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Sun Oct 15, 2017 8:59 am
Once again, the boy found himself at the mercy of the forest. It’s might and influence grand as it was exposed to a vast range. He had only been there days before just as the sun was setting. Meeting a girl in a very odd manner. Though her skills were respectable and something Kutari looked forward to seeing in action another day. That was in fact a kind and easy day for him for the most part. Though this day in particular wouldn’t by any means be as intriguing and cheerful. At least so far. A waxing crescent moon would reflect off of the quiet lake as the area around would be lightly illuminated. Though not as powerful as a full moon, still able to see and point out what all was going on during the night.

Tall trees would slightly shift back and forth as the breeze of the night manipulated them. It’s color beginning to become bleak and oppressed despite the moon's intent to uplift the once colorful trees and green. It’s influence not strong enough to turn it around. Rows of grass around having a midnight teal tone as the white sky mixed with the natural colors. Dirt patches and soil being grayed out like rotten ash. Tekiatsu Lake no longer wielding deep blue waters but a much more mystical and animated blue. The reflection and air giving way to these changes. The lake seeming lifeless as it rested untroubled by external forces. Coming off as dead and unwilling to move. With an analytic eye able to catch on glimpses of life as the fish swam deep within. The trees and plants moving in worry as they attempted to catch the attention of the lake to move. Proving to be useless.

The conflicted Genin would be standing alongside the bank of the lake as he watched with an absolute absence to the present. Fully aware of the noise and his senses acute. Even goosebump like as he was lost from within. Becoming the prisoner of a vast and ever growing mind. Much too powerful for him to even fathom at such a point. He’d stare off at the water as he worn his usual black cloak. The insides of the cloak being a solid white in fabric and texture. The dull outfit featuring a pair of black boots. His wavy black hair swimming with the breeze around as his cold gray eyes pierced the water as if a lightning bolt. Pale skin could be found on the outskirts of his outfit which failed to reach far. Like his hands or even neck. Though he had a hoodie attached to his cloak easily maneuverable. Though the absent minded boy had more than enough going on within his head to even think about being cold or warmth.

The crisis like environment he lived within beginning to shatter. Unable to hold on anymore to the reality as he knew it. Lacking a sense of judgement as he recently lost his parents. Appearing to be alone within this world and having no one to truly turn too. The boy had no ties or anyone to truly call his own. Already at a lost of words to fully assess the Shinobi World and its continuing down spiral to hell. Though not only that, but his reasons of even partaking in it all. For the longest time informing himself he wished to follow the path his parents led in such a department. Interested in jutsu and the technicalities of the world. Yet as he spoke these vocal truths they disintegrated into a bundle of white lies internally. Aware that what he expressed was true to a degree. However...He was unable to fully say what was the truth. More so unable to accept it. The sinister thoughts that ran within his mind followed by content and even joy. The assessments of the Shinobi World and input of its horrors and wrong doings. Yet his restless dreams shedding light upon these exact horrors in the form of combat and competition coming off as a passion. The lie which frolicked in his mind that he became a Shinobi simply for his parents. His own selfish desires giving way to a groundbreaking realization he was too frightened to face alone.

What is it that he wanted to fight for? Was it for the peaceful end or the passion of combat and power that gave him such confusion? He’d open a cannister of questions which would break his very morals and beliefs on multiple subjects relating to this all. At times wondering if what he thought and felt was incorrect and wrong. Though it all just feeling so right. Reminiscing on the kind words of his parents to do good and spread peace within the world. However nothing bringing him more joy then ripping the bandits that killed them to shreds and causing the most pristine amount of suffering. But this feeling not only being influenced by his avenging desires, but a deeply hidden passion that he was unable to admit. Living to be the image of his respected parents all the way until now, ignoring how he felt and being highly influenced by them. Now he had no clue as to how to feel or what to do. To embrace in a sense how he truly felt and his nature, or go down the path of his nurturing and what he was meant to be. To respect his parents from the grave and all they’ve done for him, or go out in the world and accept what he is. What he wants.

However the boy was too conflicted to even decide. Fearful of what he would be and become unable to accept it as right and true. Or if he should continue to live this way and be at a crossroad. Unable to decide and simply suffering. His mind flowed with ideas and rebuttals for both sides as it continued in a dispute that would fail to end. Not without an external force freeing him from this grasp temporarily as he’s been taking advantage of in the past.


