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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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trader woes and foes (contract) Empty trader woes and foes (contract)

Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:25 am
The eyes of a thief never fall’s short of its prey. In fact the eyes are always held tight and firm on the goal ahead of them. The very fabric of “what yours is mine” exists in every thief.  As for this each thief has a motto they live by. Their very words resounding through their minds. Till even then they are convinced by the very foundation of what they stand upon. A rough and rugged reality to wake up to from the eyes of the common man. There lay a complex dark network. Which like the world pertains balance for the world. No deed too good. No deed too dark. Only the punishment and rewards that follow.
Yet there was honor among a thief. This was truly what separated the thief from a scoundrel. The mere actions of a thief is a slap on the wrist and perhaps prison. The scoundrel often being the dirt under the ground. Were the mere embodiment of the black market. Hidden even from the eyes of normal shinobi. The scoundrels running amuck like rats. Yet many were far less than rats. Their morals long since gone. As their humanity still persisted. The sound of money from a fool stupid enough to stumble into the dark alleys. Were often found hours later tied up and gagged. Their valuables picked clean like bones from vultures.
Then lay the ones whispered as rumors. The very life blood of scoundrels and thieves. Their own worst nightmares walking among the roof tops and being ransacked at random for ransom. These were the ninjas whom cold and selfish. Abandoned their duties, or were trained in time and managed to escape. For these fellas their simple days were like taking cash at dawn for a morning walk. Where a thief would be tactical. The missing ninja would with relative ease. As if second nature they would be found with piles of cash. Their greed like fine wine. And their freedom vast. Their caution naturally lay with the teams of ninjas and trained hunters coming after them. The low tier ones taking time to learn while higher tiered ones merely watched the others of less value. Like sheep herders. Taking as they wished.
Xuba was not particularly known.  The con man none the wiser either as infamous actions sing of many different notable traces. Say from a missing traveler, or merchants. Unless hidden of course. Then speculation spreads throughout the land where the ears of the curious, and the bold hear thoroughly. Only if careless. For Xuba this was not the case. He kept up a guise between a good and bad guise. His identity shrouded in mystery and speculation through mysterious disappearances.
All linked by a double life of a man whom would play the thief and the patroller. Sometimes he would rat out another thief of their exploits to keep his tracks covered. And other times he would keep under guise for weeks at a time. Wandering the very roads in which his exploits were known as highway robberies. Instead of utilizing a straight forward name he took to the art of deception. Allowing his own name to be tainted in a web of suspicion to the ones who put their ears to the ground.  As xuba domed his jacket of a fake leaf shinobi, and took the headband of the leaf village his goal was clear. It was time to take on the larger goal at hand.
The papers pinned up loosely by the hopeful thieves that glanced at them wistfully. Yet confident they had better chances threatening a shinobi village ninja and living. Than surviving some of the contracts. Although it was not unusual to see. Xuba easily robbed a traveler. Leaving him for dead. Yet hiding the evidence. Like a good missing shinobi should. The mere fact he was far above the common thief in both skill, and grace was apparent by how he held himself. Even should they all gang up on the xuba. Their fates and the mere idea of victory was as bleak as the man surviving in a desert.
A few thieves tried to bump pass xuba, but were soon found more concerned over their missing teeth and blue bruises among their knees. Unable to bend them. Thus xuba returned to keeping a steady eye on the foolish individuals whom after giving a curious glance. They quickly looked sheepish as xuba tilted his head towards the thieves crying as they leaned against shacks or sat in mud. Sadden by their weakness. Xuba turned back over towards the board in the light as the low lives stared at his back.
Contracts were an interesting way to make money. To take one’s own work in their hands and go out with a task in hand. The income may not seem of value, but even a missing shinobi and criminals had their own to take care of. The sounds of travelers caught xubas attention as he studied their movements. His grey eyes scanned the crowds. The traders and such were simple robberies as they could easily be pick pocketed. But his eyes were on the bigger fish.
The many merchants that decided to travel as a group were a larger fish to fry. The money that follows the merchants was definitely nothing to sniff at either. Easy cash for the deft of hand and the patient individual. This was definitely rewarding if one could make use of the traveling bands. However not everything was rosy and simple. Where the money large sums of money flow lay’s there comes risk and reward. The risk was much greater than robbing a simple traveler. For in simple bands of these merchants there could easily be what many missing ninja call “Duds”. Duds were what got a thief well known into the disappearing act which in the dark world. If one disappears then there is a good chance they were apprehended in some way of sorts.
