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Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

A-Team Assembles (Invite) Empty A-Team Assembles (Invite)

Tue Dec 17, 2019 1:03 pm
Early in the morning, three houses had their mailbox slots disturbed by a very fast but tactful ninja, which slid an invitation written to the genin living therein. The contents of the letter were enigmatic, and included a map with a location within the mountain of the Kumogakure, as well as the following written text:

You are hereby invited by the Office of the Raikage to participate in a scouting expedition to the Mountains of the Kumogakure. You should bring with you one parcel of food as well as water. Equip yourself accordingly for a day on the mountain. This invitation is not optional.

At the location marked within the map, sat the jounin responsible for sneakily delivering the letters by hand. The open field surrounded by rockface was a small respite among the cliffs and ravines, and the green grass gave an ample feeling of relaxation to said jounin, his flak vest  over his leather jacket, fake jeans, bandages in place of socks and the typical open toe sandals.

Following his function of social and political advisor to the Kage’s office, Kaito had noticed the amount of genin without teams, and as such immediately started organizing and pushing paperwork to create teams for himself and his redheaded twin.

Now, atop a pile of rocks, Kaito looked at the files of the students more carefully. An Uchiha, a Hyuuga, a Yuki. All formidable bloodlines in their own right, led by a man whose blood was as worthless as the next one in line. Instead of a bloodline, he had decades of life experience to back himself up.

He looked into the distance, as the sun rose, inquisitive eyes darting across the fields were road was visible, trying to catch a glimpse of movement.

WC: 299

Last edited by Noboru Kaito on Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:02 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Edited to adjust to revisions of the team roster.)
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A-Team Assembles (Invite) Empty Re: A-Team Assembles (Invite)

Tue Dec 17, 2019 2:35 pm
Zento awoke from his home. Rolling around in his bed hearing glass bottles of booze roll off of his covers and hit the floor. Rolling off his bed and slamming into the ground shortly after. Luckily avoiding the glass but hurt a little. "I'm awake!" Zento said to no one shortly realizing that. He grabbed a few of the bottles and tossed them into a trash can before getting up and doing his morning routine. Shower, brush his teeth, shit, and then get dressed. He walked outside to find a letter in the mail. Pulling it out and reading it to himself. He had to meet up somewhere? Didn't have a choice in the matter? Panic rain downed on Zento. What kind of blackmail could they have? Did they know about the Valcano people? Did they find out about an embarrassing holiday moment or have a photo of some sort? What did they want with Zento? He didn't have time to read the whole letter out as panic took him over. Sweat dripping down his eyebrow. "I better do what they ask. And I have to hurry and get there!"  Quickly running only to bash his knee into the side of the mail box and hit the ground rolling around in pain.

Quickly getting up and dusting himself off, Zento set out to find his blackmailers. He needed a hangover cure though. A pit stop to a place to eat for breakfast. Walking to the closest place for food. Stumbling his way to a hole in the wall diner to get his breakfast. It was a greasy mess. It had hash browns with peppers, onions, and a over easy egg on top still in the skillet it was cooked in. Zento slapped some Hot sauce on it and quickly ate the whole thing. He waited for his bill and saw it. reaching in his pockets, Zento forgot his wallet. Not that it mattered. The wallet was empty anyways. Zento put his hand up to call for his waitress. "Excuse me there was a mix up. You see, I some how forgot that I don't have money and cannot pay. Please forgive me. I was drunk last night and today am just irresponsible. Have a good day." Quickly, as Zento got up, the waitress stopped him saying he would have to pay for the food or they would have to take other measures. "So, what if I didn't leave with the food? If I say in the building and shit it out, will it still be stealing? I mean, the food never left the place did it?" The waitress, did not respond. Zento then quickly put his finger in his mouth. Forcing him to throw it up all over the table and wiping his mouth. The waitress distracted as he walked away. "Food was shit anyways."  He mumbled to himself. He was lying though. Zento knew that was the best damn breakfast he ever had and would definitely be back.

Zento walked around the village wondering what he was doing. He remembered he had something to do but couldn't remember. He rubbed his knee that bashed into his mailbox. Then it hit him! Blackmail. Where was it though? Shit shit shit. Zento thought to himself. He had to guess. Zento had to think about this for a while. Wondering around the village. Cold eyes staring everywhere. But inside, Zento was in full panic mode. He started stumbling to the actual destination on accident. Seeing a man with red hair with a bunch of rocks. He thought that this seemed right. The man who knew something and was ready to blackmail Zento. 

