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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) Empty Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:13 pm
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How the hell did he end up here? Even Akaboshi didn't know. It wasn't even that long ago when the red haired Uzumaki was stopped by a strange looking individual who claimed to be part of the Church. "Ah, a religious matter. Great" he said ironically. The redhead was aware of the tensions between the religious population and the shinobi in the Land of Haven. Nevertheless, as a Chuunin of Hoshigakure it was his duty to hear him out regardless of how he felt about it. "Alright, alright. Tell me what happened. You don't mind if I smoke right?" Reaching for a pack of cigarettes in his right side pocket, he'd light one up before inhaling deeply only to exhale, blowing away the smoke but not in the direction of the so called priest. 

Long story short, something valuable was stolen from the High Priest of Hoshigakure. Still not sure why they ended up with him for help, Akaboshi didn't really have a chance to deny, did he? Keeping in mind the relationship between the Church and the shinobi in the Land of Haven could still use some improvement the red haired Uzumaki figured he might as well use this chance to achieve that exact thing. He would sigh deeply before giving his final answer. "Fine, I guess it won't hurt if I were to look into this. You said there was someone else who might be joining in?" Akaboshi remembered the priest mentioning another person who was asked to help out, but so far no one had shown up. 

(WC: 260)
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Ryo : 500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:00 pm
Geni’s Stats:

She was late. There was no real way to cut it or dissect it in any other way. There was a reason; the letter sent to her via bird carrier was collected by her husband the previous night, and he had sent the bird off while he read it. However, Usagi casually and calmly told her it was merely a positive word from an official in regard to her last mission. That's what he said and she had no reason to deny it.

That was the smoke of the fire; the burning smell of something else. The smell of smoke woke her up last night and when she followed it to the garden, she saw him in the back corner of the garden, burning something and watched him toss something else in. He wasn’t a shinobi so he had no real sense she was there, silently watching him stand over a small pit fire. Tossing in envelopes and pieces of paper alike. They all looked to be the same stationary. From her distance it was hard to tell; but they all seemed to share the same stationary and marking used for one type of correspondence she was familiar with. Official shinobi correspondence, meant to alert them to missions they were assigned to, letters from peers, reports and results. However that begged the question; if that was the case, why was her husband burning them? This was not a careless action either, for she covertly watched him hover over the fire until the fire died out, then put rocks over the ashes. She went to bed and pretended like nothing was happening. As if she didn't see him burning things in his garden near his beloved Koi Fish. PErhaps he had fed ashes and scraps to them as well? 

He wouldn’t do that to her. She couldn’t just assume… it didn’t make sense. Usagi said he was proud she had gotten some independence back now that their children were in school… That couldn't possibly be a lie.

However, in the morning she received a phone call from a priest at the church. “Lady Izayumi?” The voice on the other line questioned and when she answered positively and identified herself, the voice asked, “Are you well?” Why… would she be unwell? “We requested you for a mission and normally you are early… however it is five minuted until the next hour..”

Holy fuck. “I apologize, I will be on my way shortly.” Is how Geni answered and hung up the phone, looking at Usagi who sat at the table eating breakfast with her children. Now was the moment of truth. He looked up from his newspaper with concern. He questioned if everything was alright. “No, I’m late for a mission but I never got the mail notice; Did you see one? From the Church?” He shook his head slightly, left-to-right,

“No, I didn’t see anything, I’m sorry, I’ll take the kids to school for you.” Usagi assured her supportively but then her children glanced at him. It was a fraction of a second but the looks they spared him before they went back to eating their breakfast were clear; it was one of questioning. He was lying. 

“Thank you, honey.” She said as she rushed off to get dressed and then made her way to the church. She pushed the question to her husband’s truthfulness aside as she walked through the doors, a priest directing her to where the other person meant to be her partner for her mission was, and she walked over calmly to the pair; a priest and a red-haired ninja and she smiled politely, “Lady Izayumi, your tardiness is refreshing.” The priest said and she smiled, her long ponytail of galaxy-colored hair flowing behind her,

“Growth comes in many forms, sir; thank you for waiting for me.” She voiced and turned to the red-haired ninja, “Hello, I am Genevieve Oasis; thank you for working with me on this.” 

[ WC:660 (2x Event WC: 1320 ) ]
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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Ryo : 607500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Sat Aug 15, 2020 9:27 am
Cracking the muscles of his neck to the left and right, it seemed Akaboshi didn't need to wait too long before his companion for the day would arrive. A young woman, around the same age as him or slightly a bit older, had arrived at the scene where both the priest and the red haired Uzumaki were standing. With galaxy colored hair and a gentle smile she finally walked up to them when to his surprise it was the priest who started speaking as he addressed the kunoichi as Lady Izayumi. "Hm, a lady huh? Guess I'll have to be on my best behavior" he thought to himself as he took another drag of his cigarette.

