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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK] Empty Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK]

Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:33 pm
A new day, a new technique to train. Since his time spent meeting a new student in the village and learning powerful techniques he is now falling a bit behind on some of the finer techniques that he overlooked. Still taking up residence at the earth chakra school he has begun to regularly visit his family now that he has come to terms with himself. His mother worries about him still, but she won’t beg for him to move back home. She says that she understands the shinobi path...she does not like it, but she nevertheless gave her blessing to Miyamoto to continue with his life goal and path. Miyamoto of course kept her in the dark about the stuff he did on missions as he was sworn to do, of course he also did it because he did not want his mother to know what he had done. He performed his normal duties around the school; training, meditation, reading old text, and listening to the masters teach with the same amount of effort that he put in every day. At night is when he set out for his more intensive training. He would meet up with two former classmates that were Chuunin and placed in different teams, but they were some of his only friends even though they were older. Makkuro Kanzo the genjutsu specialist, and Daichiro Inuzuka a taijutsu and medical specialist that belonged as a reminder of the great old clans that still remained in the world.

They met at the Tachibaka Wildlife Reserve, setting up an area where they all could train away from the prying eyes of the village. Tonight though only Daichiro showed up with his companion wolf Fang. As Miyamoto walked into the clearing he only saw the muscular teenager with his canine by slender rays of moonlight that seemed to cast few shadows as to make the coming night of training even more intense. Miyamoto popped his knuckles as he stopped within one meter from his friend, watching the pair closely Miyamoto began to mimic them as they began to circle each other. The three of them constantly entering and exiting the slender beams of light as their breath even as slight as it was, was the only thing that filled their ears. When Miyamoto finally got to his original position he saw that Fang was no longer with Daichiro. With eyes widened, Miyamoto gave a slight grin as Fang burst forth from the brush just behind Miyamoto in the darkness. Unable to dodge Miyamoto was caught as Fang bit into his left shoulder with the jump carrying their combined weight forward. Daichiro was eager and the opening his companion brought him served its purpose as he brought his knee up to meet Miyamoto in his face which sent him falling back to his original spot. With a tumble Miyamoto rolled back with the momentum before springing himself up and with a single flip he landed back onto the beginning spot as he wiped the blood from his busted lip, the same smirk still gracing his face.

“Still chomping at the bit eh wolf boy?” Miyamoto said in a teasing tone as he pulled his cloak from his body as he flung it to a tree as he did each night.

“Still kicking your ass no matter how many times you heal yourself boy wonder.” Daichiro said as Fang gave a low growl.

The trio, locked in a combat to see who would be the first to concede has so far gone 14-13 in favor of Miyamoto currently. Miyamoto took the lead this time as he performed the Shadow Clone Technique and launched a simultaneous attack of the Leaf Gale and Leaf Whirlwind at his targets. Fang easily avoided the attacks as Daichiro set-up to perform a substitution technique, but was too slow as Miyamoto caught him in the flurry of blows causing him to tumble off into the shadows. Fang leapt at the spot where Miyamoto and his shadow clone had stopped, only to have a caught the clone defending Miyamoto as the clone pulled the canine off of him and then got into an attacking stance. Miyamoto did the same as a thin haze of dust filled the beam of moonlight, no sound, but Miyamoto knew that Daichiro was not out...he too backed into the darkness looking for a new strategy as Fang decided to stay his ground and not press on to attack which was something that Miyamoto had not yet seen.

“Always full of surprising new tactics boy wonder, it is like you saw it out of a manga.” Daichiro spoke trying to goad Miyamoto.

A chuckle from Miyamoto would betray his position, so Miyamoto remained quiet as he tried to widen his range of vision as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He was refraining from using the Mind Eye technique as he wanted to be able to beat the wolf boy Daichiro at his own game. It was not long before the next wave of attacks came out of the darkness, the very flash of each boy’s forehead protector was the only giveaway that there was even bodies in the darkness. The almost rhythmic thumping as each hit was parried, deflected, or even if they hit it was only a fraction of a second as each moved with such an intensity that even Fang had trouble discerning which flash was whom by sight. After a few seconds a thud causing the ground to billow up with dust as the outcome was decided. Miyamoto walked out into the moonlight as Fang jumped towards him, making Miyamoto dodge and use the added weight technique to cause Fang to become rooted upon landing. With heavy breath Miyamoto walked to Daichiro and offered him his hand to get up. Daichiro took his hand and slowly rose up as he held his left rib area.