Zento took a breath. Calming down and slowly walking over to the man. He then walked over by the rocks. No one else was here it seemed. This seemed like the right place. He would walk up to the pile of rocks. Putting his back to it facing away from the man. Thinking about what was going on. Trying to figure it out and then spoke. "I want my lawyer." Keeping a straight face. He couldn't back down. He put his hand to his stomach. Seemed that his breakfast that was left in there wasn't agreeing with him. He could feel gas build up slowly. Taking a deep breath and thinking to himself. Don't. Please.
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Village : Kirigakure
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A-Team Assembles (Invite) Empty Re: A-Team Assembles (Invite)

Tue Dec 17, 2019 5:11 pm
At last as he stood up reading his letter. Ghost was indeed not shock at all by this out come. He was to meet his new team in the mountains. He hah heard through the great vine about such a thing coming about. But who would he be teamed up with. Most likely his fellow AB Combo will be with him. Things were starting to get good as he prepared himself. Packing on all his ninja tools and putting on his katana. Ghost was ready to leave. So leaving is what he did and he didn't even think twice about it. All he had with him was a few apples and a bottle of water. This is what he needed all he needed.

Soon he would leave the village and make his way toward the mountains and a mountain at that. This team meeting could have been at a bar or something. Unless they was planning something else for this new team. Either way Ghost was sure he was in good health. Well at least he hopes he is. Ghost would smile as he started to make his way up to the top. Slowly but he would make it to his destination. Ghost looks on to see two other Shinobi. Walking up to them he would simply say. " I'm Ghost SinnSage Hyuga and reporting for duty." He would say this with the upmost respect.

With his long black hair and his eyelids closed. One would not be able to tell he was a Hyuga as his eyes would have gave it away. More importantly he wonder just what could the three of them do in a group. All the while thinking more should be on their way. With his katana on his back he was extremely prepared for this meeting. 
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A-Team Assembles (Invite) Empty Re: A-Team Assembles (Invite)

Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:51 pm
As he skimmed over the mysterious letter he received early one morning, it would take Rayul long to know the purpose of receiving the undocumented paper. He'd be sent on somewhat of another mission, but this time he didn't have a choice on whether to accept it or not. The demanding document raised red flags in his head, and the smart shinobi suspected that the leader of his team was behind the summoning of him, but never-the-less, Rayul never backs down from a task, even though it was stated that choosing to stay at home was not an option, but this one had a little bit of suspense tied to it, something that pumped the veins of the cloud ninja full of adrenaline.

He was told to pack accordingly since apparently, he'd be spending a day out within the mountains of Kumogakure. Grabbing his backpack, he filled it with a few water bottles, 4 to be exact, his weapon pouch with 3 kunai, leaving his smoke bombs at home, and also a spare shirt, just in case he sweats a lot and clean linen would provide somewhat a better quality-of-life by not sleeping in wet clothing. Hee also packed a few packets of instant ramen and some leftover Bonsai Rolls from dinner his aunt prepared the night before. Feeling as if all preparations have been made, he leaves the comfort of his home and heads the direction of the village gates, ready to see what awaits him at the marked location.

As he makes his way out of the village, he continuously reads over the letter he was sent, getting more excited as he approaches his destination. He thinks about what if this is just some rookie-style way of getting Genin to visit the mountains to learn the layout of the region, as other similar thoughts cross his mind, it feels more like a drag. He begins to walk with his hands interlaced behind his head, looking up at the sun from time to time, as he slowly reached the border of the mountains. Wishing the letter included a guide on how to properly read a map, he sits beside a road, as he finally grasps hold on the direction he would need to go to reach the marked location.

He continues to walk, and his anticipation as to what awaited him at the "X" grew larger. Was it a leader? The Raikage HIMSELF? Maybe this was an ambush; someone wanting the Uchiha's eyes, hoping that he'd be able to kill him where nobody would be able to find him while the assailant made his escape. He laughed at himself, knowing that for a second he doubted his skill. "Nobody will be taking my eyes, at least not anytime soon.", he bolstered. Continuing along the path, he thinks about taking a water bottle out of his bag and having a drink, but remembering that food and water were a requirement that I met before coming, he knew that he'd probably need it later along the line than now.

