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Now Watch Me Whip Empty Now Watch Me Whip

Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:51 am
'Kuragari? That's your name right? Your a weak shinobi. You want to avenge your parents right? You will never be strong enough to fulfill this goal of yours. I've been dormant in your body since the day you were born; recovering my strength from your chakra, your life force. I may not have been awake but I could still sense sense it, the pitiful weakness just flowing through your very core. I can give you strength, all you have to do is give. Me. Your. BODY!!'

"Are you done yet?" Kuragari sat Indian-style on the ocean that bordered the Village Hidden in the Clouds. He was deep out in the water; the shore was barely visible from his position. The midday sun was high and mighty in the sky, it's bright rays shining down on the calm blue sea. His hands on his knees, Kuragari sat there with his eyes closed and heard out every word the eight tailed beast had to say. The wave-less sea reflected Kuragari's passive and patient attitude, and after he asked the beast his question he proceeded to stand up.

"You don't get it huh. What happened on that mountain when you first appeared...that's not me. I don't get mad. You will not break me and I swear that on my kin." Kuragari said calmly, but firmly. He then proceeded to weave a few signs and hold his right hand out. A stream of water would proceed to form from the ocean into his hand, slowly fusing with Kuragari's chakra and solidifying until it took on the properties of a whip. He moved his right arm across his body until his hand was right next to his left ear. He then quickly swung his arm across his chest and pulled it back, trying to crack the whip. Unfortunately when he brought his arm back the whip dissipated, the water that was once in Kuragari's hand returning back to the sea.

Taking a deep breath, he repeated the process once more while the bijuu inside his body shook it's head. 'I don't think you get it kid. I don't want to break you, I want to tell you the truth. And that truth is, the world would be better off if you just gave me control.' The bijuu had relaxed from his prior angry rant and was now speaking in a serious, somber tone. However Kuragari paid no attention the beast, as he was focused on learning the Water Whip Technique. He would form the whip in his hand and continue to work on controlling it a few more times before the bijuu managed to break through Kuragari's calm demeanor.

'What was it that got you mad again? Lord Mortarion? He's the reason your parents are dead right? That's a shame, and now he's leading the village you live in. The murderer of your family governs your life.' Kuragari's face slowly began to turn to one of anger, although he was still working on his technique as the eight tails spoke. He was forming another whip in his hand as the beast started to laugh.

'Heh, that's pretty funny. When you do missions, you know your doing them for him right? Your working for the man that destroyed your life. Your parents must be so pr-'

"Shut up!" Kuragari suddenly appeared in front of the beast's cage in his psyche. He didn't how or why it happened, but he was only focused on the the bijuu that stood in front of him. It was the first time he had seen it, although only it's face and hands were visible. The rest of it's body was hidden in the darkness of the cave. As the bijuu placed its hands around the cage bars and opened it's mouth to speak Kuragari cut him off.

"Do you have a name?" Kuragari face was cold and serious, and his different-colored eyes stared directly into the empty circles that made the bijuu's eyes. 'Why should I tell you?' The bijuu asked curiously, turning his head at the boy. "Do you have a name?" Kuragari asked again in the same exact tone, causing the beast to scoff at him.

'I feel no reason to tell you. Actually... The bijuu began to smirk at the angry Kuragari before continuing. I'll tell you if you give me yo-'

"I already told you you will not have my body! I need this body, I need too...I have too..." Kuragari stuttered with his words and looked down at his feet. He then clenched his fist and looked back into the beast's eyes with a determined expression. "I have to defeat evil! I have people that I must fight for...even if they're not in this world anymore!" They both exchanged glances for almost a full minute after Kuragari expressed himself. Then the bijuu began to chuckle and smirk.

'He, Kuragari. Your parents had a sense of irony to them. Although I'm sure they had no way of knowing you'd end up like this... Kuragari looked at the bijuu with confusion, and before he could ask what it meant by that the beast continued. 'Kuragari, it literally means darkness. For you to be named after darkness, and yet fight so hard against it for's ironic' The beast's smirk slowly began to fade and a serious, almost mad face replaced it. 'But you got stuck with the wrong bijuu kid. I'm not fighting for justice, or for any of the stupid reasons you humans go at it with each other. Its all trivial at the end of the day. So just let me out... The bijuu said calmly before banging his large, reddish hand on the bars that confined him. Let me OUT!!' As he screamed these words three octopus-like tentacles flew from behind the bars, stopping just short of Kuragari's face and body area. However, Kuragari did not move one inch.

