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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Missing pets  Empty Missing pets

Wed Dec 11, 2019 6:00 pm

Ghost would be looking at his new set of orders. He was going to meet a new genin today. This was odd but most welcoming indeed. Thier mission was to catch a few cats of all things. Although this seem like a easy task these cats were not known to come quietly. Could this he a problem or not? Ghost would think to himself as he was tossing his kunei up and down. Carrying a set of 2 with him. Looking on he would look up at the sky wondering who his new team member would be seeing as he has never been on one. This was going to be a good meeting. Well at least he was hoping it would.

Soon an hour would pass as the clock struck twelve at noon. Ghost would start to train a bit by as he was working on his feet work. Moving so gradually and gracefully as his strikes hit the very air. Being a Hyuga he was would equip to do such things. As this may not look it but it is a deadly form or combat. Thinking to himself just what type of ninja would he be paired up with? Or what kind of ninja skills this mysterious ninja could use? All so crazy and weird for him as the meeting time drew near. He was to be hear at one o'clock. Well that was what he was told.
Ghost would smile as he was done training for now. He was aiming to unlock a next level palm technique of his clan.


Last edited by Ghost on Sat Dec 14, 2019 2:33 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Missing pets  Empty Re: Missing pets

Thu Dec 12, 2019 7:27 pm
Boy oh boy was Rayul more ready than ever for his first mission! It was a simple and should be a rather easy one, but the fact that Rayul has made it to this part of his shinobi life is what excites him more than knowing he'll be catching cats for the day. He'd also be meeting a fellow genin today. He chuckles to himself as he remembers all the times he would beg students from the academy to train him when he was younger because now he has the chance to train alongside someone of current rank. His aunt over the years slowly told him of his mother's clan and bloodline, and he knew he could possibly have the same dojutsu as her but he didn't know how he could know for sure or how to even activate it.He was always unsure of what he could actually do since he never had the chance to interact with his mother's side of the clan(Other than his aunt). Never-the-less, it was also at this point he came to the realization that the only way to find out was to train the unknown. Whatever this was, he was determined to awaken it, and awaken it he shall.

He arrives to his destination wearing a rather thin jacket and yet another toothpick in his mouth. He doesn't think the severity of this mission is that serious so today he decided to leave his mask that covers half his face at home. It's so many people around at the time, so it's kind of hard for him to know exactly who this ninja was. He wondered if this genin knew what he looked like, or perhaps this genin is actually a jounin coming to test the skills of Rayul's ability. "Maybe the Hokage wants somebody to try and understand how quick I am!" He laughs as he shuffles his feet in place and shadow boxes the air for a bit. Today was exciting for him and nothing seemed to be hindering the energy he carried. His time-telling gadget rung, letting him know that the meeting time was now. He locates a empty bench and waits for this new ninja to reveal himself.

To pass the time Rayul came up with a crazy theory that focusing his eyesight on people as they walk by and trying to maintain it would help better "awaken" whatever powers they might hold. Is it working? He doesn't know. Is he going to stop "training it"? That's a definite no.

WC:423/2000 for 1 Tomoe Sharingan

Last edited by Rayul on Fri Dec 13, 2019 10:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Missing pets  Empty Re: Missing pets

Thu Dec 12, 2019 8:06 pm
Look I up at the clock Ghost knew he had to start the mission. But where was his teammate at this time? Unknown to him they had the same place just on different sides of the building. Looking around he was getting a bit worried as to why his teammate for the job could be late. Ghost would look over to see a yellow envelop. Within it it had the pictures of all five cats in it. This was most excellent of news for him. As one of the cats just happened to be only fifteen meters away. Ghost would quickly enter into his stealth mode. As the cat started to walk away. It appeared  to be headed for his unknown teammate.

