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Fire Reaper
Fire Reaper
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Training Ft. Fire, Qur Empty Training Ft. Fire, Qur

Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:07 pm
Kanji awoke in his dark apartment he got up slowly and went outside and turned the lights on it was 2 o'clock He grabbed his gear and concealed it and put on his usual clothing. He then headed out. We then find Kanji was walking down the streets looking left and right for a recognizable person he could see noone who was even a little recognizable. So he had watched the scenery it was nice out rather hot for the holidays. He watched the clouds as they were in a standstill. But then his eyes darted to the store's half of them where already closed witch was surprising for this time of day giving up Kanji then headed down to the training grounds he had been using during his time in Hoshi. He walked there at the slowest pace he had not wanting to waste any of his stamina until he went to train he already had his weights on underneath his clothing. As he walked their the sky turned dark and the clouds started to disappear into the sky. It gave a nice look to the night. He then arrived at the training ground he got right to work doing ten twenty thirty pushups on one arm. And then said "Wow look at those huge muscles". Then after hearing himself, he cringed the way he was talking reminded him of a specific kage. He got back to reality. And after arriving he then took off his weights throwing a few punches and kicks to get situated in the difference of weight and then did his laps one hundred twenty, one hundred thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety then two hundred twenty four. He thought this was pretty good for not taking any breaks. He then took a ten minute break. During that break he made patterns in the sand. After awhile he saw a man approaching the training grounds so he would go up to the man and say ¨Hi im Kanji Reaper who re you”While offering his hand.
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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Training Ft. Fire, Qur Empty Re: Training Ft. Fire, Qur

Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:08 pm
Q woke up from his deep slumber, his apartment was full of light. Q still hadn't gotten blinds but he didn't really care to get some yet, he wasn't a hoshi nin yet but he would be and that was his gift when Q became one. A nice bed and a good set of blinds. He walked over towards his kitchen and grabbed the last of his tea. He put his kettle on and made a large of tea to go and walked out the door happily. It was about 12 pm and Q started to walk towards the training grounds. He grabbed a huge bowl of steemed rice with a small container of soy sauce and went to the training grounds.

When he arrived it was empty he went up a nearby tree and surface walked up, Then he tilted down his hat and closed his eyes. Q had vivid dreams of his family his mother was cooking squid kanji and his brother was playing with fire near the tent. His father was practicing tai chi near the edge of the village with every flowing movement releasing bugs through his pores with every soft movement. then she would yell "Oh hunny, son please come eat I made kanji" then the two of them would yell back "Coming". All Q wanted was to be there eating the rice porridge. Why did this have to happen and uproot them why did the war have to strip them from the happy life they once lived.

Then Q heard a man doing pushups and other random physical activity. Silently Q would look down and watch hmm how strange he hadn't noticed the boy. Q felt the boys chakra he was trained as a ninja but he wasn't as strong as Q probably a academy student. Q sent a clone out and when the boy stopped Q allowed his clone to approach. As the boy shook his hand Q would have his clone say "My name is Q" then then clone would disappear in a puff of smoke and Q would jump down from the tree and "Heyo Q here" then he would approach the youth and say "Sorry about that I didn't feel like getting down from the tree in the beginning."

Then he would walk back to the tree and sit down pulling out his rice and soy sauce. putting the leftovers of his tea and the sauce onto his rice he began to eat the filling mixture. he would listen to what the boy needed to say then he would apologize depending on if he was angry for the slight prank. The rice was pretty good but he wished he had some meat, it was just hard to get meat right now all he had was a bit of pork at home but it was dry and old why did he have to do that. If only he had a sages stone or something like it he could just make meat out of the air.

Fire Reaper
Fire Reaper
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Training Ft. Fire, Qur Empty Re: Training Ft. Fire, Qur

Mon Jan 22, 2018 11:09 pm
Did learn that the man's name was q so ur would then say "hello I'm lank I see you have trained in the Shinobi arts." he would then jump over to the man and would stand face to face a little crouched and would continue to talk with" I'm looking to become a genin would you like to help me with some training I would be willing to give some insight on some problem you have?"He would then say "if not for that I'll help you in some other way" he would then it down waiting for an response.
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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Training Ft. Fire, Qur Empty Re: Training Ft. Fire, Qur

Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:46 am
As Q’s clone exploded in a small tuff of smoke the boy seemed to know where Q was for no reason or he was hiding it, it was very strange he could be of one of his hometown’s clans but Q doubted it he didn’t have the eyes or the headband showing his heritage. Then the boy called him ‘Lank’ it was strange and unfamiliar, he hadn’t met someone with a speech impediment before, he might have a more normal plan than Q new of but how did he interpret his usage of the word lank what was a lank why was Q a lank. Should he take that as an insult or a complement. This was a gray area for Q and he decided to just roll with it. But the question hummed in his head and gave him a strange tingle within his brain. ‘Lank Lank Lank’ what is a Lank god dammit. Then the boy said that he knew Q was trained as a shinobi, but how he hadn’t seemed to notice his clone could he possibly have a skill Q didn’t posses could he read people on their chakra like the girl at the gate. But that wasn’t his business he had to deal with the boy and his strange actions.

He jumped towards Q the instant he climbed down from the tree saying so garbled word salad sentence. Q heard it as ‘I am looking to become a genin would like to help me train, I can help you win th insight.’ What insight he knows nothing of Q or his problems. Most of them seemed out of the boy’s league. He had a home village in ruins two kage dead, his mom dad brother and other clan members were halfway across the continent. He had been taken here against his will by some strange girl with a very nice sword that Q had to admit.

Q could help him with his training but why, if he wanted he could go learn from the scrolls of den they had all of the knowledge the boy could use right now and then leaps and bounds more. Meh some people need a more hands on approach.

Then he spoke again before q could think he said Q could use his services elsewhere if he didn’t want to help the boy. Was he a male prostitute, he seemed to talk like one. Help me in what other way Q was stronger than him and the boy had nothing Q wanted. Then Q spoke, he has been considering for a while.

“I’ll help train you but I don’t know much, only what you need to pass your genin exam Kapesh.” Then Q would look the boy in the eyes and wait for his answer, would he accept Q’s offer or reject him out right.

Does he have the balls on him to accept Q’s menacing offer, Q had no idea of his age or even his name the boy had been far to outright for Q’s tastes he liked to talk and it seemed to help him work harder once he got to know someone.

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