyx eyes that matched her son graced Echo's features too and no matter how much she tried, the medic couldn't shake of the Konoha vibe though she herself couldn't explain why.

The other thing she picked up was on his mood change which had nothing to do with chakra sensory but with being a patient and understanding individual. The way he looked at Arata reminded her of how expecting couples looked at babies, or how mothers and wives looked after their men had been killed in action. He had mentioned having two kids back at home but all was obviously not well.

"Say, I was going to do a spot of baking today," the Akari suggested. "I usually work on weekdays but Sunday I get to be a full time mom. Which includes baking. I'm making cake pops if you'd like to come to our apartment and try some." The offer was made in kindness because even at her position, it was still difficult for Akihana to see someone feeling down or alone. And a chance to know more about this mysterious man with intense chakra was simply an added bonus to mentally justify the offer to herself.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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One Weakness(Akihana) Empty Re: One Weakness(Akihana)

Sun Dec 28, 2014 4:02 pm
Her next question regarding his village is accompanied by a raised eyebrow, a polite offer for him to ignore the question, ah, Shinobi etiquette at it's finest, however she still is a Kumo Shinobi so it's probably better for him to answer to alleviate some of the paranoia Shinobi feel.
He doesn't need to find himself tailed in Kumogakure after all, so as such he answers with a simple "Fire Country, I'm retired so I'm not required to wear my headband, makes it easier for me to just wander around." He answers with a bit of a droll entering his voice, he pauses and looks thoughtful for a moment and then shakes his head briefly.

He's singing like a bird here, the boy, Arata pipes in shaking him from his thoughts before he grins "That's the way to do it, if you're gonna do it, might as well be number one." he says with a small chuckle, he says that, but being a Shinobi is a good way for children like Arata to lose all of that cheer and innocence, the Fire and Sky war only ended a year and a half ago, Echo avoids Tengakure and only is in Kumogakure because the village was a double-agent in the Sky country.

At this time, Echo's melancholy look is blinked away as the Kunoichi speaks of doing some baking, his head tilts to the left curiously as she begins, he blinks in slight surprise as the offer is revealed, he opens his mouth before closing it once, his free hand coming up to rub against his neck sheepishly, a grin spreading across his face. "Well I would hate to impose..." He would, but he'd obviously love to continue this conversation.
It's not often the high-end thrill seeking, Best Shinobi in the Elemental Nations finds himself content to be at-ease in a conversation, rather than seeking some kind of novelty to amuse himself...
It's also at this time that his stomach decides to let out a growl that would make the mighty Kurama in his gut cower in fear..Causing his cheeks to burn red slightly as he realized he hasn't eaten yet today.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

One Weakness(Akihana) Empty Re: One Weakness(Akihana)

Sun Dec 28, 2014 4:39 pm
At the mention of being retired, the blonde only nodded politely, not seeing fit to pose the kind of questions such a revelation usually ignites in the listener. The man looked young enough to be her own age, give or take a year and at twenty two, Akihana certainly wasn't looking at retirement anytime soon. And then of course every ninja worth his salt knew that skill and efficiency was measured less by age and more by chakra, and this man had enough to not retire for the next hundred years at least. Still if he said he was off duty, Akihana would not probe. Gaining information aside, it simply wasn't polite. She herself had taken off well over five years in order to have Arata and then be the kind of mom who stuck around to raise him. The kunoichi had worked odd jobs, made a pittance and often had no clue how she was going to feed her son for the coming week but at least she had been around for him, and though it was the hardest period of her life, Akihana didn't regret a thing. Because the little boy now clinging to her hand and telling jovial stories about his school was worth every bit of effort.

"You wouldn't be imposing if you help," the blonde suggested kindly as she began walking, leading the way off the streets and towards the side lanes that cut to a slightly more quiet part of town. Passing the neat housing areas, the blonde made her way towards the apartment building in the distance.

"I live just over there," she mentioned, gesturing to the apartment block with a free hand. "Its not the best place to stay but its convenient. The academy is on the way to the Raikage building so I can pick and drop Arata everyday to and from work."

"It's too small," Arata complained, only to receive a reprimanding look from his mother. "I mean, it's okay, but I don't get to have a spare room for training and stuff," he concluded as if making a great compromise. "We only have two rooms," he added, explaining this to Echo. "One's for mommy and one's for me."

"That's why we train in the training grounds, or at school," Akihana corrected fondly as they entered the building. Her golden eyes flicking to the elevator, the kunoichi asked "we're only on the second floor, I usually take the stairs if that's okay with you." Before she got a reply however, Arata was already racing up the stairs.

"I'll beat you there," the boy called out even as she was about to tell him to not run in the hallway. Instead she only gave in with a resolute expression on her face.

