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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) Empty True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Fri Oct 30, 2015 11:54 pm
As Kyson woke up, he is ready for his first day of training. This will be the first time training in Suna and the first time since he has left Kumo. Kyson is excited because it has been a long time since he got a good work out. Now he can finally tone his skills more. Also, this time he will be training by himself, he will not have his sensei with him this time. It will feel really different not having his sensei around because Kyson woke up every morning to go train with him. He did always tell Kyson there will be a day he will not be there and he will have to train on his own. Kyson just did not think it would be this early. He thought he would at least be Chunin before he stops training him. But either way, Kyson is prepared to become a successful ninja on his own, he has no choice at this point. Him and Royalty must become stronger on their own.
As Kyson begins to get ready, he brushes his teeth and takes a shower. After he takes a shower, he gets dressed and gets something quick to eat. He gets a water bottle from his fridge and makes sure he has all of his equipment and he is now on his way. As he begins to walk to the training grounds, Kyson cannot help but notice how cheerful this village is. Even though it is surrounded by desert, the people here are more peaceful looking than Kumo. But honestly, Kyson does not plan on staying here forever. He wants to travel the world and see different villages and new environments. Kyson does love this village though, but he wishes Kumo was back to the way it was before it was corrupted. Kyson carried around his Kumo headband in his pocket at all times. Just to remind him what his parents fought for and how they protected him. Kyson is almost approaching the training grounds; it looks a lot different from the one in Kumo. Actually, Kyson liked the one in Kumo better to be honest. But that did not matter right now. Now, he is in training mode and he is focusing on getting stronger and improving his skill. He wondered what Royalty was doing right now, he wondered if he was training too. Most likely... Kyson thought to himself. Kyson is now wondering what he is going to learn today. He knows how to use water, wind, and earth. Then Kyson just had an idea. He does not know any earth jutsu's, he left before his sensei could ever teach him one. So that was going to be his objective for today, learning an earth jutsu. But he did not know which earth jutsu he wanted to learn. Kyson though about one of the first jutsu's he learned, which was hiding in the rain. Kyson wondered if there was a jutsu that would let him merge with the ground just like "hiding in the rain" lets you hide in the rain. Kyson thought that would be a great idea to know, it will improve his stealth skills as well.
Kyson is now ready to begin his training, but he does like to train alone. So he decides to use his shadow clone jutsu and have his clones be there to do it with him. Kyson puts up his clone seal and begins to summon two shadow clones.
*Poof Poof*
As the clones were summoned by Kyson, they looked a bit confused. Last time Kyson summoned them they were in Kumo’s training grounds. So it is no wonder why they have a odd look on their face.
“Ummm, Kyson… where are we?” Clone number two says as he has a confused look on his face.
“Yeah, this place does not look like Kumo at all, and why is it so sandy and HOT.” Clone number 1 says as he is just as confused as clone number 2.
“Well it’s kind of a long story but I ran away from Kumo. I found out the Raikage there got my parents killed... or our parents killed, well whatever. The place was bad, so me and Royalty left and came to Suna. A place surrounded by desert and sand. But anyway, the reason I called you guys is because I wanted to know if you guys want to train with me?” Kyson said as he explains to the clones why they are at Suna and asking them to help him train.
“Of course, we are always down to get stronger.” Clone number 2 said.
“Yeah, what he said.” Clone number 1 said as he agrees with clone number 2.
“Cool, today we are going to try and learn a jutsu similar to Hiding in the Rain, except we are going to merge our bodies with the ground and move freely through it.” Kyson said as he explains to the clones.
“This sounds cool and really difficult.” Clone number 2 said.
“Trust me, this should be nothing. Especially with the training I have done before, this should be a piece of cake. Now, let’s get started. Just like you would do Hiding in the rain, except this time combine you earth element and try to merge with the ground.” Kyson said as the three of them were getting ready to begin their training.
Kyson stands tall as he prepares to perform the jutsu, the clones begin to join as well. As the three of them stand still, they are concentrating on fusing their chakra with their earth element. After they feel they have fused enough of those two components. The three then begin to try and perform the jutsu.  As they check to see if anything happened, Kyson notice that the three of them sunk into the ground for about an inch. They did not really get anywhere, but it was a start. At least they know there are in the right direction.
