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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:07 pm
As Kyson and his clones continue to master the rain shark technique without using seals. They have finally made it to 17 meters on the range of the jutsu. Kyson and his clones are almost finished and will be done with their training today soon. As they continue to concentrate and push their chakra levels to their limits. Kyson peeks at his clones as they are relieved that they are almost there. Kyson is a bit relieved too because he is feeling a great amount of fatigue right now. 

"Ahh, we are almost there guys. We are right there, just a few more meters and we are done." Kyson said as him and his clones are almost done with completing this technique. This will be the second jutsu that Kyson has mastered. Well, technically the third since he did master the his Hiding in the Camouflage technique. Kyson will be on a mission to master plenty of other jutsu's he already know.

"Yes! We are almost there. Just three more meters and we are good to go." Clone number 1 said to Kyson and clone number 2. He was glad that they are about to master a jutsu of this caliber.

"Oh my gosh, thank you. Can this please hurry up. I can use a big nap right now." Clone number 2 said as he was starting to feel tired. The barrier's range has now reached 18 meters. They are getting closer and closer to completing this technique. Kyson has never used this technique in battle because there was a lot of hand seals to perform in order to use it. So he always used his jutsus that did not require a lot of hand seals. Now that he is almost there to mastering this technique, he will use it more often in battle. Having this jutsu run non stop is depleting Kyson's chakra rapidly. Not to mention he has two other clones with him who split his chakra in three. Even though this process is a lot quicker. It drains his chakra faster. But if he was to do this training alone, it would probably take a lot more time and he would be training forever. The range of the jutsu has now reached 19 meters. Kyson and his clones have just about mastered this jutsu. They are basically right there to finishing it.

"Ha, just one more meter guys and we are set and done." Kyson said with a bit of enthusiasm. He is almost done perfecting the jutsu with no hand seals.

"Come on, come on. We are right there. I feel like I am about to pass out. But thankfully we are almost done and can leave. I can feel my chakra about to drain completely." Clone number 1 said to Kyson and clone number 2.

"Guys, I really feel like I am about to pass out in a matter of seconds. I don't know if I can hold it for any longer." Clone number 2 said as he was almost at his limit.

"Come on clone number 2, don't you give up on me now. We are literally right there, just a few more minutes and we are done." Kyson said as he yells at clone number 2. It seemed clone number 1 was keeping up with Kyson although all three of them was feeling a great amount of fatigue. They still continued to push themselves until this jutsu was completely mastered.

"Hey, you better not pass out or dispel. At least not until we finished this jutsu. We are almost there, try to hang in there just for a little longer. Come one." Clone number 1 said to clone number 2. They were just about half a meter away from completing this jutsu. they could technically stop now. But Kyson wanted to do the complete 20 meters no matter what. 

"Hey, its not my fault if I pass out. I can't stop my self from draining my chakra while trying to master this technique." Clone number 2 said as he explains to clone number 1 how it wouldn't be his fault if he dispels automatically.

Kyson and his clones continue to concentrate their chakra on this jutsu and then finally.. They have finally reached the full 20 meters of the jutsu. Kyson has now mastered the jutsu without using any hand seals. After he reached the 20 meters he stopped the jutsu immediately. Both the rain and the rain shark jutsu. Kyson fell to the ground and was laying flat on his back. He was glad it was finally over. Clone number 2 was dead on, Kyson really felt like he was about to pass out if he had stayed there for a few more seconds. But that doesn't matter now, he completed the jutsu. 

"Ha, you guys alright, I think I can use a lot of sleep right now." Kyson said to his clones. He was really breathing hard as he was able to complete the jutsu.

"Yeah I'm good over here." Said clone number 1 as he is holding his knees and tired as well.

"Yeah.. and I'm.. good... I think... *Poof*" Clone number 2 says as he falls on his back and dispels immediately. It seemed he was completely drained. Well at least Kyson finished the jutsu's mastery.

"Ha ha, we'll see you later Kyson." Clone number 1 said as he dispels also. 

Kyson stood up and began to walk back home. He figured he go back home and get some rest. It has been a long day. He hasn't train like this in a while. It was tiring but felt good at the same time. Now he is on a mission to master even more techniques. That will be his goal for now. But until  then, he is heading home to get some sleep. What felt like to be hours of concentration was only about 1 hour. It seemed Kyson took forever to master the jutsu, even though it wasn't really that long. He approaches his home and enters. Heads upstairs and enters his room. Then he falls straight on his bed and falls asleep.