"I suspect the coma's going to hit in a few minutes."
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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One Weakness(Akihana) Empty Re: One Weakness(Akihana)

Sun Dec 28, 2014 5:25 pm
Echo's argument is cut off by her logical statement, it brushes aside his hesitation to take advantage of a meal along with the guilt of doing so, he sighs with a chuckle shaking his head before he follows "No, I suppose I wouldn't.." He says with an amused smile crossing across his face, he hasn't baked in...ten years? Last time was a disaster, Koroshi took the fridge to him and Viper because of a scuffle that excited the Taijutsu Master and Echo and Viper had to leap from a window to dodge the thrown Refrigerator...

He follows the Kunoichi through the side streets, his head scanning around with interest, curiosity fluttering across his gaze as he takes in the quiet area, the houses look pretty nice..
The Apartment complex there approaching looks pretty nice to- Ohhh.
Interesting..Hm, didn't she say she worked in the Raikage's office? Don't secretary Shinobi live a bit better then that? In Konoha he got a pretty good stipend for when he did the paperwork for the Hokage...Hell he even acted as a receptionist at one point when Noriko was out sick...
Being the ANBU Commander isn't as glamorous as one would think, he literally had no other jobs once the ANBU were deployed on there duties, so he had to fill in spots...
He must have done every job in Konoha at least ONCE, even some of the civilian tasks.

Echo shifts his attention to Akihana as she speaks, he blinks once and nods at the reasoning for living here, efficiency then. He gives Arata a look of amusement as the sugar-rushed boy speaks his mind only to be given a stern look, the same look he gives Samuru when he's doing something particularly rebellious...One day the boy will be too strong for him to control, Samuru will stop listening to the reasons he shouldn't do things and just do it....
And it's all Viper's fault, feeding that 'God's Children' shit to them before he could humble them...Giving Samuru the cloned Kyuubi's chakra..!!
Echo gives no tells, besides a small exhale to allow the anger to flow from his body and into the winds...A bit of nature chakra, which feels distinctly different subsides the influence of the Kyuubi's malevolence.

Echo nods in agreement "Stairs it is." He says as he watches the boy dash up the stairs with a small chuckle. He prefers the stairs too, elevators bug him.
The whirring noise is irritating to his sensitive ears, and stairwells are tactically useful..
Mostly the noise, but being a Shinobi for as long as he has and going through war-time like he has, has made him just a bit more aware of his surroundings then a normal Shinobi..
Echo nods with a chuckle at the statement responding through his mirth "Wait til he learns how to roof-hop...Or Shunshin." He says with a playful shudder and a wide grin towards the Mother of one...
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

One Weakness(Akihana) Empty Re: One Weakness(Akihana)

Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:17 am
"Wait til he learns how to roof-hop...Or Shunshin."

"Oh God, please don't," the kunoichi mock pleaded as they navigated the short stairwell. "I have a hard enough time keeping up with him as it is. I have no doubt as soon as he learns surface walking, he'll be all over the walls." Though her delicate facial features were schooled into an expression of fear, her gently shimmering golden eyes gave her away. If her son grow to be as adapt a Shinobi as Echo said, then she would have somehow done her job right. It had never been easy being a single parent but the hardest part was always the lack of someone else to consult with, someone who loved your child as much as you did and would make the best decision in the child's interest. It wasn't until she had met a similar teen with inky black hair that Akihana had stopped feeling totally alone when it came to the responsibility of being a parent.

"And knowing him, he will probably learn it soon," she added as they reached the second floor landing, existing into the hallway and then making their way towards her apartment where Arata was already bouncing. "Given who is teacher is."

The blonde retrieved her key and ushered Echo into the apartment, a slight tint of embarrassment evident across her face. 'Come on in, sorry it's such a mess, I didn't get around to cleaning up," she apologized, gesturing to the coffee table still strewn with the coloring books and crayons Arata had been working with the night before. Unwashed breakfast dishes were staked in the kitchen sink and half the couch was taken up by clean laundry which Akihana had folded that morning but had yet to put away. The living room and adjoining kitchen was a small affair with nothing much to boast save a wall of photographs showing her and Arata at various stages in their lives, more pictures of the boy because she had always been on the other end of the camera, a few of hers such as her making chunin and her with all her medical unit at the hospital.

"That one's my room," Arata pointed to a door adjacent to the living room.. "It's the biggest one, it has my bed, and my bookshelves, and," Dramatically, the little boy collapsed on the couch, as if all the explaining was zapping him of energy. And as his mother had expected, a moment later his dark eyes closed. "Mommy, I'm really tired. Why am I tired?" The boy cracked open an eye to look at both Akihana and Echo, a puzzled expression on his face. "It's not night time yet, I can't be slee-" the rest of his sentence was lost in a huge yawn.
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