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Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Cleaning the orphanage (MISSION) Empty Cleaning the orphanage (MISSION)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 7:35 pm
It was that time of the week again again for Sai, Mission time. Today he would be going to the orphanage to help clean the rooms and sweep the floors of the place. He knew exactly where it was at, since he had passed it once before on a different mission. He got up early around 6 in the morning and got ready to get to work. He had a quick bite to eat before leaving out the door to make his way to the orphanage.The sun was just beginning to peak around the horizon as he made his way through the village, you could still hear the birds chirping. The early morning scenery was beautiful, a real breath taking thing. It was the perfect thing to start of a morning like this. He quickly made his way down to through the village arriving at the front of the orphanage no more than 15 minuets after leaving the home. 

The building itself looked pretty new and very inviting for those would want to add a new member to they family. Even so Sai is happy he didnt end up in a place like this after his father had died, he doubt he would of stayed there anyway. At that point in life he didnt really care for what anyone had to say. He wanted to carve out a new path for himself not have someone always looking over his shoulder all the time. "Enough sulking time to work", he thought to himself as he walked up the steps to the door. As he was about to place his hand on the door it open up suddenly almost hitting him. "Oh im so sorry, i didnt see you there", said a lady in a forgiving tone."Its no problem, do you work here by any chance? Im suppose to be helping clean up today.", Sai said to the while keeping a friendly smile on his face."Yes, we were expect you, your Saizou right? C'mon in". The lady said as she turned around and gestured for Sai to follow. As they walked through she showed Sai around the place and the areas he was suppose to clean and the tools he would be using. Sai thank the woman as he quickly got to work. while cleaning Sai noticed all the orphan started coming out of their rooms to see who the new face was, but unfortunately Sai wasent taking anyone home with him today.

One Face in particular stuck out to Sai, it was a little girl."Hey arent you that little girl who helped me find the smith shop the other week", Sai said as he crouch down to get in even height with her. She shook her and in a yes response."Thank you, next time i stop pass here ill be sure to bring you something". Her face lit up with excitement, she was so happy she grabbed a broom and started to help Sai. Slowly all the kids started to help."Well it looks like im going to be brining alot of treats for you guys", Sai said. All the kids looked so excited. Sai didnt stop working though, he couldnt let the kids out due him. In a matter of a couple hours that inside of the place looked brand new. Sai thanked everyone for their help and said his goodbyes.


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Cleaning the orphanage (MISSION) Empty Re: Cleaning the orphanage (MISSION)

Mon Jan 20, 2020 9:04 pm
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