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Princess Love
Princess Love
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Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:38 pm
The stare she was giving Oro turned to a glare when he started talking about her. Who the hell does he think he is!? Love thought as she could feel her blood begin to boil. She knew she shouldn't get upset and was about to rationalize to herself but that wink he gave her was the cherry on top. I'd love to serve you one of my "mean" punches right now. She thought as she clinched her fists and mumbled a few curses under her breath. He was so lucky they were on a mission right now. Love looked back at the thief forcing herself to remain calm and focus on the mission. As Oro began walking towards the man Love slapped her hands together, building up her lightning chakra. Should the perp manage to make it past Oro, Love would shock him with this, new to her, jutsu. Hopefully Oro would get in the way and she'd accidentally shock him. That thought made Love smile and she let out a small, "Heh." As she stood waiting to see what would happen, Love noticed that her hands now had a yellow glow around them. 

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:33 am
The thief looked around panicked and then looked at loves glowing hands. he looked up at the wall behind him and jumped up some trash cans and tried to jump over the wall. which made oro sigh as he used body flicker again to jump on the wall and kicked the thief's face making him fall to the ground with a loud thump. the man quickly got up and looked around. oro looked at love and sighed. then he used some hand seals and cast'd temple of nirvana. the man saw glowing white feathers as he panicked and stumbled then quickly passed out asleep. all the love would see is the man acting idiotic. then pass out. oro jumped down and landed next to love. "well i caught him you carry him miss glowy hands." he said as he yawned and walked out of the ally making sure no one came to help the thief.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:29 pm
Love watched as the thief looked from her to the wall behind him. She shook her head when Oro kicked the man in his face. "Really? You can't be gentle? He may be a criminal but he's also a konoha citizen." She said wasting her breathe, Oro never listened. Love turned her attention back to the thief, he was once again looking around for a way out. Love hoped that he would run towards her thinking he could overpower her that way she could use her jutsu on him. But of course Orokana had to interfere. As she waited for him to charge she noticed that the man suddenly seemed drunk? Not possible. She thought just as Oro landed next to her. Ugh, this guy! Love sighed and went to pick up the thief. She didn't feel like pouring her energy into yet another pointless argument. 

Love picked up the man and walked out of the ally with him strewn over he small shoulders. Once back on the street Love began walking towards the police station, whether Oro was paying attention or not. After a brisk walk, they arrived. "We caught the guy stealing from the vendors." She said as she placed the man on the floor of the precinct. "If you don't have any questions we'll be on our way." She said to the officers before they thanked the two ninja. After exiting the precinct she would say, to Oro, "We're off to the academy now."

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:34 am
orokana nodded to love as they went off to the school. he sighed. he hated the school because it was very lack luster, not a lot of good information being taught, though it is for kids so he couldnt get too upset about it. he sighed and looked around, seeing the fence being in disrepair. "we are fixing up the school arent we?" he groaned doing this before and he really didnt want to do it again. but he sighed as he looked around.

(im going to do one long post after this one, bc we need 8k words for all the missions total and we have about 3.5k so ima try to do a 1-2k post of working on the school and what not)
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:55 am
Love smiled brightly when they reached the academy, being there brought back fun memories. She then turned to Oro and reply to his question, "Yup." After hearing him groan she made a pouty face asking, "What did you think we were here to teach? Ha! I'm pretty sure even the teacher's pets know the best places to nap. Besides no one wants to be the guy who becomes a genin and rushes back to the academy to show off." Love said probably talking to herself by now. Love began to walk around, in order to see just how much work they had ahead of them. "Let's divide and conquer. I'll fix the throwing targets and paint the fence. You can straighten up the sparring arenas and sharpen the tools." She then dashed off to complete her first task before Oro could argue about being given the harder and boring jobs. "The fast you finish the sooner you can have lunch." She shouted back in order to encourage him.

Once on her own Love would look for some paint to repair the fence. While looking around one of the teachers would approach Love, telling her that all of the broken targets had been taken down and collected. The students wanted to help with the repair of the school since they were the ones who broke the things. The teacher would tell Love which classroom they could be found in before disappearing. "Looks like the fence will have to wait." Love said to herself as she walked into the building. Upon entering the classroom Love saw that there were quite a few targets to fix. "Maybe I should've given Oro this job." She thought aloud to herself, taking a seat behind the mountain of targets. After about 20 minutes Love was finished and would head out back outside to place the refurbished targets in their places. "Whew!" Love expressed her exhaustion from flickering all over the academy grounds. While running around Love spotted a shed that she would enter and find the paint that she was looking for earlier.

