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Chima Horea
Chima Horea
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Learning the Ropes [Private] Empty Learning the Ropes [Private]

Thu Apr 12, 2018 7:01 pm
It was unusual for the Academy to accept someone so old. Most students were accepted during childhood, trained from a young age. Effectively; most ninja were brought up as such. Chima; however; was already 16 when accepted to the Academy.

As such, he bypassed a lot of the curriculum. The Academy didn't just teach the arts of the shinobi; but also effectively functioned as a school. Chima already had his basic education, so only needed tutelage in the ways of the ninja.

The first month of training had been simple physical training. Getting his body fit and into shape. Working on balance. Basic target practice. The lessons were dull and simple, and often somewhat humbleing for the young man. Getting outperformed by children multiple years his junior for the first few weeks was embarrassing. Yet, it showed Chima just how far he could go. He quickly managed to catch up with the other students, although his more developed body made this expected, not an accomplishment.

Then, at the end of the first month, he was enrolled in the basic jutsu course. The first few lessons were simply on what chakra was. The dangers of over-exerting yourself, and the importance of handseals in ninjutsu to help focus your Chakra.

The first practical lesson was a very simple one. Focus your chakra. That was the first step before learning any jutsu. Jutsu were effectively the application of focused chakra.

The teacher instructed the class to stand up; and make a Tiger hand seal. They were then to try and focus on their inner power, the chakra within them, until they could feel it clearly. They were not to release the hand seal until the teacher told them to do so.

Chima did this, but nothing happened initially. The same applied for everyone else in the class. Nothing occurred, and the room was in silence with everyone focusing. Then, without warning; one of the students, a black-haired girl who wore a blue dress, suddenly had her hair blowing around a little, and very faint blue wisps swirl around her.

"You can stop; Asame." the teacher said.

The girl released her handseal and sat down. The mood in the class raised, seeing one of them succeed, and knowing what success would look like drove them.

One by one, other members of the class managed to focus their chakra. Some where more refined than others, their chakra more or less wild when it was finally focused. One of the boys seemed to over-do it, and managed to somehow knock the boy who was sitting next to him [Having already succeeded] over with his release of energy.

Chima was now among the last five in the class still standing. The previous morale that the success had been putting into him and the others was turning into a sinking feeling. Embarrassment at standing for the others to see. The others who had managed it quicker than they had. A pressure fell on Chima's shoulders; the same pressure he had felt a few weeks ago when he was being outperformed while training.

He exhaled. He had been told to focus. Thinking out pressure and being outdone by some preteens wasn't helping.

That was when he felt something inside him, as he exhaled. A warm feeling from the pit of his stomach, swirling around. As if by instinct, he honed in on that energy, focusing upon it. As he kept focusing, it felt warmer. It was like a campfire on  cold night, drawing you further into it's warmth.

"Chima; you may sit down." the teacher's voice rang out, snapping the adolescent from sinking into the energy within him.

"Oh... yes..." he said with a start, sitting down slowly. There were only two other students sitting up; he hadn't even noticed two others sit down before him since he had last counted.

It took a little while longer for the final two students to be told to sit. Then the teacher commanded everyone to raise again after two minuites of rest.

"Now you know what you are looking for; do it again." the teacher instructed. "Tiger seal; focus your chakra."

The students began again. The girl in the blue dress almost immediately succeeded, with the teacher being noticeably surprised by the speed she managed it this time. In the next minute; a couple of other students also succeeded. By three; half the class had. Far quicker than the first attempt. The gaps between them being a lot smaller than before.

Then, Chima felt that feeling in his stomach again, and once again focused upon it. The feeling growing stronger and stronger.

He didn't even notice he had closed his eyes until he opened them, seeing a few wisps of blue energy swirl around himself.

He heard the command from the teacher; and sat down again. This time; he looked at the clock. The first attempt had taken him almost quarter of an hour. This one had taken seven minutes.

The cycle continued; the class getting faster and faster each time. By the end of the session, Chima had managed to take only twenty seconds to focus his chakra, although about a quarter of the class were now managing it near instantaneously upon making the Tiger seal. At that point; the class was dismissed, with instructions to keep practicing focusing their chakra, and a promise which excited the young man.

"Next lesson, you will be learning your first jutsu."



908 words

If I'm understanding things right; that's 4 stat points? Also I can't find if there's rollover in this regard [aka; the 108 carries over to the next stat count].

Not 100% on how to claim and update stats on my stats page; mostly just copying some other people I've checked on.

