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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) Empty Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sat Apr 28, 2018 4:32 am
(Throwing up an NK tag to this thread, but I am like… 35% sure that is going to get voided?)

Two weeks and some on days had passed since the tournament of the stars had come to pass, and some odd days since the pair of Akari assasssin’s had captured the bijuu that had escaped the gentle . During this period of time, the young chestnut haired Jounin had found herself trying to strengthen her abilities as a combatant, feeling that she had been absolutely useless in her battle against the tailed beast.

Since the battle, the girl had found herself on a faraway training ground known as the Lunar fields, and spending numerous of hours in the library trying to further her understanding of Fuinjutsu, only leaving when she was assigned a mission, (And even then, unless it was with the Dark Prince of Hoshigakure, the Jounin would attempt to turn it down.) However, to her unfortunate displeasure, the magical girl found herself in the same position as before her training had started, not becoming any stronger.

Not left with much other choice, Hikari would turn to the help of medicine. The girl had started making some trips the local market in order to pick up Vitamins, protein shakes, and supplements. However, the Jounin hadn’t the best of luck when it came to picking up said materials, everywhere the Jounin went to, the store seemed to be sold out of all their valuable medical enhancers. Saying that a muscular red head came flying in without a shirt, singing merry hyms and buying up all the good stock the shop keepers kept.

This is would be where our story would begain, with the young Namikaze writing a letter to her medical expert friend, Kenshin Uzumaki. Now this letter would read….. wait…. Perhaps friend isn’t the right word, maybe…… Acquaintance? Mentor? Stalker? He did randomly find himself invading threads that Hikari was in. Well, lets just call them “Comrades” and continue the tale. Anyways, the letter would read a little like this.

Dear Kenshin,

Hello, how have you been? I am writing this letter for two reasons. My first was to congratulate you on your victory in the Jounin tournament. I was hoping to see you in person to tell you this, but I have found myself busy with various missions and advanced training, so I have not had the opportunity to meet you in person and congratulate you. That being said, I have noticed something in that regards, I have noticed that on the mission file list, you are still listed as a Jounin, and not the Queen’s guard rank you have won. I find myself curious why this is the case. Is it just that those mission files are not up to date? Did you turn down the position? Of course, if you can’t explain, [scratch]Or just wish not to.[/scratch] I understand, we as shinobi are kept to secrets.

Speaking of which, that comes to my second reason to getting in contact with you.

Shortly after our tournament battle, I was assigned a classified mission with another shinobi among our ranks. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide information on this, but what I am able to say is that my team found ourselves in a grave battle, which I was completely ineffective for. Seeing my team member fight so bravely, and seeing your raw power in the tournament, it was very awe inspiring. It has sparked my drive to grow stronger and better defend our home. In my spare time, I have done little else but train and attempt to further my Fuinjutsu studies. However, I have found myself at a standstill, unable to advance any further then where I have currently through my normal training means. As such I have been forced to further my horizons and seek other paths. I am currently looking into various forms of supplements and vitamins to take on a daily bases, however, I am not much of a doctor when it comes to these kinds of things. As such, I turn to you to ask such advice. Would you know of any supplements that would better my chakra, or just generic vitamins that a Kunochi my age should be taking?

Thank you so much for your time and support, I really do appreciate it.


Hikari Namikaze

This letter would be sealed into a pink envelope closed by a heart sticker and with rose stamps on them. The back sticker being a small seal that Hikari had made and enclosed all of her letters with, giving off the aroma of being in a flower garden.

With that, Hikari would place the letter in the mail and leave to continue her training.
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Thu May 17, 2018 11:23 am
The silver haired young man would look over the contents of the letter once more, attempting to decipher the hidden code that had to be hidden somewhere within. Surely this letter had not actually been penned by Namikaze, and if on the off chance that it had… surely the girl would not be asking him for dietary advice of all things. But… if there was indeed a code hidden within the message… then Kenshin was unable to find it, and as such he had to assume that what had been written was actually what she wished to speak to him about. Hmm, it was rather obvious that most of the first portion of the letter was simple social norms, asking how he had been lately before following up with a question that all but amounted to what have you been doing lately. The second portion of the letter thought… at least near the end, had essentially been her asking for his advice on how she could possibly get stronger… of course she had asked in a typically stupid way, but still, the question remained the same.