(3615 words since last approved)


-3600 words towards Rain Shark mastery (No handseals and 1/2 AP cost)
-15 towards water dragon whip
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Sat Dec 12, 2015 4:55 am

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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:34 pm
As Kyson woke up, it was time for him to get some more training in. Kyson mastered the rain shark technique yesterday, which took a lot of time and effort. It was very difficult but he got through it and perfected it. He now wants to master another technique, but this one is going to be a lot easier. He wants to master the earth shadow clone without using hand seals. He feels this would be useful because he could summon them as he please without any hand seals. But learning this would not require him to go to the training grounds. He could learn this technique at home and not have to leave the house. So Kyson gets up out of bed and begins to concentrate his chakra on making the earth clones. He can normally make 4 earth shadow clones with hand seals. So he is going to try and create four without hand seals. 

As Kyson sits on his bed and concentrates his chakra on fusing his earth element to make clones. Suddenly, 2 clones appeared in front of Kyson and they were standing side by side facing him. This was way easier than Kyson thought, now he just needs to summon two more and his mini training session is complete. As Kyson continues to concentrate, he then summons two more clones without weaving hand seals. He was easily able to master this technique since he mastered rain shark yesterday and it was a lot more difficult than shadow clones. Shadow clones usually need one hand seal and rain shark had almost 10. Kyson dispelled his shadow clones and finished his home training session. He had a full day ahead of him, but he decides to go back to sleep a little longer since he is still recovering from yesterday's training.

(Words: 304)


-287 words towards Earth Shadow clone mastery
-17 words to Rainbow Fort Seal
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:12 pm

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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:55 pm
As Kyson woke up, it was the day after he had found his summon. Yesterday was crazier than Kyson expected it to be. It seemed so unreal but he knew it wasn't a dream at all. What are the chances that he would find a place like that. It was almost as if Kyson was destined to find that place. And on top of that, he was able to speak with his father. Kyson couldn't believe it. After all these years, he was able to see his father. If only he could have got to see his mother. Kyson is going to head back over there one of these days. Who would've known that Kyson would find a cave his father once found. It could not have been a coincidence that he was lead there. But anyway, Kyson wakes up and gets out of bed. He takes a shower and brushes his teeth. He makes sure he has all of his ninja equipment and he heads out the door. He begins to walk towards the the training grounds. He is going to summon Tresuno and see if he could train with him. He wants to train with him so when it is time for battle, they could know each other's skill. 

As Kyson approaches the training grounds, he walks towards the center of it as he is ready to summon Tresuno. Kyson makes the Seal of confrontation with his right hand and bends down on one knee to put his left hand on the ground. He then summons Tresuno 5 meters in front of him. Kyson had forgotten how big he was. He took up almost half the training grounds.

"Where are we? And why is it so hot?" The right head of Tresuno said. He has been in that cave for so long, he probably forgot how the outside world felt like. He probably haven't left the cave since Kyson's father died. That's about 10 years ago. 

"Your in Suna. And yeah, the weather is something that takes a while to get used to.." Kyson said to Tresuno. Kyson himself had to get used to the intense heat of Suna. 

"Why is it that you have summoned us boy?" The middle head of Tresuno said to Kyson. He seemed a bit more serious this time. Could something have happened after Kyson had left.

"I wanted to know any special techniques you have. I feel like if I ever get into a fight with you, it would help a lot if I knew your techniques. This way, I can use my fighting style to combine it with yours." Kyson said to Tresuno. He just wanted to be prepared when something big would happen, the two of them could fight in perfect sequence.

"Hmmm, good Idea young one. Very well, we will tell you our abilities. Our first ability is that we are able to harden our body that allows us to resist a lot of damage. While doing that, we can also flow chakra through our bodies and more than triple our strength." The left head of Tresuno said to Kyson. Kyson was fascinated, he assumed they used that ability to break out of his swamp of the underworld technique. Because Kyson put a lot of chakra into that jutsu for it to be broken so easily.