“That was a good fight Moto...I concede for now…” Daichiro said wincing through speech.

“Good, because I did not want to have to go all out, you need more practice dog breath…” Miyamoto retorted with similar heavy breathing.

With a couple of hand seals Miyamoto canceled the added weight technique as the forest grew quiet again. The two of them collapsed to their asses as they shared a good laugh, the scene was as if ripped from some buddy style manga that was sold in most bookstores. Miyamoto looked through the Mind Eye of Kagura, noting that both Daichiro and Fang both seemed to be a bit on the weak side of things as if they were both injured severely. Neither showed signs physically except for the wincing which was normal for the pair after a fight. After a few minutes of silence and recoup Miyamoto stood up as he stretched for a couple of seconds.

“Alright now let’s move on to some actual ninjutsu training...I know you are lacking in that department.” Miyamoto teased as Daichiro stood hesitantly but without question.

“Very Well wonder boy, let me see if you can dodge my attacks as well. I have not been slacking off I will have you know.” Daichiro said as he got into a fighting stance once more.

Miyamoto started off by making a shadow clone then launching two consecutive lava flings towards Daichiro. The boy was able to dodge the stinging projectiles as they hit a tree and began to slowly melt the bark and wood. Miyamoto grabbed his clone by the arm and spun him around before launching him directly at Daichiro as a feint. As the clone was mid flight however Fang would leap up to bite the ankle of the clone as it was brought down Miyamoto executed the Flying Stone technique causing dirt to spray up as the explosion sent projectiles towards Daichiro. The target however, was out of sight as Miyamoto waited for the dust to settle. He looked around almost frantically only to spy him high in a tree clutching his side. Miyamoto was about to set off another series of attacks before seeing Fang, Daichiro’s companion standing in front of the tree as guard. Only one eye open as he was covered in dirt, as it looked like Fang took the brunt of the attack and Miyamoto scratched his head before going up to the loyal companion of his friend.

“I am sorry I did not notice earlier bud, you are just protecting that knucklehead aren’t you?” Miyamoto asked as he gathered up chakra in his right hand.
“Don’t worry I won’t hurt you at all or your master. This will fix some problems you guys are having.” Miyamoto said as he heard Fang’s growls subside.

Miyamoto laid his right hand on Fang’s face as the wounds he had sustained began to heal up and soon his closed eye opened and looked healthy again. Miyamoto kept up his concentration as he pet the loyal dog, slowly healing the wounds that he had sustained. He then looked up to Daichiro and motioned him down , and after a few minutes of seeing Fang coming back to his usual self Daichiro shimmied down the tree with ease as Miyamoto held out his hand to shake Daichiro’s as he fed chakra to the hand. When Daichiro shook it he would push healing chakra to him so that his wounds would heal. Thankfully nothing was broken from what Miyamoto could tell but after a few minutes it seemed as though Daichiro was back to his usual scrappy self.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK] Empty Re: Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK]

Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:32 pm
The night training with Daichiro left Miyamoto looking for new ways to fight. He found that while not being as fast as most shinobi he could take a lot of damage without ever really feeling the effects or any long term issues with fighting. The realization that he was still susceptible to genjutsu was an eye opener however, not having picked up the skill while at the academy left him upset and feeling a bit down. He did do some more practicing against genjutsu as he trained with other practitioners of the art, finding flaws and ways to get around certain techniques.

Miyamoto found that to be able to find his way out of the techniques he found himself trapped in, or beginning to feel were set upon him that it was imperative that his body's natural chakra be as large if not larger than his opponents. He read all day as it had been a full week since his sparring match with Daichiro, and today’s match was with Makkuro, the one the villagers referred to as the lorekeeper due to his bookish nature. Tonight he would put all of what he researched into finding a way to beat Makkuro’s genjutsu and defeating him before he could trap him with something more powerful.

