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Mitsui does something nice for once (Private) Empty Mitsui does something nice for once (Private)

Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:44 pm
Mitsui would next be interested in how one would do medical specialty. Mitsui thought that this specialty was good in that he would be able to go and do many things that could improve his or anyone else's body. Mitsui would think that in order to learn this spec though, he would need to have a good understanding of the human body. Mitsui knew that not all medical jutsu were healing other people, some were intended on improving oneself or even actually offensive jutsu. Mitsui thought that the medical jutsu spec was interesting because of how the jutsu will work. Mitsui decided to go and find a book about the human body.

Mitsui would go to the book store again. He would quickly go and find the book, "The Human Body, the Ultimate Machine". Mitsui would learn of the various body parts. Mitsui would first start on the head. Mitsui would read that the following basic body parts are in the head. The Brain, the skull, the top of the spinal cord, the ear, the tongue, the teeth and the skin. Mitsui would proceed to read on. Mitsui would read on and find that the head is a very interesting part of the body mostly due to the brain. The brain is interesting because scientists to do not fully understand it. The brain was what will keep someone moving or think for them. Mitsui would also be told that this was one of the most vital organs. Mitsui would continue on. Mitsui would stop reading where he was and would open up the table of contents to see if he missed something.

Mitsui would proceed to look and decide to see about the digestive system. Mitsui would see that he was supposed to go about reading about the start of the digestive tract. He would first see the part about how the mouth is the start. Mitsui would proceed to see that the mouth will chew up the food. This way, the food would be cut into much smaller pieces. Mitsui would think that it was interesting that the mouth has to chew since Mitsui did know about the acid. Mitsui did know that the acid was very strong. Mitsui would then remember that things would dissolve faster when they have more surface area. When one would cut up the food, it would mean that the acid in the stomach would be able to its job more effectively. Mitsui would then remember that the mouth has this subconscious standard before it would let anything past it. Mitsui had remembered about the tiny pieces that the mouth makes the food. Mitsui would proceed to then follow the book and go down the throat part. Mitsui would learn how the digestive tract would go and squeeze the food down slowly. Mitsui would read that the food would be squeezed down by having the higher parts of the throat contract to go and thus provide both downward force and no upwards room. Mitsui would then follow the digestive tract, Mitsui would land in the stomach. Mitsui would see that in the stomach, there is a lot of mucus and acid there. Mitsui would notice that the mucus was actually meant to prevent the acid from destroying the rest of the body. The acid would destroy the mucus quickly, but the mucus would also be produced quickly and thus, the acid and mucus would stay in balance. Mitsui would also learn that the food is broken down by the acid and would then move into the small intestine. Mitsui would then hear that the small intestine has only 1 purpose and that is for the food to move through the small intestines and to reabsorb as much water as possible. After the food gets out of the small intestine, it goes into the large intestine where the waste will now be ready to leave the body. Mitsui would proceed to go and realize that this was interesting but it had nothing to do with Medical.

Mitsui would proceed to read on about the next part. This part was more on topic. This next part was about how the cells reproduce. Mitsui would learn about the concept of DNA. This would be interesting as it would continue to mention about how everybody has this DNA. The DNA will be the defining part of whether the cell was one of Mitsui's or  Maybe one of another person. Mitsui had managed to go and figure out that the cells will look at this DNA and if it the same as theirs it would be accepted but it is often the case that if this was not their DNA, the cells will reject the object since it is treated as a foreign object. Mitsui would then be told that this has been  a major issue when one implants something into the body because the body will not let the object stay in the body. Mitsui was told that the common solution to the problem is to make a soup of the patient's own cells to go and soak the implant into the cells such that the cells would cover the implant so the patient's cells would accept the implant. This was interesting. Mitsui thought that he should probably learn about how one would be a medic. Mitsui would first go to the book store again and find a book on the basics of the medical that would be useful. Mitsui would see that it was necessary to probably see something about how the human body would heal itself. Mitsui would learn that the spec depends heavily on the ability to understand the cells so Mitsui would quickly go and see if there were any biology books. Mitsui would proceed to go and look around in the biology section of the book store to see if there was anything that Mitsui would be able to see how the cells would reproduce. Mitsui thought that cells would stay for the whole time in Mitsui's body. Mitsui would read about the first part of cells. This would be about how they would go about reproducing. These cells would reproduce by first replicating its DNA. Then, the cell will proceed to start making an additional right and left side to push each other apart. Eventually, the cells will proceed to go and finish making their opposite side and would be split. These would happen many, many times a day as different kinds of cells would start reproducing before their death. Mitsui found this quite interesting since he saw that the cells were doing a sexual cell division which would be completely different then how most animals will reproduce. Mitsui would find it quite interesting about how he would go about this. Mitsui would know that for most plants and animals, there needs to be a male and a female to make a baby. In the cells, a cell is all that is needed to make another cell. Mitsui would see that the cell has quite a regular life cycle. It would spend the first short bit being born, then it would spend most of its time in the time when it would do its normal work. Finally, the cell would proceed to go and reproduce a bit before dying. Mitsui would find this interesting. He would then look at how wounds are healed. Mitsui would see that the body will make the cells reproduce such that they would fill the gap that would be the wound. This meant that it often meant that the cells would fuse together when they would manage to go and heal the wound after a bit. Mitsui would find this quite interesting.