How very curious, she had obviously come to a standstill if she had bothered sending him of all people a letter, as she knew very well that he did not exactly like her. But still, he had come to respect her strength since the Jounin Tournament, and if he was being perfectly honest, perhaps even a little before that… when she had almost killed him with that damned laser of hers. Whatever, he was not so petty that he would not help her gain further strength, after-all, for her to put both pride and fear aside and actually reach out to him for help… he could respect that.

He would simply flip the Fuinjutsu Mistress of hoshi’s letter over and write his own short response.

‘Namikaze, meet me at the Izumo Inn, just off the market square.

PS. Seriously, a pink envelope sealed with a heart shaped sticker…you do realise how this looks… right?’

With that, Kenshin would make his way into the market district, and take a seat at one of the main tables sitting out front of the inn. Once there, he would send the message off with a child looking to make some rather easy money, and wait for Namikaze to arrive.

WC: 391

(OOC: So not gonna lie, I kinda forgot this topic was a thing until just now, my apologies for the wait)
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Tue May 29, 2018 2:03 am
(I have lost 4k of writing on this already, I give up.)

After reciving the leter that Kenshin had given to her, the Chestnut haired woman would telleport to the inn that Kenshin Uzumaki had informed her about. She had been planing to go to the training ground in the main world to work up a sweat, so she was wearing a hoodie and a pair of yoga pants, trying to wear warm clothes so that she could sweat alot. (Weight control was a thing for a ninja afterall.) Anyways, Hoshigakure's Fuinjutsu Misstress of Light would appear outside of the inn, her white hood pulled up so it was covering her face, but she didn't surpress her chakra so the Albino Jounin/Queensgarud would be able to sense her presnence. After telleporting outside the inn, the Jounin would see the Star village's version of Frankenstien sitting at a table..... this was...... kind of peaceful.... to peacefull for the Kenshin Hikari had come to known.

Anyways, Hikari would give a slight wave at Kenshin before moving toward the table at where she was sitting at. "Hello, mind if I join you?" Presuming that the Senju said yes, the Chestnut haired girl would take a seat across the table from him. "So... I got your message, what do you mean 'What this looks like?' Shina is the only person tha has ever complained to me about my letters. And even then, it is usualy just about how my hand writing was messy. It is very strange, because when I was a child I was often complemented on my Curseive handwriting."
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:13 am
The half-blood Uzumaki would feel the arrival of the Akari maiden long before he ever managed to lay eyes upon her, the large beacon of chakra almost seeming to call out to him as she appeared seemingly from thin air. She would be unable to sense his own chakra signature, due entirely to the ring that he wore upon his left index finger, or rather, the seal that had been placed upon said ring. The Fuinjutsu Mistress would of course know this, as she had been the one to both design and place the seal upon the ring. It was relatively easy for one to overlook or forget just how skilled Namikaze truly was, due in large part to her rather ditsy attitude and airheaded nature, but she was a Jounin for a reason. He would roll his eyes in a mixture of amusement and disgust when he noticed a rather large swarm of butterflies began to appear in the area, slowly coalescing just in front of the restaurant.

This action would, of course, draw quite a bit of attention, and as one would expect from the civilians of Hoshigakure, most of it was negative, but Kenshin had chosen the Izumo inn as their meeting place for a reason. The owner of the inn was none other than Rika, the kindly old woman whose life Kenshin had saved so long ago, back from a fire that had broken out in her small store when he had been but a lowly Genin. She knew full well that she owed Kenshin a debt that could never truly be repaid, so rather than try she simply made it known that any and all shinobi were welcome in her inn, and anyone who had a problem with that was not. Despite the fact that these people seemed to disapprove of the young woman who had just appeared, none of them did anything more than give light glares, even the usual muttering of curses towards shinobi was absent.

