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A tea-filled night [Private/Hikari] Empty A tea-filled night [Private/Hikari]

Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:45 am
Christ, it was late. What time was it? 3 am? 2 am? The Hiyu didn't know, but he needed a walk right now, hopefully, it would clear his minds and worries. After all, he had been worrying profusely about these exams non-stop from the moment he had heard about them. What if he sucked? What if he made a fool out of himself? What if... He had to fight a girl?

With a sigh, Akemi would step out of his front door, the cool night wind brushing delicately across the street, ruffling his generic black hair in the process. Do you know why he was up this late? Well, apparently sleep was for the weak, and Akemi was not a weak person. So, he had to go do something else to spend this restless night. But that, unfortunately, begged the question... What? The small Hiyu was not the most creative of people, so coming up with something was proving to be quite the challenge. However, he was not walking through the streets unprepared, for he had brought two heat-proof mugs filled with him. Which both happened to be filled with a fine brew, the wondrous liquid known only as... Tea. But why had he brought two mugs with him? Well, that was simple, he intended to have one now, and one for later. Though he hadn't currently drunk any of it yet.

After wandering the streets for a few more minutes, Akemi eventually came across the illustrious city square. Taking a moment to look around, Akemi spotted a nice little bench nearing the center. What's more, since it was so late (Early?) there was not a single person to be seen, that meant he had the whole of the city square to himself and only himself. Unless... Someone decided to spoil the beautifully serene environment which was currently in the square.

Sitting down, Akemi deftly placed the heat-proof mugs over to his left side, breathing out mist due to how cold it was. He silently thanked the heavens that he had actually dressed appropriately, wearing a black zip-up hoodie and black loose-fitting track suits. On his feet, were simple black trainers. A small smile appeared on his face as he scanned the empty square. This... This was definitely what he needed to calm down.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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A tea-filled night [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: A tea-filled night [Private/Hikari]

Thu Jul 06, 2017 12:11 am
It was late at night, a little bit after 2 A.M. when the young girl did what she was normally doing at this hour.... being kicked out of the library and walking back toward her apartment. She had been trying to study that one jutsu Lady Akihana had been getting her to try to learn.. but as usual, Hikari couldn't find any books at the library that really could help her. So.. as usual, when she was in the library with nothing to do, she got distracted on learning other techniques. The majority of the time, she spent trying to learn how to infuse chakra into her weapons.

It was going pretty well, Hikari Namikaze didn't really have much problem so far with the technique, but it wasn't finished yet... and the young Chestnut haired girl was being kicked out of the library... so it was a good enough time to stop for the night.

As she made her way across the village square, Hikari saw someone... a young genin that was she had done a mission with a while back. What was his name...... Ki... Kib.... Kibb.... Akemi?

Yes, Akemi, he was scheduled for the chunin battle exam soon. It was strange that he was up so late at night though...

Either way, as A chunin, it was probably Hikari's job to try to figure it out.

Approaching the boy, Namikaze called out to him before she was to close, as not to startle the boy. "Akemi? Hey, its kind of late out... are you doing ok?"
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A tea-filled night [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: A tea-filled night [Private/Hikari]

Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:03 am
Akemi breathed slowly, taking in the glorious lack of any polluted air around him. The air was cool, unlike the sweltering heat that was usually present during the day. This was nice, no heat, no worries, no pe0-.

His trail of thought was suddenly interrupted when the teen spotted someone moving across the village square, oh god. It was a female, it was most certainly a female. He gulped, and started praying that this unknown stranger was completely blind, hoping that her gaze would just sift over Akemi, the way most civilians did. He wished he had his summon's uncanny ability to camouflage himself, imagine how cool that'd be!

It seemed his wishes were for nought, as the girl started approaching him. Akemi studied her face, had they met before? She looked familiar... His face grew a tint of red as he remembered the last time he had met this female. Oh god. It had turned into a nervous stuttering heated mess, had this girl somehow forgotten about that? Or maybe she just enjoyed reaping terror out of people? Was this girl some kind of reaper? 