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Mon Oct 16, 2017 6:36 am
Kenshin would survey the scene in front of him with a small yet true smile on his scarred face. The usually impassive teen was sitting at the base of one of the many trees of the Tachibana Wildlife Reserve, looking over the mystical looking Tekiatsu Lake. It was almost amazing to think about really, when he had arrived in Hoshi a year ago these places had not even existed as a figment of anyone's imaginations. But then Dusk Tachibana revealed himself to be a Senju and created the large forest that had come to be known as the Tachibana Wildlife Reserve. That alone would have been enough, but then Arashi Tekiatsu went and created the Tekiatsu Lake in the middle of the Wildlife Reserve. Two people, all it took was two young men to change the lives of the inhabitants of Haven Country so thoroughly. A large portion of the country that had once been seen as nothing but dry and barren land was now home to an extremely fertile forest with a massive lake of clear, clean water in its hearts. The forest was filled to the brim with animals of all types, which in turn gave the people that lived in the surrounding towns much more food. 

The actions of these two young men had managed to sway a great many of Haven Countries inhabitants that the shinobi of Hoshigakure were not the foul demons that the churches liked to paint them as. The people were still cautious of the shinobi of course, but they were no longer outright cold to those that wore the symbol of Hoshigakure. Kenshin knew both Dusk and Arashi from missions that he had done with them in the past, and he could honestly say that he was on pretty good terms with the both of them. Although he hadn't really seen them or heard anything about them since they had made the Reserve and the lake respectively. That made Kenshin start thinking though, while Dusk and Arashi had accomplished these greats tasks in the past years...what had Kenshin actually managed to accomplish since he joined Hoshi. In the year since he joined he had managed to become a Chunin, learn some jutsu, and create some useful poisons...and that was all he had managed to do. Honestly...that realisation had shocked him quite a bit, yes, he hated being in the spotlight...but at the same time, to realise that he had actually accomplished so little in the course of a year was a quite a sobering thought.

The silver haired Chunin had been infuriated with this realisation that from the time he had joined Hoshigakure until now he had actually accomplished so little. He had allowed himself to become far too comfortable here for something like that too occur, and as such it was time for a change. 

It was at that very moment that Kenshin would feel something make its way into the range of his Chakra Sensory. The Chakra signature wasn't one he was familiar with, so at the very least he knew that it wasn't someone he knew. It was quite a small Chakra signature, something that made Kenshin assume that the signatures owner was a very fresh Genin or late year Academy Student. It was fairly late at night for one to simply be taking a stroll, especially so far away from the safety of Hoshi’s walls. The signature wasn't getting any closer to Kenshin, in fact, it had stopped moving entirely after only getting within a few meters of his Chakra Sensories range. Due to how far away this person was Kenshin could only see a figure cloaked in black in the distance. Thankfully the moon was providing so much light, or it would have been impossible to see this strange figure in the darkness of the night.

It was only in a whim that Kenshin stood from his seated position and began to make his way over the stationary figure. Usually he wasn't one to make idle conversation with others, but he had a gut feeling that this person's reason for being out here would interest him at least a little. So here he was, a tri hearted Chunin clad in a black trench coat making his way towards a strange, dark haired figure that stood in the distance, staring out at the almost glowing blue water of the Tekiatsu lake.

As Kenshin got closer more details became clear to his eyes. The owner of the Chakra signature was a young teen with flowing black hair and clear pale skin. At a glance Kenshin would assume the young man to be around the same age as he, but of course he had no way of actually knowing the young man's age, so this was just an assumption on his part. The young man was clad in a hooded black cloak, although thankfully the hood itself was not up, as that would have made me describing his face impossible and thus would have robbed me of some easy words. 

But what truly caught Kenshin's attention was the look on the young man's face, he utterly defeated and confused expression that formed as he stared almost lifelessly out into the water of the Tekiatsu lake. For a split second the image of the young man before him was replaced by the image of a young boy with fair skin and short silver hair. The moment Kenshin blinked the vision of the young boy was gone, but the silver eyed young man knew what he had seen.

The young man that stood before him, still staring out at the calm waters of the lake, was a kindred spirit in a way. How could he not know what the look the young man possessed meant...when he too had the same look when he was younger. The look of sheer hopelessness and confusion that one possessed when their whole life was shattered before their eyes. That was the look of one at their most vulnerable, when they were lost and screaming out into the darkness for help...only to get none.

This young a way he actually reminded Kenshin of himself before Szayel and Mayuri had managed to sink their claws into him...back when he was simply a child whose innocence had been stoles by this accursed world.

Without a word Kenshin would make his way towards the dark haired youth, coming to a stop when he was a couple of feet to the boys right. He had made sure not to get too close to the young man, making sure that the two were just out of arm's reach of each other in case the younger looking teen lashed out at him in some way.