He took a moment to study Namikaze before she began her approach, and he came to the conclusion that she had not tried to dress to impress, something that he was rather thankful for. After that letter of hers, and the times that she had incinerated his clothes, he was starting to fear that perhaps she harboured some feelings for him… and that thought terrified him more than most would believe possible. This fear was not because he was unsure of his feelings for her, because his hatred of the wannabe magical girl was rather well known around Hoshigakure. No, the fear sprung from the fact that if she did indeed hold feelings for him then she would want to spend more time with him, and he honestly feared for his sanity if she began following him around like a lost puppy. Now, he could simply end the girl if she got too annoying for him to handle, but as previously stated, his “distaste” for the Fuinjutsu Mistress was well known, so he would be one of the first suspects. And to make matters even worse for him she had some distant relation to none other than Valen, the Deputy Kage of Hoshigakure and a man that Kenshin had spent far too much time and effort into ‘befriending’ to risk alienating by murdering a pest.

The head of the Nova Corps had his Manipulated Fabric in its usual form, said form being the very same outfit that he had worn since becoming a Chunin. All in all, he looked very much the same as he had the last time that he and the older woman had clashed during the tournament. The only real difference between then and now was the lack of an eyepatch to cover the transplanted Sharingan in his left eye, and even that was only different because his One Way Patch had not survived their fight. His left eye was sealed shut by the very same black threads that called his body home, something that he had taken to doing in order to better conserve chakra due to his inability to actually deactivate the eye. Of course, that was no longer the case due to a technique created by the former Hogokage Denkiteki, but nobody else needed to know that.

The commander of the newly minted organisation would nod in response to Hikari’s wave, and almost immediately she would approach the small table that he was seated at.

"Hello, mind if I join you?" she would ask, earning a light chuckle from the medical specialist. He had no idea why she felt the need to ask that, seeing as he had been the one who asked her to meet him here… so he simply decided to point that little fact out to her.

“I did ask you to meet me here Hikari” he would simply note, an amused smirk fixed firmly upon his scarred face.

"So... I got your message, what do you mean 'What this looks like?' Shina is the only person that has ever complained to me about my letters. And even then, it is usually just about how my handwriting was messy. It is very strange, because when I was a child I was often complimented on my cursive handwriting." she would ask upon taking her seat, causing Kenshin to once more release an amused chuckle. It would seem that despite the rather massive growth she had shown in strength, her personality remained very much the same… something that he considered to be both amusing and disappointing.

“You sent me a letter in a pink envelope, sealed with a heart shaped sticker and smelling as if it had been doused in perfume” he would state in a tone as dry as Haven Countries landscape, did the girl truly not understand how that could look?

“Even the messenger that delivered the letter had something to say about it. ‘Ya know Kenshin, it’s usually the guys that send the love letters…’. Yes, it looked as if you were sending me a love letter… and to make matters even worse I suspect the messenger in question has already started to spread this ‘news’ around the village.” The silver haired shinobi would explain in a rather exasperated tone. The fact that Lilith of all people had been the one to deliver the letter had all but ensured that the entire village would have heard of this by tomorrow.

WC: 1073 
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:55 pm
One Kenshin gave confirmation, Hikari would take a seat across from the pale victor of the Jounin tournament as Kenshin would start explaining the issues with her letter. The Jounin would look very quizically at Kenshin as he explained what he and the messanger thought when they had been exchanging words earlier, "Huh.... that is kind of strange." Hikari would respond. "I send letters like that all the time to Lady Shina and the sisterhood monestary on the outskirts of Hoshigakure, but they never seemed to get that feeling." The Jounin would rack her brain for a second, the First Hogokage's former girlfreind always did get on Hikari about it being unprofesional, but she got vulgar and mad about alot of things like that. And the sister's of the monestary never had any complaints similar to that. On the contrary, they had on multiple occasions complemented Hikari on her leters.

If Kenshin responded to that comment, Hikari would wait to hear his reply before responding. However, if the Senju had nothing more to say on the subject, the Jounin would get down to buisness.