Also I assume it's alright to continue with the Clone training in this thread?
Madrigal Kaguya
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Learning the Ropes [Private] Empty Re: Learning the Ropes [Private]

Thu Apr 12, 2018 7:32 pm
So, the way this works is you can claim things now if you want. Or you can keep posting here until you exit the thread which involves putting 'exit' in some way shape or form, detached from the rest of the post. You can do midthread claims instead if that is your wish. 

If you EXIT the thread, unused words will not carry over to the next stat point.

You CAN however allocate every single word toward a technique/skill/weapon/armor/item..etc..

Claiming does require you to link the tech. If you want to keep it organized, utilize the taskbar in the reply box to make a hyperlink. Click the spoiler below for the example

Once you click that button you'll find an area that says 'URL' and 'Description' paste the link to the tech or item you're claiming into the URL section and in description type the name. Whatever you type will become a link, like this. I typed 'this' into the description. (It's a link to this thread)

So with your word count you could for example claim 4 stats, 500/500 words for the Clone Jutsu (Learning it) and 408/500 words for the Transformation Jutsu. Then in your next thread you can utilize 92 words to complete the learning of the Transformation Jutsu. 

In the event you DO finish learning a jutsu in a different thread, make sure you link the thread(s) where you obtained previous word count. 

You only need to make you make claims when you exit the thread. As that's when a mod will need to post on it to approve it. After you the mod approves you go to your statistics page, edit them into the page, and post a reply with a link to the thread and what you added. (Not everyone makes the reply, it's not super important but it does help keep track of things).

Would you like to exit and claim now? Or post more and do it later? Or make a midthread claim? All your decision.Also, in case you did not notice it before here's this. Something you'll find infinitely useful.
Chima Horea
Chima Horea
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Learning the Ropes [Private] Empty Re: Learning the Ropes [Private]

Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:07 pm
If that's the case I won't claim now. I plan to do a sort of lesson setting for the two basic jutsu. Thanks.
Chima Horea
Chima Horea
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Learning the Ropes [Private] Empty Re: Learning the Ropes [Private]

Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:56 pm
The class was filled with various plumes of smoke as the students practiced the two jutsu that had been described to them.

The instructor had, somewhat lazily, described these two Jutsu as 'vital Jutsu every Shinobi must learn'. Clearly, the older teacher had taught this lesson often enough that they had grown bored of it.

The first jutsu that had been displayed to the class was the Clone Jutsu. Initiated with a Ram; Snake and Tiger handseal, the jutsu would create a brief plume of smoke; before the user and a single illusionary clone would emerge from it.

Chima immediately saw the purpose of the technique. Diversion. An optical illusion accurate enough to potentially confuse the enemy.

The second jutsu was more difficult; as it required some maintenance from the user after it was initially used. A transformation technique. One that effectively allowed one to take the form of another person, or something close enough to human. A second deception. Like the Clone Jutsu; this one was initiated by a sting of three handseals; Dog, Boar and Ram.

Both strings of handseals were on the chalkboard. The instructor was sat at his desk; jotting down in a book and occasionally looking up from it, as if taking notes. Of course; his actual actions were not discernible to the teenager.

Chima had decided to first focus on the Clone Jutsu, and, after some initial difficulty in flowing from one handseal to the next, had progressed to the point where upon completion of the seals; there was a puff of smoke.

But as close to success the teenage boy had reached was a wispy clone, hardly visible at all, that faded from existence in about five seconds. It was better than a lot of the students who had chosen to practise the Clone Jutsu had managed however, with most of the class still fumbling with their handseals, the younger students being significantly less dexterous than the older one.

Chima took a moment to take a breather, every attempt left him feeling a little bit more drained, even the complete failures.

He looked up; and noticed the instructor had vanished. A few moments later; the class' door re-opened, and he entered, holding a large basket filled with bananas, which he started to throw to the class as if they were shuriken. Most of the class caught a banana, although one of the boys didn't notice and got a fruit to the head.

"While it would be nothing for an experienced ninja to repeat these techniques a lot; you are greenhorns." the instructor said. "Your chakra control is... rudimentary at best, and your reserves are small as well. Take a break and eat. You need to keep your energy up. For you; attempting jutsu when fatigued will likly lead to poor results."

Chima sat down and ate the banana. The instructor's words seemed to be a put-down about the class' abilities, but Chima was able to put together what the instructor was implying.

The more the class practiced, while they were improving, they were also tiring. Which was hampering their performance in spite of their improvement. Perhaps refreshed, they would be inspired by sudden progress as a result.