“At least we made progress right?” Clone number 2 said while laughing.
“I guess this is progress.” Clone number one said with a blank look on his face.
“Come on guys, let’s go again. We not leaving till we finish this jutsu, Now lets go again.” Kyson said as he tries to be a bit more enthusiastic in the training.
As the three of them take another shot at the jutsu, they are for certain this time they will have better results. They will learn from their last failure and learn to build up on it. That last failure told them that they were in the right direction. They begin to focus on their chakra again and concentrate on their earth element. They feel a bit different this time. None of them know how to explain it but they just know they are on the right track. Kyson can feel his feet slowly merging with the ground. It was as if he was becoming the ground. Kyson looked at the other two clones to see if they are making progress as well. And it seems they are doing pretty good as well. Also, after Kyson learns this technique with his clones learning it as well. Kyson would get the information the clones learned from the jutsu, which will make Kyson performing this jutsu again a bit easier. As Kyson look down towards the ground to see how deep he was. His knee was underground and slowly continuing to go down.
“Hey its actually working, this really cool. I cannot believe we actually going to be able to move underground.” Clone number 2 said with an excited tone in his voice.
“Yeah, this would be a real useful jutsu to use in combat or escaping.” Kyson said as he brings up different ways to use this jutsu.
“Yeah, but knowing us. We do not really like to run away.” Clone number one said with a light chuckle and a smirk on his face.
“You got that right ha ha.” Kyson said as he laughed.
Kyson is still concentrating on going deeper and deeper into the ground. He has reached his hip while sinking in the ground. This will be the first jutsu that Kyson will teach himself. Kyson is slowly maturing and become a strong ninja. This training will help him in the mere future and teach him to do things on your own. Kyson is proud of himself that he is learning techniques on his own. Soon he will be able to learn a jutsu or skill that only he can use. That will be Kyson’s short term goal, creating his own jutsu. As kyson looks at the other clones, he notices that they are passed him with the jutsu. Kyson kind of feels offended, they are just clones and are ahead of him in training. So he begins to try even harder to catch up and pass them. As the clones looked at Kyson, they understood what was going on. They knew he was trying hard to catch up and pass the,. So they began to try hard as well.
“Let’s play a game, whoever can complete the jutsu first wins.” Kyson said with a cocky smirk on his face.
“Lets do it.” Clone number one said  as he began to try harder.;
“You’re on.” Clone number two said as he began to try harder as well.
Now it was a challenge, the three of them began to push themselves as they were trying to perform the jutsu. Who was going to complete the technique first? Kyson caught up to the clones really quick but as he caught up, the clones began to push themselves even harder. The three of them began to sweat constantly. Not only were they working really hard, the weather and climate was getting to them as well. It will take a while for them to get used to the weather, but that’s what shinobi do. They have to adapt to new environments when necessary. As they continue to race and see who finishes the jutsu first. The three of them are almost done. They are up to their neck when trying to merge with the ground. This jutsu was one of Kyson’s easiest jutsu’s. After minutes of pushing themselves, all three of them quickly merged with the ground. It was unclear who was the first one, but either way.  They finally learned the new jutsu. Kyson and his clones were moving underground freely as if they were swimming through it. This is a very useful jutsu if used correctly. After they were finished getting used to the jutsu. They quickly began to solidify on the surface.
“I WON.” The three of them shouted after they solidified to the surface.
“No I won.” Kyson said as he was getting aggravated.
“Nooo, I clearly won. I was like waiting for you guys to pop up.” Clones number two says as he disagrees with Kyson.
“That is a damn lie, you were not waiting on anyone you liar.” Clone number one said as he does not believe what clone number two said.
“Either way, we finally did it. We just added a new jutsu to our book and we learned it by ourselves. Thanks for helping me out today guys.” Kyson said with a light smile as he was proud of the clones or sort of himself.
“Don’t worry man, anytime. See ya later.” Clone number 2 said.
“Yeah, we are always down to train. But we will see you around, peace.” Clone number 1 said.