As the moonlight shined through his window Miyamoto geared up for the spar of the evening. He made sure not to take any weapons besides his ninjato, knowing he would not need it, but it was better to go prepared than to go without any line of defense, or offense for that matter. Leaving by way of the window he would sneak out of the courtyard and out into the village streets as he would make his way easily to the entrance of the wildlife reserve. Finding the trail he would follow it until the traps would begin to go off. One a pitfall, the other a pitfall, the next...a pitfall. He stopped as he reached the potential next trap as he took in a deep breath and pushed out with his chakra while making the tiger seal to activate the genjutsu release as he stood at the edge of a pitfall trap three meters in diameter.

“Clever, even for you book boy...activating a trap while I am on the edge of falling into another seemingly deadlier trap. Don’t you worry, once I find are gonna be in a world of hurt.” Miyamoto would say as he would begin to fall before activating the surface walking technique and walking around the edge of the trap to the other side. Once topside he would continue the trail until he reached the massive twenty meter high wall he erected less than a week ago.
“Funny how learning a simple technique can change a landscape so much…” He started to say as he noticed the vines that began to climb the walls already. It made him think of how he had branched out from his family’s shadow how far will Miyamoto go. His goals seemed as if like this wall, that he was never going to reach the top.
“I will not give up, I will raise myself over this wall, to become the absolute best of my family name.” He finished as he walked into the practice place that they had all made. The same spot he fought Daichiro earlier that week.

As he stood in the center of the area, the wooded area ahead was dark, and showed no signs of life. It was both odd, and calming as Miyamoto figured he might be caught in another genjutsu, but had yet to try and find a way out. Then as the silence broke with the hoots of owls as they began to appear in swarms in the trees made Miyamoto smile...that was just like Makkuro to use his own signature when using genjutsu. Miyamoto knew that the owls of this village looked more native to the forested areas rather than that of an arctic region, the coloration was completely different as Miyamoto finally spoke as he broke free of the genjutsu, Makkuro in front of him with a sword drawn and pointing at Miyamoto.

“Gotta remember not to stick with creatures of the air when using an show your hand too much bird brain.” Miyamoto said as he drew his ninjato and took in the scenery as a cold wind blew through the forest.
“So let us see who has progressed the most during our training…” Makkuro said, it reminded Miyamoto of himself and Ayato as his head became clear.

The flash of the blade as the sound of metal striking metal rung out in the air. Both Miyamoto and Makkuro were locked in fierce match of strength, Miyamoto currently struggling due to how Makkuro had infused his own chakra into the swing making it tough to stand against. His hand reaching out to punch him only to be caught by Makkuro as the two seemed to be locked in a tense stalemate. After a few minutes of trading ground, Miyamoto reeled back his hand before finally gaining an edge as he dodged Makkuro’s attack to parry the blade. A breath of relief escaped his lungs as he launched back towards the opening of the earth wall.

He pointed his ninjato at Makkuro, who had already begun his counter attack as he had launched a surprise attack using his wind chakra. It left Miyamoto with little options but to dodge, roll, or speed out of the way. After a few minutes of dodging Miyamoto finally looked to Makkuro with a smile on his face.

“My turn…”

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK] Empty Re: Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK]

Mon Dec 11, 2017 6:47 pm
As the night went on he eventually defeated Makkuro, but not without a few cuts and bruises. The two stood there winded and at the last bit of their strength. Miyamoto, however, did not want to give up, he activated the Temple of Hephaestus technique and began to charge at his friend, and just before his strike Makkuro raised his hand in submission. The fight was over, and as such Miyamoto fell onto his ass and deactivated the technique.