Chima continued to rest for about ten minutes after finishing the snack. Until he no longer felt fatigued. A lot of the class had since returned to practice, and indeed had generally improved. The girl at the top of the class, Asame, even managed to create a perfect clone during this time, although it didn't last too long before dissipating.

The girl looked frustrated by this; and continued to practice the Clone Jutsu to try and increase the duration of the clone to a satisfactory amount.

Chima stood up; and slowly and carefully made the handseals. But he didn't focus his chakra yet. He was simply practicing the seals. He didn't want to mess up when actually attempting the jutsu this time. He practised the seals twenty times, getting slightly faster each repetition.

On the twenty-first try, he focused his chakra as he made the handseals, more rapidly than he had when attempting the jutsu before.

The puff of smoke was thicker than it had been before, and when it cleared, Chima looked to his side and found a clone of himself looking back. An opaque clone.

Was that the energy boost from the rest? Or was it because I practised the handseals and focused my chakra better? Or maybe both? Chima wondered, with a sly smile on his face as he looked at his clone.

Chima sat down; and then he commanded the clone to copy his handseals a second after he made them. He started to make the seals for the Transformation Technique. Dog... Ram... Boar.

As he did this; he observed the clone that mimiced him; spotting small mistakes; such as his fingers clashing with each other as he switched seals, or his grip being slightly out of position.

The instructor noticed this, and looked up from his book at the older student with mild interest. While he had taught many students these techniques, it was rare he'd teach someone of Chima's age... and even rarer that someone would come up with something like this to identify their own mistakes.

After a few minuites; Chima's clone dissipated. Chima then stood up and actually attempted the Transformation Jutsu, the class having been instructed to transform into the instructor himself.

Chima managed to create a puff of smoke to cloak himself on the first actual attempt, and had managed to transform. But it was incomplete; flawed. He'd managed to copy the instructor's face, but his clothing and body were still his own.

Chima released the transformation and tried five times more, with the same results.

"I'm doing something wrong..." he muttered; only to catch Asame in front of him attempt the Transformation Jutsu as well. Except she managed to change her body and not her face.

The boy chuckled internally seeing this, but also decided to observe the girl as she attempted the jutsu again. He watched her do it three more times, watching her handseals carefully.

Then; Chima once more stood up, and made a strong of handseals. Except this time, it was another Clone Jutsu, and got it to repeat his handseals once again. Then he made the Clone handseals once more; summoning a second clone. This one; he made copy Asame's movements.

He watched for about a minuite before he noticed two differences. Asame's Boar seal had a small gap between the hands; while Chima's were directly together; while her Ram seal had her hands a little bit too level.

That was the mistake he was making; and the one she was making.

The instructor looked impressed as Chima stood up and attempted the seals for the Transofrmation technique again, this time correcting his mistake with the Boar seal. Chima didn't notice this attention he was getting for his use of clones to identfy his errors, due to his focus on finding the fault.

This time, the Transformation technique was successful, nd the instructor put down his book seeing it.

"Now hold that form as long as you can, keep your chakra flow stable." he instructed.

Chima's clones vanished, as Chima stood there, focusing and willing the transformation to stay stable. It was.

After a minutie; the instructor said "Throw me that pen on your desk."

The student responded, actually moving while transformed for the first time. He over-estimated the length of his arms, and overshot the throw due to it, but the instructor still looked impressed.

"You may release your transformation now." he said.

Chima turned back to normal in a quick puff of smoke, sweating a little.

He has proud of what he had managed. The speed at which he'd managed to Transformation technique, using the Clone technique to identify his mistakes.

Something he'd have to remember, a Jutsu can have more uses than the obvious.


WC: 1,326

Thread Wordcount: 1,326+908 = 2,234

If I'm not mistaken; things can be put towards both training and jutsu? In which case claiming: [Learned] [Learned]

11 Stat Points.

If I'm making a mistake on my claims; feel free to correct me.

I'm not sure if I have to state I'm ending the thread or not when I end it... but this is done now.
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Learning the Ropes [Private] Empty Re: Learning the Ropes [Private]

Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:29 pm
Your good, just next time put exactly how many words you want to put towards a tech. For example..

-500 words towards

But for now everythings good. If your done with the topic just put "(Exit)" at the bottom and your good to go my guy.
Chima Horea
Chima Horea
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Learning the Ropes [Private] Empty Re: Learning the Ropes [Private]

Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:06 pm
Alright; I'll keep that in mind then for next time I claim something

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Learning the Ropes [Private] Empty Re: Learning the Ropes [Private]

Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:43 am
Cool, Approved big dawg
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