Overlooking road after road, between rock formations and all, Rayul is on the correct path towards the marked location, looking for any clues on which will signal to him that he's reached it.
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

A-Team Assembles (Invite) Empty Re: A-Team Assembles (Invite)

Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:54 am
The sun slowly crept upwards into the sky, taking its sweet time and affording Kaito to feel warm in an otherwise cold day. Out here in the mountain the air was fresh, one couldn't smell the piss from the drunkards or the fetid house stench. It was a welcome change of pace, and the connection with the Earth made it all the better as a training environment. Out here, there was no judgement. No envious plotters. Out here, only your strength mattered, regardless of where said strength lied in.

Speaking of strength, it seemed obvious the first person's strength was neither subtlety or awareness. As soon as he arrived, he appeared to be distraught, with a smell of stomach acid to him. When he asked for a lawyer, Kaito had to instill vigor into his facial muscles to prevent either an annoyed expression or to burst out laughing. However, a few traces from the newly arrived were noticeable and matched the picture in the clipboard, and he realized this wasn't a lost drug addict. "You'll get a lawyer when I feel like it, Zento. Here", he reached for his gourd of water and tossed it at the Yuki. "Wash that smell off your mouth before the others arrive. You're making my breakfast want to come out." As the Yuki took a deep breath, Kaito added "If you're going to hurl do it away from here, I don't want you to stink up my session."

Another one would join them not long after; long flowing dark hair and eyes closed, this must've been the Hyuuga. Without affording too much time to inquire about the identity, the lad confirmed it with a respectful announcement of his name and willingness to participate. Kaito nodded at him with his head, not having much to be said just yet. The weapon at his back earned him some respect from Kaito, a close quarters beast of burden himself. He suspected the Hyuuga had more finesse in their close quarters though.

He allowed the three to stand together in silence; not an awkward one, a forced one, as he would refuse to answer questions until he spied the head of Rayul coming in over the horizon. He slid two fingers into his mouth, curled his tongue to create a whistle, and blew a harsh and loud tone to alert Rayul of their presence, then waving him closer. Once in hearshot, Kaito would begin.

"Glad to see you all made it. My name is Noboru Kaito, jounin of the Kumogakure, and by the order of the Lord Raikage, I will now be the team leader of this squad. Congratulations."

In truth, the Raikage had nothing to do with this. Kutari Uchiha had left the village under a promise of returning with its true leader, a man he worked for. If there was a man Kutari Uchiha bowed to, then Kaito would like to know that man. However, if the power gap between himself and Kutari was a deep valley, then the chasm between himself and this new person would be a vast frozen tundra. And Kaito himself, still as weak as a dry blade of grass, baked in sunlight.

Still, there was hope his team knew nothing of this, and they would just accept Kaito as the new Jounin Team Leader of their team as he had self-appointed himself using his influence with the Kage's office. It was unlikely he surpassed any of them in skill or ability, for in truth he had been a genin until the Raikage's serendipitous arrival, however he had the background of a lifetime in the Kumogakure which he could now put to use as an official liaison for the Kage's office.

He continued. "As a new team unit, it is important we have a set of values to guide our future actions by; this will create expectation and reduce anxiety. As such, I will start out by speaking of one trait I value and which I wish to see reflected in this team."


In the Kumogakure, Strength was law, Strength was an object of worship, and Strength determined how you led your life. However, physical strength is not the only part of it. For the unwashed masses, physical strength was all they could aspire to, but intellectual fortitude was also worshipped, and the reason why the library still operated. Emotional strength was also valued, for someone able to navigate their emotions without falling prey to their pitfalls was seen as a valuable guide and advisor. Even in not physically strong, a ninja capable of kneading strong chakra and chakra manifestations was invaluable. Yet, Kaito did not wish to start off with strength as a value. Instead…

"As a team, we will have to work together. You already know my name, and I know yours. I can tell you what I specialize in, or what my bloodline does, but I already know yours. Yet, you do not know each other, your strengths, your unique advantages. It is important that you are aware of each other's strengths and weaknesses."

"Yet, that will require trust. When we go outside the village's walls, I will need you to trust my guidance, and in return, I need to trust in your abilities. Trust is the foundation of teamwork and victory. And by the end of today, I hope we will have the seeds of trust firmly planted and ready to sprout. That is the trait I value and wish to see reflected in this team."

"Now, one at a time, I want you to speak your name, and tell me one trait you value and that you wish to see reflected in this team of ours."

The first team building exercise would be for the team to come up with the team's core values by which they would operate. Doing so would instill a feeling of belonging, something Kaito never had but which he felt would've benefited him immensely.