Kenshin would continue to stare out at the mystical blue waters of Tekiatsu lake as his mouth opened, and the words flowed out of his mouth in a deep and smooth voice

“You seem lost”

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Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:03 am
Kutari would stare off to the distance. The water failing to be of any assistance to the unsettlement that lived within him. Its reserves oversaturated as the boy had nowhere else to turn. Having attempted to do away his past and try to live alone and start anew. Utterly failing as he was simply more lost. Confused by the ever growing persona in his soul that tried to spill through his shackled mind. Offering some form of comfort and reassurance from the world. Giving him a space to reside in and call his own. Though the cunning tongue would suggest an outlet which battled everything Kutari ever assumed to be correct. Testing his morales and what he saw to be as true. Unsure to hear out the malicious messenger or to stay true to what he believed in. Despite its presence causing him pain up until now.

The boy would have failed to even notice the individual coming behind him. His presence masked due to the storm that raged on within. Beginning to find some sick joy out of his own suffering. Assuming this was how life was to be and wielding no sense of accomplishment or happiness. He was at odds with all of which life had tried to give him. If he was simply spoiled or truly suffering with no options left, Kutari had no idea to the answers. The only answer he leaned towards being to sit and suffer. Feeling as if he only had two choices to the matter at hand. To stay with his morales and attempt to find some peace in life. Knowing that wasn’t his true self or way. Or give in to the infamous feelings and interests that many people of this world have been corrupted from. Following what he could see as a passion and in the process being one of the people he previously hated. Who he once disputed as being the lousiest of humans this world had to offer.

No answers were given to this crossroad. No inclination towards leaning from one way to another. Simply becoming a passive observer to all that went on in his heart. Accepting his despair and giving up. Having no will to try any longer and wanting to just sit and watch. As he crumbled more and more. Feeling the need to detach from the entirety of life and just watch. If he were to wither away he had no qualms. Fearful of the life he could live and actually enjoyed, Kutari stood idle. As the water continued to offer itself as tribute to take on his anger. Partaking in combat with his ruined ideology and mindset. To bring some sort of comfort or strong will to the boy. The trees and sky attempting the same. Only to give up in the end as it seemed he would need more than a peaceful tone to shake his struggle.

Suddenly he would hear a voice that broke him out of his trance. Wielding little words that provided a forceful impact to his inner core. Easily shaking him down and deciphering the questioning that happened in his heart. Kutari disgusted with himself and how he felt to have become so vulnerable. Attempting to try and toughen up to evade any sense of vulnerability continuing he would perk up a tad bit. Though after standing straight and being startled he would slowly turn back to his joyless nature. Realizing he had nothing to lose. The energy to try and fake his feelings or come off differently being too much. Too draining for an individual that’s been through so much already. Ready to give up and stop trying. Instead he would keep his same raw feelings in tact and at the surface. As he decided to continue on with this subject about his location mentally and emotionally. He had little to no reasoning left to try otherwise. Why not give the person what he wanted.

Kutari would refuse to turn around and face this new person. There was no reason to. If anything doing so would spite him to try and change how he felt for the moment. Becoming some trickster that had to put on a mask in order to make it through the day. He was done with this way of life and not feeling like himself. Thinking that possibly this person could be of some assistance. He would entertain the idea of such an encounter happening. Kutari speaking his mind as he found humor in what the other male said. Finding it amusing at his choice of words. His ego challenged and impacted as he shook away the brittle armor that shielded Kutari’s esteem. He spoke just loud enough for the other boy to hear, though disregarded hiding his emotions. His raspy tenor voice wielding some amusement as he spoke with a bit of laughter. This laughter filled with pity in himself.

Lost huh? Guess you can say that... Though who wouldn’t be in a world like this. An ongoing conflict to protect by using the same fire your enemy uses for destruction. Mayhem and chaos all around which some who are defined as “sick in the head” enjoy and find passion in. Just for those who protect being split up between one side questioning why they still fight any and the other realizing they fight because they’re ill. Soon after they’ll be seen as crazy too. I wonder what’s the point in it anymore. Getting involved just to be seen that way in the bitter end.

The black haired boy would have much to say. As he unexpectedly lashed out on this new individual about all the horrors of this world. How he himself could relate to it. As he saw it already beginning to happen within him. Kutari had so many questions that would remain unanswered. Having no one to turn too. As his own mind was well over corrupted with bias and fear of what was to come from his central answers. He’d not even realize the progressively darkening tone that escaped his face as he stared off to the water. Crying out for help as his once amused tone turned into a serious and sinister voice. One that was fed up with it all and had no clue what to think any longer.

