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A Second Encounter (P, NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Second Encounter (P, NK)

Mon Dec 18, 2017 8:51 am
"Dessert?" Sal grinned, matching Gin's. "I don't think I saw any desserts on the menu... What kind did you have in mind? Something sweet? Or... savory?" Ah... Say what you will about Gin: His name was boring, he dresses like an edge-lord, and maybe is personality was a bit... awkward but DAMN IT if he didn't have a sense of humor she appreciated. Aha... What better person to tell sex-jokes with than the person you've had said-sex with? She rolled her eye and chuckled, the warmth in her belly from her Sake helping her relax a little more.

Sal tilted her head as the boy mentioned he had inappropriate questions that wouldn't be worth speaking now... Why? They slept together! What could he possibly ask that would be any more inappropriate than that? Did he want to ask her bra size? Shit, he'd probably give it to him, proportions and all! Who gave a damn? Did he fear for the innocence of all the poor, drunk, sinning adults around them? These men likely won't even remember whatever he says in a few hours so why not spill the beans? He couldn't just say something like that and expect her to just let it go.

"Screw that." Sal said rather bluntly, waving her hand as if brushing his inquiry away. "What kind of 'bad' questions were you thinking of? Do tell." she leaned in a little, curious as to what he had to say. "Come on Gin. We beat eachother with magic sticks until we were in bed together. I can't think of anything you can ask me right now that could be such a 'bad question.'"
Also Gin Kouen
Also Gin Kouen
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A Second Encounter (P, NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Second Encounter (P, NK)

Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:18 am
“We can talk about dessert later if you want.” He’d say with a small wink before continuing on. He’d blink in surprise at her outburst, even holding back a laugh at how brazen she was to say such things in public. He’d shrug however, that just seemed to be who she was, he could live with it. “Well, I noticed the waitress staring at your eye. Keep in mind she won’t be getting a tip from me for such rudeness. But it did get me curious. What happened?” He’d ask in curiosity, his own hands instinctively reaching for his ribs that were still sore from the normal beatings his father gave. Honestly, maybe he should invest in medical jutsu. It would help him a ton in the long run. After a few minutes, whether she gave her answer or not, their food would arrive, along with an extra bottle for Sal. Gin would pick up the chopsticks and, after muttering a quick ‘Itadakimasu’, would dig in.

Considering Gin despised eating with food in his mouth, and he was fairly hungry, he would be rather silent while eating his meal. Of course should Salaluna decide to ask something or say anything the would prompt a response this would cease to remain the case as Gin would swallow his current bite of food, and proceed to answer or respond in kind. Say what you will but he was at least mostly polite. He would however wonder if the girl would be sober enough to practice the rest of the fire techniques later. ‘Well, I guess if we DO end in bed together again I can teach her them in the morning..’ He would think with a mental shrug. Otherwise they would just have to meet up sometime again.

WC: 296
TWC: 657

A Second Encounter (P, NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Second Encounter (P, NK)

Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:34 am
AH! So the obvious question came out at last. What was up with her eye. She was actually more surprised it didn't come up sooner than it coming up at all to be honest. She knew by all the weird looks that everyone was thinking it, just that nobody was saying it and it was kind of a relief that Gin found the balls to actually ask. Perhaps that was an endearing quality if she cared enough to feel it.

"Well, you see..." Sal started, nodding at the waitress as her food was brought out. "Back when I was a little genin, I was sent on a mission to go capture some criminal... I think he was on the run for theft or something. Orders were to bring him back. Well, we fought and I was clearly having the advantage before he cut my eye with his weapon, shocking me and giving him enough time to get away." She shrugged like it was no big deal, not the slightest bit of discomfort visible.

"While some people would've freaked out, cried for their mommies or whatever, I just cleaned out the wound and went on, coping. Now here I am today, just as beautiful, just as peppy and entirely content with how things turned out." She watched the boy eat with gusto, a wide smile spreading across her face.

"Wanna see?"