The clones finally vanished and Kyson added another technique to his book. Kyson is finally back in training mode and has a long way to go before he becomes really strong. After a good day of training, Kyson began to head back home a refresh himself. He is still getting used to this nice and peaceful village. But he knows it will not take that long for him to get used to it. Kyson begins to leave the training  grounds and find his way back home.

(Words: 2017/2000)

(Redeeming "Hiding Like A Mole Technique")
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:04 am
Approved for jutsu learning and +10 stats, which, as you are capped, is converted into 1000 ryo (100 ryo for each stat).
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:06 am
(Oh yeah I forgot, Thanks for the reminder)
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:33 pm
As Kyson wakes up to another day of training, he eager to get stronger. He has only gotten one day of training in since he left Kumo. He was used to training everyday while he was at Kumo. On top of that he was getting help from his sensei, so it would give him a reason to want to train everyday. But because Kyson has not been training for a while, he starts off by learning lower rank jutsu. Yesterday, Kyson learned Hiding like a mole, which allowed him to go into the ground and move freely. Similar to his hiding in the rain technique and his hiding in the camouflage. Kyson also wanted to learn that jutsu because that would be his first earth jutsu since he left Kumo before his sensei could teach him one. As Kyson begins to get up out of bed, he takes his daily shower and brushes his teeth. He then ate some toast and he was on his way to the training grounds.

As Kyson left the house, he thought one of these days he should go and talk to Royalty. Maybe they could do something together in this village or maybe train each other. Its been a while since the two of them began to train together. They only trained each other one time. That was when Kyson taught Royalty the water element and he taught Kyson the earth element. That was a good day for the two young shinobi, that made them closer and improved their chemistry. As Kyson was walking towards the training grounds, he began to think what he was going to do today for training. Should he get his clones involved this time? Kyson did not know what he wanted to do. He could also learn weaponry, taijutsu, genjutsu, fuinjutsu, and/or medical. But half of those did not fit Kyson's fighting style, so he decided to stick with ninjutsu. So now the question was, what element jutsu should he train for. He has water, earth, and wind elements that he could be training. Kyson thinks he might learn a wind technique since he only has one. But it will most likely be something simple because he wants to start off small and build his way up.

Kyson begins to approach the training grounds. He does not see much people here every day he comes out. Maybe he just happen to come on different days. Or maybe there are multiple training grounds in the village. Kyson did not know since he was not familiar with this village. As he enters the training grounds, he begins to stretch out and get ready for his routine training. Since he decided he was going to learn a wind technique, he had to think about what he was going to do with wind. He thought about using wind to create a powerful gale to push people or things back. That would be very useful and something easy to do. So that was it, Kyson was going to learn a wind jutsu that will allow him to push away incoming projectiles and people away. 

He stands still as he is preparing to perform the jutsu, he concentrates on his chakra and his wind element. He can feel the wind move through out his body, all he had to do was release that wind to form a powerful gale. He claps his hands together and tries to let it all out, a slight wind was beginning to form. Kyson was on the right track but he knew he had a way to go before he can perfect it. The wind was as a strong as a cool breeze, not nearly strong enough to knock anything down but a piece of paper. He begins to try the jutsu out again, he does the same process over again. He concentrates on his wind element and fuses it with his chakra. After he feels he has enough chakra built up, He lets out a slightly power gale. It was not as strong but it was definitely stronger than his last attempt. Kyson is putting out more chakra and less wind. If he keeps on doing this, then he will continue to keep wasting his chakra. He needs to try and balance out his wind and chakra. Also, he needs to use his chakra as a reinforcement more and not as the actual power. Because its the wind itself that makes the jutsu, the chakra is just used to improve it and make it stronger.