 It were these dud’s that made xuba take his time in selecting his caravan. Amid training and keeping up his health. There was also the concept that as long as he was careful with his work and keeping safe. His results were not too far off. Through the time of his careful work with weeding into the hearts of each caravan in question xuba gained quite a bit of muscle while keeping his lean features. The work at hand enabled xuba to slowly work the merchants to call him one of the best at keeping up with his work. Although their work was simple.
Every now and then caravans were of an interesting concept. They required quite a bit of work at the time of completing. Then there were other factors as well as guards and even armed merchants in the question. It was not uncommon to find out a merchant was really a shinobi in guise to weed out the missing ninja or their subordinates.  The inter works of the robbery world takes a lot of work and preparation. That includes picking out the targets and even waiting patiently for the opportune events to turn. It wasn’t unusual to find an missing ninja dead in a ditch because they did not realize that their moment of striking also lead to a watchful village ninja or merc’s with their name in the book. But the more successful thieves learned from the get go that blending into the group and manipulating their temporary guides was the easiest way to gain money quickly.
In xubas case it was a risk worth taking for money is better than none. And he had many uses for the supplies and other luxuries in question. In this case xuba took to placing up his services as a handy man on a simple mission. In the shopping areas it was not hard to come by as the merchants that traveled in groups preferred a hire at hand to enable safe passage. From guide of the borders and it’s ways to offering far tales of his encounters with various scoundrels and thieves. His body build seemed to leave one to question his tales. While not bulging muscles xuba had a body of a well fit man. Surprisingly strong for a man of his stature and quick.
The works of waiting and advertising expertise was to be expected. It took time to build up the work. As his work was slow and peaceful approach. He began by doing short village trips and such small errands by building up his trustworthiness between the tiny villages and small workers. Under the name of tatamursa uneo after growing out his hair a bit. xuba kept his real name secret and hence would build up the falsified wall of lies and maintain his characteristic. A slow, but painstakingly effective way to keep himself under a guise and way to effectively erase his steps. In due time his work was effectively accepted after months of working in small labor. His chance arose to the occasion.
Xuba was more than glad to have his work accepted as it allowed him to take the job at hand. For this one had a few minor areas to go to before hitting a major area.  Hence by the group's schedule xuba had a time frame to meet before taking out his payment. It was a question of subtle work now and misdirection. The dishonest work of a thief was apparent but to the one in question it was also a way to slenderize not only a nation, but also a persona. Leaving the word to eventually go out that a person by a certain name may not reach large ears. But even enough microscopic cracks in a sword can show that wear and tear is apparent.
To his new clients and his next bank roll they were a tidy group. Nice and well knitted. Between several merchants whom were convinced that their all-time helper was capable to be a scapegoat should a road thief should make the appearance. This was where xuba took to account that his guise would be appropriate in bright colors and holding out from his konoha guise for now. Instead he took to some of the more extravagant low clothing he could wearing bright colors as the guide to remain as a stick out in the crowds of many. Standing out as a man of both style and holding to his occasion.
The merchant band leader had an accent about him. His policy as xuba noted was even to the hires he kept his work secret and the location for his earnings an even greater secret. Yet by studying him a bit xuba had a couple ideas to where his income would be amounting. With the second man he was easily an inexperienced that in time took to traveling with the leader of the merchant band, although learning his ways and all his way of handling the trade was honest despite expensive. The third man was shifty although by the looks of it he was merely a quiet man. He kept his sells small and anonymous to the naked eye, but there was no denying that his ability to pitch a good price and make a good living off sales and profit was effective. The man kept the careful approach. Taking to staying in the back where as xuba learned that even on small trips he was a shy individual and a coward at heart. Unlike the second man being skittish. Signs of conflict would send this man fleeing. As he was what was known as a “squeal” to the missing ninja world. Although he was good at hiding it.
Taking in the gentleman xuba under his tatamursa impersonation took kindly to the news. Offering assistance to ordering and the easy method to allowing him to scape in the case of even being attacked. The plans were easy to make in a convincing nature since it was really xuba to do the thievery and it was easy to make it uncertain. Pouring over the maps for planning xuba took to the reading and studying the route. It was fairly straightforward as he noted. Cross referencing the map he noted three to four points where he needed to be careful. Especially around the smaller villages. So his work was going to be cut out for him. The goal in the end was that xuba needed to make shift safe havens for the travelers while he would supposedly scout ahead in the coming hours of dawn, mid-day, and on night patrol/watch.