Quickly Ghost would make a hassle to take the cat. Running by it but not to scare it away. With a smile on his face he would be nearly on tope of the cat. As it was getting closer to the other genin. Soon Ghost would leap at it catching it as it tried to escape. He would do this all in front of the person who was to team up with him. Saying out loud to himself." Gotcha cat now four more to go and a mission teammate to find." Ghost looked over to see the male sitting down. Thinking to himself if this could be the person he is to meet. Walking over to him he would quickly look him up and down as to see if they was the same size. They eas ckosein height but not eye to eye. This was odd but a welcoming moment for him."Hello I am Ghost SinnSage Hyuga and inwas wondering was you waiting in someone by that name of mines. You see we are to be teammates for now."

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Fri Dec 13, 2019 5:40 am
Thread on pause as per agreement of members.
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Missing pets  Empty Re: Missing pets

Fri Dec 13, 2019 9:31 pm
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Missing pets  Empty Re: Missing pets

Fri Dec 13, 2019 10:16 pm
Still with his focus on a woman nearly out of view, "Yea-yea I was waiting on somebody like that." Rayul says. He gets up, and takes his first look at the genin in front of him, noticing every little detail about him almost instantaneously. Looking him up and down he holds his hand out as a fist bump and smiles "I'm Rayul Tunechi. I got a question for ya already champ." His face becomes stern, and he looks the Hyuga-boy directly in his eyes. He studies them for what he wishes could be forever, trying to find any signs of specialty about the dojutsu he read and heard great stories about. "Your eyes. They're special too right? Are they on already?" He is looking for any form of knowledge he can get that might help him awaken whatever dojutsu he has. He has been constantly trying to focus chakra into his eyes all day and he knows without a doubt this mission was also going to be much needed training for himself. He takes focus off the man and relaxes a bit. "Well it's nice to meet you man but save the answers for those questions." as he notices two of the cats on the copy of the mission photos both him and Ghost had. "I see two of those cats right there!" as he takes out behind them, hoping Ghost would be right on his trail. The cats hear motion coming their direction and instinctively run to opposite direction, ducking under a fence and going towards a back alley.

Rayul hops the fence and still has his vision on one of the cats. He turns the corner and follows him into the alley, hoping that a dead-end would make this mission go by much quicker. The other cat he lost track of runs past his feet as he passes a trash can and his attention is immediately on it. He leaps but falls to the ground with no success of catching the cat. "Damn it" he groans as he jumps up from the ground energized. He gets up and stands in place, focusing his eyes on the cat as he watches it run away. He tries to remember every single motion the cat makes, right down to trying to see each individual strand of fur on it as the breeze passes over it as it flees. He nearly enters a state of complete meditation as his reaction time is so attuned as of this very moment. He takes out in a burst of quickness, runs along the side of the wall to avoid the various debris the cat was easily able to navigate. The cat is quick, but Rayul is proving to be almost as fast-if not faster than the feline. He lands on his feet and before he could realize it he captures a different cat that tried to run under Rayul as he landed. He didn't question how he was able to catch something he thought he wasn't focused on at the time, he was too happy. "Yeaaaa! That's one down." The cat scratches him and he grunts to it. I don't know what we are supposed to do with the cats once we catch them, let alone 5 of them.

He was super focused during the altercation but now Rayul realizes he lost track of the other two cats. He wasn't super worried- he still had a partner to complete the mission with, and the rest of the day was going to be training for him!

Rayul heads back to Ghost with the cat while he contemplates on the little training he had with his eyes while chasing the cats.
WC: 1037/2000 for 1 Tomoe Sharingan
1/10 AP Used for Surface Walking

Last edited by Rayul on Sat Dec 14, 2019 10:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Missing pets  Empty Re: Missing pets

Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:19 am
The moment Ghost would fist bump him a multitude of questions would soon follow him. The said questions were all about his eyes and what they can do. At that very moment Ghost would close his eyes again as a way to block out the sun. Putting his finger up in the air. He would response the best way he could."Truth be told it pretty much let's me see better then any other Gans around. Chakra wise that is there lives a Hyuga so strong with the Byakugan. That he can fully see see through any genjustu. Now thing if that answers your questions I am glad to have helped you." Soon he would look up to see the hyper like guy rush after the cats.