"So, I suppose you called me here in response to my letter." Hikari would ask. "Honestly, I am little bit surprised about you calling me here, I had just expected you to send me a list of a few supplements that you thought might help. Is everything alright?"
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:37 am
"Huh.... that is kind of strange. I send letters like that all the time to Lady Shina and the sisterhood monastery on the outskirts of Hoshigakure, but they never seemed to get that feeling." The wannabe magical girl would say, causing Kenshin to roll his right eye in annoyance. Whatever, he seriously did not care enough about this stupid situation to spend anymore time thinking about it, so he simply would not give any type of response to her inane babbling. Did she truly not realize that both Shina and this sisterhood she had just mentioned were women? And that sending them letter identical to the one she had just sent him would turn far less heads. Ugh, she truly was as airheaded as ever.

"So, I suppose you called me here in response to my letter." the chestnut haired woman would then say, earning both a nod and hum of approval from the stitched and scarred teen. He really was quite thankful that she was finally getting to the point of this little meetup, because the sooner she did the sooner he could leave her presence. While he did hold some small measure of respect for the young woman’s strength… that feeling was overshadowed by the sheer irritation that he felt whilst simply being in her presence. It was honestly quite strange to him that he found her mere existence to be such an annoyance, but alas… he did, and he knew of no way to change what he felt about the Akari.

"Honestly, I am little bit surprised about you calling me here, I had just expected you to send me a list of a few supplements that you thought might help. Is everything alright?" She would then ask, earning little more than a scoff from the silver haired teen.

“...Surely even you are not quite that dense?” he would ask with a slightly disbelieving look upon his face. Surely the Jounin did not actually believe that she could grow stronger at this stage of her career through simple dietary supplements. At this revelation, he could do little more than sigh in exasperation

“...Don’t answer that… I already know the answer” The Ragdoll of Hoshigakure would say whilst shaking his head

“Hikari… allow me to explain one extremely simple truth to you. In the end, we shinobi are simply human… and contrary to popular belief humans do not hold unlimited potential. There is a limit to how powerful one can naturally become, and once you have reached that limit there is very little that you can do to truly become more powerful. I can safely say that you have reached that limit, in fact I would say that you probably reached that level of strength whilst you were a Chunin, if not sooner.” Kenshin would explain carefully, keeping his voice lowered so that only Hikari could hear what was being said.

“No amount of dietary supplements will help you get stronger at this point… but that does not mean there is nothing that can be done. There are other forms of power that I can help you attain… and whilst this method may not exactly be ethical I have yet to meet anyone that can argue with the results.” The albino would say, a small smirk beginning to split his scarred face. His right eye would close as he blinked, and as it did he would allow the threads holding his left eye to slither back into his body. A small amount of chakra was then channelled into the still closed eyes, activating the twin orbs that were currently hidden by his eyelids.

With that, he would allow both of his eyes to open, revealing to Namikaze exactly what had been hidden from her and most of the village for quite some time. Two eyes, but neither of which seemed quite so normal anymore, as the one on the left was glowing an eerie red, while the ne on the right was glowing a bright blue.

“This is the power I offer…”

WC: 674
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:02 am
As Kenshin revealed his transplanted eyes, to which she was taken slightly aback. She had knew that Kenshin's right eye had some sort of power in it from when she had forged an eye patch for him some time ago. As for the other eye.... was that a Sharngain? The Jounin had read of the Mirror Wheel Eye in the various scrolls Dentiki had written for the Archives, however the Chestnut haired girl had never seen the eye herself. So.... Kenshin was an Uchiha as well.... no.... that couldn't be right. If he was an Uchiha, then both of his eyes would of been the same shade of Red. The other eye was deffinitly not a Sharningan. It was obviously some sort of dojutsu, but it was a different dojutsu. Something else..... which would mean....

