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Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Rescue boys Empty Rescue boys

Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:39 pm
Mission Details

It  happened so fast, the sound of explosion , the rumbling of trees, the tremor of the ground and the black flames that filled the atmosphere. Sakuragi was meters away from the area. The hyuuga was sitting on a large pillar of wood eating the beans cake he fried this morning. His right hand five fingers  which held the cake were clothed with stain of oil from the cake. 

It was a rather warm day, the sun was yet to give it full light and the sky appeared cloudless. The hyuuga had decide to take some time out today just to have fun. He had been training since the beginning of the week, so taking some time out today wouldn't hurt.

Sakuragi was not in his usual attire today, instead he was in a sleeveless blue coat and black short and black shinobi sandal, the coat was buttoned up to the mid chest leaving his lower neck skin exposed. He had no bandages wrapped around his body this time and wore no forehead protector.

The hyuuga would clean the stain of oil in his hand with a piece of cloth that he pulled out from his ninja bag. He would  leap down from the piece of  wood he was sitting on. He wasn't done having fun. That would have been no fun at all. Sakuragi would walk through the forest hoping to see something intriguing or amusing or anything to catch on.  The forest was too quiet today, no bird chirping, no squirrel running helter skelter, no mongoose and the likes.  The boy felt something odd had happen or is about to happen. He had the feeling but kept on walking. He was not there yet but his destination was a river some meters ahead of him. There are so many shortcuts one could take to get there on time but the spiky haired took the longer one since he was enjoying the walk. He would be there in no time anyway, so he kept on walking.

Kahoru Pendragon
Kahoru Pendragon
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 1000

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Mon Apr 27, 2020 11:38 pm
A maiden stood atop a cliff, looking into the wind and to the horizon. The rising sun painted a picture across the sea, one of many colors. Orange, blue, purple, pink. The grass was shining with the morning dew, and it reflected the colors of the beautiful sunrise, speckling the top of the cliff with oranges and pinks. It was so beautiful and perfect. However, Kahoru felt different. She seemed to be missing the scar on her right cheek. Out of nowhere, an arrow hissed by. It would’ve hit Kahoru in the throat, completely killing her. Luckily, it only grazed her right cheek. However, blood still flew out of the wound. Kahoru turned around to see a woman behind her. The woman was dressed in all black. Kahoru, using a power unknown to her, created a bow of pure chakra in her hands. She nocked an arrow, made of pure wind chakra. As she released, the bow string however, the arrow and bow fizzled away. In her hands now was a heavy broadsword. She cursed the blade. Suddenly, the face of the assassin that had killed her parents turned into her own mother, saying, “You’ll never be a true Pendragon. You hate the sword. You’re nothing but waste. You're the devil’s spawn.” Suddenly, Kahoru noticed the assassin was right in front of her, and Kahoru felt blood gushing from her heart.

The Pendragon’s eye fluttered open as sunlight peaked over the wall. Wait, the wall? Where was she? As Kahoru slowly awoke, her eyes adjusted to light. Ah, how she had enjoyed her 8 hour free trial of death. That was a joke. She liked to sleep and she liked being alive. The Pendragon studied her surroundings. She was on the rooftop of the Pendragon compound. What was she doing up here? Anyway, she had to do something with her day. The Black Mistress noticed a plate of food and her clothing next to her. The rooftop was very clean, as many people liked to spend time up here. Personally, Kahoru was sitting, or rather sleeping, on a bench. She noticed a blanket on her, an act of kindness from one of the maids here. 

Kahoru ate her breakfast, went to her room on the floor below, and changed. She was wearing a white, button up dress shirt with a blue, knee length skirt. She wore black stockings that went above her knees, showing no skin on her legs. Kahoru wore a pair of brown, leather boots. Her shoulder length blond hair was kept up with a navy blue ribbon that complimented her turquoise eyes well. As she was finished getting dressed, the building shook a bit as she heard an explosion. Kahoru ran into the rooftop and ran across the rooftops of Hoshigakure, making her way there. 

WC: 468
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Rescue boys Empty Re: Rescue boys

Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:22 pm
The hyuuga kept walking until he got  pass the forest. He still kept hearing noises since the explosion. His instincts tells him something was off. The white eyed could not phantom what could cause so much noise and yells at this time of the day. Of course it would be better to find out himself. If someone needs help, the boy was sure ready to help. The boy would begin to trace the sound, the noise seems to be coming from a place nearby. The white eyed choose not to use his byakugan.  There was no real big deal reason about it, he just choose not to. 

Hoshigakure is known for for being religious. If there was a religious activity going out that caused so much commotion Sakuragi would know immediately. Early this morning everywhere was quiet and peaceful and in the blink of an eye, he was hearing noises of commotion from distance.

Sakuragi had not walked for had not walkef for ten minutes when he heard  another explosion. It happened again. Now Sakuragi knew he had to use his byakugan and get to wherever that got exploded on time.

The hyuuga was walking when he saw figure running across the a rooftop. The figure he had not seen before, she had a blond hair. Sakuragi had already saw that it was the academy building that was on fire  the moment he activated his byakugan. This figure running could be heading there too. Sakuragi was below the rooftop so he needed to yell so she could hear  him. “ Hey, It's the ninja academy building that caught fire, we need help to put out the fire” he yelled at distant . Hopefully the figure would hear him and work hand in hand with him to rescue as many as possible caught in the fire. If they are arrive there late , many academy books will be destroyed , some student may also lose their lives in the fire incident . The earlier the better, Sakuragi began to surface walk on the building to reach the blonde hair lady. She would be of help in the mission. Of help if only she agrees to help. With Sakuragi knowing the exact location of the incident, getting there as fast as possible is all they need to do right now.