Utilizing this information xuba proceeded to work with the merchants as they slowly grew more confident with their security. This was also optimal time to enable xuba to begin by setting ambushes fake ambushes and other unnerving points on his scouting trips. To lengthen the trips and the time he had to get his payment as well as eliminate the evidence of his involvement. However he noted his time frame was indeed still limited. It wouldn’t be unusual to see the merchants attempt if fearful after the many “close shaves” they would attempt to either call off the route or even rush towards the objective. Many time constraining points which if xuba would do it correctly the merchants would make a crucial mistake after being worn and exhausted  from the detouring and heavy traveling. An easy ploy to rob them blind amid anger and frustration. Especially after the long travel filled with detours and consistent scouting.
Dawn approached on the day the group and xuba took out. Keeping his pace slow he remained in the lead eyes peeled for what one would assume traps. Although his attention was beyond something so meager. Many cut purses worked in the night and further along busier highways. Consistently shifting paces and stuff. However in a caravan of stuff the cut purses knew they were under the spotlight. And hence if one escaped they were ruined. Even they had families to feed so a few were that desperate. In that meantime xuba had an idea to keep the merchants on their toes amid the travels. The road thinned as it was often after leaving such an busy area then the caravan was alone. In the end easily expo sable to the picking for xuba. Yet he waited. At the first point of agreement the caravan came to a rest at mid-day and xuba well rested and focused continued as agreed. He proceeded to run his scheduled check by telling the merchants to rest up as he would return in a few hours. Giving them an assured amount of time to rest and gather their bearings.
Taking the time and well out of sight xuba proceeded to move at a more natural pace for himself now moving with ease and grace xuba was free to use the many methods he could use to begin jeopardizing the trip for the merchants. Beginning with an simple method of finding prey xuba spotted some deer nearby and hence roadkill was a normal on the road. His work would be quiet simple to use yet his eyes spotted the very thing he would need. Lighter imprints in the ground and with a quick inspection they were of opposable toes. A nice sight for the young man as it was a seemingly confident walk that the person had.  As if they desired to see something they liked. Xuba shadowed the footsteps as he quietly traversed the land and area. He then spotted the individual in question. Rugged clothing and a heavy carefully glancing around the area quietly before the man proceeded to go deeper in the thickets of the woods. Yet there was little chance for the man to do that since xuba was hot on his trail.
My bank roll buddy
Xuba thought as he threw a shrunken in a curve aimed directly to the side of the man’s neck. (Naturally max speed and blah) the mere shock of pain came over the man’s face as he fell to the ground and proceeded to howl with pain for a second or two and soon laid still. Xuba double checked as his surroundings in case of anyone seeking the man. Xubas time was running thin as he retrieved his shrunken and cleaned it then treating the man like a sack of flour xuba hoisted the man’s body and proceeded several miles up ahead. A swift cut to the man’s throat to let the stench of blood begin to stink the area as xuba made it seem as if the guy stumbled out of the wood work throat slashed. He then proceeded up the road and found a stream to clean his hands and weapons properly. The dirty work finished now came the easy part.
Xuba finishing his work proceeded up the path and dampened his forehead. Making sure to lighten and heavy each and every step he took to make the tracks confusing. This overall in the end enabled xuba to keep his work in a sense confusing. As it takes a good eye even for a merchant to find that something is up, giving off an impression of sweat. An hour and a half had passed and xuba was on a tight schedule as he made it seem like the idea of cold sweat was poured down his body. He proceeded up to a brisk jog and made it back in very little time looking as if he came back with news and sputtering.
“up ahead, dead man, seems like he was slain recently”
Xuba spoke after seemingly regaining his composure. The merchant leader to his pleasure looked slightly unsettled at the news but then thought about the time he would lose. He turned to the other two and considered their options with the other two seemingly visually shaken. The group began to raise their voice with the leader speaking to calm the two men as he merely to the other two discomfort suggested that they should press the pace and attempt to keep the momentum and travel into the deepest night and find a quick safe haven. This would also leave xuba with less time to scout ahead. However, xuba did not mind. He got the merchants exactly where he needed them. Questioning and a bit more cautious.
