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From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire Empty From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire

Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:11 pm

[So, this happens after his conversation with Yensung and Love, but before the Academy genin exam. I was holding off on finishing it for after the yensung thing but felt that id really like the stat's, jutsu, and CD progression so I am been impatient here]

Another stroll through the woods, ever since his arrival in Konoha he felt drawn to the woods, their quiet serenity enveloping chaos seemed to fascinate and draw him. Across the canopies you could hear life among the tress, birds of varying breeds making calls of alarm and cries of loss as they coordinated with each other to flee and come with the tides of threat and safety. 

In the tree's themselves scurried squirrels, so too chittering and chatting as they chased away foreign squirrels or were, in turn, chased by the birds that prey on them. Even still among the tree's were the Beatles, the moths, and more. All making home and place among these tree's untouched by the invasion, sure it could be seen that there was a few konoha patrols caught out in the open and however most of the fight occurred at the village gates and its inner sanctums. 

It was hard to imagine that this place was now under the ownership of a vicious village... the sparse marring gave testimony to that it was a ninja army, not just some casual attack but the strike force of an elite stealth village, that struck hard and fast upon Konoha. 

Upon the ground, as he walked, was a centipede surrounded by the many dozens of ants assaulting it, if you looked well enough a few ants could be seen carrying off the broken bodies of their comrades but otherwise one could not see any sign that the centipede had fought back before it was defeated by the overwhelming numbers upon it. The ants were not ninja, so how could they make assault so clean, Shinoskay finally began to question his musings. 

From all this time, he could not understand why Konoha still stood but yet how it had been conquered... and further still how it continued as if nothing had happened once the buildings and people who remained had been restored to a semblance of normal appearance. 

What if Konoha had actually learned from the land around it, learned from the squirrels that try so desperately to bite, claw, climb, and flee for there small places in the world... fighting for there very life for a small whole... just to easily move on when the hole is eventually claimed and conquered by the wood pecker or owl that only wants it for its lure and convenience rather then the haul the squirrel worked so hard to gather. 

What is this futility, this drive, this will to live despite the overwhelming opposition against it.

Shinoskay gathered bits of wood, sticks, brought them all near a log. He felt he would need a place to be alone at times, a place he can gather his thoughts, place he could work. He wasnt sure why he felt this but he felt it from deep within himself.

He felt that one of his first projects could be something to help him dig and make the space, a shovel and something to loosen the soil so it would be easier to shovel would be ideal. For now though, he started to realize it was getting dark and cold plus he was sure he could hear some sort of howl or other animal sound call out into the dark.

With one small, sorrowful look to what wood he gathered he set to clearing a small section of the ground. First he sought out a flattened place with as few flammable plant debris as possible within a 15 meter radius of where he was. The one he found wasnt the most idea, he had circled around his pile of supplies twice before he settled on it with the feeling that he couldnt really afford to waste any more time looking. Upon discovery, he took out his kunai and quickly loosened up the soil in a circle, roughly a 4 foot radius, before also doing the same inside the circle. Once finished, he begun to gather stones and rocks in the around to pile into the circle he made, and then he took three stones to make into Rock Section canes and stuck them into the rocks in a triangle like formation.

Once completed, he moved back to his wood pile and used the same kunai he dug with to strip bark off of some of the larger pieces, tossing that over near his 'fire pit', before gathering as many of the smaller pieces as he could comfortably carry. A chill started to develop across his body now and the numbing of cold licked its way through him, this started to make him grow impatient but he struggled to resist none the less. He was determined to push through this, he may need to be able to do something like this in the future so why not now while there was some small amount of safety?

It was difficult, tedious, and cumbersome to work through the numbing cold to try to place the sticks between the cane formed stone and quickly he chastised himself for making it more difficult then it needed to be. He actually began to wonder why he even set those in place, he felt the idea was that it was suppose to provide structure or something but he really couldn't determine why other then it felt right. In fact, he had seen plenty of fires made up during travel and trade routes, a few in villages, and they all were simple fires on dried, predetermined, and well used locations.