"Score!" Love exited the shed skipping; thinking that this was the easiest mission all. "I wonder how much that slacker has done?" Love said taking a moment to check her surroundings for the boy who was supposed to be doing this mission with her. If she spotted him they would exchange a few words, if not she'd start painting.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:29 am
oro watched her go off. sadly his job wasnt what he hoping it would be. he sighed and made his way to the tool shed to fix some of them up. that woman was too excited. she would be so easy to fool and or please. just show her some ryo and a hard job she would do it as long as it wasnt bad. and she would drag oro along to either annoy him or so she wouldnt be alone. either way it didnt matter. he needed to sharpen tools and all that. he sighed when he saw the pile of tools. he sighed as he started to sharpen them. it was a loud annoying noise. kinda like love when she yelled. he chuckled. his life would be so much easier if it wasnt for love and yen. yen doing what he does and push oro around mentally while love just drags him around and hits him now and again. oro sighed when he thought about it. how much different would oro be if he did flee the village. he would be on his own, wandering as he please. but would that make him a target? he wants to explore. find himself in the massive earth we live on. well to the kage oro is just trouble,  yen sees oro as a trouble child, and love just likes to use oro as she pleases. he rubs his eyes and sighs. he looked around to try and find something else to do, he did almost all of them by now. he just grabbed one and had a grind stone sharpen on in the same area as the tools. he sighed again. manual labor wasnt where he shined. its where he failed out if he was honest. plus there wasnt something cool about sharpening tools for kids. it seemed very bad if he was honest. here kids throw these tools at a target and get good enough so you can kill when told to by the kage. thats the life we are born into. we train to kill and we die killing others. happy life. he sighed and noted he finished. next he needed to fix the arena. he yawned. what did he need to fix? he walked over slowly dreading the cleaning he will have to do and looked around. it was just dusty and what not. nothing extreme. he went and found a broom and started to sweep. it wasnt something hard but he didnt like it. it reminded him of his earlier days before the leaf. not a fun time for him. he still had the cuts and marks from those times. he sighed and looked around. he couldnt see anything else to sweep. he fixed the area and grabbed his things. he finished with the tasks that love gave to him so now he found a tree and sat under it, taking a nap as he heard love walking around. he sighed and mumbled cruses in his sleep. 

wc 501, twc 2960
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:42 pm
After taking a brief moment to look for Oro and not finding him she began painting the academy's fences. He'll come and find me when he's ready to leave. She thought but on the other hand he's probably sleeping somewhere waiting for her to find him and yell. Love sighed and shook her head, he was so predictable it made herself seem predictable too. That was a bit irritating; sure she liked to follow a routine but Love was far from predictable. While working and not thinking about Oro, Love began to hum as she dipped the paintbrush into the open can of white paint. Making nice, even as possible, strokes on the chipped wood; She moved from one plank to another. As she did this Love thought that this should be implemented as a punishment for the academy delinquents.

Not that she had a problem doing this job, she just thought community service was the best way to get back at slackers. Especially when they graduate and see that they can get paid for doing something they dreaded. Seeing people who refuse to put their ego aside, in situations like this, always made Love smile. Simple idiots. As she worked and hummed, Love could hear children off in the distance playing "ninja". She sighed; It was always a beautiful day at the academy, no matter the weather. Sure it was a school that taught children to kill but it's not like they're forced to become ninja once they graduate. I mean it only makes sense to have a village full of people who know basic self defense tactics. Besides who wouldn't want to protect the place they lived?

Love pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. It's not like the world was suddenly going to become peaceful overnight, even if it did there would always be at least one person filled with rage and chaos and a need for destruction. Love stood from her crouched position in front of the fence to view her work, satisfied she would move on to the next tattered fence. She would even skip while slightly changing locations. There weren't many fences to repaint so after about 15 minutes Love was finished. She ran back to the shed where she would clean the paintbrush and replace it and the paint where she got it from. "Now to find Oro." She said aloud, as she instantly began checking trees for him. Not a minute later she found the male sleeping as predicted.

"Would you rather sleep or eat?" She asked standing over him in a way that allowed her to see his face but the sun would be shining in his. In a fairly good mood Love would extend her hand to him to help him up. Whether or not he accepted the invitation Love was going to go have lunch. Once fed they would head to the village gates to finish the final mission, claim their mission rewards, and then Love would be off to hang out with her friends that, despite what Oro might think, really existed.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:37 pm
he heard her come. he sighed. he should either insult him or say something rude. "id rather sleep." he said plainly. "i dont eat much." he said yawning. he sighed. then heard her start to walk away. as luck would have it oro was alone. the quiet was his only joy he had now a days. nothing beats it. he remember a quote he read once. 'life is pain, so is death'. he thought about it. life does have a lot of hard ships. plenty. so much some people dont remember them all. some have very little. and then when we die what happens. what ever. he didnt care. he laid there and waited. love would come get him once she was done. the more oro was with love the more he knew love doesnt know how it feels to truly be alone. but she doesnt need to. she has her own pains. her own suffering. like everyone else. he opened his eyes and looked at his hand. they where soft and warm. why. some are rough and cold. why was his soft and warm. he stood up and yawned. "fuck it." he said going to find love.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:04 pm
Love hadn't gotten that far from the academy. Yes she was hungry but she wasn't starving so she didn't run. Love smiled to passing villagers as she pondered what to have for lunch. "Hmm.. ramen or barbeque?" She asked herself, placing her left hand on her face. Her thumb, index finger, and middle finger standing up with her ring finger and pinky bent, resting under her lip. Her right hand cupped her left elbow as she stood in the middle of the street, trying to make a decision before walking any further. "Ramen might be the better option, I don't want to be too full for dinner." She mumbled. Love could be quite indecisive when it came to food. If need be she would play eeny, meeny, miny, moe to decide; Childish but effective.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Thu Dec 01, 2016 12:50 pm
orokana walked up to love and put his arm around her waist as she thought about her lunch. "hi cutie" he said as he looked at her. he thought she would hit him. or push him. something violent. "come here often?" he said with a smirk. he just wanted a reaction from her is all. would be funny to see her freak out. or maybe this is the moment she confesses her love to him, by beating him to death.
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