As he wished for answers, Kutari wasn’t sure if he would get them that day. Though he knew one thing. If he was allowed to continue on this way...It wouldn’t be a good end for him. Already feeling at odds with himself and being internally devoured by his own demons. Not sure if it was wise to listen and side with them. Or if it was better to work alongside the weakened and false minded angels that lazily did their job. Regardless, Kutari assumed he could possibly get some help from this boy. He had no way to see the world any longer as he was. No one else to turn too. And he knew soon it’ll become too much and he would perish this way. In multiple ways then one. If anything this was the point in time where Kutari needed help. Some therapeutic scene to allow him to have some light shedded and hopefully find an answer. Though the lenses he perceived the world in currently had ill faith in this conversation ending well for him.

Kutari would continue to watch the lake and forest around as he refused to look at the boy. Uninterested at the moment and feeling as if this would turn into a battle of ideology. Not wanting the appearance of this new person to cause a struggle in his heart. A preexisting idea of him and how he thought causing talks to  break down. He would wait in silence for a rebuttal to all in which he thought. Wanting some way to think or look at it all. As a cool breeze over washed the area around and offered  itself to suggest the start of this conversation. The battle soon to progress and come up.

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Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:53 am
It seemed that his words were indeed heard by the unnamed young man, as he suddenly stiffened and stood a little straighter as the words left Kenshin's mouth. Such a reaction would earn a small smirk from the scar faced young man, who at this point would simply be waiting patiently for the dark haired youth to reply. Said young man had definitely been lost in the recesses of his mind while the albino approached, and that defeated and lost look that was plastered firmly on the young man’s face had never waivered. It was strange really, the mentally damaged young man had not approached the distressed boy out of sympathy, empathy, compassion or any other useless, he approached simply out of curiosity. He only wished to know exactly what it was that had broken the boy’s spirit to this extent.

'Could it be the death of a loved one? Was he betrayed by a friend or lover? Did his brother slaughter his entire clan before forcing him to watch said slaughter on loop in some type of Genjutsu in an effort to turn him into some type of revenge obsessed maniac?' Kenshin would think to himself in interest. He simply wanted to know what happened...although even by his standards that last little thought of his seemed a little convoluted.

Well...actually Kenshin did have another reason for approaching the obviously lost pale skinned boy, and it was an even colder and more self serving reason than the first. He knew from personal experience that when one was as broken as this young man it was much easier for people to twist and manipulate them into entirely different people. Yes... he knew that fact extremely well, as it was exactly what Mayuri and Szayel did when they found him all those years ago...and he was about to do the very same thing to this boy. In a way Kenshin was indeed going to be helping him, but he was only doing it because in the end it would end up helping him as well...what little empathy and compassion that he once held had been ruthlessly crushed by his years in the 'care' of the two men who warped Kenshin so well.

"Lost huh? Guess you could say that... Though who wouldn't be in a world like this. An ongoing conflict to protect by using the same fire your enemy uses for destruction. Mayhem and chaos all around which some who are defined as "sick in the head" enjoy and find passion in. Just for those who protect to be split up between one side questioning why they still fight anymore and the other realizing they fight because they're ill. Soon after they'll be seen as crazy too. I wonder what's the point in it anymore. Getting involved just to be seen that way in the bitter end." the boy would say, finally finishing his angst filled speech.

Well...he seemed to be about as edgy in terms of personality as he did in terms of looks...and that was really saying something. Kenshin wasn't even going to try thinking any further about just  how much of an edgelord this boy might actually be, not after that rather cliche anti-hero style monologue...yeah, he really didn't want to know.

"Why do you call those who find enjoyment in the darkness of this world 'sick in the head'?" Kenshin would ask in a rather curious tone, turning to face the boy before offering an opinion of his own

"If anything, I believe the ones who are sick in the head are those that believe they can change the course of this accursed world. Or those that try to delude themselves into believing that this is a world filled with sunshine, rainbows and happiness. Honestly, the ones you call sick in the head, are simply the realists who have embraced the darkness of the world  and stopped hiding from the darkness within their own hearts." the silver haired teen would say simply.

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Thu Jan 04, 2018 7:32 am
When the boy did not respond to Kenshin's words after a few minutes of waiting the silver haired Chunin would give a small sigh. He had half been expecting something like this to happen when he made the suggestion... as it was something that happened to him rather frequently after his father died. He would express his feeling to his uncle, and when the man told him some words of comfort Kenshin would ponder those words deeply... so deeply in fact that he did not even motice that he had been staring at a wall for several hours afterwards. 

He knew that no matter what he ahd to say from this point forth the young man wouldn't be able to hear him, but he decided to say one final thing anyway.

"Give my words some thought... you may find that they hold true." he would say, before leaving the boy to his thoughts once more. 

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