He would wonder about what he needed to do next about it. Mitsui would think that the cells will reproduce to replace the dead or missing ones. Mitsui found it interesting that nature will integrate almost anything. Mitsui would close the book. He had learned enough biology. Mitsui thought that he might want to look at a diagram of the body. Mitsui would see that the body would have a good amount stuff to it. Mitsui would look at the nerve diagram and he would see it would be extremely complicated. Mitsui looked at the digestive tract diagram. That would be slightly simpler since that would be simply going down a much smaller amount of the body, next the muscular system. Mitsui would then see this huge amount of mass return to the body. Mitsui would see this giant red blob. This was the impression that Mitsui had got from the muscular system. Mitsui would then continue and move on to the next diagram. This was the skeletal system. Finally, this one was actually system. Mitsui found this system to be quite familiar. Mitsui would flash back to the academy student days when he would be learning basic anatomy. Mitsui would remember seeing a picture of a skeleton. Mitsui would think back to when he looked at it and remembered that there were over 100 bones in the human skeleton. That was a mind boggling number for Mitsui but Mitsui would then realize that with the complex shape of the human body, that he was surprised that there could have easily been more of these bones. Mitsui was totally impressed at this. Mitsui would skip a few pages and get bored eventually after reading this book. Mitsui had somehow managed to spend an hour on this book.

Mitsui would decide that the best thing that he could do next, was to go and see what a job as a doctor is like. Mitsui would see this man who was walking out of some family medical practice and since Mitsui was about the right age, and he guessed that the other guy did not have chakra sensory since Mitsui was clearly not alarming the man, Mitsui would ask the man if he was a doctor. The man would say yes. Mitsui would wonder about what he could ask so he would be able to learn what it would be like. Mitsui realized that he was in the perfect age to ask that because Mitsui himself was the age of applying for jobs. Mitsui would proceed to go and ask the doctor, "What is it like to be a doctor. I was looking to see what I should study in school". The doctor would say, "To be a doctor can be many things. I am a general type, the kind you would often see at a checkup. These checkups can lead to many things whether this would be one needing hospitalization, some pills or simply, a dismissal. Mitsui would be in wonder about what bad kinds of things could happen. Mitsui would ask, "What are some common reasons that one would not want to be a doctor?" Mitsui would hear this answer from the man. "One often does not like worrying about all the school needed to become a doctor. The first part is the general biology part. In this part one often will read a lot about various things whether it is about some number of various diseases or if it was what happens to the human body when this happens or how does this organ work, things like that. Then one will need to do a general doctor or physician type thing. In this case, one would need total understanding about what it is like to be a physician. Finally, one will need to actually do their specialization. This ends up to become about 9 years in school. Considering the high cost of school, one often does not appreciate this. Another snag about being a doctor is often the fact that it is a huge pain when one makes a mistake." Mitsui really hated that so he decided that being a professional doctor. Mitsui thought that was too much trouble.

Mitsui did want to get the spec though, so that was what Mitsui was going to work towards next. Mitsui realized that the ability to manipulate the body its self would be very useful. This would be good whether it would be taking control of another body, regenerating wounds, gaining energy, or even making clones. Mitsui would especially be interested in that. Mitsui liked the shadow clone jutsu and the exploding clone jutsu but Mitsui did not really think that they were good clones as all of these techniques were rather boring and often did not last long anyway. Mitsui wanted to have a permanent clone. Mitsui thought that in order to do that, Mitsui needed to go about taking another body and then repurposing the corpse. Mitsui wished he had the body of Kronus Times still. Mitsui did wonder about how to heal things though. That would be the most simple thing that Mitsui could think of for medical techniques since cloning or gaining energy would me much more complex techniques. Mitsui would proceed to see if he could heal this tree nearby that was only a stump. Mitsui would proceed to attempt to make this tree about an inch higher. This would be ridiculously hard since it appeared that Mitsui had never managed to really learn how to go about training this spec.