Losing track of him as the cats went their own ways. Ghost have already caught one of them. That would leave four to go. He would watch as his new team mate jump over gates to go after the cats. After he came back in view from Ghost following him. Soon he would watch as the all dark blue fur cat started to run towards him. Unfortunately as the cat was trying to make a dash for it. A large brunch from a tree would break off of the tree. Ghost would look at this and in a heart beat he would jump up at the cat. Without even realizing it he would have yelled "Byakugan". As his mighty eyes came to be he would reach out his arms. To preform the next level of his bottom palm. Crushing the tree brunch coming for the poor cat.

Ghost would jump down to land over the cat who was puzzled by this. Looking on as the veins by his eyes went away. He would by now deactivated his Byakugan. Picking up his second cat he would smile. "I see you are OK Mr. Cat and for that I am grateful." Looking on he would see Rayul coming back towards him. He too would have a cat of his own. This made three cats out of five caught all together. "I see you have a cat as well I have two now. We must catch the other two and I have faith that we will. Seeing as how fast you were moving."

Ghost would start to laugh as he made a joke out of how fast Rayul was moving. Looking on he would start to walk hopefully with his teammate by his side.


500/500 wc for D rank

AP 8/10 for Byakugan uses and palm bottom taijustu used
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Missing pets  Empty Re: Missing pets

Sat Dec 14, 2019 10:47 am
As they took their time looking for the other cats Rayul and Ghost chatted and got to know each other better. "So bro how many missions have you been on so far? This is honestly my first one." They spent a few minutes chatting and learning each other, exchanging common info they knew and just enjoying the assignment overall. They trade thoughts on different Ninjutsus, types of Chakra and styles and what-not. Passing by a few vending machines they grabbed snacks along the the way while now beginning to look more desperate for the cats. It was getting late, not yet dark, but the clouds were beginning to block out the sun. The young Shinobi starts to shadow box as they walk street to street, building-to-build, alley to alley. He loves it: it helps him improve his footwork and boxing the air also makes him quicker overall. Basically like a little mini Taijutsu workout for him as he goes about his day. He also took time to remember hand seals for a lightning release Jutsu he had his eyes on, and practices it as much as he can.

The two young men came across another cat while they were passing a park. They took out after it, chasing it up under the swing set, and even having to climb up a tree just to scare the poor thing back down to ground level. Rayul was fast but he noticed Ghost was fast too. They were laughing at how easily the cat was able to out maneuver them, he even jokes about just blowing the cat up. "Why don't I just hit this thing with a Jutsu and see how many lives it really has!" he laughs. He throws air punches towards the cat, motioning and pretending as if he used a Jutsu. Ghost laughs, just as Rayul hoped he would, and takes out after the cat again. They chase the cat a few yards-well actually more than that, if you really wanted to get technical. About 15 minutes had elapsed since they first began playing "Ring Around The Rosies" with the brown feline. They weren't tired-if anything they were more annoyed at this point than drained of stamina. Ghost talked to Rayul about having patience and gave him some tips that his Clan practiced. He didn't see ghost as only his teammate but also a mentor, hoping he could learn more about the Hyuga's past, present, and future.

They finally managed to catch the cat. Getting lucky the cat cornered itself running into a group of teenagers outside a restaurant. The two both leaped at it, and landing right at the feet of the young crowd, were able to catch the cat. They get up and rejoice at being able to add one more kitty kitty to their "collection". Knowing they were almost finish with the mission, they are ready to go find the last cat. Rayul talks to Ghost about the recent victory, and even offers to buy him some Ramen on the house whenever they were free.