"Damn...that was...that was a long night, I don't wanna do that again," Miyamoto said as Makkuro laughed and agreed before falling back and laying on the ground completely spent. The two laughed before passing out from exhaustion. Once Miyamoto woke up he yawned before looking around to find he was the only one around in the area. "Well damn, guess he had somewhere to be," Miyamoto said before standing up, his body had healed during his sleep, but to make sure he was fresh he made sure to use Yin Healing Wound Destruction to completely make sure he was ready to go. Today he was finally going to master the Boil Release, a smile spread across his face as steam rose from his lips. He was getting excited, and his body reacted accordingly as his chakra levels became elevated.

He found an area where he could fill an old stump like a basin to hold water. Once he did he sat before it and began to meditate on the actual properties of getting water to boil.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK] Empty Re: Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK]

Tue Dec 12, 2017 6:21 pm
Miyamoto sat there in the forest alone, no one to bother him here.  Ayato never returned to the place...and it was pointless to try and locate him now as he has eluded him with every attempt to find him.  Meditating on the task at hand, learning to use the last of his bloodline...the boil release.  The unique bloodline of the Terumi allowed for a dual release of elements, pushing past the natural bounds for normal shinobi.  Of course, there were others more powerful than that, but one can only do so much of course.  He calmy breathed as he emptied his mind of all distractions, eventually making it to inner peace as he sat among nature like a stone.

"Boiling is the rapid vaporization of a liquid, which typically occurs when a liquid is heated to a temperature such that its vapor pressure is above that of the surroundings, such as air pressure.  Thus, a liquid may also boil when the pressure of the surrounding atmosphere is sufficiently reduced, such as the use of a vacuum pump or at high altitudes.  Using natural chakra to heat and attach itself to the water, mixing it with my own chakra to cause the rapid vaporization almost instantaneously."  Miyamoto began to move his hands towards the stump in which held a basin of water before him.  He felt the energy leave his body as he tried to make sure it was in the form of heat, which had become easier since he had learned all the elements of his family bloodline.  "Just need to keep my concentration a bit more so that I can achieve this, I already feel myself so close to learning it...I just know I am."  He said to himself, more of his inner voice talking than his actual voice.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK] Empty Re: Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK]

Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:52 pm
Spending hours in the forest clearing in front of a natural bowl formation constantly kneading chakra into a tangible form finally began to yield success in the form of the water becoming easier to boil with each try. The burns on his hands and chest were from the boiling water being splashed onto him or when he decided to check to see if his training was working. He had to admit, the pain was something he had not missed about training, but it was necessary in order to know the use of any element that was under his control.

"Wait till they get a load of me." He said to himself as the wind blew through the area, causing his burns to sting. With a grimace, he shook himself to create a center once more as he breathed slowly. "In order to become the best protector that I can I need to be able to heal as much as I can take and dish out the hits." He said to himself as he began to concentrate his chakra to move throughout the whole of his body. He was finding it easier to do so the more control over his chakra he obtained. He began to feel his wounds, first healing the burns on his hands, and then his chest and neck. It felt as though the numbness soon gave way to a normal feeling as his breathing turned back to a slow movement of his chest rising and slowly.
"Piece...of...cake..." He would say between breaths as he felt the sweat begin to slowly drip down his face. The training was taking a toll on his body that he felt was needed to continue. With a clearing of his throat, he would bring the water in the basin before him to a boil again before purposefully sticking his hands into the liquid. The sting was intense, but the heat almost seemed as though it was fake. He knew it hurt, but his body was becoming accustomed to this too, just like everything else.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK] Empty Re: Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK]

Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:31 pm
Miyamoto laid there in the clearing breathing heavily as steam rolled off of his body. He had done it after only a few hours of training, taking hold of the bloodline element of the boil release will add to his arsenal and allow his water attacks to become more effective in battle. He barely had recovered from the night of training as it was, and now here he was pushing his body past its normal boundaries so that he could try and achieve the full release of his bloodline as well as train himself in medical techniques needed to keep his enemies from hurting others and those that are wounded he could save. So there he laid as he calmly collected himself, learning how to finally use the boil release that works in conjunction with his lava release was great.