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A-Team Assembles (Invite) Empty Re: A-Team Assembles (Invite)

Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:47 pm
Zento grabbed the thing of water. Taking a few drinks and falling on his back into the grass. Taking it away from his lips as he gasped for air. Giving a thumbs up to the man who knew Zento before having his arm fall back into the grass. He didn't seem to have to worry about blackmail. More people showing up and looking over at them all. The silence falling over them as Zento closed his eyes waiting. Hearing The man named ghost tell the two who he was. Zento waited longer. It was a silence that he felt was meant to be there from the jounin. After a little bit, He heard the man whistle and Zento quickly jumped up. "I'M UP!" He said looking around. He must have dozed off for a second and seeing a third guy show up. He would hear the jounin talk about trust and that this was a team. Taking a sigh of relief as he heard that. Zento would listen to the man and wait till he finished. He made it clear he knew all of them and wanted the everyone to get to know each other. 

Zento thought for a moment and nodded. "Please excuse me." He said walking into some bushes. Vomiting the rest of his meal. Putting his hand up giving a thumbs up. "I'm good!" He said sounding half dead. Taking another drink before spitting it out to get the taste out of his mouth. Zento walked back and cleared his throat. "Ok, I'm Zento Yuki. My family owned a weapon smith shop where I practiced my craft for a while. I enjoy having a good meal and a good laugh. Uhhhhh," Zento thought for a moment. Taking a seat on the ground and then getting on his back. "I'm gonna lay down for a little if that's no problem." He said. Continuing his introduction. "I am working on my water jutsus and needing to unlock my clans ice abilities. I enjoy a good rest at a hot spring and good drinks." Turning his head gagging a little as if he was going to vomit. But nothing coming out before putting his hand up. 

"Quick question though." Stumbling to sit up and putting a little water in his hand to splash into his face. "I heard rumors that the kage was taking a trip or something out of the village. If that's true, how did you get orders now? If it's trust you want from a team how do I know you're not going to harvest my organs and sell them on the black market? Stranger danger and what not." Zento would bring his hand to his chin resting his elbow on his leg as he looked over at the man who gave him his water. Tossing it back at him. Looking at him with a cold stare before it quickly going wide eyed as he could hear loudly gas leaving his backside. Taking a while to leave. Growing in sound as it quickly stopped. Putting his finger up and closing his eyes looking away. The smell was like something had died in him and he took his fan out of his sleeve. Trying to fan it away from the group and keeping as serious of a look as he can as if none of that happened.
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

A-Team Assembles (Invite) Empty Re: A-Team Assembles (Invite)

Sat Dec 21, 2019 1:07 am
Oh my was Ghost in a panic state especially since he was a meat freak. Looking over at Zen he was too crazy and his manner was more or less nonsense. No better then a man with low expectations. He would smile as he knew they had to be teamed up for a reason. But in all seriousness he would look to the man who would be leading this team. "As you all know I am apart of the AB Combo with my dear friend here Rayul. We make a great tag team  UT this squad thing is new to me. As you all know I am a Hyuga so I rely heavily on the Byakugan. However not many would be foolish enough to fight a taijustu fight with a Hyuga." He would smile as he looked up at the rising sun.

" So I have developed more justu to help me close the gap of me and my foes. These Justus are more or less know to either distract my foe or plan out right confused them. Not to forget hurt them. So what I can bring to the team is my diversion tactics. Deliberately misrepresenting your thoughts and feelings to the point of absurdity. This is what I am all about and once you let your guard down I would use the eight trigram on you. But at the moment I am training to take on a certain tail beast." He would look to Zen then back to the leader as the kage question came about.

" I heard through the great one that he left on a very important mission. I do thank him for bringing a moment of peace here. But how long will that last how embarrassing is it that an outsider had to come and do that shame on us damn cloud Shinobi. Well brother your up." He would say that as he looked at Rayul.

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A-Team Assembles (Invite) Empty Re: A-Team Assembles (Invite)

Sat Dec 21, 2019 3:20 am
None of that political shit was on Rayul's temple when he was listening to this Jounin go on. The Genin, "Zento", was puking his mouth out, Rayul laughing his guts out, but the Uchiha-blooded Genin had no time jibberish as of now. It was no time for truces, He popped his black jacket after the man claimed Leadership, saying "Rayul, brah.", clicking his tongue twice. He looked the man up and down, knowing that he'd still have to show respect, because what's a better way of him learning some new skill? Hell, Rayul was already self-disciplined, having natural control of Lightning Release as most the city's population does, and Katon had just begun to come perfectly for him, of course with him being blessed with Uchiha blood from his mother. His Sharingan was about to peak it's 3rd Tomoe, it wouldn't take much more to set the boy off, he was thirsty to learn more so that he could do more.