"Transplants?" Hikari would ask, thinking back once agian to the first Hogokage's writing. "Kenshin, are you serious? Sure. In Hoshigakure we don't have the act outlawed, but surely there is annother way to gain power besides these blood soaked means?"
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:17 am
The silver haired teen had to admit the look of shock upon Namikaze’s face upon seeing the truth behind his transplanted eyes for the first time was rather amusing. Surely she of all people could have seen that there was something special about the right eye that he had always kept hidden away behind his One Way Patch. After-all, she had been the one to place the Light Absorption Seal upon said eyepatch in the first place. The ‘Jounin’ had honestly been a little shocked when nobody questioned why he had taken to wearing the eyepatch over the other eye after he had received the late Denkiteki’s Sharingan from Kyousuke. But for once the obliviousness of his fellow shinobi had proved to be a rather good thing for Kenshin… at least until Namikaze destroyed his eyepatch in their fight and revealed the implanted eye to the majority of Hoshigakure’s shinobi forces

"Transplants?" he would hear the Fuinjutsu Mistress question, earning little more than a nod from the scar faced albino as he deactivated the mismatched eyes. He was not exactly shocked that the magical girl knew what DNA transplants were, not after finding out that the first Hogokage had quite literally written the book on the subject, but nevertheless his respect for the girl was raised ever so slightly.

"Kenshin, are you serious? Sure. In Hoshigakure we don't have the act outlawed, but surely there is another way to gain power besides these blood soaked means?" he would then hear her ask, causing the small iota of respect that he had just gained to vanish. Why was it that each and every time he managed to gain even the smallest hint of respect for Namikaze she did something to ruin it? Ugh, at the very least he knew that she was almost as strong as she was idiotic… actually, now that he really thought about it, that was quite the terrifying prospect. Perhaps he shouldn’t go through with this… surely giving the girl even more power in the form of a transplanted Kekkei Genkai was a bad idea. But at the same time… it would be quite interesting to see just what the foolish woman would be able to do if she had access to one of the Kekkei Genkai that he had stored away alongside this strange light based element that both she and Valen seemed to share. Hmm… he had given Valen an Uzumaki transplant… perhaps he should give the demented woman access to the very same Kekkei Genkai to see who utilized it better?

“Yes Namikaze, I am quite serious. As I said, there is very little that either you or I could do at this point to become more ‘powerful’. You would find dietary supplements to be completely useless, while the effects of performance enhancing drugs would be negligible at best and detrimental at worse. The best thing for you to do would be to continue training, and all that would actually do is increase your stamina. Both you and I have long since reached the natural limits of our strength, that is simply a fact… but while neither of us will ever truly become more powerful, there is nothing stopping us from increasing our respective arsenals.” the silver haired Uzumaki would explain, a dark smirk forming upon his face as he gazed steadily at the chestnut haired woman. He knew that there was very little that the Jounin could say to refute the logic in his words, especially when one realised that Kenshin had more than likely forgotten more about the human body than Hikari would ever know… and he forgot very little.

“Transplants are nothing more than tools for us to use, tools to open the doors that were locked to us upon birth. If you truly have an issue with gaining power through ‘blood soaked means’ such as this then feel free to decline the offer… but you are a shinobi… and both you and I know exactly what that means. In the end… no matter how hard you try to pretend otherwise, no matter how much you try to focus on the positive aspects of our lifestyle… your hands will always be stained with blood… just like Valen’s… Just. Like. Mine” he would continue on, pushing Namikaze further and further with each and every word. He made sure to put particular emphasis on those last three words, as he knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that Hikari was absolutely terrified of him. It had been that way ever since their first meeting during the second stage of her Chunin missions, and he knew that while the fear may have faded a little over the years(s) that they had known each other it was still there, lurking in the deepest, darkest recesses of her mind.

“I must admit, I find myself curious” the supposed Jounin would then say, seemingly ending his little speech as he stared at Hikari intently, his soft grey eyes looking at her with barely contained glee. The only clue she would have as to something being wrong was the dark smirk upon his face… or rather, the fact that it was now an almost insane grin that seemed to be splitting his scarred face in half.

“Just how would you react to the knowledge that I offered this very choice to Valen some time ago? I wonder... what do you think his answer was?” he would then ask, watching the girls face intently in anticipation of her reaction.