It was not fifteen minutes later that he was brought back to the real world as he heard some commotion a little deeper into the wildlife reserve. With a quick jolt, he hopped up and launched himself towards the source of the noise that awoke him. Screams that seemed to be both male and female rang out and echoed, but seemed to be moving rapidly, something was off. With a quick movement, he activated the Mind Eye of the Kaguya as he scanned the area, soon finding that there were two chakra signatures of unknown origin running just east of him about two hundred and fifty feet.

"What the hell?" He said as he sped towards the chakra signatures as the sounds finally had a face to put them with. It seemed there was a young couple being chased by armor-clad assailants. "This is probably the weirdest thing to see out here..." He said as he got between the couple and the assailants and got into a defensive stance as he yelled out. "BY THE VILLAGE OF HISHIGAKURE I COMMAND YOU TO STOP!" As the two parties came to a stop Miyamoto did his best to show a stern face. "What is the issue here, why chase these two, and through the wildlife reserve no less..."

The armored individuals spoke first, looking annoyed that a child shinobi stopped them. "The lady is the one we want, she belongs to a noble family from the next village over. That man there is a thief that has stolen from the family if you are indeed a shinobi of the village of stars then aid us in the capture of the thief and the retrieval of our lady." At which the lady of the other party decided to finally speak up.
"This man is no thief, I took the goods from my family and ran...I did not want to be married off to someone I did not love, this man is the one that I love and he is innocent. Please us flee." She pleaded with Miyamoto, causing him to sigh with a sour taste in his mouth. He hated getting involved with people in power, they always wanted to use him for some reason or another.

"So to get things straight," He started while looking at the couple. "you two are madly in love, fleeing her family...looking to go where? The world is a dangerous one and if you have no direction you might as well be forfeiting your life." He said with a sigh before looking at the armored individuals. "As for you two, you are trying to either capture or kill the man and bring back the girl. I assume this will bring honor to your houses, maybe even a promotion. Or you could be lying, but then again so could they." Miyamoto finished as both parties seemed to be taken by surprise by his words. "So here is how this is going to work, I will take the couple to the village of Hoshigakure since we're so close anyway. Once we are there I can take you all to the authorities and they can sort it out so that nothing happens that might be malicious in my backyard." To which both the armored men reached for their weapons, swords at their left hips. "I would not do that if I were you...a hostile act against a village shinobi means that I can use full force against warning."

He really wished that people took his warnings seriously. As usual, the two armored men took their swords out as the woman behind Miyamoto whimpered before hearing her protest as the man stepped forward, causing Miyamoto to put his arm out to stop him. "It looks like they are being irrational for god knows what reason. Don't try to be a hero, just get going to the village. I will catch up." Miyamoto said as there was clear hesitation in the couple before finally leaving in a hurry. As the armored men took their steps toward Miyamoto, he began to remember a technique from a medical book that could help him in this situation. He had no intention of killing, and if everything went according to plan then these two would be unable to move within seconds. Performing the hand seals for body pathway derangement Miyamoto would dodge the strikes for a few minutes as they swung low and stabbed at Miyamoto, finding he was much more nimble than he looked, their mistake would cost them dearly. Miyamoto was able to get behind them both and with simple movements he was able to strike their spines, causing them to crumple to the ground as they lost their ability to move. Miyamoto fetched their blades and broke them easily as he tossed them out into the forest. "Don't worry I am taking you two with me," Miyamoto said with a smile as he was happy he was able to use the technique with ease. Picking them up he would begin to walk towards the village to put to bed this issue. Man those two were heavy as hell for the tired shinobi though.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK] Empty Re: Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK]

Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:45 pm

Curse Mark Stage 2: 5,000 WC (Free from Advent 5k Word Count Present)
Chakra Scalpel With Max Stat Discount + Advent Free WC 3,000/3000
(Remaining Advent WC:1,935)
Boil Release 1,000/1,000
Body Pathway Derangement With Max Stat discount 3,000/3,000
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK] Empty Re: Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK]

Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:33 pm
Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK] Approved
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK] Empty Re: Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK]

Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:39 pm
editing for claims as I screwed up Advent present. Claiming Advent Present for CM of Earth, change approval by Takeo before posting this
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK] Empty Re: Showdown by moonlight [P,IO,NK]

Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:40 pm
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