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Denki Hyuuga
Denki Hyuuga
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Watch the Throne Empty Watch the Throne

Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:12 pm
Gaignun was sitting down on top of one of the Hokage staues, looking down on the valley as he sighed. He sighed, as he looked back up into the sky. "Grandpa Cepeda, why did you stay in charge of such a country. The Leaf Village is a terrible place compared to the Skyscraper Village. But then again, you did help in constructing the Skyscraper Village. Konohagakure isn't a pleasurable place in my opinion, and people say its the best village ever. It sucks here." Gaignun said under his breath, as he continued to sit down and meditate. "This is one of the only places I can focus. I ca admit the Valley of the End is a calming place."

Gaignun took a deep breath, as he started to hum his favorite song. Gaignun started to nod off to sleep, as he did he started to day dream about how he was taking on several opponents, destroying them all in combat.
Courtney Ikari
Courtney Ikari
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Watch the Throne Empty Re: Watch the Throne

Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:44 pm
Hikari was walking around, a little bored. She had left Kirigakure a few days ago and has just be wandering around since. Hikari did a hand sign and activated her Byakugan, muttering only a simple "Byakugan". She continued to wander around, using the Byakugan so see around her, but not fully. She still had a lot of training to do if she was to unlock the full power of the Byakugan. Not much is around here, huh? She thought, chuckling slightly to herself. She was somewhere in a valley, she believed it to be the legendary Valley of the End.

Hikari continued walking until she saw a figure up a head. She decided to walk closer, thinking there would be no harm in doing so. "Hello?" She asked as she got closer. But upon closer inspection, it looked as if the guy was sleeping. Isn't he worried that someone might come and attack him? He is wide open and everything.... Unless he is faking being asleep... Hikari walked closer and knelt down by him. She wasn't sure if she should wake him or not, he seemed rather peaceful sleeping. But what if someone comes and tries to kill him? ...I guess I shouldn't be worrying about that I mean I am a ninja. People get killed all the time, why should I worry about him? She tried to reason with herself. But there was that feeling of apprehension in her gut that she couldn't shake. Her hand unconsciously flew up and rested on the guy's shoulder and she gently shook him. "Please don't be mad at me...." She whispered.
Denki Hyuuga
Denki Hyuuga
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Watch the Throne Empty Re: Watch the Throne

Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:15 pm
Gaignun was continuing to meditate on the rock, well he was sleeping but it was all part of the plan. He was so distracted in his day dreams that he could be labeled as asleep. He was daydreaming of ways to defeat his opponents and new weapons to form with his clan's kekki genki.

Gaignun suddenly woke up from his day dreaming, and felt a prescene near him and a little weight on his shoulders. He felt as he was moving a bit as his eyes popped open. Gaignun turned around and looked at her. "Um excuse miss? Is there a reason you are awaking me from my meditation period?" Gaignun said out loud as he sighed.
Courtney Ikari
Courtney Ikari
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Watch the Throne Empty Re: Watch the Throne

Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:32 pm
Hikari pulled her hand back and blushed, looking away. "You....You were meditating? Gomennasai! I'm so sorry!" She hurriedly said as she bowed. Great. I bothered someone who was just meditating. I should just keep my mouth shut next time. Then I won't look like a complete idiot. And so I won't bother anyone.... She thought, mentally sighing. Stupid, stupid me. She hated looking like a fool and hated to bother people. She was too humble for her own welfare sometimes.

Hikari got up, bowed once more, and turned on her heels to leave. She didn't want to bother him any more. She used her Byakugan to move around the area without her physical body. She was looking to see if anyone else was there. Oi. I need someone to try out my Byakugan on...but I don't want to ask this guy because I already bothered him enough. She turned her head to glance back at the guy and asked quietly, "Um sir? Sorry to bother you again but....Do you know if anyone else is here? Or where the closest village is? "
Denki Hyuuga
Denki Hyuuga
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Watch the Throne Empty Re: Watch the Throne

Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:41 pm
Gaignun sighed and stood back up, as he got up, he kneeled down and tied up his boots. He stood backup and tightened the belt on his pants, as he looked at the girl. He wasn't wearing a shirt, as usual, as he smirked. He flipped his hair around, and watched her leave. "Wait, don't beat yourself up. I was actually only napping don't feel too guility."

Gaignun heard her ask him directions, as he smirked. "Village? Your close to Konoha. But wait, before you go. How about we do a little spar. If you win, then I'll escort you straight there. It seems you are a Hyuuga, like myself. Well, I have Hyuuga blood. My great great grandfather was Cepeda Hyuuga." Gaignun smiled as he got into a stance. "Shall we get going? I'm ready for combat when ever you are."
Courtney Ikari
Courtney Ikari
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Watch the Throne Empty Re: Watch the Throne

Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:21 pm
Hikari turned around fully and grinned. "Seriously? Okay sure, I'll spar with you!" She said, taking a few steps back and getting into her own stance. So...He's a Hyuuga eh? That's a nice turn of events. I've never met another Hyuuga, besides my mother and father. She thought to herself. And....we are by Konoha? Really? Gah! I wish it was another village....I don't want to face our clan just yet. I'm not strong enough yet. They will surely banish me again!-No. I can't think like that, it is a weakness. I just need to clear my thoughts and focus on the spar at hand. Hikari closed her left eye and cleared away all her thoughts, wanting to have a concentrated mind during their spar. She then reopened her eye and looked over at the guy, whom she didn't even know the name of. Hikari began thinking of the stance her father used to take when he used the Gentle Fist technique.

