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Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Fruit Ninja Empty Fruit Ninja

Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:19 am

Kita stood just outside the grocery store, looking down at the list of items that had been given to him in his mission report. Underneath the official Kirigakure instructions was an attached, hand written note, detailing the items that Kita needed to acquire, and some basic instructions on what to do with them after acquiring them. Kita pocketed the note and headed into the store, already having memorized the list. Kita grabbed a shopping cart, and went down the aisles one by one, placing the items needed into the cart with a tired and mechanical vigor. The mission was boring, and ultimately, Kita felt his mind going to other places that he didn't want to go to. The image of the man in the ratty brown coat still hung heavily in Kita's mind. He recalled the jump and the spin, his foot colliding with the man's head with an intense thud, and the crack of his neck as Kita sent him to the floor. Kita shuddered and closed his eyes, trying to block out the memory, but the one memory brought up other unbidden memories from that day. Kita remembered sending watery needles into the crowd of thugs, decapitating one of them, sending shuriken into the backs of the fleeing survivors. Most of all, Kita remembered driving his sword through the chest of the lead of their little band, driving it through his heart. Kita remembered the ribbons of blood that arced through the air, landing on the ground, his hands, and his face. Kita remembered how warm and slick that the blood felt, and the look of surprise on the man's face as he slipped away from his mortal coil. He didn't cough, or wheeze, or make any sound at all. He simply crumpled. Kita opened his eyes, shaking his head. "Now isn't the time. I have groceries to get." Kita continued on his shopping spree, picking up various canned goods and other assorted items. Kita looked exhausted, and when he arrived at the register to pay, even the cashier seemed concerned. "Sir, is everything alright? You don't look very well. Do you need us to call someone?" Kita shook his head. "I'll be fine. Just tell me what the total is." The cashier hesitated for a moment and looked at the items that Kita had brought. "That'll be about 439 Ryo sir." Kita nodded and reached into the mission envelope, pulling out the funds that had been given to pay for the food. After the cashier finished their transaction Kita took the receipt and the remaining money, placing it back into the envelope to confirm proof of purchase, before making his way to the drop off point.

Kita made his way down the lonely streets, trudging along with the bags of groceries in hand. The address on the paper was listed at a house on the outskirts of Kirigakure, a distance away from other residential buildings within the city. It makes sense that the client couldn't take care of the grocery run on their own. This kind of walk would have been incredibly difficult for someone at the client's age, much more for someone who didn't have the ability to access their chakra. Kita trudged ever further towards the client's house slowly making his way from the streets of the inner city into the isolated plains of Kirigakure. Eventually Kita arrived at the address in question. He set the bags down, and knocked at the door, waiting for a reply. It wasn't long before the voice of an old man called from inside. "Who is it?" Kita spoke loudly and replied to the voice. "It's the person delivering your groceries! My name is Kita Hajime, and I'm a Genin that's been assigned to deliver your groceries." There was a slight pause before the voice answered. "I didn't hire any ninja, much less a Genin! Now go on, git!" Kita was beginning to feel a slight annoyance with the old man when he remembered something, pulling the mission envelope from his pocket. According to the note inside, the man, Sakamoto Kayo, didn't remember things very well. In the same line of the note, it said that Kita could get inside if he claimed he was with the social worker. Kita shrugged. "Your social worker Mrs. Sayuri sent me! May I please come inside?" The voice was silent for a moment. "The door is unlocked! You can come in yourself!" Kita entered inside, hearing the sound of a radio as he entered. The voice called out once more. "So what did you want?" Kita held up the bags, approaching the room that held the voice. "I brought you some groceries Mr. Kayo. You were starting to run low." Kita entered into the room that held the old man, seeing that it was illuminated by a single lamp on a nearby table. At the opposite end of the room, an old fashioned radio played music to Mr. Kayo. The man himself sat in an old armchair in the center of the room. Time had begun to claim the chair, just like it's owner. Slight bits of stuffing spilled out of the side, and a singular spring poked out of one side. Sakamoto Kayo turned to face Kita. His face was weathered with age, and his eyes were milky from cataracts. He gestured backwards, where an open doorway led into what Kita assumed was the man's kitchen. "Just put them on the counter." Kita nodded, and began to make his his way inside the kitchen. He placed the groceries on the counter as the man asked, and absentmindedly took a look around the kitchen. Everything was normal, with the exception of the man's refrigerator. On it were photos from ages long past. Slightly curious, Kita made his way over to the old man's fridge, looking at the photos located on the side. There was somewhat of a linear progression, with the newest photos at the top, working down towards the bottom of the fridge. At the top, a much younger Sakamoto Kayo stood in a tuxedo, next to a woman in white. The only interesting thing about the woman was her appearance. She was his wife it seemed. Kita's eyes trailed through the photos, observing his life. His wife was a shinobi it seemed, belonging to some shinobi clan or another, being a kunoichi herself. She stopped appearing at photos at some point in time, and Kita could only speculate why. They had a child as well, with the last photo on the fridge, being that of the child, proudly displaying his Kirigakure forehead protector. Kita looked away. Kita silently went into the living room, and gave a polite cough. "Anything else you need before I go?" The man turned around. "Could you change the radio station? I don't like this one." Kita silently went over to the radio, and changed the station.

Word Count = 1151 Words


Mission Claims-

600 Ryo (500 Ryo from mission, 100 Ryo from Genin bonus)

+1 AP

Stat Claims-

Chakra +10 (1000 Words)

Speed +1 (100 Words)

Jutsu Claims-

Metal Crusher (2000/2000 Words) (Was working towards it in a previous thread. 321 Words Left.)

Chakra Infusion Skill (321/2000 Words)
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Fruit Ninja Empty Re: Fruit Ninja

Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:10 am
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