Whether the boy was interested or not, Saluluna would gently raise the strap of cloth around her eye up, revealing a MASSIVE RED BULGING EYEBALL THAT BLED-

But seriously, her eye was a soft milky white, a long, jagged cut going down diagonally, stopping at the bottom of her lower lid. Her pupil, or what could be seen of it anyway, was cut as well, giving it an almost cat-like appearance. She smiled softly, wondering what exactly he'd think now that it was visible.

"I think I did a pretty good job with it, don't you?"
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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A Second Encounter (P, NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Second Encounter (P, NK)

Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:07 pm
Gin would listen to her story, his eyes never leaving her own the entire time as he listened. It seemed like your average story. To be honest though, the girl was lucky to be alive. As in most cases a bandit with that kind of advantage would go for the kill rather than trying to escape instead. It was fortunate for the girl that he decided to escape instead rather than kill her outright for some reason. She’d get  to the part where she would ask him if he wanted to see. He would of course say yes, he was curious and he knew she wouldn’t ruin lunch with a bad sight. To that end, he was not expecting what he saw.

As she took off the bandage on her eye he would see a milky white eye peering out with a vertical slash through the retina. It gave her a rather cat like appearance and the scar that ran to the top of her lip gave her a more battle hardened look. To be honest it kind of looked hot, but he wouldn’t admit that out loud. Why bolster her ego more? He would however smile at her before saying “You know, it gives you a rather… exotic look. Not bad at all, matter of fact I wonder why you keep it bandaged at all.” He would say before quickly finishing his meal. As he did his eyes would peer into the same crevice he had looked into earlier to see another one of the damned crackers. His eyes would furrow at this, how many were there for fat present leaving old man’s sake? Reaching in he’d take a hold of the item before holding it up for Sal to see. “What are the chances of it being another huge weapon? Wanna make bets on what’s inside?” He would say with a childish grin. He might or might not open it at the table. It would certainly be amusing to do though.

WC: 333
TWC: 990

A Second Encounter (P, NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Second Encounter (P, NK)

Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:19 pm
"Aw...!" Sal giggled, taking the meaning of his words exactly the way he tried to keep secret. "You shameless little flirt, you!" She took another sip of her Sake, not even touching her food as of yet while the boy himself was already on his way to finishing his. The boy didn't seem the least bit disturbed by her different look at all and, in fact, seemed to rather like it.... Hm... Maybe he'd see more of it... Maybe in a more intimate setting... She didn't take her eye(s) off of him as he pulled out another cracker, asking if she wanted to take bets on what was inside THIS time. She didn't answer, instead slipping out of her booth-seat and instead sitting next to him, looking up at the leather-clad man with a certain expression on her face he might recognize. She'd reach up slowly, taking the sides of his face in her hands before drawing his head down to her. She then reached up with her lips, pausing for a moment before locking them with his if he allowed it, kissing him sweetly, playfully, both her working and dead eye looking him straight in as they remained in contact.

After a bit, she'd pull away with a small giggle, leaning in again to peck his lips lightly again, a gentle, if woozy smile on her own.

"Talk like that will get you everywhere, Loverboy... Keep complimenting me like that and I might not let you go home every night..." She was being serious too. It didn't take a magic-infused clubbing to make her body crave this boy after their first encounter and she didn't really have the inhibition to keep herself from doing anything else.

"As for your chances... probably about as many as it'd take for me to kiss you again... Which is to say likely." She smiled, gently placing her hand on top of the cap of the strange gift, giving it a gentle, teasing tug. "Wanna see if you're lucky...?"
Also Gin Kouen
Also Gin Kouen
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A Second Encounter (P, NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Second Encounter (P, NK)

Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:41 pm
Gin would most certainly not be expecting this response from the ashen haired girl. Apparently his approval of her normally covered eye was met with approval from her as well. She would move over to his side of the table. Already surprising him with this action before he recognized the look in her eye. ‘I didn’t hit her with a spear this time..Well alright then.’ He would think as her lips met his. He would of course return the kiss, holding her close as he did and returning the small peck afterwards before smiling at her giggle. Before she began to speak again, this time hinting at another good ending for the day if he kept this up. She would proceed to reach out to his christmas cracker and hint at the fact that he could easily kiss her again without issue before giving the object in his hands a small tug. He’d actually blush at this point at the bold girls insinuation before getting himself schooled into a grin again and replying. “You know, if you keep this up I don’t think we’ll be able to go over the stronger fire techniques I was going to teach you. Oh well, we can always do it in the morning.” He would say, whispering the last part in her ear before pulling on the bottom part of the cracker. The thing would explode in smoke like the others before revealing.