He let the scary thoughts shift out of his head, no point worrying about it now. She was already rapidly approaching, he needed to not make a fool of himself!

Listening to her question, Akemi found his face grow a slightly little more red, how could he tell her about his silly fears? If she truly was a reaper, it meant that she would leverage his confession and turn it into some kind of blackmail. He was stuck, what's more, with how pretty the girl looked. He was going to have a hard time speaking anyway, brilliant.

"Errr," He nervously coughed "T-these C-" He had a nervous voice crack, his voice going momentarily high due to how nervous he was. Pretending that never happened, Akemi continued. "T-t-the exams I'm sup- supposed to take part in, i'm worried that i'm going to make a fool of my-self." he confessed. His face was now currently a shade which didn't belong on any human being, he really wished that this girl would somehow find a way to ease his nerves...
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
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A tea-filled night [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: A tea-filled night [Private/Hikari]

Sun Jul 09, 2017 2:43 am
Hikari would sort of chuckle at the boy’s fear of messing up, She wouldn’t show it out loud of course, but she would still find this quite humorous. The boy had to of had at least 4 missions under his belt, he was skilled enough that the girl didn’t really feel like he was probably going to fail this exam.

The Chestnut haired girl would go up and pat the boy on the back. “Don’t worry, I doubt you will, and even if you do, remember, you are a genin going up against chunin level opponents, no one one will look down on you if you lose. However… just in case you do find your self in a bad situation, With your permission, I am going to put a seal on you, a seal that will probably save your life if some wild mistake happens. Basically, what I am going to do is infuse chakra into your skin, and when you call on it… it will make your skin into a shield, and will be much harder to break it.”

Presuming the boy was ok with this, Hikari would clap her hands and take a deep breath in, activating her wind rejuvenation, she would then preform the proper hand signs, and place a chakra barrier seal on the boy, (Power 100)

After placing the seal, The Chunin would give a warm smile and say “Don’t worry, you are going to do great in the chunin exams, with all honesty, it isn’t as hard as people make it out to be. Heck… I think I just ran around mine and made one attack and I passed it, so I am sure you are going to do great.”

And on that note, the girl would turn to head out. It was late after all, And Hikari had a lot of studying she had to do in the morning.

WC: 320
TWC: 600

600 WC to Chakra infusion.
6 AP
Placing one Chakra Barrier (power 100) on Akemi (Chakra 150 from Wind Rejuvination)

(OOC Note:) Sorry Kibbles this took so long, I just have alot of stuff on my plate, and sorry for ending it here, I need to start the exams pretty soon, and I want to make sure you have this for it.
Nova Tsuba
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A tea-filled night [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: A tea-filled night [Private/Hikari]

Sun Jul 09, 2017 4:36 am
(OOC: I didn't know where you placed the seal so I just guessed you placed it on his hand. Cause like, the only skin that he has showing are on his hands and his face. And well, I didn't think a seal was appropriate on his face. Sorry if i did something wrong. :P)

Since Hikari never deactivated Wind rejuvenation, she collapsed from chakra exhaustion, dying soon after.

Did this girl... Just pat him on the back? He blushed, looking away from her momentarily. He realised something, this girl probably thought that he was some kind of kid. Heck, he was about a foot shorter than her. He could hardly blame her. He briefly wondered if that was a good or bad thing, that all girls his age thought he was about 10 years younger than him. He decided that it was a blessing, it would probably save him from many awkward moments later in life. Still, he was a guy with needs, how was he supposed to get a girlfriend looking like a kid from Nursery?

"You d-do realise I'm 17... R-right?" He murmured after she had patted him on the back. She spoke to him like he was some kind of kid, and that semi annoyed him. He listened as she spoke. Wait... He was supposed to fight chuunin-level opponents? Did that mean... He briefly lookef back at Hikari. Was he supposed to fight her? Crap, he could barely even speak in front of her, how the heck was he supposed to hit her? Maybe he would have to come up with a compromise, if he couldn't hit her that was bad enough. But what if he wouldn't hit her? That was going to be a problem.