The young woman would then turn to the redhead before officially introducing herself. "Not at all, glad to be of help. Akaboshi Uzumaki, pleasure to make your acquaintance" he'd say while throwing his cigarette on the ground before putting it out with the bottom of his shoe, all the while using his hand in a waving motion to remove the smoke so it wouldn't blow into Genevieve's direction. "So how do the two of you know each other?" If he were to guess it had to be through the Church, but for some reason Akaboshi got the feeling today's mission was of the most importance to the young lady, so for that exact same reason he decided to allow Genevieve to explain. After all, every little piece of information could help them find out who stole from the High Priest and why. 

(WC: 258, TWC: 518)
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Ryo : 500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Sat Aug 15, 2020 9:14 pm
As much as Genevieve has been trying to quietly remove herself from the Church’s politics and it’s web of lies and intricacies, as much as she wanted to leave them behind in her past; there was still the association she made when she was youth and full of vinegar to follow obediently in her mother’s footsteps, carrying the chains and cuffs of the position of ‘priestess’ came with and ignoring their weight, lying and living the illusion that these people actually cared of there by keeping her segregated in a basement for years on end; she still needed to be mindful that her separation was to be a silent one, not a boisterous one. “Lady Izayumi is a priestess of our Church, we in the church hope that one day she may be the enlightened rank her Mother holds, so that she may spread the mighty will of the Goddess upon our enemies in the name of forgiveness and acceptance.” The Priest said and though Geni politely smiled-

None of that made sense. Not a single bit of it, none of it made any sense and it was contradictory but alas, here she was, awkwardly a non-practicing member of the church, living in child-out-of-wedlock sin, a living, breathing contradiction herself right now. “High Priest.” Geni said but the tone was only vaguely friendly; but it was familiar. It was the tone of a mother sparing one last moment of calm demeanor despite children dancing on her last nerve. It was some of firmness, edged with a warning pitch that gave away an unspoken promise of retaliation should the words not be heeded. Thankfully, the High Priest caught wind of this and nodded nervously, 

“Yes; Well, a tome of our practices has been stolen from my office, I reached out as quickly as I could- and I believe I know who would be so bold as to do something like this.” The High Priest said and Geni deadpanned, 

“Perhaps your excellency does not require Shinobi help, then, if he knows who the culprit is?” Geni said and the High Priest hesitated, “Goddess forbid that you wish to use the shinobi for your dirty work.” Her smile didn’t fade; but it did seem ingenuine. 

“T-The Church and the Shinobi are two different entities and I believe it to be a group of shinobi who came to a mass last week and eyed our sacred tome with envy and jealousy.” The High Priest exclaimed and Geni opened her eyes, her smile fading, “I specifically went to the office and asked for shinobi to solve a shinobi problem; I thought you would appreciate the delicacy of this task, Lady Izayumi… because I want the group or culprit, the THIEF, apprehended and brought to me so that we may deliver divine justice to them.” The Head Priest said confidently and righteously before meekly adding, “I… had reached out to your mother in hopes she might be able to assist.”

“So she will be returning?” Geni assumed and the Head Priest said, 

“No, Her Excellency said that this task was beneath her and not worth the time she spent returning my summons but that you would be in a better position to handle this.” The Head Priest said and once more, Geni found her expression to be a lackluster once, 

“Of course, forgive my impertinence; With my responsibilities it slips my mind too often that there's no true reason for the church’s own fighters to be here, at their capital, defending it when they need to carry the Goddess’s will… elsewhere.” Geni said but in reality, this was just another case of her mother laughing, goddamn who knows where, as she pawned off the work onto Geni. Geni should be used to it by now and though she was used to the burden she found that motherhood had taken her patience away from said burdens. “I ask that you open your office to us so that we may find some clues to catch your culprit.” The High Priest began to speak an agreeable word then warily casted a unsure and untrusting glance to the red-haired ninja but Geni moved between the two to block the church leader’s grimace from view and draw his attention back to her, “Excellency.” She said once more in that warning tone and the High Priest nodded, turning away and leading them down a hallway of oak-paneled, glossy brown walls to an ornately carved door in the back end of the hallway, producing a key and unlocking it, “I will inform you of any findings, Excellency.” She said and the priest nodded and walked off, leaving the both of them to a rather large room with expensive, tax-bought furnishings of elusive grandeur. “Let’s get started then.” 

[ WC: 794 (2x Event WC: 1588 ) ]
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:49 pm
Akaboshi had to chuckle for a moment. "Ah forgive me, but where was your Goddess when something was stolen?" He tried his best to show respect, religion was an important matter to many, but he couldn't help but fail to understand their thought process. Nevertheless, he continued to listen attentively as there was still a mission to complete. Although it was quite interesting to find out the woman next to him was a priestess, or at least that's what the weirdo claimed her to be. It seemed Genevieve didn't appreciate the man giving away that information, seeing the way she urged him to stay on the subject relevant to the case.