The group passed the dead body as the stench of blood filled the travelers noses xuba placed his clothing to his nose to mock blocking the smell as the merchants looked aghast at the man. Half slumped in a fetal position in a ditch.  The blood looked fresh from the stab as it seeped into the dirt leaving a red tint to the dirt.. As they noted xuba’s footsteps being apparent coming from the bushes. And lighter footsteps heading away from the site.  The merchants slowed to a stop as the three discussed over the noticeable reveal of a dead man and footsteps. Where the first merchant saw it as an omen. The second and third one were optimistic over protection from a major village. Although the leader pointed out that such a trip would cost way too much and they would lose more than they would gain. The three growing sick of the heavy smell of iron from blood loss as flies would become attracted to the man’s body. The three pressed onward. Slowing down their progression as they bickered and argued over the concerns. Of attackers striking in the night. Left the men to constantly bicker among themselves and grumble. The sense of danger was real as they even tossed an accuization that “tatamursa” should’ve just reported back. But in that sense the merchants dismissed the thought of it. Since when does a helper just work for so long to get loyalty and then strike?
Xuba looked as if he was more cautious now but was enjoying the conflict brewing from the men as they slowly drew themselves into a worry spell. The rear man taking the problem very far and stopping repeatedly to change his mind with going on the straight path, and then offering an option of detours. This also enabled xuba to keep the men on a leash with dense wooding. Where they could fall is where xuba exceled as it was expected. One who lived long enough on the roads and out of stupefying luxury often gained this sense.
Xuba kindly agreed to the idea of detours bringing up that while there would be less time there would be no way of telling how much time would be lost mid detour but at least it would be safer than staying on a main path. Plus damages to wares were always in the question. The merchants looked back and forward amid each other as the leader continued to lose confidence in the main road. Glancing at the side of the roads in concern. The closest bend was at least several miles away. And hiding in the wooded area allowed less of a chance to being hunted.  That was of course with the exception of xuba.
The group upon reaching the bend by late evening was exhausted. The merchants taking a big scare mid their travel were feeling the effects of stress beginning to eat at the poor merchants as they rested for the night. The night for xuba was easily restful as for the merchants they were restless. Their hands clutched to their money for safety in a parting gift, but this xuba knew was a time of danger. They needed comfort. As he occasionally rose for the patrol xuba would quietly sneak back to the camp to watch over their sleeping bodies like a hawk. In other times of the night xuba would go and hunt down animals and leave them hanging by their intestines along the makeshift path. A very savage approach for the common man. Yet xuba assured he had plenty of rest was the first to rise and check for the clear to make sure the way was clear.
The merchants were beyond themselves in disgust and fright as they continued on the road of site. The hanging animals frightened them to no end as they now began to even consider their own skins for the safety. The merchants spent more time arguing then traveling as the third man was confident he was through with the expedition and was setting up to leave. Yet this was where even xuba and the other two men struggling with getting their wares free from the thickets struggled. The men barely made it to the main road by night as xuba considered it was time to get rid of the “squeal.” The mere thought that stopped the young man from even imparting on such an action and stayed his hand was the hope that the man would pull it together and stop his complaining. For as quiet as the man seemed to be he was most defiantly proving to be a headache.
Perhaps this guy would make for a good example as well to the rest of these numbskulls. Boy, if he continues ill properly roast him over the campfire for the better of the use of his voice. My tolerance is waning fast may the gods keep him safe through the night.
However the “squeal” gathered his barring. The drive for his selling was apparent as through the night he kept murmuring over his wife and family. In the eyes of xuba he would’ve considered about killing him. Giving him a single night to get his barring’s before deciding to drop down the axe on the final chapter of this man’s life. He was considerate in a sense. But broken men reveal too much and hence too much info can easily get out into investigating a person. These cross references were not easy to avoid. So xuba stayed his hand momentarily. Playing it smart xuba decided to see if he could in fact handle the stress. Or was the man ready to commit to the dirt as his processors have.  It was an easy bank roll to make over in the end. As the sooner this man broke the better.