Kyson tries again immediately after his failed attempt, he will complete this jutsu in no time because he has experience with high level wind jutsu. His first wind jutsu was an A Rank jutsu. His sensei was always trying to push his limits and that somewhat made Kyson the shinobi he is today. He was always a heard working shinobi, but his sensei pushed him far and beyond to mature as a successful shinobi. As Kyson prepares again, he builds up his chakra and builds up even more wind. After he finishes, he is now ready to release it all at once. He claps his hand to perform the jutsu and it formed a semi powerful gale. The gale was powerful but not where it needed to be to be at its full power. Though it was strong enough to deflect incoming projectiles but probably not a lot of them. It definitely was not strong enough to knock down normal shinobi, maybe a normal pedestrian. Kyson was not satisfied with his results and therefore. He was ready to give it another shot.

He stands tall with his chin up and back straight. Kyson just knows that he will be able to perfect it this time. He begins to build up twice as much chakra than before. He also tries to add more wind to make the gale even more powerful. Kyson can feel the power of the jutsu building up a lot inside of him. Now all he has to do is let it all out. Kyson is now ready to perform the jutsu once again. He claps his hands and immediately, a powerful gale formed at one hundred eighty degrees in front of him. This gale was definitely more powerful than his last attempt. This could easily know away projectiles and probably knock down most shinobi. This jutsu is most likely not one of Kyson's strongest jutsu's. But it is still a very useful one and if used properly. it can be deadly. Sometimes it is not how powerful the jutsu is, but how to use it. Even an E or D rank jutsu can be deadly if used correctly. Kyson always kept that in mind because that is what his sensei told him. This technique could be useful when throwing his Kunai's or shuriken at opponents. The gale will give them a boost and increase their speed tremendously. Kyson was pleased with today's training, at this rate he will be a strong shionbi in no time. Now he is just waiting to get ranked up from being a genin. Once he becomes Chunin or even Jounin, Kyson just could not wait, he did not believe this day was coming so fast. I mean, he is only 12 years old and he has a chance of becoming a Jounin. The thought of it excited Kyson but he did not let it get to his head. After his training, he begins to wrap things up and gets ready to head back home. 

As he walks out of the training grounds, he does not know whether to go for a walk around the village or head home first. Kyson decided to head home first and then take a walk around the village. He thought it be better so he would not have to go back home after he finds something to do. He could always go home, straighten up and then go back out. Kyson still wants to explore this village because he enjoys seeing new environments. But Kyson loves nighttime because it is really cool and not nearly as hot as the day time. Kyson wonders what he will be training for tomorrow, he will probably think about it tomorrow. He thought about keeping a schedule of what he wants to learn but he just never got to it. Plus he may change his mind a lot, so he might be better off just coming up with something on the day of. Kyson has learned two useful jutsu's two days in a row. he learned his first earth style yesterday and now his second wind style. Kyson wants to perfect all of his elements so he can be a more difficult opponent to face. It will also open doors to more different fighting styles Kyson could chose from. But his fighting style now is more of a stealth and a surprise attack type style. But he is always willing to learn more. As Kyson reaches home, he sits on his bead and rests there for about half and hour until he is ready to go back out.

(Words: 1524/1500 words to redeem "Wind release: Gale Palm" and +14 ap)

(-25% word discount for all training and 2 ap per 200 words, Viper's Update)