WC: 921
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:15 pm
As Kenshin brought up the fact that that all of their hands were bloodied, the Jounin's hands would tremble just ever so slightly as she would look down at them....... she had always tried to avoid blood shed whenever was possible, but at the same time she was a Jounin of a village that was under constant threat of the like of missing ninjas and the Jaws of Grimma. She never killed if it was avoidable, but at the same time, it wasn't always avoidable. Her hands had been stained with the blood of those who had no realisitc way to defend themselves against a trained Kunochi like herself on multiple occasions, and she knew that Valen and Kenshin had done the same. Heck, the two fo them had probably done so many more times than she had. However...

"I mean.... yes, you are correct, but still.... Kenshin, we fight to defend those who can't defend themselves. We do what is nessicary to defend the ones we love. We don't rip out part of our enemies and.... shove it in ourselves! That is completly insane! Lord Denkiteki..... Lady Akihana.... Lord Kyousuke.... Valen.... they would never support anything like this!" For the closing sentence Hikari spoke she would say a little bit louder, beliving that would get her point across even more. Not loud enough that the others of the village would be able to hear it if they were listening in, but enough that the captain of the Nova Corps could understand that she felt strongly about this.
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:40 pm
The silver haired Uzumaki would gain a sense of triumph as he watched Namikaze begin to stare at her hands, trembling like leaves in the wind as she no doubt pictures how much blood was staining them. But still, he was not yet done with his point, so he would continue on with everything that he had written out in his previous post

"I mean.... yes, you are correct, but still.... Kenshin, we fight to defend those who can't defend themselves. We do what is necessary to defend the ones we love. We don't rip out part of our enemies and.... shove it in ourselves! That is completely insane! Lord Denkiteki..... Lady Akihana.... Lord Kyousuke.... Valen.... they would never support anything like this!" She would then retort, her voice raising in an effort to show how strongly she actually felt about this matter. But all that her impassioned words earned was a dark chuckle of derision from the stitched and scarred young man.

“...You have no idea just how wrong you are. Denkiteki quite literally wrote the book on DNA Transplants, and he performed so many upon himself that they ended up tearing his body apart. Akihana provided me with the hearts of dead Hoshigakure shinobi in an effort to help me gain more strength. Kyousuke did the same, cutting the still warm heart from the chest of a Genin that I had killed in an attempt to go rogue. Not only that, but Kyousuke was the very person who performed the surgery to give me my Sharingan… which he took from the corpse of Denkiteki. And Valen… I offered him this very same choice in the closing months of last year, and he accepted without question.” Kenshin would explain, exposing each and every dirty little secret that he held about the higher ranks of Hoshigakure’s Shinobi Corps when it came to the subject of DNA transplants.

“I believe Valen’s exact words were ‘I don’t give a damn where I get the power, the strength to do what is necessary. I will use it to defend my home, and by that I mean Hoshigakure… But not the Hoshigakure that you or I are apart of now. But a better one. One no longer ravaged by animosity between two factions. One not afraid of it’s own strength.’ You know as well as I that those are very dangerous words for someone to say in a Shinobi Village like ours, even more so for one as torn as Hoshi.” he would then quote, finishing it up with a very true statement.

“If you truly insist on trying to view the world through rose coloured lenses… then I will break said lenses, along with your view of this world. Peace is a lie fed to the masses by those in positions of authority, ethics, morality and honour are all concepts thought up by the weak in a vain attempt to shackle and demonise the strong. Your naivete will eventually get you, or worse, someone else, killed. That bandit you chose to spare… out raping, murdering and pillaging to his heart's content, that Missing Nin you chose to spare… doing very much the same, while no doubt plotting a way to get back at you for the humiliation you afforded him. And guess what, all of the blood that they have spared since you chose to spare them… that blood is on your hands just as much as it is theirs, as had you chosen not to take the easy way out and spare yourself a little guilt those people would still be breathing. Ask yourself this Namikaze… what is worse, the monster that devours other monsters, or the heroine that allows the monsters to live?” He would finally ask, eyeing the still trembling form of Hikari intently. His grey eyes seemingly boring into her very soul

WC: 643
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