That night xuba upon the false patrols proceeded to train in the darkness. His anticipation apparent as he practiced strikes in the dark. The trees were like the merchants. All ready and willing to part with their cash. And xuba gladly ready and willing to take the cash with ease. This overall in the end was exactly what xuba needed. His striking power increased to the point where he was certain that with a little pushing he could strike with the force of the wind alone. A clenched fist as xuba struck with all of his might and heart. Thus resulted in an ever steadily increasing breeze coming up. The night was still young as xuba had completed hundreds of punches and sweat pouring down his brow. He finally had the strength to gain many things. In the end it was to his pleasure that the leaves began to shift at each strike.
 I am getting close. Very close.
Xuba thought as he called it a night and proceeded back towards the camp. The night sky was star filled as he considered it was soon time to get rid of his clients. As long as they would not risk blowing his cover in the end. This was why xuba waited for so long. As there were many risks to the act of taking out a caravan. This however, was as simple as it could get anything can go wrong as xuba knew. Which was the very thing xuba was prepared for. The camp embers were low when xuba arrived back from his patrols. The smooth silent breathing of each merchant was calm. And xuba even considered what it would be like to not be the way he was. But it was for a moment. Perhaps a moment of weakness as it dawned on him to grab some sleep. Xuba was not the most certain himself.
Dawn came too soon as xuba looked groggy. His limbs sore, but soon enough he was fine. The merchant band pro ceded upon double time as they lost a whole day of traveling from their mishaps. In the end by the end of the day the merchants were back at arguing. Over riding through the night to stay ahead and well on schedule. Or to hold sales back by staying a few days less. It was a hard study amid the three, by the end of the day xuba was irritated at the group as their arguing consisted well into the night as xuba proceeded back to ridding himself of the group. Yet he only stared at the flames till the men went to sleep. His thoughts were simple as it remained. He had gotten tired of his money simply sitting there for the taking. So it would be to very little surprise that his thoughts of taking money from the lifeless corpses was running fresh in xubas mind.
 The night fell like an endless weight of darkness as the merchants shivered near the fire. Xuba stared at the flames win thought as even will breaking the methods were incredibly effective on the mere merchants. The dying embers cloaked the night as the men fell asleep. All save for xuba who remained at the smoldering embers.  The moon remained obscured by clouds and xuba began to go on the nightly patrol. Remaining stealthy he doubled back around the campsite as the animals slept. Xuba proceeded to pull out his kunai and with a bleary eye the shy man looked up to see a dark shadow. Not a word escaped his mouth as there was a swift cut from xuba and like the reaper he took the man’s life as easily as reaping wheat from the field. A silent assassination done and clean in call as the man was left dead. A ghost of fear and confusion on his face. Into the night xuba ran silently and quickly carrying the man’s corpse. He gutted the man in a bloody mess and left his still heart behind a tree on the outside of the road. Then xuba hung the body of the merchant with little regard by his intestines and wrote on the tree in the man’s blood.
With a stream nearby xuba proceeded to clean off his bloodied hands and weapons. The stream now being a clear friend of xuba’s. He proceeded to head back to the camp the two merchants fast asleep in their tents as xuba stood watch over the men like a hawk. He considered killing them for their money as well. But then decided against it. He wanted the thrill of the hunt in this cat and mouse game. Yet the night was still young. Xuba proceeded out into the forest. As he spotted a clearing. The darkness was truly fitting in the low light environment as he counted the ryo he collected from the now dead man. A satisfied sigh escaping his mouth as it was quite a lot of ryo.
Hm roughly a thousand. Not too shabby. Nonetheless the man payed his dues. The last of the two shall get a special surprise of course. Now then how much more were these traders hoping to get this working? I guess it was for a small business running of sorts. Easy money either way.
 Xuba thought as he glanced around the clearing taking in everything. Xuba considered his work as both a job of dark deeds but the adrenalin pumped through his veins from his kill. He needed to let loose steam and vent up energy. So he proceeded to train in the dark. The wind was still as he could not loose concentration. He was aware of everything around him. Like the night prowler on the hunt. Xuba looked back towards the camp sight and had his heart ready and willing for his next set of ryo to spend. It was truly promising. A decent list of thing came to xubas mind as he slowly proceeded back from the clearing. Yet his enhanced senses caught a disturbance. The very fact he was followed towards the clearing by a foolish man. A very scared and foolish man. The person in question hid into the shadows of the trees. Controlled breathing yet there was a shaking in the breathing that betrayed his presence. Xubas grey eyes turned towards the tree line as he spotted a movement in the shadows.