Last edited by Kyson on Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:53 pm
Partial approval, justu training and ap are approved. However, in Viper's update the ap for words replaced the ryo exchange for words. As such, I cannot approve the ryo gain as it is no longer within the rules. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:54 pm
(Oh ok, thats fine too)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:36 pm
Reapproved of edits? <3
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:14 pm
as it did in Kumo. Kyson could never get used to that sound. In the past two days in Suna, Kyson learned two new jutsu's called "Hiding Like a Mole" and "Wind Release: Gale Palm." Hiding Like a Mole jutsu was able to let Kyson move underground freely and could move directly under his opponents. After he learned the "Hiding Like a Mole" jutsu, he learned "Wind Release: Gale Palm." Kyson want to increase the intensity on his training today. He will not stop unless he learns two new jutsu's. And he wants one of them to be either an earth style or wind style. He feels he needs to master those two elements just as he did with water. It will make him a more powerful and successful shinobi. This will probably be the hardest training Kyson has done yet since he has been in Suna. He wants to get back on track to where he was at Kumo, training wise. Kyson finally wakes up and gets out of bed, he turns off his loud alarm that has been playing for the past 5 minutes. Kyson still feels like he is not getting anywhere with the way he is training now. He was so used to doing strict and difficult training back at Kumo when his sensei was training him. But he feels like he has to build himself back to that intense workout before he could actually get somewhere. But the truth is, what Kyson is doing now not a waste of time at all. It is good to start off small and build up rather than just starting high and exhausting yourself. After all this training, he will soon feel his body growing and becoming stronger every day. Kyson finally gets his head together and is up out of his bed, he quickly walks inside of his bathroom and then begins to brush his teeth and takes a long hot shower. After his daily showering and brushing his teeth and improving the conditions of his hygiene. After that, he goes to the kitchen and toast his bread. Then, he begins to drink a glass of water and made sure everything he needed for today's training. Being out in Suna he cannot forget his water bottle and after he got that. He is finally on his way to the training grounds.

Today was really hot and the sun was blazing down. But I guess to Suna it was a gorgeous day. The sun rays were really blazing bright and Kyson saw bright white clouds flying and gliding through the bright blue sky as the environment looked clear and golden. The wind really began to blow a cool and sandy breeze as Kyson was walking. The gale from the wind was not hard or rough though, it was an average breeze that was quite normal for Suna and being in its sand environment. But instead it was good enough to cool your body down while the sun was shining hard on you on hot days like this. Kyson wish the weather was the way it was in Kumo. Kumo had the perfect weather to get a perfect work out in but with events going on in the village behind the villagers back, Kyson had to leave quick. As Kyson was walking towards the training grounds, he figured that he should stretch out before he had reached the training grounds. As Kyson looked to see what time it was, he had noticed that he was running a bit early to the training grounds. So he had plenty of time to stretch out a bit before he proceeded to the training grounds. Kyson rarely stretches before his training but it was a habit that he should try and get used too. Even though it is something that he should be doing before every training session. Kyson has not been really doing a lot of physical things in his training in his training. he likes to mostly concentrate on his chakra and learning how to control it perfectly. There are a lot of technique's that does not require physical strength in order to perform the jutsu. And Kyson's main specialty is ninjutsu. But eventually he will want to learn how to use genjutsu as well. Then he will move on to learn fuinjutsu and other sealing techniques. Now that Kyson is ready to begin his stretching on the body. He will first start by stretching out his arms. By pulling both of his arms back and moving both of them in a circular motion while they are extended. Then, he would start to stretch both of his legs. He started with both of his hamstrings first, he started to lean to the left so he can stretch out his left hamstring first. And then he leaned over to his right side to stretch out his right hamstring after. Then he started to bend over to touch the end of his toes and began stretching the rest of his muscles and joints that are in the botch of his legs. Finally, Kyson began to sit on the floor exactly where he stood and started to extend both of his legs out. Then he stretched out both of his legs and touched his toes with both of his hands as they were extended out. After the good and long stretch out he has not done in a long time. He finally got up and was on his way to the training grounds and begin his training.

