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Mr. Pink <3
Mr. Pink <3
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Ikumo Kurogane - Off Day (IO, NK) Empty Off Day (IO, NK)

Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:40 pm
Jiro breathed in the hot, dry air of Sunagakure, sitting at the edge of a rooftop. Although it was his day to be free from the academy, there was nothing for him to do. There was no drive in him to train, no drive to even take a walk. He didn't wish to disturb his brother either, and that was quite strange. On what seemed like a daily basis, he'd try to hang around Ichiro as much as possible. But, there were those off days. Oh those off days... Jiro sighed and stared. He stared at the people below him, who looked small from his current position. Usually, it was him that was the tiny one; he was amused by how the situation was reversed.

"But, what if I just painted something on our house again..." he mused, shifting his apricot colored eyes towards the sky above, "Or just... hmph..." By then, the blond had leaned back and onto the roof's surface, allowing his legs to dangle along the ledge. It was weird to be honest, for he often had his activities planned out one way or another. Of course, there was the time he took to ponder, but... that was done in the morning, before getting up out of bed. Man, these off days... he wasn't fond of them...
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Specialty : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Ikumo Kurogane - Off Day (IO, NK) Empty Re: Off Day (IO, NK)

Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:08 pm
Another peaceful time in Suna and another good time to walk among its inhabitants and see who he could find to talk to or train with. Ikumo had often enjoyed speaking with the many ninja of Suna since he had mostly watched over the village or its gates on any given day, today was different only because he needed to train. In his left hand sat his staff which had been bandaged up and in his left a medical textbook that rivaled that of a tome. In his previous days he had been studying a medical jutsu derived from one of Konoha's greatest sannin, though as he tried to replicate the jutsu he often failed. The first of many steps was to prepare and push chakra to a certain point of the body, the focal point in the book happened to be the center of one's forehead, which he had slowly been trying to do. As he walked he pushed single portions of his chakra to his forehead, storing and making sure it stayed in a central area which currently had been working. As he continued to walk the bottom of his staff tapped the land rhythmically as he did so looking about as if he was waiting for something..
Mr. Pink <3
Mr. Pink <3
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Ikumo Kurogane - Off Day (IO, NK) Empty Re: Off Day (IO, NK)

Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:29 pm
Jiro was still gazing at the clouds and the blue in the sky, secretly wishing he could steal a glance at the sun as well. But, unless he wished to turn blind, he'd have to refrain from doing so. He yawned from his spot, soon closing his eyes with thoughts of what he could possibly do later on. They were failing, his mind quickly rejecting any ideas presented, but that didn't give him the excuse to give up. Just as he was about to consider more options, an unexpected sound managed to reach him. It was like a steady tapping... why tapping? Immediately his strangely colored eyes opened, and the sun's intensity made him wince.

However, the blond forged through and pushed himself back into a sitting position. He took a peek over the edge and down onto the streets, scanning the area for the source of the noise. Eventually, a tall and young-looking red haired male entered his sights. It seemed as if he was glancing around, either lost or... blind? The stranger's tapping only made Jiro lean towards the latter. Sure, blindness in general was common; for him, bearing witness to such a thing was rare. Curious, but careful, the boy rose to his feet and leaped down from the rooftop. Once his feet hit the ground, it was in a spot mostly clear of people, and several feet away from the red haired male.

Jiro then walked quickly to catch up with him, slowing down only when by the stranger's side. Before he spoke though, the boy happened to spot a shinobi headband on the redhead's arm, one for Sunagakure. So, this guy was a ninja? That was interesting... if that was the case, he couldn't possibly be lost.

"If you don't mind me asking," he began, eyes subtly shifting between the staff and the headband, "Why are you doing that?" He pointed at the staff, in order to help make his question a bit more clear.
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Specialty : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Ikumo Kurogane - Off Day (IO, NK) Empty Re: Off Day (IO, NK)

Mon Jan 11, 2016 7:07 pm
The soft pattering of feet could be heard from behind him though as he walked he kept his red hues to himself, a simple gesture to wait for the male or female to catch up with him. In the meantime he stopped channeling his chakra if not for a moment to turn around to meet eyes with the boy, his manners were up to par which had been quite good in his eyes. Smiling he turned to the boy with staff in hand stopping his tapping for a moment as he spoke," The tapping? Oh its simply to keep a tune within my mind whilst I am practicing some chakra control. The staff itself is for something different than walking, if that is what you were going to ask next. You can say I am a summoner of sorts," while that usage of the word had been mildly correct, Ikumo just chose the more passive and background approach rather than fighting head on. For a moment he looked over the male, their height being not off by much, but he had been still looking down to the boy. Not a big deal yet he wondered what rank the male had been. Shifting the tome to under his cloak for a moment he smiled and nodded for them to keep walking," So what rank are you if you do not mind me asking? I try to make a mental list of the people i've met so that whenever they need my help its easier to remember," the only reason he had mentioned that is with all of the research he does, he mind often displaces names, faces and other equally important things that he should remember.
Mr. Pink <3
Mr. Pink <3
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Ikumo Kurogane - Off Day (IO, NK) Empty Re: Off Day (IO, NK)

Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:28 pm
With the stranger shedding more light onto the subject of his staff, everything became clearer, and Jiro was able to slowly nod his head in understanding. However, the whole 'summoner' bit caught his attention, and it confused him. He knew for fact that people summoned through use of their blood, and then proceeded to conduct the jutsu like any other. But, using a staff to do so? That was quite interesting. Then again, it was also something he'd most likely hear in story books, was it not? While his thoughts kept him, the blond was still able to notice the stranger's gesture for them to continue walking. So, he followed suit, listening to the redhead's question and then comment. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, not knowing much people who kept tabs on others just... just in case they required help.