Correcting the position of his Hidden Cloud Headband, the crooked-geared shinobi asked the man he'd probably try and be forced to call "Sensei" Noboru. "What's popping, Slime?", he'd ask in his form of lingo. Looking the man up and down he takes a good first impression of the Jounin, and he was still fairly young. This whole thing about "Being sent by the Raikage" and "Having orders of this and that" didn't bother the kid as the man mumbled; he was simply there to get some training, possible knowledge, and that's IT. He relaxed as the group became more acquainted with each other, him already having a brotherly bond with the Hyuuga Ghost.

Noburu had asked of the 3 their desires as a whole. What would be their combinations? He didn't know for Zento, him having met him only once, but he and Ghost both have very special pairs of eyes. The Byakugan and Sharingan would prove to be a powerful combo if the two could pull it off. I spotted a small rock close to the group and sat down. The young Uchiha thought about selling his soul, making a pact with the demons to chase some otherworldly power, but he promised his Aunt that he'd never be the old Rayul. He was driven by hatred; his father killed his mother since she saves him from the fucker at birth.  He vowed he'd continue down a path to get stronger, but over time he'd think about changing his ways. Maybe being in a group of "similar" thinking people would help even him out a little. It seemed like a good idea, and with Zento seeming to be the life of the party he knew he'd at least always be entertained. Eventually, he shared his thoughts, saying he wanted to progress to Chunin, and the quicker he could improve his skills the better. He was a fast learner, hoping to be able to get something out of all three of them, knowing that they'd love some knowledge he'd share with them. He could teach them Fire, if none of them had already practiced Katon, and knew a few advanced jutsus, well, the more than "basic"  ones. He wouldn't reveal his trump card to them, not just yet, but he knew he wasn't the only one with a plan. The way the guy came off was sneaky, how'd he get permission from the Raikage if the Raikage was gone? He must've thought Rayul didn't read, or at least keep up with the news of the village. He was a self-absorbing book, always reading Enxcylopedias on missions, stopping by the library day upon day, talking with the locals(a rather beautiful librarian at that) and so much more did the Cloud Shinobi know. He'd play along though, feeling that the man did have good intentions of helping them all towards their goals. He seemed to want to gain from them in skills as well in some way, and as he talked his principles are some of the same as Rayul.

He was getting full, and by the time the guy was finished talking he had already begun to finish his ramen he walked there eating, making sure it was a huge bowl knowing how long it took him to get here. He slurped away, drinking the now cold broth as if it was fresh, making sure his face mask wasn't stained. He was trying his hardest not to be blunt, knowing that the man was bullshitting all three of them from the get-go with that little "Raikage's Orders" spill, even hell, even Zento had a hunch something was up. He cleared away from the group once a horrid smell hit his nose, knowing that the Ninja who puked his guts was the culprit of this horrible stench. It nearly made him vomit himself, being that he was near full from the bowl of noodles. Dude, That is the sickest shit I've smelt in my entire life." he laughed, knowing the others were caught in the toxic smell. He'd have more time later lolly-gagging around, for now, was his time to get down to business. He had a point to prove to himself, knowing that he had the potential to become powerful, and what else? Rayul had some dark thoughts, some of which he kept to himself, vowing to take to his grave if never achieved. The world around him was in a constant state of evolution...only those who were not self-disciplined would be killed in the end. He knew this group would eventually turn out to be more than what it currently was, it would just take the right amount of dedication from them all to get there.
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

A-Team Assembles (Invite) Empty Re: A-Team Assembles (Invite)

Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:39 pm
Once again, by virtue of his extraordinary antics, the Yuki named Zento forced Kaito to control his facial muscles. His presentation and motions appeared to be a continuous act to prevent others from analyzing and reacting properly, keeping one guessing oneself, unable to formulate a proper reaction: a casual drunken fist for the everyday moment. At the very least he had had the sense to move away to throw up, as Kaito had asked. He did however keep drinking directly from the mouth of his gourd -- well, now it was no longer Kaito’s gourd. It was the Yuki’s, as far as Kaito cared.