After she asked if she could place a seal, Akemi nodded and raised his hand. Receiving the seal on the back of his hand, distinct to the way a certain female in a certain anime received her symbol. His face grew slightly red due to the contact between him and a female, but he hid it by looking to the side while receiving the seal. He couldn't help but feel like she was branding him. For what? He did not know, but he thought that she was too nice to do something like that. Or was she? Akemi did not know her very well, heck, he had only spoken to her twice. Yet he felt like they had spoken somewhere else, perhaps in a different dimension? Who knew, only the gods could come up with a suitable answer to that one.

While she offered some last words of encouragement, Akemi decided to practice something he had started the other day. Chakra sensory. A powerful skill, one that Akemi intended to use much more than other people. He was going to use it too stop all those noobs from body flickering behind him and cheap-shotting him. So, while Hikari was walking away. Akemi closed his eyes, feeling the blue life energy swirling around inside him. It felt calm, collected. He felt like he could leap small buildings in a single bound. Chakra itself had a very unique feeling to it, the energy wasn't liquid, solid or gas. Heck, it probably wasn't even plasma. So what could it possibly be? Who knew. 

All the teen knew, was that it felt unique. Every single living person had it, and they all had a different signature to them. So, after getting his basic analogy of chakra out of the way, he set his sights on how his chakra felt. Feeling the way it moved, flowed around all his coils. It was granting him a rather large sense of self-awareness. Unfortunately though, this was only step one. He was getting a feeling for how his chakra felt before looking for other people's, it was something that he had done in a past life.

So, with the step about finding out about how chakra felt, he moved onto the more advanced stage... Getting the feel for other people's chakra. So, using the feeling of his own chakra as a medium, Akemi started feeling around him. Probing the area with his senses, trying his utmost to not break concentration. Now, since Akemi was an absolute speed-demon, he had done all of this just by by the time Hikari had stepped about 10 meters away from himself. It seemed that he truly was a genius.

So, using his limited chakra sense, Akemi started directing all of his attention to the retreating Hikari. With his eyes closed this was no easy task. One only suitable for the cream of the crop... Akemi. He started 'Sensing her', his mouth was agape. Even with his horrible chakra sense, he could still feel the huuuuge amount of chakra she had in her body. Akemi's paled in comparison. He kept his concentration on her, never diverting his attention away from her for even a second. This was an important skill, it was rather strange that he had not picked it up yet. Most people preferred to learn chakra sensory before all other skills. Akemi - on the other hand - had learned chakra suppression first. A testament to how little he liked to be around people.

As his skill for chakra sensory improved, so did the size of Hikari's reserves. If he had the ability to see chakra right now, he didn't doubt that she would practically be glowing, no, radiating with blue energy. Even when his chakra sensory wasn't that developed, he could still sense that his paled in comparison. But now he could truly feel the difference, his reserves couldn't even hold a candle to her's. 

With his training for chakra sensory finished, Akemi opened his eyes. Suddenly hyper-aware of how weak he was. He realised that now he could sense people's power, his low self-esteem would likely go down even further than it had before. Great, wasn't this just a time to be alive!

TWC: 1738

(I wish i could make proper use of all these words, rip me :()

Claims: Gonna go ahead and claim Chakra Sensory, the other 800 words were claimed Here

Edit: Also claiming a 100 power chakra barrier on Akemi's hand
Madrigal Kaguya
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A tea-filled night [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: A tea-filled night [Private/Hikari]

Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:32 am
I can't approve the infusion words for Hikari, but I can approve everything else folks. So everything EXCEPT Hikari's 600 words toward Infusion are approved. 

Sorry hon but you didn't even mention the tech in this as far as I can tell.
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