What had led him to feel clearing out grass and flammables as well as to redundantly place stones for his fire, some of it made sense, it may have been just fine to have done one or the other, but he did all of this and now he was even suffering for it but yet it still felt right to while he had done it and even as he observed it while working the bark and small sticks into place. Thats another thing, why did he think to strip the bark... most fires used papers, accelerant, and other obvious and easy things but bark?

His thoughts helped occupy him as he worked and a few painstaking minutes later he found he had finished. It was then that he realized he didnt have any matches or anything, he stared at the fire pit he just spent a good half an hour putting together as he both scolded himself and as he almost felt defeat, his eyes scanned the wood and stone as if his gaze would set fire to it. As Shinoksay's eyes passed over the Rock Section Cane's he came to an idea, if he can manipulate stone using the single handed tiger seal then maybe he could do the same with fire. He knew that the fire jutsu often used the tiger seal and most of the basics started with a spark of chakra and the oxygen in the lungs to become a small inferno of jutsu.

Teetering to his feet, one of his legs had fallen asleep on top of his body aching from the cold... 'great, why am I doing this again?'. At first he hobbled on one foot as he shook his limbs to try to get some warmth and to wake his leg up, this also served as a sort of mental preparation as the idea of forming fire from his lungs sounded kind of scary. It was a strange and awkward site, good thing he was alone, as he made a small dance on one foot to get warm blood flowing about him.

When his leg had woken enough for him to use it, Shinoskay took up a horse saddle stance and brought his hand up in a tiger symbol. He did not like the idea of inhaling fire but knew the idea of infusing chakra so he felt it would probably be safer to do that. Slowly, he inhaled while drawing chakra into his mouth and lungs, infusing it with the air he breathed in, with the idea of heat and fire. He could feel a small surge of heat from the chakra fill his lungs, he almost panicked by this but felt if he was going to burn it was too late at this point anyways.

Finally, he looked down to the wood, his chest arched upward from the inhale, and he blew forth the chakra... activating it just as it left his mouth. A small, short, gout of fire sprung forth and struck itself against the wood. It filled him with warmth, something about that alone felt so good and comforting as if his very inner being, his chakra, was consoling him to be calm. The chakra made fire did not last very long but it was hot and with slightly funneled by the rock canes, and so as he stopped producing it he noticed there were a few ambers upon the bark and wood.

"ok, one more time." Wasting no time, he quickly went through the same steps, this time he was less cold and numb because of the heat from the fire and warmed chakra. He took his hand up and instinctual formed it in a tiger seal before breathing inward while, once more, infusing chakra into the breath. Again, he blew forth and fire sprouted from his mouth towards the pile of wood in a small gout. It struck and this time as it cleared there was much more ambers, but so too did Shinoskay's head felt light, his mouth felt almost painfully hot, and he was gasping hot air now... "not... done... yet..." Again, he held the seal so he didnt have to bring it back up, stopping now would be a waste of his previous efforts... black scorching had formed on the wood so it wouldn't be any good for anything other then burning anyways so he felt committed to this now.

Once more, he drew in his breath, infusing the fire chakra in with the oxygen, his lungs grew hot and his vision flashed as early signs of hyperventilating began to show... once full, he again shunted the air from him... his aim was a little off now but he had a general sense of where the wood was. the world around him brightened due to hyper oxygenation of the body... and then from the fire gout... once more it struck the wood, his mouth began to feel intensely hot as the fire chakra, and too the fire, came from it and he had to close his eyes tight in concentration to continue pushing out air and chakra... his mouth widened... his aim sprayed now but he was more determined to finish his lungs into the jutsu then anything else....