Zento spoke about his family’s business as blacksmiths; another great family capable of handling the Kumogakure’s military needs? Alas, the Amherst family held more renown in the village. To offer such a contract to a Yuki family but not the mercantile clan Amherst could be seen as insulting. But before he could think further on the matter, the Yuki had a quick question, regarding how someone that request trust from a team had spoken about the Lord Raikage’s orders could’ve come from considering the Lord Raikage was known to be out of the village. He followed up with a comment about how the redhead could’ve set up the meeting to harvest organs from the clansmen; considering the headache starting to pulse underneath the red locks of hair, he was starting to consider if it might just be more profitable for him to get their kidneys and eyeballs and move on with his life. The Yuki would throw the gourd of water back at Kaito, whose hand shot from his side to pick the gourd as if it was magnetically attracted to it. As he stared the Yuki’s cold calculating eyes, his intestin figured now was as good a time as ever to vacate built up methane, and the escape began, a long winding sound. Kaito refused to break eye contact as this happened, and when it stopped, the Yuki looked away, coming to the same realization as anyone within the ten meter radius of them would come to: something had crawled up his ass, died, and the ghost had left just now. The Yuki futilessly got his fan out of his sleeve and tried to fan the smell away. Kaito himself just wished he had been a lifelong smoker so he no longer had a sense of smell. Instead, he turned towards the Hyuuga.

The Hyuuga went on about how he and the Uchiha already had a combo between themselves, the AB Combo. It was good to know that within his team, at least two of them were already familiar with each other. He spoke also of his clan and his dojutsu, and how he understood his clan’s fame would mean not many would take them on fairly. This was also good in Kaito’s estimations; knowing your enemy was as important as knowing oneself. He did however consider that the Hyuuga spoke too much, as he basically revealed his strategy to the entire team which, like the Yuki had previously mentioned, could just be an organ harvesting scam. The redhead was unsure his trust was trust or naivety. Still, he spoke about the Raikage, and not in the best way either, referring to him as an outsider. He was not wrong, that had been what Kutari Uchiha was. However, the Uchiha was either a good actor, or he genuinely wished to help the Kumogakure. But one thing was true in his little speech: “How embarrassing it is that an outsider had to come and do that shame on us damn cloud shinobi”.

Rayul appeared to be incredibly relaxed, even too relaxed. It rubbed Kaito the wrong way, as though he thought himself too cool for this, or that he was just good enough that nobody could touch him. He would have to bring the fear of the Gods down to the heart of his one, or his cockiness would be the end of him, and maybe of others. Still he spoke, after sitting down on a small rock, about his plans to grow stronger, become a chunin, and how he was even willing to share his current knowledge with the current team. This was good, and part of what Kaito was looking for in his team. Kaito leaned away from the pile of rocks, and skipped powerfully to stand on the pile of rocks, now overlooking the team. It was time to address the accusations.

“Good news travel fast, but bad news have wings. This is as true now as it’s always been. In order for you to understand how the Lord Raikage’s voice echoes today even as he is out of the village, or how an outsider shamed the Kumogakure, I feel you three need a reminder of our history.”

Overlooking the three, it was easy to see he was the oldest. Not that he needed to go by visual clues, their files were laying by the rocks on which Kaito now stood. Zento and Rayul were the youngest of them all, Zento one year the youngest, and Ghost was into his mid twenties. Kaito, on the other hand, was a couple years away from his forties. “Even less than two years.” His was a vast life, as far as he could tell, and if the Gods were good, it would go on for longer, until he was able to retire into the mountains of the Kumogakure, live off the land, or better yet: meet his match in the battlefield, and die against someone in the peak of power, scarring the land forever, having his name spoken for generations to come.

“As you might now, the Boy Kage Maximilian is currently in a coma. I called him Boy Kage because he’s a boy, but also because he’s a Kage. How come a boy became a Kage? He conquered the title in battle. I had my reservations about him, what with his age, but nevertheless, he conquered the title fair and square. It was his strength that earned him the title, and he was respected for it. In the same way, when the invader Nobunaga came from the skies and defeated the Boy Kage in combat, the strongest ninjas the village had to offer met him in the field of rot to kneel before the invader. And he would’ve become the new Kage, if not for the arrival of Kutari Uchiha. Kutari Uchiha dispatched of the invader, and in the process, he dispatched three of our strongest.”