TWC: 722
Kahoru Pendragon
Kahoru Pendragon
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 1000

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Tue May 05, 2020 10:49 am
As Kahoru made her way to the academy, she heard another explosion. Then another. The explosions seemed to shake the earth, knocking a few tiles loose from the shockwave and sending large amounts of debris into the air. A plume of fire followed the shockwave. Kahoru understood the panic. This was near the ninja academy, if not, at the ninja academy. The shinobi force in Hoshigakure was seen as evil and twisted by many, so this needed to be dealt with quickly. If the fire was put out, the group could strike again. Many people described villages as melting pots, where people came together. Not in Hoshigakure. It was more like a boiling cauldron of tar, with the shinobi force being a living person about to be dunked into it. Kahoru knew that she had to put the fire out because if not, things could go horribly wrong, and it was her duty as a shinobi to protect the younger people of the village.

Kahoru, as she had seen the original explosion, was on high alert. She was ready to react to any threats that came her way. Kahoru saw a person with dark skin and black hair. The Pendragon didn’t know this Kahoru heard, who she assumed was a he, ask if she would help. Kahoru said, “Yeah, definitely. I don’t know what kind of just you have, but I won’t be much help putting out the fire. Can you handle putting out the fire, while I help evacuate people?”

Kahoru, no matter the boy’s response, would hurry towards the building.

WC: 262
TWC: 730/1500
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Rescue boys Empty Re: Rescue boys

Wed May 06, 2020 5:41 am
The blonde hair was moving so fast that when Sakuragi sighted her from distance he had to dash at her. It seems to the spiky haired the young girl heard to the explosion too and was heading to the ninja academy. These two working together would make the job easy . they have met anywhere before, this was even the first time that the spiky head would be meeting such an innocent young girl like this blonde hair.

The blonde decided to work together with sakuragi, however it seem to  the hyuuga that she would not be able to put out the fire, probably she didn't have the kind of jutsu that can put out fire. The white didn't really have jutsu for specifically putting out fire too but he believed his gentle fist jutsu would be able to put out the fire. Sakuragi assured the blonde hair that he would put out the fire while the girl would do what she wished to do, rescuing the students in the ninja academy.

Sakuragi would run as fast as he can to the ninja academy, he believed the blonde hair would follow since they both agreed to work together , he also was aware  that they were running out of time. So many lives would be lost here today if they don't get here on time. The run was almost wearing the hyuuga out but he wouldn't stop, he was quite certain that the girl would be able to keep up with him. He saw how fast she ran when he watched her run on the roof of the house , so she should have no problem keeping up with the hyuuga.

Sakuragi reached the ninja academy and was shocked at the sight of what he saw, he could not believe what he was seeing. The very beautiful ninja academy building is now the house on fire. The sky above the building was already turning black as a result of the heavy smokescreen caused by the fire release. Villagers had gather already at the entrance of the building, no one was bold enough to enter even when they quite knew that some students were trapped inside. Sakuragi would force his way through the crowd to the entrance of the building, the noise of the crowd almost getting into his head. He believed the blonde hair chunin would follow too. Just when he was about to enter the building, the main entrance caught fire. Sakuragi had to hop backwards to avoid getting caught in the fire too. He knew he had no water release jutsu. He was not even specialized in the use of ninjutsu , let alone use water release jutsu. His speciality was taijutsu. he was certain his gentle fist wave jutsu would put off the fire, but he was unsure if his jutsu would put off the fire without further damaging the building. If the building was further damaged , it would be harder for  them to rescued those that are trapped  inside.

Being two meters away from the entrance of the building, the hyuuga would activate his byakugan and would thrust his palm forward sending a wave of compressed chakra. It was not a wind jutsu else it would have increased the rage of the blazing fire, jutsu a wave of chakra. The wave normally would travel up to fifty meters but sakuragi would control it's size such that the wave was not wider than the entrance width and was not lengthier than the entrance length, he would not allow the wave go more than the entrance ultimately putting out the fire.

With his dojutsu active, he could see the location of everyone trapped in the building. There were just five people trapped inside, all in the same class room. Having put out the fire obstructing their entrance, Sakuragi would turn his head a 90 degree and say to blond hair would was probably behind him, “ Let's go blonde hair” . The hyuuga could already see the success of this mission. He knew where the victims are , all they need to do now is rescued the students trapped inside first and put out the fire. The students lives are more precious than the building structures, with the help of blonde hair the hyuuga would do everything in his power to see this mission successful.
The moment the Sakuragi would enter the the building, if Kahoru would follow, Sakuragi would tell her where to go since he could see the everywhere with his byakugan while assisting to put out the fire with his gentle fist jutsu. It was not easy for Sakuragi doing this as he had to protect Kahoru on keep watch on her as well as put out the fire. In no time Sakuragi would do his part of the job , putting out the fire in the building.

Though the building was a lot  damaged, no life was lost. The hyuuga was glad with the success of the mission, he would thank the blonde hair girl and head home.  The blonde hair really helped  Sakuragi today and hoshigakure as a whole.  The hyuuga would receive his pay for the mission the next day. This is how he had been surviving , doing missions and getting paid. The white eyed to arrive home to get a long rest.

TWC: 1605


Claiming 7 stats + 1 stat,  3000 ryo + 100 ryo that genin gets for doing missions.

67wc to fully learnShock 1683/1750= 1750/1750

1000 t learned  Five seal barrier

538 to Chakra absorption 538/1000
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

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Thu May 07, 2020 11:51 am
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