For a few moments, he breathed ragged... still holding the seal before him... his body was hot now compared to how it had been only minutes earlier. his eyes still closed, he held his stance, mouth gaped fully, just breathing now to catch his breath. And then he heard the crack of wood, and more heat licked its way across his body... slowly, he opened his eyes and before him was a fire. The rock canes held the wood in place but it was still shifted a little, however the bark had caught and quickly spread and the wood above it was starting to develop embers in its own process of catching fire. For a second he watched the bottom of the wood scorch, whiten, and then slowly crack into burning coal, still open, the edges of his mouth twisted up into a small smile. he could feel a little scorching in his own mouth, it was uncomfortable, but he was proud of himself for pushing through and making the wood into the start of a fire.

'wait, I need more wood now, crap' He took a look around him, it was a forest so there would be fallen trees and plenty to burn but for now he would focus on using some of the gathered wood so he could go look without losing the fire. So he turned back to said supplies and took some of the larger pieces, they looked like they would burn for at least an hour or so.... hopefully... and he placed them into the fire before blowing air into it to get it to blaze slightly and to start scorching and burning the new pieces of wood.

The young student then quickly turned, already light heated from all the deep inhaling and blowing, spun wrong on his foot as his vision flashed again and this caused him to slip and start to fall... 'crap, too much too soon' he thought as fell sideways, thankfully away from the fire, and landed on his side.

"gah", he gasped as he hit the ground, it was short lived as he gatherd himself back up and stood. Shinoskay brushed himself off and then went back to dashing off to look for more wood. Eventually he would find himself with a decent fire, he wouldnt sleep much, if at all, but he chose to stay out for the night with his fire. His body quickly, almost instantly, recovered from the fatigue, the small tax to his chakra supply, and the scorch to his mouth so he felt fully fresh once he had gotten proper feed for the fire. A simple Clone would occupy him for the night and give the presence of some form of numbers to predators.

[Exit, 2252 wc, Claim Discipline, Spider Web Area, Basic Medical Ninjutsu, Inside To Outside Block 11 stats.]

Last edited by Shinoskay on Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:52 am; edited 3 times in total
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From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire Empty Re: From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire

Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:09 pm
Approved. For future reference, please list how many words are going towards a technique
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From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire Empty Re: From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire

Wed Mar 07, 2018 12:11 am
Ignore past me, been busy lately with personal things. Shino, you can't claim 2 wind jutsu and 1 fire jutsu when you only have earth as an element. gonna have to ask you to put those 1500 words towards something else instead that you qualify for. Oversight on my part.

From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire Empty Re: From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire

Wed Mar 07, 2018 12:57 am
Sorry for the oversight, although only two actually have an element requirements as the wind arrows, ironically, do not require any elemental affinity.

1000 minus the 25% solo training discount makes 750, so I need to replace 750 wc worth of jutsu.

However, since firestream requires koton element to learn let alone use... I need to rewrite my fire training in the thread to remove the use of firestream.

Will edit shortly, I am going to need some refueling to fix my fuck up.

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From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire Empty Re: From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire

Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:02 am
Wind Arrows require the wind element, it's listed under the element itself on the app. The other two just have the element additionally listed underneath bonus requirements, but in truth it's not technically needed, as elemental moves are restricted to that element. You don't need to rewrite anything, I messed up so I don't mind if you just keep the total WC already as long as its put towards something else

From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire Empty Re: From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire

Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:37 am
well, ok I guess, edited.
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From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire Empty Re: From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire

Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:42 am
Reapproved for everything besides Shock Paddle, as that requires Lightning element.

From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire Empty Re: From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire

Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:44 am
its in the medical list tho XD, damn

Edited to something else.

From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire Empty Re: From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire

Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:49 am
fuck, thats a D rank... I hella need to slow down and carefully choose
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From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire Empty Re: From the dying embers, sparks of The Will of Fire

Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:51 am
Buddy, you're killing me here lmao. At most you can claim 752 words towards it since there's no 25% solo training discount. There is a 50% taught discount and a 25% discount received from having max stats (325).

EDIT: yes pls
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