It was here where he spotted the shadow of the first man. Visibly shaken as he spotted xuba. The man looked back of towards the direction of the traveling carriage with a look of fear and confusion. His hands were red as he looked towards xuba and shakily spoke. Fear riddled his voice as now he saw that there was indeed blood on the place where the third man slept a cry of fear escaped the man’s lungs waking the second man and causing the second man to stumble out of his bedding. The man man bolted towards the back of the carriage and discovered the third man had vanished. A trail of blood in his wake.
The first man in sheer terror ran off in fear towards the river and it was then that xuba knew that the hunt was on.  The man had bolted for the river and xuba was hot on his trail as xuba closed in on him he could be heard by the second man shouting “wait.” And hence scooping up a basketball sized rock from the ground xuba hurled the rock. Throwing it like a baseball aimed at the man’s head. The merchant saw black as he felt his head explode in pain. Till there was a void of nothingness that even money on its own could not avoid nor fill. The first man’s body slumped over merely 200 meters from the clearing to the river. But the dark soaking blood that spewed from his head was nothing to sniff at. Xuba proceeded to search the man and after some searching decided that the man instead of holding the cash on his person had it in the caravan. Xuba proceeded back towards the caravan and after searching through the first man’s area for a while he found his reward. An easy money maker of an additional 1,000 ryo tucked away in a tiny chest under his wares. The boisterous man had no need of it any way as he was deceased. So xuba easily took to the collecting of his reward.
It was at this time the second man returned shaken and frightened as he saw xuba. Xuba stared back and the man was at a loss of words. He tried to keep a coherent speech yet there was only a squeal that escaped the man’s mouth as he motioned in a frantic motion. His body shaking as by the looks of it xuba figured he found the third man long since dead. The man proceeded towards the river and xuba quietly waited. There was footsteps rapidly coming as the second man soon after rand back towards xuba frantic he jumped and readied his horses. This xuba would not accept as he picked up the man and threw him like a rag doll against a tree.  A resounding crack could be heard. As the man had his breath knocked out of him. Thus now xuba walked back and forward like a lion as the man groggily got up dazed. He drew a knife and xuba raised an eye brow. A mere punch with astounding speed came from xuba creating a large vacuum of wind. The man was slammed back through the trees behind him as xuba proceeded as he was a broken mess and the light was leaving his eyes xuba threw a second punch as the punch created a nice deep crater under the man and he was still, cold and most definitely dead.
Why do they always consider it is wise to get aggressive… ah well time to pick up my last bit of money I assume…
Xuba thought as he picked up the man’s body and carried him back to the caravan. Tossing it into his own caravan xuba proceeded to collect the other bodies and their remains with little problem. The cleaning was not necessary as xuba used his own bare hands instead to simply get rid of the merchants.  And placing each one in their own caravan. Then with a quick scouring xuba found the second mans’1,000 ryo in a secret compartment near where he sat. with a lit up stick xuba proceeded to burn the caravans each one by one eliminating the wares and effectively the bodies and any identification they had.
Market day has been canceled…
Xuba thought as he proceeded back through the forest and through the town. His work was suddenly that much easier as it was completed. Thus by dawn the next day messengers of the missing caravan were still wondering where their cargo was, and despite the search it was almost impossible to determine the death of the men if found. One looked assassinated, another was broken, and finally the last was gutted. Though the flesh was all burned off and long since rotted away into skeletons. Once found there was little to connect xuba to the crime at hand.  The mere word was soon hushed as the very people that knew this disappeared without a trace leaving a seemingly blank grounds in which soon enough there was only speculation deep fried in conspiracy. The mere works of the missing ninja making sure their impact in the world went by unnoticed by the larger organizations.
Like all small time shinobi the missing ninjas had to work as a group. And xuba was merely one of the guys in search of a quick income. High risk for the mere fact that if failed that the poor missing shinobi would in fact be wiped like the rest of the unfortunate victims.  Truly fitting for such criminals who fail such an simple task. To stain the missing ninja name with failures. Although this proved simply that xuba was not one of these failures.
3k ryo
+10 stats
4,300 to evening elephant

1,700k to white heavens

Last edited by Xuba Xixisis <3 on Tue Apr 04, 2017 3:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:55 am
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Tue Apr 04, 2017 3:09 pm
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Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:44 pm
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trader woes and foes (contract) Empty Re: trader woes and foes (contract)

Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:22 pm

Approved <3
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