Mitsui would go to a book store and see a book called, "The medical ninja, how to get started and how to continue from there." Mitsui would pick the book up and see what would be in there. The first part of the book would be about what a medical ninja does. Mitsui would skip past there and move on to the next part. This part would be much more interesting. Mitsui would see that it was quite a strange thing indeed to be able to go and forcibly replicate cells. Mitsui would attempt to try this and with partial success, Mitsui would be able to instead of destroy the tree, Mitsui would instead manage to go and make the cells replicate slowly and would eventually manage to go and heal about half of an inch of the tree. This was taking a long time and was quite annoying to Mitsui. Mitsui would think about what to do next. Mitsui would think that the next thing to try was to go and see if he could replicate the cells more efficiently, Mitsui was putting huge amounts of chakra into the healing with very little yield. Mitsui would proceed to attempt to go and redo this technique again and with more of the cells being replicated, Mitsui would notice the tree starting to rise. Mitsui found this interesting and frustrating. It was clearly not as tall as it was supposed to be yet it was so hard to make it rise at the speed that Mitsui was hoping it to move at. Mitsui was hoping for the trees to grow at a speed of around 50. Mitsui would realize eventually after reading the book just how fast that would be. Mitsui would realize that is only the speed of A rank jutsu. Mitsui would think about what speed he might be able to accomplish. Mitsui was at the end only able to get it to 5 speed.

This was really really slow but Mitsui could live with it. It was clearly not good but he had to live with it. Mitsui would wonder about what he would do next. He had managed to heal a plant, but for an animal. That was something Mitsui found difficult to find. Mitsui would wander off into the forest and see these 2 animals fighting. Mitsui would realize that this was the perfect time to get someone healed. Mitsui would see one of the animals win and quickly, Mitsui would walk in and the animal that won would run away. The other one would be struggling. Mitsui would sit down next to the animal and touch it gently and then start healing it. Mitsui would first feel some struggle, but soon it would calm down and let Mitsui heal it. Mitsui would eventually let the animal on its way.

Mitsui then thought about what he would do next. It was kind of strange but Mitsui actually did not have a lot that he could do at the moment. Mitsui was not in the mood for gambling. Mitsui would be clearly unhappy about this though. Mitsui would think that he might be able to go and see if there was anything else he could do here now. Mitsui would be at the peak of boredom. He had managed to learn the medical spec but he also had managed to get bored and wonder what to do next. Mitsui would go to the closest ramen shop and see what to do next. Mitsui would quickly go and see what he could do next. It was not exactly the cheapest place but it apparently had good reviews. Mitsui would decide to go there since he had missed his ramen from the time he was not a missing nin. Mitsui would go in and take a seat. Mitsui would ask for a huge bowl of the beef ramen which coincidentally was the cheapest of it. Mitsui would proceed to go and get some of the salt. He would quickly start shaking it on top of the noodles. Mitsui would then proceed to go and see the head of the salt shaker fall off again. Mitsui would be indeed quite irritated. Mitsui had been hoping for an actual enjoying meal not this ridiculously salty food. Mitsui would attempt to go and scoop out as much of the salt as he could since most of the salt had already dissolved at that time. Mitsui would start stirring the noodles such that he would be able to at least have a lower concentration of salt. Mitsui would proceed to actually enjoy these noodles because they were a bit on the salty side but Mitsui liked it that way. Mitsui would proceed to go ahead and get another of these bowls. This would be quite the weird thing to the restaurant because of the simple fact that Mitsui was out eating everyone else in the restaurant at the time.

Mitsui would ask for another bowl and would proceed to pour some pepper into this one. Mitsui would NOT make the same mistake such that the cap of the pepper falls off. Instead, Mitsui would notice that the pepper was actually some kind of really spicy but ground up pepper that was way more potent then pepper could be. This resulted in quite the lot of pain. Mitsui would be pokerfaced but one would be able to see that Mitsui was sweating. Mitsui would proceed to go and wonder what will happen next. It was clearly not what one intended to happen but it was a very funny thing. Mitsui would realize that this ramen seasoning was way too spicy and Mitsui would proceed to have a mouth on fire. Mitsui would be very tired after this and would have drank about 14 cups of water to wash the spicy taste out of his mouth. Mitsui would proceed to go and ask for the next bowl. Mitsui would proceed to not use any seasonings at all since that was a spell of disaster. Mitsui would quickly inhale what was a family sized bowl in 1 sitting in about a third of the time a normal family would eat this in. Mitsui would be pretty tired of this and would soon leave the restaurant. He had quite the burning mouth. Mitsui would be exhausted and would wonder about whether it would be at all close to worth it to go and do something else.

(3289 total from this post and 713 words from -> = 4002 words total, Learning Medical spec, +1600 ryo)
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Mitsui does something nice for once (Private) Empty Re: Mitsui does something nice for once (Private)

Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:35 am
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