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Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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A-rank Mission [P] Empty A-rank Mission [P]

Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:54 am

Why did he stick around? He had access to the necessary information that allowed him to leave. The being that plagued his mind was gone, and for once he could see clearly. For all this clarity he couldn’t figure out one thing, the nagging thought that he should up and leave. Try as he might Mitako couldn’t manage to shake the pervasive thought that with Xyxer gone nothing was truly stopping him from ripping out of this confining prison and striking out for new territory. Maybe it was philosophy from the failed beast, attempting to lodge some final seed of betrayal into his mind before its departure. One final attempt to get him killed, so that it may be free.

He thought once more, about taking to the wind and leaving this behind. As he polished a new kunai to a mirror’s sheen, he thought one final time about leaving. His features lacked any trace of worry, nothing about his form betrayed that he was currently allowing such a heretical mind set to run its course. Within his own reflection he looked upon the dark brown color of his iris, amazed that the bijuu was truly gone. The beast was gone, and with its death he found himself at peace. So why did he intend to throw it all away?

A knock resounded throughout the one room shack, giving him a start. He slipped the kunai into his back pocket and moved to answer the door, skulking like a feral creature. Mitako allowed the door to open no more than an inch, enough for his visitor to see an eye peering back through the space between it and the frame. It was a man, roughly six foot tall and of average build.

Weirdos came in spades in such an environment, and it was nothing this door to door salesman wasn’t used to dealing with. He began his spiel without even missing a beat. “Hello and good morning sir,” the man said. “There’s a meeting today at the town square, being held by one of our very own villagers. He wants to see you there to enlighten you to the glory of what proper leadership could be!” With that, the man slipped a piece of paper through the crack of the door. When Mitako didn’t grab the paper, the stranger allowed it to fall onto the floor. The conversation was cut short when the door was slammed shut.

To imply that Xyxer wasn’t a proper leader went against the him and the village. Mitako bent down and retrieved the pamphlet, and began scouring the information it boldly displayed. In a village where strength was key, where blood was the foundation for progress, some fool dared to proclaim they deserved better, that the promise of humanity and understanding may rise them all above the squandered conditions they found themselves  in. Maybe the idea wasn’t so foolish. After all, wasn’t he just thinking about leaving? Their leader was gone, missing, presumed to be… No, he couldn’t leave. If the Mizukage returned to them and found that his own underlings allowed some dopey rat to besmirch his name openly, what would he do to them in return? Their leader was cruel, ruthless, and efficient. Deviation could not be tolerated in such a state. The village needed leadership to keep things in line, and in order. His hand reached for the kunai, and realized what his mind hadn’t yet. That the weapon would find its purpose far faster than he could have wished or anticipated.

He set about his shack to gather his things. He wrapped a white bandage around his forearms, wrapping everything up to his palms but allowing his hands to remain free. He did the same for his torso, covering everything from his chest down to his waist. Over this he slipped into the village standard flak jacket, fastening the armor so that it was secured in place. Black pants that served as the standard village uniform covered his legs, with the ankles tucked into his boots. The kunai was stored within his flak jacket in a manner it wouldn’t stab him as he walked around. He left the shack with a newfound purpose, a reason to stay within the confines that he sought to escape. At any point if Xyxer were to return, Mitako thought he would be punished with the current disarray the village found itself in. His imagination couldn’t begin to capture the scope of what would happen to him if he was found a traitor as well, and he knew that he would be hunted to the ends of the earth if he left.

Perhaps too much time in a solitary environment had molded him into something the village had little use for, but it was something he couldn’t help. So used to being unable to control himself that he locked himself away was he that the thought of socializing in any meaningful way felt… alien. Even Xyxer, a fellow jinchuriki, couldn’t connect with him in a way that produced much other than fear. His truth was that existence meant to take orders from a higher power and execute them without fail. To do otherwise, meant to betray what he now knew to be the key to life. Briefly he thought of including some of the genin in this endeavor, to show them the way of Kiri and to instill some of his own fear into them that they may never take action against the village. This was something he could do to instil his will unto another. To instill the notion that all within the village were tools, and aspiring for a higher sense of purpose was a fruitless endeavor that would lead to their demise. As much could be done by himself, as long as the body was left in a way that told all would be desenters that actions had consequences.

It was with this thought that he left his abode behind and made for the gathering spot listed on the advertisement.

[1,003 WC]
Kazuma Hashibira
Kazuma Hashibira
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A-rank Mission [P] Empty Re: A-rank Mission [P]

Sun Nov 03, 2019 5:15 pm
"All I do is win win win no matter what." With his truly angelic voice Kazuma was heading towards his house. The sound of an angel, or so he believed. In reality his deafening attempt at singing was scaring away every passer-by. Usually the fact that he was running around shirtless challenging them was enough to make them run away, but this time it would be his so called singing. Not that he cared as he was continuing his song almost as if he was preparing for Kiri's Got Talent. "Up down, up down, up down. Cause all I do is win win win." 