“In that same night, I believed I was about to die. Not only we had two invaders, but Nobunaga was the jinchuriki of the Six Tailed Slug… I was so far away, and the night was so... “
Kaito was at a loss for words. How to describe the feeling in the pit of your stomach that lets you know you’re going to die? And how to describe coming to peace with that fact? He digressed. “Anyway. That night I saw Kutari Uchiha disappear from sight; he was so fast I literally could not see him. Next thing I know, the Slug’s skull is split open, and the wanderer Yaju comes in and seals the Beast inside of Kutari. The Tailed Beasts are such incredible sources of power, and yet, within a minute of being released, it was destroyed by a singular ‘outsider’ and sealed once again.”

Kaito skipped over the part in which his adoration of Kutari Uchiha had begun; how the man demanded the beast keel over and die or earn it’s freedom with the killing of the Uchiha. “A warrior’s death” were the exact words, as the redhead recalled. Kaito adored the attitude, rather than the man. Men are corruptible, frail beasts reliant on their bodies to survive. But ideals live within the minds and hearts of individuals. Kaito’s ideals lied within strength, the strength to be true to oneself, the strength to protect those who believe in you, the strength to face the cruelty and ignorance of the world and resist it’s sadistic demands.

“I had gotten there after our people were downed; after Nobunaga himself was downed. I was only able to see the fight with the Bijuu. Yet, the Uchiha demanded people bow down or the village be destroyed. So, me and two others went down to meet the conqueror; they were Kira Uzumaki, and Jiro Kyuketsuki.” Kaito had never seen the vampire since that fateful night. “Jiro was left behind in the battlefield due to his antics.” Kaito reflected a little on it. “Actually, I think he was quite like you, Zento, except… he acted as if he was high on something fierce.”

“Anyway, moving along. Kutari Uchiha shared your opinion, Ghost: it was pathetic that the Kumogakure could be invaded so easily, and that the last remnants of its forces were two genin and a chunin. Oh, did I mention I was a genin that night? I was. I was also promoted there and then by Kutari Uchiha in his first action as the new Raikage. You see, he believed that the Kumogakure had solely militaristic problems, however, me and Kira made him realize that there was more to being a Kage than being a military commander. He promoted me to be his advisor in the social and political matters of the Kumogakure.”

“I believe it is important for genin to have a solid team. I believe that fraternity and leadership are important parts of a ninja’s life. And so, even in the Raikage’s absence, I spoke with his voice, and commanded the teams to be structured and put into place. And that is why, even in the Raikage’s absence, his voice is heard, through my actions, and the actions of Kira Uzumaki.”

He spoke in a stern manner, his face clear of emotion, except for his a small contraction of the eyebrows, and eyelids closer to each other than normal.

“You are here today because the Raikage wanted me to act as his advisor, and in his absence, this is the best move I could take. But I now ask you… what if the Raikage never returns? What if it was all a setup, or someone just as strong shows up? We can’t bicker over who gets to do what… In the absence of the Raikage, I chose to act, to gather you here, and I choose to be a leader to you so that you may be a leader to others in the future.”

“Maybe my words could be construed as deceptive or misleading. But they’re still true. When the Raikage is away, both me and Kira speak with his voice. If he disapproves of what I’ve done here, he can take my head off of my shoulders. Until then… does anyone have any questions?”

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Hikaru Renkaio
Hikaru Renkaio
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A-Team Assembles (Invite) Empty Re: A-Team Assembles (Invite)

Sun Dec 22, 2019 5:03 pm
The sun would peek up over the horizon blasting warmth upon all it’s light touched casting shadows as it’s powerful beams invade the homes and dreams of those within kumogakure , a warm beam of light would poke through the shades in which the room Hikaru Renkaio soon to be academy student  laid sleeping until it ever so rudely shined in his face. The snow haired male’s face would scrunch up in disapproval as he retreated under his covers now awake letting out a low throaty groan “uhhh god why have you forsaken me?” , Hikaru would attempt to stretch while still under the cover only to push himself out of the bed and falling face front onto the floor his body now exposed Hikaru would let out a sigh as he opened his eyes. Picking himself up, he would grab himself a fresh pair of clothes,undergarments and socks leaving his katana by his bedside , his bare feet would touch the cold marble floor as he entered his bathroom placing all he had brought upon the toilet seat lid and removing his undergarments before he would step into the glass box like shower. A stream of warm water would come rushing from the shower head as it washed over Hikaru his hair trying to retain water would droop over the left side of his face , he would seemingly let the water hit him for a good five to fifteen minutes just simply enjoying the warm feeling of the water gradually turning up the heat and pressure of the water till it was what most would unbearable but this is how he liked his water. he would grab a washcloth and began slowly scrubbing his arms as he turned around letting the water run down his back.