And so the Priest continued to explain what happened. The red haired Uzumaki got a bit annoyed when he heard the man wording his next couple of sentences. "Ah, good. So that means we're done here?" Luckily it seemed Genevieve couldn't appreciate it either which made Akaboshi glad she was there to put the man in his place, so he decided to stick around a bit longer in case his help was needed after all. Things started to get interesting the moment a shinobi was accused of stealing the tome, given the relationship between the two entities it was quite the accusation. But of course the redhead knew he couldn't rule out the possibility of a shinobi's involvement either. "Justice will be served, trust me. But it won't be you carrying out the sentence. This is Hoshigakure, don't you dare think you can be judge, jury, and executioner." Akaboshi had heard about enough as he walked away, which caused him to miss out on the conversation about Genevieve's mother.

When the two of them were finally done talking, the Priest would lead both the redhead as the woman with her galaxy colored hair to his office. As the Priest walked away, leaving them to begin their investigation, Akaboshi couldn't help but throw some well deserved shade at the man. "Yes, let the shinobi do your dirty work. After you, Lady Izayumi." It was time to find out whether or not a shinobi was involved in the stealing of the tome. 

(WC: 361, TWC: 879)
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Ryo : 500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Sun Aug 16, 2020 7:09 pm
Genevieve nodded politely to the red-head allowing her to go into the room first and she waited until he entered and shut the door behind him before speaking, “For a first meeting, I apologize for how this is going; and for clarification, my views no longer align with the Church’s hypocritical ones.” She advised as she looked around, “Honestly, with how the Church acts with it’s tension between themselves and the Shinobi, I’d say they were asking to get robbed. They preach humility yet make demands of shinobi.” She sighed as she walked forward. 

The room was ten feet deep and perhaps twenty feet long, the east wall held two small seattes, the back wall held two large windows, the far right wall held built in oak shelves with books and decor from different places, while the wall behind them that held the door, had enough space for two doors but was otherwise occupied by bookshelves filled with books; “I’ve always thought there to be a bittersweetness to the irony of the Church that preaches about helping those in need, yet allows itself opulence.” She mused loud enough for her new partner to hear as she walked forward a bit more. Then she walked to one of the windows and looked on their window sills. From the looks of it, it looked like they were not opened at all; on the back left set of windows, there were no scuff marks of the windows that open inward, being opened at all. However this fact was not repeated with the back right set of windows, as there was a scuff mark, 

“I think they came in from here, Akaboshi; this window has scuff marks of being open but the other set doesn't.” She said as she unlocked the window and opened it inwards herself. “Have you found anything?” Geni asked politely and looked back at the man.

[ WC: 316 (2x Event WC: 632 ) ]
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:29 pm
Akaboshi was surprised when he heard Genevieve apologizing on the Priest's behalf. The young woman would also explain she no longer shared the same views as the Church and how it didn't surprise her that someone finally decided to act against them. While the Uzumaki was aware of the tensions between both shinobi and the religious entity, he never really looked into things. After all, he was simply a shinobi of Hoshigakure, sworn to protect and defend his village. But to say the relationship between the two entities wasn't exactly productive would be an understatement. "I appreciate it, I'm sure things have been hard on you as well." He could only imagine how it must be for Genevieve, between two fires.

He noticed how she walked over to the windows, searching for clues or signs of breaking and entering. In the meanwhile the red haired Uzumaki would look around, scanning the room in case the intruders left something behind that would help Akaboshi identify the culprits. No traces were left behind, which could only mean one thing, this wasn't the work of amateurs. His attention was then drawn towards Genevieve as the woman seemed to have found something. Pointing at one of the windows, indicating they came through there. "That must be how they got in, nice catch." The redhead would briefly rub his chin as he tried to put two and two together.

"Besides the window there are almost no signs of breaking in, meaning they were very organized. But, this could also mean they weren't exactly in a hurry. If they were, they would have completely turned the place all over, making it look like a warzone. The fact that they didn't makes me believe they're still in the area. Sounds plausible to you?" Akaboshi would wait for Genevieve to share her light on things before contemplating their next move. 

(WC: 312, TWC: 1191)
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Ryo : 500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:23 pm
“Besides the window there are almost no signs of breaking in, meaning they were very organized. But, this could also mean they weren't exactly in a hurry. If they were, they would have completely turned the place all over, making it look like a warzone. The fact that they didn't makes me believe they're still in the area. Sounds plausible to you?” This was Akaboshi’s theory. It was a good, solid one and the only good one; however, as she thought about it and looked around the room once more it dawned on her.