"Let's make a deal." Kuragari said somberly, intriguing the bijuu who then recalled his tentacles. "I'll be completely content with my life if I can free Kumo from the tyranny of Lord Mortarion. Help me get stronger, help me defeat him and I will release you from my body." His face projected how serious he was, and this brought a large smile across the beast's face. ''Ha! I can see your not gonna give up your body any other way huh kid?' The beast began to rub it's chin in thought. 'Very well. This doesn't mean we're friends either kid. I have no interest for you, and as soon as your goal is completed I'm 'outta here. The only real reason I'm agreeing to this is if I refuse and you go off and die I'm done too, and I can't have that.'

"However you want to justify it, I don't care. I only have one condition"

'Now hold on, I didn't agree to any conditions.'

"Tell me your name." Kuragari said to the bijuu. The bijuu chuckled, shaking his head. 'Your something else kid. It's just a name, it's not that important.'The beast said to Kuragari's displeasure. "I don't care. If we're going to engage in this partnership I need to know who I'm working with." He said sternly with a straight face to the bijuu. The eight tails stared at the boy for a few moments, slowly reaching it's tentacle tails in between the cage bars and towards Kuragari. 'Heh. Alright kid. I'll tell you. But know this, you are not the controller of this relationship, I am' The beast said, his tentacles getting very close to Kuragari's face. Right as they were about to touch him the beast spoke.

'Gyuki is my name.'

Kuragari's eyes opened as the bijuu spoke it's name. Now back in the real world Kuragari went right back to training the jutsu, almost as if the conversation he just had never happened. Weaving the proper hand signs Kuragari formed the water whip in his hand and proceed to crack it, causing it to make a loud snap noise. "Alright, I got the attacking part down. Now I need to work on constriction..." He looked around, realizing he was surrounded by nothing but water. "Actually, I think I might have to go back to town for this one." Preforming a few hand signals, Kuragari preformed the Flicker Movement jutsu and his body would appear to instantly vanish, although he was simply moving at speeds too high for a regular eye to track.

He would appear in the training grounds, however the spot he had stopped at was mostly rocky with trees. "I need a body of water..." Kuragari would begin to walk towards a small pond he knew of a few minutes away. As he took steps towards this area he reflected on the conversation he had with Gyuki. 'Such a stubborn beast' Kuragari thought to himself. 'But one day...I feel it will come around. No, I know it.' Kuragari arrived at the pond just as he had finished this thought, ready to now finish the jutsu he had been working on since the wee hours of the morning.

He proceeded to make the hand signs, which he was able to now do fluently due to all the practice, and form the water whip in his hand. He would then turn to a tree next to the pond. Bring his arm back and swinging, Kuragari would swing the whip across the pond and direct it at the tree. The whip wrapped around the tree with east, however when he tried to put some force on it and pull it the whip would lose it's form and turn back into water. As this water fell to the ground Kuragari sighed, scratching his head. "Guess it's not going to be as easy as I anticipated." He said to himself, repeating the motions and forming the whip in his hand.

"But I will not give up!" Kuragari proclaimed as he swung the whip at the same tree, once again wrapping it around. When he pulled this time, however, he pulled with all his might and the whip actually held it's shape for a few moments. It even left a small indent in the tree before eventually meeting the same fate as the previous ones. He knew it was only a matter of practice to get the jutsu's duration up, and knowing this he smiled as he formed the whip in his hand once more.

Later that night...

The moon managed to break through the few holes in between the thick layer of clouds, shining sporadically throughout the area. For a brief moment, the moon shined directly on an exhausted Kuragari, who was sitting on the ground and leaning on a tree trunk. The tree trunk he had been practicing on all day had a large indent on it's trunk, and was almost on the bridge of collapsing. Kuragari wanted to continue, but he had depleted his chakra reserves and was fatigued. "Hey Gyuki, lend me some of your chakra."