On his way home the young man spotted another individual carrying around what seemed to be some sort of paper. Most befitting of Kazuma there was only one thought going on in his head. "Haha, a challenger has appeared!" Yelling out that single sentence he started chasing the person holding the piece of paper trying to get him to fight Kazuma. As one would react, or at least if you were a normal person, at seeing a shirtless man sprinting towards you the other male started to retreat. "Yeah, you'd better run away, scaredy-cat!" Even though he was in such high spirits before Kazuma was sad now that he had missed another chance of challenging someone. Luck wasn't on his side today.

Partially depressed he would continue his walk home after missing out on a fight. If it wasn't for his head hanging on the ground he would have failed to notice the piece of paper the other person must have dropped after he ran away. Checking to see if no one was looking he would then pick up the paper that looked to be some sort of advertisement. Taking a seat on the nearby grass he would sit down with the letter in his hands, about to open it and find out more about its content. He would think about the fool who ran away one last time before he would start reading.

Reading was never his strong suit but Kazuma figured he wouldn't have too much trouble, or would he? The words he was able to decipher so far he would say out loud. "Meeting, Xyxer, town square." Meeting Xyxer? Why would he need to meet Xyxer now? Did the Mizukage finally hear about Kazuma and did he want to meet the young genin? No no, that couldn't be it. If he remembered correct the Leviathan went missing and hadn't returned to the Mist just yet. Or did he and did he want to meet with Kazuma in secret? Having trouble and not really bothering to read what else was in the letter he made his way to the town square to see what it was all about.

Having arrived at the town square he would immediately notice how many people there were at the place. Again his first reaction was that of the possibility of people he could challenge. But he remembered just in time that it wasn't why he decided to come to the town square. Kazuma was still under the impression that he would meet with Xyxer so he started wondering if everyone else had the same idea. Beginning to doubt if he misread something he would walk up to one of the people to find out what was going on. Slapping the person on his back he would pose his question. "Yo, you're here about the advertisement? Do you know what's going on?" And with that Kazuma was hoping to find out more about the situation Kirigakure was currently in. 

(WC: 600)
Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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A-rank Mission [P] Empty Re: A-rank Mission [P]

Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:38 pm
The town square was full of people as usual. Their attention seemed to be pointed at the stage, where the speaker was being ushered by a ragtag group of bodyguards. From his spot in the crowd, Mitako didn’t recognize any of their faces. Nor did their attire establish them as shinobi of Kirigakure. This was good, it meant that this endeavor was the pursuit of one man, and those following him were just lackeys. Surely they could be persuaded to stray from their current path of thought with a well timed display of violence. Mitako knew of those who were discontent with the takeover and rebranding of Shimagakure to Kirigakure under the hand of Xyxer. The speaker had yet to begin his speech, but he wondered if this might be the case.

It was then, before he could move further into the crowd that he felt a strong handed smack against his back. Mitako whipped around, seizing the individual’s wrist with his right hand before planting the left hand’s finger tips into the individual’s throat, wrapping the digits around the larynx. With a simple squeeze, the individual would begin to suffocate.

Or that’s what he imagined doing. Snapping back to reality a second after the slap, Mitako turned to see a shirtless male of a similar build to himself. Had he not noticed the headband on the individual, action might have been taken. It was easy to refrain, and he simply inquired of the male, “Did you not read the advertisement?” Presuming the answer was no, he would continue on regardless of what the male said. “There’s a speaker who wishes to share his view and belief that Xyxer is a bad leader with a negative effect on the village. The advertisement fails to mention what proper leadership looks like, nor does it provide evidence.” His eyes shifted, to see if others were paying attention to what he said to the shirtless male. He lowered his voice before continuing, “Tell me, what is your rank?” He had presumed the man was a genin, based on his lack of further identification however it was never good to assume.

[1,360 TWC]
Kazuma Hashibira
Kazuma Hashibira
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A-rank Mission [P] Empty Re: A-rank Mission [P]

Thu Nov 07, 2019 2:19 pm
Read the advertisement? Why would he? All he needed to know was that Xyxer was involved, that would be enough for Kazuma to decide to check things out. If anything he didn't want to miss the chance to challenge the Mizukage for a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. "Of course I've read it. I was just checking to see if you did!" As if Kazuma was smart enough to come up with something like that, but oh well. Out of all these people currently standing around him there wasn't a single one who would know him. They had no idea they were missing out on the awesomeness called Kazuma Hashibira.

With a look of not knowing what the hell was going on he was staring in front of him as the male started to explain the situation. So there was a speaker who claimed that Xyxer has been a bad leader having a negative impact on Kirigakure. To be honest it didn't make that much sense since the Mist had grown a lot under the Leviathan's reign. Sure, not everyone would approve of how Xyxer did things but there was no denying that it was thanks to him that Kiri was made into what it was now. So basically this whole event was one person trying to stirr things up now that Xyxer wasn't around to take care of it.

"Hm, hm. Yes, yes I see. Just what I was thinking myself" Kazuma would say while rubbing his chin. Not that there was any hair but at least it would make him look like he was seriously thinking about the situation. Before the male would continue talking he took the time of asking about Kazuma's rank. He was probably impressed by what he saw and figured the young boy to be of high rank, Kazuma couldn't blame him for thinking so since he was you know, awesome. "I'm the king of the mountain. But I guess my official rank would be that of Genin. I know, I'm as surprised as you are. Why'd you ask?"

(WC: 345, TWC: 945)
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