Hikari, age seven, was standing in a fighting position
similar to the one she was in now. Her opponent was a man about five
times herself. It was her father. He stood with his Byakugan activated
and was getting ready to get into the Gentle Fist stance. He was saying
something to Hikari but she could barely hear it. She heard a few parts
though, like "Gentle Fist", "Pride of the Hyuuga clan", and "Byakugan".
From those words she could practically piece together what he had said.
That the Gentle Fist taijutsu move was the pride move of the Hyuuga clan
and that it needed the Byakugan to be used. Hikari and her father were
getting ready to spar. At this time though, Hikari had both of her eyes
and could see perfectly, without any disadvantages. That story was to be
told at a different time.
*End of Flashback*

The flashback was merely only seconds but it seemed like forever to Hikari. She blinked a few times before recollecting herself and getting into the stance that she remembered so clearly. Father...You better be watching. Cuz I'm going to unlock the Gentle Fist technique soon. So just keep watching...
She thought, even now more than ever determined to unlock the secret
techniques of her clan. The clan that exiled her because she had light,
blonde hair, not dark, black hair. She was determined to show them, to
show all of her clan members what she could do. That was now her
resolution. least one of them. Hikari pulled her two arms back, close to her chest, and began running forward, toward her opponent. As she was running, she concentrated some of her chakra into her hands. It was the main trick to the Hyuuga clan's pride and joy technique. By using their own chakra and the Byakugan, the user can stop their opponent's chakra point/chakra flow. They could also harm organs by doing this.

Hikari, once she was close enough, aimed her right hand at the guy's heart. She then aimed her left hand at his arm. She wasn't sure if it would work or not or if they would even land, since she was going up against a Hyuuga. They could dodge just as quickly and as graceful as they could attack. It was a numbers game really.

Denki Hyuuga
Denki Hyuuga
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Watch the Throne Empty Re: Watch the Throne

Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:40 pm
Gaignun examined her enthusaium to spar, as he smiled and stood in his stance. Gaignun had his hands to his chest, as he was jumping up and down. Gaignun wanted to keep fast on his feet to dodge attacks at a quick minute and counter his opponent. However, with this opponent he couldn't get too close, or else she could zap all of his chakra away.

Gaignun watched as she approached him. Gaignun smiled, as she was approaching, he was charging a sphere of chakra into his palm. When she sent an attack his way, he quickly sidestepped out of the way of it, and sent his palm forward with the sphere of chakra in his palm aiming for it to hit her in her torso with it, sending her farther away.
Courtney Ikari
Courtney Ikari
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Watch the Throne Empty Re: Watch the Throne

Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:38 pm
Hikari, with being in such close range, got hit with the sphere of chakra and was pushed back. She did a flip and landed on her feet. That....was cool! She thought, a grin gracing her visage. I wonder if I could do that or if its his own jutsu.... Hikari shook her head slightly and got back into a fighting position. She wasn't quite ready yet for him to have his turn. She still had a few things she would like to try out. I wonder if that could work.... She was already thinking of an really a plan or a strategy.

Hikari ran forward again and, again, concentrated chakra into her hands. She focused on the guy's chakra flow, or chakra system, and tried to decide which areas to attack. After she decided, Hikari ran full force forward and aimed her chakra filled hands. She aimed her right hand at his right hand and her left hand at his left hand, creating an x with her arms. This made it so that her front was less able to get to, unlike if she just attacked straight forward. It was just something she wanted to try. Plus, she could use her arms as a way of more like blocking an attack. By taking advantage of the way her arms are, Hikari could use their bent position as a type of shield.

Denki Hyuuga
Denki Hyuuga
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Watch the Throne Empty Re: Watch the Throne

Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:30 pm
Gaignun looked at her get knocked away, as he made a sound where he clicked his tounge and the top of his gums. He makes that sound every time he makes contact with an attack. Gaignun jumped backwards and twisted to turn back around to her.

Gaignun smiled when he saw her approaching, as he smiled. Gaignun put his hands out and formed a spear in his hands. Gaignun waited until she approached and he sent the chakra spear forward, aiming to pirece her guard, but only aiming at her side, not trying to hit some vital.
Courtney Ikari
Courtney Ikari
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Watch the Throne Empty Re: Watch the Throne

Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:19 pm
Hikari used her right hand to deflect the spear, using the chakra that was concentrated in her hand to deflect the spear. That's one way to do it I guess. She thought, taking a few steps back. So...he can do both long range and close range attacks, while I can only do close range attacks. Haha I'll need to learn some long range attacks soon. She tried thinking of some of her clan's attacks that were long range, but couldn't think of any. Most of the techniques by the Hyuuga clan were close range, since they were taijutsu techniques. The only thing their clan had that wasn't taijutsu was the special thing that their Byakugan could do, see around themselves without actually having to move, other than their head of course.

Hikari took another step back before she ran forward once again. She had one more thing in mind before she was ready to let him have his turn. Hikari once again focused her chakra into her hands while she was running. Once she was close enough, she spun to the side and pushed her hands forward, not really aiming anywhere in particular, thinking he would think of some way to block them.

(1453/1400. Level 4 mastered)
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