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beyond the veil of safety

Saya Demona Kaguya
Haru Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Tori Uzumaki
Akki Senju
Hotaru Aburame
Alister Yama
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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

beyond the veil of safety Empty beyond the veil of safety

Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:46 pm
Yen packed up for a trip to through the forest outside of konoha. It was a dangerous idea but yen felt the urge and heart to see what lies beyond the walls and the forest. the risks were high but his sense of adventure put  yen at peace knowing that his decisions would impact his standing. Yet yen felt the call of exploring the forest and the fact that perhaps he would find herbs to further enhance his cooking abilities.
his pot was empty and he packed several bags of flour in his bad as well as a few salts and a big bag of sugar so he could cook and test the various healthy herbs and berrys for new recipies and also felt that while out on this trip he would do a bit of training.
yen left notice to a jonnin that he was going to be back hopefully by the end of the week from his exploring trip for herbs and discovery. the big real world as he saw it had more to him then the home kohonogure as his disire was to follow his passion as well as his art. perhaps a rival met or a new freind along with danger filled yen with a fear but excitment at the same time. he just had to see what happens out there and his heart was bent on doing so. at the gates yen took a look back aware that indeed he was stepping out of the sphere of safety, but also into a world of learning.
All that stands before me is hell but Im determined and will return safe and sound.
yen proceeded into the forest and stayed on the ground extra aware of his eviorment around him and being a young man of his word. a few hours later a smile came across yen's lips as the sound of a roaring waterfall came to his ears. " perfect just the sound i needed to hear." yen headed towards the scource of the sound and before him stood the towering figures of stone monuments. "the legendary valley of end" yen quietly murmered to himself as he stood there looking at the massive place of lore.
Yen needed a few minutes to take in everything he saw the water the clouds, how the sun sparkled on the water and how the wind felt so at peace.  like as if it rested from the centeries ago batttles that raged across the waves and stone monuments that stood the legendary uchiha and senju.

Wc: 425
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beyond the veil of safety Empty Re: beyond the veil of safety

Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:53 pm
Mitsui would be walking around, he had just been told by Hisano about how he is not going to be in the village until a few other things go through. Mitsui would be a little annoyed about all this but was not really worried about it. Mitsui would see the same kid who was selling food at the village gates. Mitsui would be in his irritated feeling and would answer kind of rudely. "What are you doing here kid?" Mitsui would wonder how would go over. Mitsui would want a fight but this kid's chakra signature showed that he would not be a good match. Mitsui would wonder what he should do now.....
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

beyond the veil of safety Empty Re: beyond the veil of safety

Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:08 pm
the sound of a familiar voice brought yen back to his senses. " that must be the man awhile ago" yen looked over at the man and noting his demenor nodded his head at the man. "im sorry sir you couldnt come into the village she is a bit of a grump when she must work you know. but she didnt is of good heart. just like you" yen faced the man and took off his straw hat. "i wanted to take a personal feild trip and noting that you coulld stand ground with her i thank you for not befalling harm to the village and me for instance. Im yensung but you can call me yen" 

yen took off his bag and showing no intent to harm the man he took out his pot and looked up at the man. "did you enjoy the food I made sir? its my own recipie and im all but glad to teach it to you but im here to pick herbs that are far from the village... oh sorry i didn't mean to say that, its my home and my safe heaven. you can hurt me if you need to." yen bowed his head knowing the man could be hostile at any moment but stayed clam as he held back his feelings.

trying to divert the subject yen looked towards the waterfall and siged. "I only read about this place through scrolls and stories told.  never had i imagined the beauty and eath shattering battle this place had" yen looked back at the man and asked "have you ever had a  earth shattering battle sir?"

wc:  720
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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beyond the veil of safety Empty Re: beyond the veil of safety

Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:50 pm
Hotaru noticed Yen talking to someone, she was rather frightened to be out this far herself, yes she had Yen but having been kidnapped twice and lived the missing nin lifestyle for a bit, she was not exactly comfortable. She kept looking around herself and anyone could tell she was quite uncomfortable.
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beyond the veil of safety Empty Re: beyond the veil of safety

Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:51 pm
Mitsui would respond, "I would love to have some more food. How did the Anbu respond to you? Also, I have had earth shattering battles because I have doton techniques." Mitsui would wonder what to think. Mitsui did not really feel like fighting. Hopefully, he would actually be able to get some food or something. Mitsui would then say, "This is the country borders, I don't recommend staying here long as many missing nin will roam here."
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

beyond the veil of safety Empty Re: beyond the veil of safety

Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:07 pm
"perhaps they do ju-" the snapping of twigs behind yen caught him off guard and yen glanced behind him. holding up a hand to the man and speaking to him "today is no day for violence but a day for talk and introdution" a familiar scent caught yens nose as he picked up the scent of someone he knew, or was it. yen would smile and say to the man "the sound of the person is not here to harm you i bet my life on it." yen sent out 5 (1 female and 4 males) bugs out of the pores of his left hand and sent them towards the trees. 

you guys know her so land on her and communicate to her its ok and come by me dont harm her. yen relaxed and spoke to the man once again. "i never got the chance to learn your name sir may i know it for future refrence. and the ambu are out now unfortunialy. i feel kind of foolish letting you know but to make up ill cook a meal for the three of us!" yens voice raised as he hopped the persin could hear.