Hikaru would reach for the bottle of strawberry shampoo which rested upon a rack which was suction cupped to the glass wall in the shower along with moisturizers and a single lufa, he would firmly squeeze a dollop of shampoo into his palm and place the bottle back within its place on the rack ; he would begin rubbing it into his hair creating a mass of suds massaging his scalp with the shampoo as well the sweet and lovely smell of strawberries filled his nostrils as he continued to wash his hair and massage his scalp , Hikaru would let the water blast away the suds from his being he would then quickly turn the water off , Hikaru stood in the shower for merely a moment allowing water to drip from his body onto the pool of draining water on the floor of the shower. Stepping out of the shower Hikaru would lightly fluctuate his chakra causing the water to fly off his body and hit the floor. “Gotta love the perks of being a ninja” he would mumble as he grabbed the clean set of clothes he had brought into the bathroom with him.

Hikaru would make his way to the toilet and begin hearing himself up , once dressed he would take a moment to return to his room checking himself out in the mirror. He stood at roughly five feet nine inches not really all that spectacular for someone within his age range , he’s not all that imposing to his enemies. Atop his head sits a silver mop of hair , he doesn't bother coming the crows nest atop his head although it may appear styled that is simply the way his hair grows. Unlike his shinobi peers Hikaru does not where the traditional Ninja attire he instead dons a custom samurai outfit ; although the only thing that's custom about it is the fact he has ditched the upper half of the armor. He possess a pair of thigh and shin guards and a pair of very old timey sandals as most individuals stopped using waraji sandals for more modern comfortable footwear. Along with this uniform he has cloak which is held to him by a pair of medallions around the neck area one depicting his family’s crest which is a golden phoenix with spread wings. He is never seen without a smile a trait that has stuck with him and doesn't show any signs of fading , most would find this cute but his yellow eyes and pale skin can make his gaze…...unsettling. And lastly he is a lanky petite male ; but don't let that fool you, those noodle arms are packing some punch. Also with his snow pale skin that glows in the somber moonlight , he could easily be mistaken for a woman should he cross-dress.

Hikaru would stifle a small giggle remembering all the trouble his uniform had caused him over the years with his instructors. “Jokes on them i became a genin anyway” he would say chipperly as he turned on his heel and walked toward his bed , the young aspiring samurai would lift his pillow to reveal 2 weapon pouches ‘a ninja must always be prepared’ he thought to himself as he strapped on the pouches. He would head slowly make his way downstairs where he would see his dad waiting for him , his father was a poor site to see years of working the forge had left him hunched over and worn out. One reason he wanted to become a samurai along with even trying to become a ninja, was so he could support his ageing father for once.

Hikaru would perk up as he noticed his father holding a letter which was addressed to him , Hikaru would lead his father to a chair before giving him a quick hug. “Whatcha got there pops?” he would ask crouching down to his father's eye level ; the act for most would seem demeaning and child like but his father had bad posture and need to be talked to like this to have an intimate conversation. The boys father would hold the letter up and slowly push it toward his son , “i was debating whether or not to tell you my boy , I've already read the letter you are to meet your superiors at the location detailed within” he would rasp out in his old age. This earned a small smile and a shake of the head as Hikaru took the letter and hugged his father once more , “I'll see you later on then old man” he would say as he headed out the door.

Hikaru would read the letter as he strolled out the door and into his father’s blacksmithing shop , “food and water…” he would mumble to himself as he walked over to a cabinet grabbing a small bento with onogari in it and a bottle of water “...this should do” he would say as he packed away his later meal. 

1 hour later
‘WHERE IS IT!?WHERE IS IT!?WHERE IS IT!?WHERE IS IT!?’  he would scream to himself internally as he bolted around kumogakure as fast as his legs would carry him , Hikaru’s sense of direction wasn't the best and he destroyed the letter after reading it so he couldn't double check his position. Once the white clad samurai could finally see a group of ninja in the distance that primarily composed of grown men he assumed that this was the meeting place ; he would slow down his pace just a bit so he could catch his breath when he arrived he would take a knee and bow “please forgive my tardiness sir! lost” he would say a little embarrassed to say that outloud as in actuality he slept in and got the letter late.
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