Ready to embark on the last part of their mission for today, they get ready to search for the last remaining "Catnobi" of the missions target list. As they took off again, Rayul began back shadowboxing and has finally remembered all the hand signs needed for Lightning Release: Lightning Arrow. 
WC: 536
Claiming 500 WC for 500/500 Req. of Lightning Release: Lightning Arrow
Total thread WC(as of now):1,573(36 remaining)
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

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Sat Dec 14, 2019 2:10 pm
With cat number four in hand the duo was well on their way to a clean victory. The two seemed to work well together. As he offered him to some food later on which he accepted. On the condition he returned the favor at a later date. Asking him how many missions he been on to which he said a out four in total. Ghost looked on as he was wondering what was Ruyal Chakra nature. To which he would watch as the genin was making hand signs here and there. To which Ghost would take a guess of either fire or lightning. Looking in at him as the two made their way to the last back ally that the cat the very last one was eating something in.

Looking on he would say to him. "See it took us far too long to catch that cat. Even though it was a blast to do we are on time and timing is everything. I will show you how I operate brother. It is no secret that my eyes needs me to get up close to someone but how can I do such a thing. Allow me to show you that very movie. " The moment he said that he would active his Byakugan again. This allowed him better sight on the cat target. But Ghost was quick to go on to part two of his epic combo." Water Release Hidden Mist Justu. Within moments the mist would engulfed the area. As Ghost looked on at the cat. He would walk right up to it and pick it right up. As the cat was too afraid to move.

As he released his justu of both he would look over at his battle brother. " You see it's how you use your strength to cover your weaknesses. By doing that I was able to get up close without the beast even knowing. Now let's go mission compete." He would say with a smile on his face.


Claiming D rank

Claiming 3+ stamina
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Missing pets  Empty Re: Missing pets

Sat Dec 14, 2019 5:15 pm
Rayul reflects on the mission from earlier, and remembers the things Ghost told them before they departed. A simple pet rescue mission turned out to be overall good training for him and he hoped his new partner felt the same. He thinks about what the other Genin said about using your strengths to overcome your weakness, and reminisces on how easily the guy was able it activate his Byakugans. This motivated him to rush back home quick, because he needed to overcome these weaknesses and start learning even more about what he can actually do with his own set of eyes.

He gets home and takes off his shoes at the door. His Aunt is sitting beside the steps, and she greets him as he hurried inside, and up yet another flight of stairs. There was a small room on the right that was rather empty, and on the left side was a closet. Rayul goes over to the closet and opens it, and inside are a few traditional Kimono and a medium sized lock box that bore an Uchiwa fan symbol:The infamous logo of the Uchiha clan. He takes off his left ear ring, the one passed down to him from his mother by his aunt, and inserts the uniquely shaped jewelry piece into a small hole on the box. It instantly clicks open, and inside are scrolls that contain knowledge, lore, various members, clan jutsus and much much more relating to the Uchiha and it's Kekke-Genkai. "This was left to me by my mother.", he thinks to himself. "She never got a chance to teach me herself, but her parents were librarians, and they kept lots of literature about our people all throughout their home. I'm glad she was passed down this part of our history, that way I can learn for myself of who and what I really am." He takes out a few scrolls and begins reading them. One particular scroll he came across mentioned about the Sharingan's Genjutsu. Every Uchiha already knows how powerful their genjutsu and visual prowess is, but this scroll basically just piggy-backed on helping the Uchiha read it actually understand what the Genjutsu was. Illusion is very powerful, so it's best for any ninja of any rank to understand the Jutsus in which they have or come across.

He knows naturally practice is what makes perfection, so he won't be able to perfect this until he actually uses it. But having the mental knowledge of it definitely will come in handy, because of course brain power out matches strength any day. As he finishes up reading a few more of the scrolls, he knows he is going to have a good night's sleep, as the mission has been accomplished. Tomorrow is going to be yet another adventure for the rising Shinobi of the Cloud.
WC:474(+36wc from last post=510)
Claiming: E-Rank Sharingan Genjutsu (250/250 Req. to Unlock)

Claiming: +1 Chakra(250wc)
Remaining 10 WC can be lost, due to me not know where to put the little 10
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