It was a thoughtful and kind act, that much was for sure.

"Oh?" he began, eyebrows still raised and apricot colored eyes slightly widened, "In that case, I'm still an academy student." Suddenly though, the blond went silent, as if he was contemplating something for a moment. But, mere seconds later... "My name is Jiro by the way, Jiro Sato." Being the overly cautious teen he was, said student was unsure about giving out his name. Of course, he was talking to a Sunagakure ninja, but such a thing didn't automatically make someone trustworthy. And although the redhead's last statement made him out to be a nice person, Jiro insisted on keeping up his guard... and such a thing was strange for someone his age. Indeed, the young student was a strange one.

"What about you?" he questioned, wanting a name to match with a face. However, the boy would understand if his inquiry was ignored or simply turned down...
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Specialty : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Ikumo Kurogane - Off Day (IO, NK) Empty Re: Off Day (IO, NK)

Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:57 pm

An academy student. That much had been interesting, a fresh mind ready to be molded into a fine ninja of Suna. Age wasn't too important in this situation for he had a rank and thus could deduce on what age group he had been in, but for now he would simply speak with the male as normal," An academy student then. Have they been teaching you all the basics of the ninja world such as the substitution and the like?," merely curious on what the boy had been taught in case of him needing to be taught these things, Iku thought it best to help in the situation if it became so.

The name came swiftly after as he smiled and mouthed the name to himself,Jiro Sato. The male was an Academy student of Suna and an unknown age. Everything else had been unknown though as time dictates things began to unfold, though when Jiro had asked for his name he simply smiled. The red eyes would open slightly as he looked to the male and kept walking forward as they talked. Ikumo. My name is Ikumo Kurogane, or Iku if you'd prefer. Nice to meet you Jiro," pausing for a moment he looked around to see that he had been leading himself and his acquaintance here towards the training grounds albeit not intentional he returned his gaze to the male. Thinking that it would probably be beneficial to help the male out, he turned his body to face the male," If you have nothing else to do would you perhaps want to learn the basic academy jutsu from me?," it was a simple and straightforward question, he would be able to help another ninja of the sand and in the same right be able to practice more of his jutsu.
Mr. Pink <3
Mr. Pink <3
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Ikumo Kurogane - Off Day (IO, NK) Empty Re: Off Day (IO, NK)

Tue Mar 01, 2016 8:31 am
Upon hearing the inquiry aimed at his studies, the blond fought down the urge to look away in frustration and instead settled for a light frown to show his displeasure. If he were to be honest, the academy teachers had indeed taught them about the many academy jutsu. However, their method of teaching… it was not something he was quite fond of. Who could possibly enjoy being forced to stand in front of their whole class, pressured into performing their jutsu flawlessly? Who could possibly appreciate everyone's large, wide eyed gaze trying to strangle them until they choked and stumbled halfway through making the appropriate hand seals–

He cast the wretched memory out of his mind, but the frown on Jiro's face soon morphed into that of a temporary scowl, "They have, but they've been doing it terribly." His tone held a subtle whine to it, one that could only be picked up if someone were to listen closely. However, upon hearing the redhead's response to his earlier question, Jiro suppressed his agitation if only for a moment... Ikumo. The boy hummed in thought at the name, never before hearing it but certainly appreciating its ring. It was a nice name.

"Nice to meet you, too..." he managed to mumble, soon taking notice of where their walk had led them. The training grounds? It was a sight foreign to him, somewhat; the blond hardly visited the area. If he wished to train, all of it was done somewhere close to his house. Jiro was abruptly torn from his thoughts though, not catching when Ikumo had turned to face him but definitely hearing the redhead's offer. The thought of learning the academy jutsu in a way he could enjoy, or at least be comfortable with... excited him. Everything would be swinging his way.

"Yeah... yeah, that'd be great!" as he spoke, his apricot eyes seemed to brighten, only to slightly dull as a thought came to mind, "Hey, but wait. What–What rank are you, anyway?"
Mr. Pink <3
Mr. Pink <3
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Ikumo Kurogane - Off Day (IO, NK) Empty Re: Off Day (IO, NK)

Sun May 22, 2016 7:26 pm
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Ikumo Kurogane - Off Day (IO, NK) Empty Re: Off Day (IO, NK)

Sun May 22, 2016 10:05 pm

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