'Piss off. I'm not giving you anything' An aggravated Gyuki said. He felt irritated that this kid, this little kid was really trying to order him around. "We had a deal. If I get into trouble and I can't defend myself we're both going down. So stop being petty and lend me some of your chakra, please." Kuragari spoke calmly and respectfully, trying his hardest to have a civil relationship with the bijuu. 'Hmph. I swear I can't wait to get away from your pitiful body' Gyuki said in an irritated manner as he let some of his chakra flow out of his cage.

Kuragari felt his energy slowly being replenished, and his body began to excrete the red chakra that jinchuriki could access. As the chakra became more potent it began to bubble up until there was a full cloak of chakra around his body. A tail then began to sprout from his lower back, and Kuragari could feel the power that came with this chakra. However while he did feel much more powerful, he still felt as if the bijuu was holding back. "You don't have any more? The power I felt when you first showed yourself, where's that at?" He asked the bijuu, who scoffed as his comment.

'Please. Your lucky I gave you one tail. Don't get greedy kid.' The bijuu huffed, his large nose flaring as he spoke. Kuragari rolled his eyes, but did realize he was being a bit greedy. "One step at a time right?" He said sarcastically to Gyuki before forming the necessary hand signs and causing the whip to appear in his hand. The chakra from his cloak extended to the whip, which now had a red cloak of chakra around it to match Kuragari's.

Kuragari lifted the whip up, analyzing it and the chakra that surrounded it. He then looked at the tree that had endured Kuragari's whips all day. He held onto the whip tight, and in one swing he swung the whip and caused it to wrap around the tree. As the whip made contact with it, the bark began to burn from the bijuu chakra it was in contact with. Gripping the whip as tight as he good, Kuragari pulled at the tree trunk with all his might, causing the whip to go clean through the already damaged tree. As the tree began to fall in the opposite direction of timber, Kurgari could only yell "Timber!". The tree eventually fell with a loud smashing noise, causing some birds in the area to leave their homes and soar through the night sky.

Kuragari looked at the whip, which surprisingly hadn't broken apart yet. "This power...It's so strong. I could do so much good with this." Kuragari clenched the whip tighter as Gyuki chuckled from behind his cage. 'Ha, "We had a deal" kid' Gyuki said mockingly, imitating Kuragari's words from earlier. 'Your not doing any more than what we agreed upon, and I refuse to help with anything that has nothing to do with our deal' As he spoke these words the cloak began to recede back into Kuragari, and as soon as all the chakra was gone the whip he had created dispersed in an instant.

The energy he had been receiving from the chakra also dispursed, causing Kuragari to fall on his butt in exhaustion. Gyuki's earlier chuckle began to erupt into a roar of laughter. 'Hahaha! You can't do anything without me huh kid?' The beast asked sarcastically. Although Kuragari always kept his composure, for some reason these words got to him. He slowly stood back on his two feet, fighting the fatigue he felt. He made the same hand seals he had been making all day, and had one more whip of water form in his hand. "I don't need anybody...but myself!" Kuragari swung the whip mightily, wrapping it around a tree before pulling as hard as his tired body would allow.

The bijuu's words rang in his ears, causing him to hold the jutsu for two full minutes out of sheer willpower. However, once he reached his limit he collapsed along with the justu. Gyuki could only shake his head as Kuragari was straight unconscious on the ground. The eight tails would then leak some more chakra out of his cage, replenishing some of Kuragari's chakra and waking him up from his quick slumber. 'Go home kid. We're vulnerable out here, you could get attacked. And I refuse to die because of your stupidity'

Kuragari smiled, as he knew deep down somewhere he was beginning to rub off on the bijuu. "Whatever you say Gyuki" He now had enough energy to jump back up and even preform Flicker Movement, swiftly leaving the area and going back home after a long day of training.

{WC: 2000 For Water Whip Technique
656 Towards Bijuu v1 Cloak
2656 Total for 13 stats}

Last edited by Flash7790 on Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:22 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Now Watch Me Whip Empty Re: Now Watch Me Whip

Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:30 am

Your total wordcount is 2656, if you use 2k for water whips, you can only have 656 going towards v1 tail. <3
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Now Watch Me Whip Empty Re: Now Watch Me Whip

Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:23 am
Edited :3
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 223500

Now Watch Me Whip Empty Re: Now Watch Me Whip

Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:46 am

Approved <3
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