WC: 239
TWC: 1229
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A Second Encounter (P, NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Second Encounter (P, NK)

Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:41 pm
The member 'Gin Kouen' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 3
Also Gin Kouen
Also Gin Kouen
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A Second Encounter (P, NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Second Encounter (P, NK)

Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:45 pm
To reveal a set of wire that seemingly lit up in a multitude of different colours. Making the lights rather odd and festive. “Oh look, a toy to play with.” He would say. He knew the words had double meaning, but that, after all, was the point of it. He’d set the wire on the table before turning back to her. “So, hungry?” He’d ask with another of his trademark grins.

WC: 71
TWC: 1300

A Second Encounter (P, NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Second Encounter (P, NK)

Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:08 pm
"Thank the kage for procrastination..." Sal whispered back, feeling a very base desire all her own. Her breath was warm, gently tickling his lips as she stared up at him lustfully. She glanced down at the cracker he opened, the smoke revealing a small roll of multi-colored light-coated wire, more of a tool than a weapon. Then again... you could and often did strangle people with these things... She'd take it. Speaking of taking...

The taller male asked indeed if she was hungry and the one-eyed woman grinned widely, coaxing his lips down to hers again.

"For you...? Always..."

She took his lips in hers again, this time pressing much closer against him. She leaned so far in fact, she was practically laying into him, using his body as support as she kissed, caring not for the eyes she felt burrow into her back. The woman hummed lightly into their kiss, offering a little deeper action as she felt herself get real into it now, the levels of contact bleeding in one after another instead of the magic stick beating them into her one hit at a time.

After a long while just making out with Gin, Sal felt the world around her fade into a deep void, leaving her only aware of the booth and the only other person that mattered. Eventually, even with her little breathing exercise earlier, she had to pull away. The one-eyed beauty broke their kiss with the slightest *pop* between their lips, smiling with unhidden lust in her expression.

"You...?" She ask a tad breathlessly, referring to his question about hunger.
Also Gin Kouen
Also Gin Kouen
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A Second Encounter (P, NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Second Encounter (P, NK)

Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:34 am
His question would be met with a response he should have seen coming from a mile away. She would kiss him again, leaning on him to the point where they were almost laying down in the booth. The one took his breath away, literally. As she pressed into him for so long they both ran out of air. Eventually she would break the kiss and look to him again, eyes laden with lust before breathlessly asking if he was ‘hungry’ as well. It took all of a few seconds for his brain to truly register what had just happened and in response he slowly sat up, making sure not to shove her off rudely or anything of the like. And called the waitress over “I think we’ll get the check now.” He’d say with a crimson blush on his face, wanting to get out of this restaurant in preferably, over to Salaluna’s place again. The waitress would give a small smirk and a nod before moving away to obtain said check.

Gin himself would turn to his ashen haired companion. “I think if you intended to eat your meal you might want to because at this point I’d much rather be at your place..” He’d say with a simple shrug before taking her chin in his hand and pulling her into another kiss. This one not lasting nearly as long as the others but certainly long enough to get the point across. He’d break it, a small grin finding its way onto his face again as he looked into her eye. “I don’t think we need to learn more fire jutsu today anyway… It’s gotten hot enough as is.” He would say, the last part being under his breath as he got his stuff together.

In a few moments the check arrived and Gin paid the establishment their money before checking to see if his companion was ready to go. “You ready? We can go where you want” He would say, carrying the sword and the ninja wire for a moment before putting them into scrolls. He would need them safely stored to travel around after all. That sword didn’t have a sheathe.

WC: 363
TWC: 1663
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