She had been here before. It looked like one one had just left. There was no disorganization. The High Priest might have cleaned up and ruined things, but there was also another glaringly obvious fact-

“It sounds plausible but my question is; How long were they planning this?” Geni said as she looked around the room and went to a bookshelf, put her finger on it, and swiped her finger about an inch to the left then looked at it. Dusty. She showed her finger to the other person, “The window shows entry, and we can guess that if a scene was made that the High Priest cleaned it up; but the shelves are dusty, so there hasn’t been any cleaning.” She voiced,

“My addition to your theory is that they planned this. They knew what they were looking for, that's why there's not a disarray; if you’re looking for a hiding place quickly,  organized or not, you’re going to leave a mess but if you know where to look, there's no need for all that. Every night there is a sermon when the book is shown.” Geni said and turned to him, “I think they’re overconfident and arrogant; I think they made the time to sit in a sermon, listen to the High Priest and watch the clergy bring the book back from here, show it, and then excused himself at some point to maybe make a clone and watch where the book was placed before he sat back in for the sermon. Regrouped with the clone, broke in, snatched the book and ran off thinking no one would catch him. We definitely have the time alright; he probably thinks no one has noticed the book missing yet or asked for help to find it since the sermon involving the tome doesn’t start until this evening.” Geni voiced, 

“So now the question stands; are we jumping out of this window to run after him, or are we going out the front door… and how do you want to catch them?” 

[ WC: 435 (2x Event WC: 870 ) ]
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:32 pm
For the most part Genevieve was in agreement with Akaboshi's reasoning, but it seemed she had some arguments of her own to add onto his theory as well. The red haired Uzumaki would listen attentively as the young woman began explaining her point of view. He watched her walk around the room, all the way over to one of the bookshelves. "Dust." Indeed, it made no sense at all that the place was clean but the shelves were not. Genevieve continued with her theory, how she thought everything was planned at the beginning. "But why? What do they have to gain from it? Sure, if they are able to make the people from the Church believe shinobi are behind all of this perhaps that would drive the two entities even further apart, maybe that's what they are really after." Akaboshi was simply thinking out loud, but the more he thought about it, the more it started to make sense. 

He'd lean against a wall, place his hand on his chin with this arms crossed over each other. He would go over the course of action once more, or at least the one Genevieve described. A sermon, every night. Each time the book would be shown, so they knew what they were looking for. An inside job, as they'd say. Considering every piece of evidence the two of them gathered the possibility they were right was extremely feasible. "You said the sermon doesn't start until tonight? Alright, that gives us a bit of time." If they were lucky the culprit wasn't aware of the fact Akaboshi and Genevieve were onto him. The two of them would use this to their advantage to solve this case once and for all.

The Priestess, as the Priest so liked to call her, inquired about their next move. "I would hardly be a gentleman if I let you jump out of a window, would I?" He smiled softly, noticing solving this matter meant a great deal to her. "Let's use the door for now" he said in a joking manner. "Ladies first." Motioning they should try and catch the thief Akaboshi would follow behind Genevieve. 

(WC: 360, TWC: 1551)
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Ryo : 500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Wed Aug 19, 2020 2:26 pm
Genevieve smiled at Akaboshi’s consideration for not letting her jump out of the window and she nodded politely to his recommendation of using the door for now and she made sure the windows were shut and locked before walking out but upon opening the door- the High PRiest was standing anxiously in the middle of the hallways and inwardly? Silently and internally? Geni screamed in frustration as she put on a smile to show otherwise, “Your excellency, we were just-” 

“Did you find that wretched shinobi?” The High Priest demanded and Geni’s smile dropped as she took in his words, “This is of the highest importance-”

“To the church.” Geni interjected and cut him off sharply as the facade of kindness dropped and the High Priest hesitated then began backing up as she walked towards him, “As important as this is to the church, the weight is different to a shinobi especially when frequently dismissed and condescended in the way you have been doing since we came to investigate; His excellency seems to be forgetting that honey catches more flies than vinegar.” The High Priest backed away from her as she stepped towards him again and he stayed clear out of her way, “Akaboshi and I will be staying close to recover the tome; I suggest that you allow us to work without interruptions.” She said firmly and the High Priest nodded before she turned away from him and started walking out, but when they left the building she turned to Akaboshi quickly, 

“I would prefer if we stayed together to catch this man, however, I would love to hear if you have a plan and I am open to splitting up; if you think it would be best, we could go around and check pawn shops, however my theory is that whoever did this may be bold enough to come back and grab something else from the office.” Geni said and voiced, “Unfortunately, I am unable to track scents and with no chakra signature… I am at a loss as to what we can do from here.” 

[ WC: 348 (2x Event WC: 696 ) ]
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