As Kyson finally reached the training grounds, he wondered what technique or jutsu he was going to learn first. He did not know if he wanted to learn a wind style, earth style, or water style. Well he had enough water styles, so he definitely was not going to train that right now. He only knew one earth style and two wind styles. So he decided to do an earth style jutsu so he can balance it with his wind style techniques. Now he had to choose one more thing to learn to make his training a bit more difficult. Kyson decided to make this one a bit more physical since he is not used to that type of training. He wanted to learn something that can increase his speed and reaction time. He wanted to be able to be faster than most of his opponents and react to things quicker than them as well. So Kyson is going to start with that first. Kyson begins to slightly jump up and down to prepare for his physical training. He started walking towards one side of the training grounds because he was going to do sprints and try to increase his speed. As he reached the one end of the training grounds. Kyson looked towards the other end and began to run as fast as he could towards it. As he was running, he tried to focus his chakra around his movements to increase his speed. He was not feeling much of a difference at that point, but eventually he will. As he reached the other end of the training grounds, he immediately ran towards the other end again running as fast as he could. he never stopped focusing his chakra around his movements. He let it stay there until he felt like he was getting much faster. Kyson did not feel himself getting faster yet, so he proceeded to keep trying. As he started running a third time, he suddenly began to feel a bit weird. But weird in sort of a good way. It was as if time looked like it was slightly getting slower. But Kyson did not notice it was much because it was not a big difference yet. As he did his fourth sprint he felt like he was getting a bit faster and he began to start seeing a bigger difference. He thought it was just him, but it was true. It does seem as is time was slowing down as he was running. Was time really slowing down, or was Kyson just slightly increasing his speed. He was not sure what it was at the moment but he will find out eventually. As he began his fifth sprint, Kyson began to give it all he got while he was running. And this time, Kyson finally saw a big difference in his speed. He was able to increase his speed by 1/10th, that did not seem like much. But it was definitely faster than most shinobi at his rank. Kyson's reaction time was also increased as well. He felt like things were moving slower than they actually appeared but it was just him moving really fast. Kyson was liking this new technique. It was similar to the body flicker technique he had learned back in Kumo, but this was a little different. Body flicker only lasted for about one really quick movement. But this technique can last him a little longer. Even though it may be a lot slower than body flicker, this jutsu last longer and can be used while fighting for a longer period of time. As Kyson began to sprint again and do the technique once more. He noticed that fainted images of himself followed him as he was running. Making it look like it was multiples of him. But they further the images were away from him, the more faded out they looked.

 Kyson began to slow down his speed after he was running really fast. Kyson was dripping with sweat as he finished all of his sprints and finally learned a new technique. He walked over towards his bag and took out his bottled water. As Kyson was drinking it, he was feeling better and better. He felt hydrated after drinking it and was ready to go at it again. But before he went at it again, he thought.... What am I going to learn now? He wants to learn another earth style jutsu but what should it be. Should it be a long range, short range, or mid range attack? Or should it be a defensive technique to protect him? Kyson did not know what to do as he was standing there in the training grounds confused. He thought about the clones for this training and thought if he should bring them out. Then Kyson thought to himself... THAT'S IT! Kyson decided to make an earth clone instead of a shadow clone. Kyson heard you can use a water clone, so he will try the same thing using his earth element. But it will be a little harder trying to focus your chakra and your earth element to make a clone. This clone could be made out of mud Kyson thought. He thought that would be a good idea to have. And because it is mud, it would probably stick to his opponents and not allowing them to move. This jutsu was a great idea for Kyson. Now he was ready to continue his training. Even though Kyson is a bit exhausted after learning his flicker movement technique. He was always ready to push himself and become stronger. You can never know how strong you can get if you do not push your limits.

Kyson begins to perform the earth clone jutsu. He stands still with both of his eyes closed as he begins to form the ram hand seal. He concentrates his chakra and earth element on creating a replica of himself out of mud. Kyson should already be able to perform this jutsu very well because all of the other jutsu he has learned in the past couple weeks focused on a lot of chakra control. Plus he already knows how to use shadow clones, so learning this should not be too hard. All he has to do is combine shadow clones with his earth element to create it. As Kyson concentrated on creating an earth clone, he was able to form the first one. It formed into mud and then shaped into an exact copy of Kyson. There was a identical Kyson's standing right next to him and it was almost impossible to recognize who the original one was unless you saw him perform the jutsu. Kyson wondered if he did it right, but for the most part he knew he did. Now that he had made the first one, it was time to create a second one. Kyson began to concentrate on his chakra and earth element as he begins to perform the jutsu once more. He makes the ram hand seal and performs the jutsu. A second clone began to form as he watched it go from mud to a clone of him. Kyson has now made two more clones of himself. But Kyson wanted to see if he could try to double the amount of clones he could put. He could only summon two shadow clones, so this time he will try and do four with his mud clones. As he concentrate once more, he focused on his chakra and his earth element to create another earth clone. It seemed like he was getting the hang of it because he made this clone a bit more faster. Kyson was feeling a bit more exhausted but he still had one more clone to create. He began to concentrate for a final time and focus on his chakra and earth element as he formed the ram hand seal. And finally, the fourth clone was created Kyson now had four replicas of himself, standing right in front of him. He then began to speak to the and try something out.