"Our Second ability, which you seen already. Is we can shoot out lighting from our mouths at a very high power. You being a great water user. You can spread water on an opponent and we could shoot lightning at the water to increase the power. So that could be a good way to use our powers." The right head of Tresuno said to Kyson. 

"And our last ability is.. we can transfer energy to you. If you ever use too much chakra or energy. Just touch us and we can replenish the energy you lost by transferring ours to yours." The middle head of Tresuno said. Kyson was fascinated with the last technique. They actually knew something like that? That could be really useful in battle. 

"Thanks, that was really useful information. I just wanted to know these thing so I could be prepared and plan something." Kyson said in response to Tresuno.

"Now that we have told you about our abilities, is there anything you could tell us young one. We already know about your clan abilities. But you also know 3 elements, water, earth, and lightning if I'm correct. Your father knew water, earth, and fire. But unlike you, he never had anything that could defeat lightning. And according to your clan, you have a strong weakness against lightning. So you were pretty smart by learning the wind element, you have something that could counter your weakness." The middle head of Tresuno said to Kyson. Kyson was fascinated that his dad knew fire. Kyson thought he should have learned fire. But Kyson wanted to be able to beat or counter every element. That was why he chose his. Tresuno had asked Kyson about his abilities and techniques. Kyson isn't going to tell him everything because h knows a lot of jutsu's and techniques. But he will tell him the basics of his fighting style.

"Well, of course you know I have almost perfected my ninjutsu. but I also know fuinjutsu. I have been learning and finding ways to perfect fuinjutsu just like I did my ninjutsu. I can summon rain and what not. I am good with using shadow clones. I can turn invisible and completely erase my chakra signature. I can seal chakra and create an energy that can disrupts one's chakra. I know quite a lot of stuff actually." Kyson said to Tresuno. As Tresuno listened to Kyson, he can tell that he surpassed his father. Not even his father was a sufficient with his chakra control as Kyson is. He knows that Kyson is really special, that is why he quickly volunteered to help him in battle. He can see he has a bright future ahead of him. 

"Ha, you are quite a strong one. I see you have been training harder than ever. Well Kyson, we'll see you again, most likely on the battlefield. Keep training young one, you have a special gift that can put you ahead of everyone else. Once you realize what that gift is. That will be the moment when you find true strength within." The middle head of Tresuno said to Kyson. Kyson was really pleased with what he said to him. And like he said, the next time he see's him. Will most likely be on the battlefield.

"Thanks Tresuno, I will see you later." Kyson says as he is ready to resume his training. Tresuno poofs back to his cave as Kyson will now begin his training. He should probably try to do something different today. Maybe some physical training or try to improve his fuinjutsu. Kyson will find the answer soon.

(Words: 1163)


- 463 words towards Summoning: Tresuno
- 700 words towards Self-Cursing Seal
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:48 am

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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:12 pm
As Kyson was ready to continue his training after summoning Tresuno. He wanted to improve his awareness. Kyson has been in many battles and missions that allowed him to improve his skills naturally as a ninja. But one thing Kyson has not done in a while, is meditate. His sensei back in Kumo used to always tell him to meditate. It took Kyson a while to figure out the purpose for it, but after a while he finally managed to understand its usefulness. Kyson began to sit on the soft sand in a criss cross position. He sat there quietly as he was allowing his body to feel at ease. Kyson felt like he could hear everything around him. He can hear everything from the sand blowing gently and the civilians walking from a distance. Kyson felt a bit confused. Its as if his hearing as improved. He could even hear the kids from a distance playing with some rocks. Kyson doesn't know if it is just him or his awareness greatly improved. Maybe it was from all of the A and S rank missions he did. Some of those missions required stealth, which requires you to be aware of your surroundings while infiltrating. It seems Kyson has developed a unique skill or something. Maybe its not so much of a skill but it is what come's with being an experienced shinobi. Maybe every shinobi eventually have an awareness this good when they have been in the field for a long time. Kyson is finally starting to realize how far he has came since he left Kumo.

(267 words)


-248 words towards experienced fighter
-19 words towards Rainbow fort seal
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:13 pm
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Mon May 23, 2016 11:04 pm
Kyson would now head home after his really long day of training.

(EXIT, just exiting topics that I forgot about)
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True Strength Awakens (P, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: True Strength Awakens (P, nk)

Fri Jun 24, 2016 3:32 am

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