"if you can pick some berries for me sir. just red and blue they grow near here since they are often seen by water scources. I have to build a fire to a specific temperature" yen hoped the man would not take retaliation aginst the intruder.

 wc: 960

(sent out 5 bug total: 145/150)
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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beyond the veil of safety Empty Re: beyond the veil of safety

Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:30 am
Hotaru felt rather skittish, as she looked around the area. She had been kidnapped in an area similar to this, and chased by missing nin before as well. Her heart rate sped up as the bugs landed on her. She realized they were Yen's bugs! Did this mean it was okay to go over to them? Hotaru stepped out towards Yen and took a deep breathe. Then she headed over to head and stopped as she arrived next to him.
"Sorry, I am not comfortable out here, Missing nin have a tendency to show up in areas like this!" hotaru said looking around them. "By the way, I am Hota, and you are?" She said and asked looking at the other person with them.
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beyond the veil of safety Empty Re: beyond the veil of safety

Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:40 am
Mitsui would proceed to look at the girl who just started talking. He would hear, "Sorry, I am not comfortable out here, Missing nin have a tendency to show up in areas like this!"  "By the way, I am Hota, and you are?" Mitsui would proceed to answer, "I am Mitsui, nice to meet you." Mitsui would wonder about what this girl was up to a bit but it seemed that Yensung knew this person. Mitsui would then say, "I don't see anyone else here so I don't think we need to worry about missing nin right now." Mitsui would also hear that apparently, the Anbu are away.

Mitsui would walk to the nearest bush and proceed to reject all the berries since they were all poisonous. Mitsui would proceed to say, "Do you know anywhere else that there are berries since these all look like poisonous berries. Mitsui would hope for a yes or maybe someone would prove Mitsui wrong.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

beyond the veil of safety Empty Re: beyond the veil of safety

Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:13 pm
yen smiled and noted the mans knowledge of the poisonous berries. "a smart man knows well. i wouldve poisoned my food! I like you sir. sorry about that.  me and hota will usse our insects to find the healthier berries sir. thank you mitsuri" yen picked up his bag as his bugs proceeded to head out towards the forest. "they have a knack for finding sweet fruits and buzzing around them. while not as potent as the family grown fruit due to the insect cultivation and keeping of our clan we will make some great food!" 
yen smiled and held hota's hand turning to her and saying "i will protect you remember that ok? im not the strongest nor the fastest but ill keep you safe trust me just remember that night we talked and such ok. this may be dangerous and I know you are afraid but I’m your knight." yen squeezed hota's hand and smiled through his visor his eyes were shining as he held her hand.
yen lead the way through the forest and a thought to himself about the bits of the conversation he heard at the gate. is there a problem out there in the world? yen thought to himself and decided to ask mitsui the question that has been bugging him for a while. "mitsui I know that questions are a plenty but who is ecco uchiha? the jonnin at the gate seemed shaken by the name? will he attack the village?" yen looked up at the towering figure of mitsui as he asked this.
Wandering through the forest yens insects buzzed back informing him of the fresh ripe berries in need for cooking. "Awesome! the berries are right through this clearing of trees guys! and there is a fresh water source too for water for dough and a nice area to cook. too!" yen clapped his hands and proceeded towards the trees.
then yen thought of something "what are the other villages like? I always dreamed of seeing the world and hopefully I can sometime!" yen looked over at hota "have you ever been to a village or met a missing ninja?" yen asked this and awaited an awnser from both of them.
WC: 1,330
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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beyond the veil of safety Empty Re: beyond the veil of safety

Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:17 am
Hotaru smiled at the Mitsui person. He seemed rather nice and offered to help Yen with the berry picking. Maybe this guy was right, there aren't any missing nin to worry about at this point. She found  few red berries in a bush that her bugs flew to. she picked them and put them into a bag, along with a few orange and yellow ones. She also found Blue Berries and Raspberries and wild strawberries.

"This area has a lot of berries." She said looking up and seeing Mitsui getting several berries off of some bushes. She noted that Yen and Mitsui were going into the woods following his bugs, She followed closely behind.
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