"Alright I am going to attack one of you and I want you to show me what you can do." Kyson said as he was talking to the clones. but he was looking at one of the clones as he was speaking, so it was clear which one he was going to attack.

Kyson quickly ran towards his targeted clone and the earth clone was ready for the challenge. Kyson threw a round house kick towards the clones face. The clone blocked the kick and was able to stop Kyson's attack. Kyson then put his foot down quickly after throwing his round kick. He immediately threw a straight left punch at the clones torso and tried hitting him as hard as he could. His hand went through the clones chest as the clone turned into mud and aimed for Kyson's feet. As the clone aimed for Kyson's feet and trapped his legs. Kyson was unable to move as he was trying to escape the mud the clone turned into. Kyson was impressed that the mud was capable of stopping his movements and keeping him still. These clones would be very useful in battle and the best part was Kyson could summon four of these clones. Kyson liked how his training was going today, he actually felt a bit of intensity increasing today's workout.

"Alright, good work. I see what you guys are capable of now. You will come to good use in battle with me." Kyson said as he was talking to the clones.

"Yeah, and when that day comes. Trust me, we will be more than ready." The mud clone said as he responded to what Kyson said about them.

"I trust that you will." Kyson said with a smirk on his face. He was glad to see what the mud clones were capable of.

He then dispelled his clones and made them disappear and just turn into mud. Kyson began to wrap things up as he finished his training. He learned two new jutsu's today that will be very useful to him in the mere future. At this rate Kyson will become a really powerful shinobi with no one to stop him. As he grabs his bags, Kyson begins to exit the training grounds.

As Kyson leaves the training grounds and begins to head home. He did not decide to go on his daily walk today because he was a bit too exhausted from today's training. he has not trained this hard since he was in Kumo. Kyson was at a high level of exhaustion, but that was just a sign of him working hard and pushing himself. Getting himself up to par with his Kumo training.He might feel a little tired for his tomorrow training as well. But of course that will never stop him from training and becoming stronger. Kyson has learned a good amount of jutsu in the past four days even though they were not as difficult. He is adding more and more jutsu's to his list and is really growing up quickly as a genin. Kyson just hopes he can rank up sooner so he can finally do more for his village. He'll be able to do more events and missions around the village to help out as well. That will also allow him to reach his goal and he will no longer be looked as a kid anymore. He was taking the chunin exams while he was in Kumo but the Kazekage thought he was a jounin when him and Royalty first walked in. All they had to do was prove themselves and their rank up would be either chunin or jounin. If Kyson was to become a jounin, he will train even harder and push himself ten times harder to become stronger. That would make his dream come even more closer. Him and Royalty would really become stronger together if they both were jounin, nothing would stop them. But enough thinking about, Kyson is getting closer to home. As Kyson finally reaches his house after a long good day of training. He opens the door and walks towards his bedroom. He quickly puts all of his things down and lays on top of his bed. He just sits there and thinks about all of the things that have happened to his life up till now. From him becoming a genin to meeting Royalty and to him leaving the village  and coming to Suna.

(Words: 3020/3000)

(Redeeming "Flicker Movement" and "Earth Release: Shadow Clone")

(-25% word discount for all training and 2 ap per 200 words, Viper's Update. Viper made a change to where 2 ap is only awarded if you have 200 words above your training word count)
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Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:17 pm

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Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:35 pm
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