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Mitsui and a new contract (solo) Empty Mitsui and a new contract (solo)

Wed May 13, 2015 10:24 am
Mitsui decided to check back at the lovely demons in case someone was interested. Mitsui had already managed a few summons and now there might be another one. Mitsui would realize that it is likely to be a bad thing to have to leave a relationship so long but Mitsui was busy and kind of ignored the demons for a while so Mitsui decided to go and have a meeting with them. Mitsui would proceed to walk towards where he found the demons. This was a rather long journey but apparently, the demons live in every single country. This saves walking all the way to Takigakure which sucks since it is so far away. Mitsui was quite glad of the branch locations because Takigakure was not exactly the best location especially since the place had definitely managed to get destroyed somehow. This was not pleasant. Mitsui would walk to this branch location and talk to the first Demon he could manage to find. Mitsui seemed to have not managed to know where the location was and Mitsui would be walking around quite a lot to try to figure out where this place was. It was not exactly something Mitsui was definitely happy about but at least he knew Taki was not the place to go. Mitsui would wonder where would be a better place to go. Mitsui would wander around the borders since the demon location was there. Mitsui would eventually get tired and summon a Balrog. Mitsui would quickly ask, "where is the Konoha branch location"? Mitsui would proceed to get a very exasperated answer and point about 500 feet to the right which was towards a sign called entrance. Mitsui would walk towards the sign and then touch it. Mitsui would fall down a trap door and land on the ground blow with a good thud. That definitely hurt. Mitsui would proceed to see this summon. Mitsui asked it what it could do. The demon said it could be a third perspective on any problem. This was not exactly understandable to Mitsui so Mitsui asked again, what would be his ability. Mitsui would get a real comprehensive answer now. "I can be a third eye to anyone I like." That was interesting. Mitsui was hungry though and wondered what to eat and would think about nothing until he got that wish sated. Mitsui would ask what to eat. Mitsui would see that he was to get very very charred ribs. Mitsui would take a bite and would notice how hard the meat had managed to become. This was not exactly pleasant so Mitsui would take a bit to eat these. right next to him, Balrog would proceed to go and swallow about 5 of these hole at a time this was definitely a big difference but Mitsui was not exactly happy that he took about 2 times as long to eat through these rock solid ribs as them demons were. Mitsui would proceed to finish up eating them ribs and then go on to proceed to talk to that demon again. The demon asked Mitsui to touch him. Mitsui would touch him to see what would happen next. Mitsui would find it rather interesting what he saw. The demon would proceed to go and walk into the masters chambers. This would result in Mitsui seeing what was in the masters chambers too since the demon had that eye that could show what it saw to other objects or people. Mitsui found this kind of interesting. Mitsui would find it very useful for spying. The demon probably was different from other ones since he was much smaller than most would be. Mitsui was actually larger than this summon which would be a surprise considering that most summons were over 10 feet tall. Mitsui would wonder about what he would need to use this ability for but first, Mitsui would sign a personal contract. Mitsui would be directed towards the room and would see this little scroll. Mitsui would pull out a kunai and cut a little bit of skin so that there would be a little blood so Mitsui would be able to write, "Mitsui Hamamichi". Mitsui would then move on to see if he could practice this. Mitsui was now to play chess and watch through the demon's eyes and see if he could play well. Mitsui was kind of ok. The perspective was a little bit strange and it seemed as if Mitsui would have a bit of trouble but there was none. Mitsui seemed to be able to do the chess game ok. Mitsui made a few mistakes but they did not kill him. Mitsui seemed to wonder how well this would work. Mitsui thought that it was likely a good idea to go and get some ramen. Mitsui would go out and into the country borders to find this little ramen place. Mitsui would proceed to try some ramen and would ask for the largest ramen dish he could find. The shop keepers were happy to be getting a customer who could spend so much money. Mitsui would eventually manage to eat all his food. Mitsui would then wonder what to do. He had managed to get a new summoning contract and now he wondered what else he could do too. Mitsui would wonder if it was a good idea to go and do anything else. Mitsui would look around and find that he probably needed a good rest. Mitsui was able to see the starry sky. That was definitely beautiful. It was different from inside a village where all the lights were blocking out all the star light so one only sees a dark brown light. Mitsui had managed to locate a few planets and even saw the moon out. Mitsui would find that eventually, he needed to sleep so that was what he decided to do. Mitsui would walk to a nearby tree and fall asleep. Mitsui would fall asleep after a little bit.

( 1000 words, exit, + 500 ryo, contract with
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Mitsui and a new contract (solo) Empty Re: Mitsui and a new contract (solo)

Wed May 13, 2015 11:09 am
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