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Ryouta Shinkou
Ryouta Shinkou
Stat Page : Ryouta's Log
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 71500

Cookie Time! Empty Cookie Time!

Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:12 am
Mission Name: Cookie Time!
Rank: D
Type: Help
Character Requirements: Be and NRPG Character
Mission Location: Village (Or neutral town if missing nin)
Word Count Requirements: 1000
Challenges: -
Repeatable? yes
NPC? -
Reward: 2000 Ryo, 20 AP, Leather

The Hollykage magically teleports a large sack that’s full of warm cookies and delicious sweets! Hand them out all around the village until the sack is empty.

Another bright day within the village of the leaves, and here we had the young Shinkou looking out of his house window at the mysterious white flakes falling from the sky. This was the first time that he had seen snow and it was definitely amazing. A knock at the door pulled him from the daydreaming as his sister opened the door and rolled herself in," Good morning little bro... Your breakfast is going to get cold if you don't come on!," that angelic smile caused the boy to chuckle sheepishly as he grabbed his jacket and began to wheel her to the kitchen. Life for the two of them had been a little rough since the passing of both their father and elder brother, but Ishi had stepped up quite a bit for his sickly sister. He kept hope that one day she would be able to run around and enjoy life with him one day, but for now he was happy just to still have her in his life. After the two of them ate and he gave her the medication she needed, he walked outside with a long stretch ready to start his day. Just as he started walking though a giant bag fell just a few meters in front of him. The gust of snow and wind blew his hair and jacket backwards. Shaking himself dry he would go over and look into the bag to see treats and a note.

"Pass these out to everyone in the village...and spread cheer!"

That was an odd request, but spreading cheer was sort of something Ishi liked to do. So taking the bag into his space he would begin to walk off to hand them off.

Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Cookie Time! Empty Re: Cookie Time!

Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:57 pm
Bright blue eyes were looking up to the sky, witnessing countless snowflakes falling down. Quite a peculiar sight, at least for the Land of Fire. As would often be the case for the young Senju, Goto could be found staring at whatever was going on above him, lost in his own thoughts once again. If it hadn't been for the mysterious bag that suddenly appeared a couple of meters in front of him, the young boy would probably spend the rest of his day doing exactly that. Now that his attention got drawn towards something different, Goto decided to have a look at what possibly could be in the bag.

Picking up the sack and reading the note attached to it, the silver haired teenager would read the message out loud. "Huh, didn't expect that" he said to himself while looking at the cookies inside the bag. For some strange reason a request was made to hand out cookies around the village, well not that out of the ordinary considering the time of year but still. Without even realizing Goto noticed he was already well on his way, walking around the streets of Konohagakure and handing them out to everyone he passed. A couple of minutes had passed when the Senju noticed another person doing the same as he did, which of course caught his attention. "Cookies?" He figured that would be enough to draw the attention of the boy who seemed to be around the same age as him.

(WC: 250)
Specter Sarutobi
Specter Sarutobi
Stat Page : Spooky Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 6600

Cookie Time! Empty Re: Cookie Time!

Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:55 pm
The day was going to be his!

Yes, it's me, Specter Sarutobi, the inheritor of the Will of Fire of the forefathers of Konohagakure, and the destiny child meant to take on the Hokage Mantle and lead the New World as its God Emperor. How did he know this? Wouldn't you like to know that!

Specter woke up in his filthy disaster of an apartment, littered with trash and hoarded goodies nobody could really know the use or point of, and he slowly but surely make his way through piles of trash towards the kitchen, where he would take a glass of dirty water from the tap, likely rust, but to him, rust could only make him more powerful! After all, what does not kill you, makes you stronger!

Clad in his leather jumpsuit and billowing cloak, the weather was for once in agreement with his garbs, cold and windy. As he looked up at the falling snow, there, he saw it! A package falling from the sky! "My destiny!" He broke into a sprint, eyes on the prize at all times, however, due to his lack of attention, he got timelined into a pole which he did pick up in time to dodge. Luckily, the snow prevented his body from suffering further. As he got back up, he approached the bag, where two of what could've been his classmates looked at cookies and a message. "What it do, it's your boy, the future hokage! But you can call me Specter Sarutobi."

WC: 252
Ryouta Shinkou
Ryouta Shinkou
Stat Page : Ryouta's Log
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 71500

Cookie Time! Empty Re: Cookie Time!

Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:36 pm
The story was soon to begin as Ishi started his stride, only stopped by sound of someone's voice calling out to him. His head would swivel slowly as he turned to face the other person with a smile on his face," Cookies indeed! I see you've found a sack of cookies as well huh? Well if you want we can split the village up so everyone can enjoy these happy cookies!! I only ask that the house behind me," nodding toward his own house," be saved for me please. There's a person in there that's dear to me that i want to surprise with these cookies okay?," his smile would never waver as he was about to introduce himself another person showed up. Ishi didn't really mind or care if they thought of themselves as the future Hokage, that was something that wasn't in his personal cards or future...but he did want to protect this home of his. His smile would turn to the newcomer as he waved and settled the bag on his shoulder," Well hello there! I'm Ishimura, but everyone calls me Ishi. Me and this guy here were going to hand out these cookies to the villagers to spread some cheer according to this message found in the bags. Would you like to join us? Oh once everyone gets done let's meet up back here to know that we're all done," if the other person would join them then Ishi would begin his sweep of the village. He'd start moving west since his own home was his final destination. With each man, woman and child that he came across he would brighten their day with cookies and treats while warming them up with his smile or a hug. It wasn't an understatement that he could have been an embodiment of happiness and cheer, but he loved this feeling that he was getting.

Though he was a tad slow right now, he managed to do a complete circle of the western side of his neighborhood until one house remained. He went back to where he had met the other two, hoping they would come back so he could thank them for doing this with them. Whenever they came back he would give them a small wave before saying his goodbyes and heading home to deliver the final gift. Walking into the house he would shake himself free of the loose snow that had riddled his body at the door so that it didn't make a mess that he would need to clean up later. He'd begin his search for his sister who he could hear in the kitchen and pop up," Heya sis! I gotta present for you," from behind he would bring forth the cookies and treats that began to permeate a sweet, homely smell within the house. His sister's eyes began to swell with tears as she took them and hugged her brother. He had always enjoyed seeing his sister happy and thanks to whoever dropped the bag, she was happy. Together the two of them sat down and began to eat the cookies as he talked about his adventure and the new people he met.
Total WC: 818
818 words toward the 1st stage of the Meigan (818/2000)
2000 Ryo, 20 AP, Leather
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Cookie Time! Empty Re: Cookie Time!

Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:42 pm
As expected, mostly because they were the only two people walking around with a bag full of cookies, the boy whose hair had a mix between blue and green confirmed to be out for the same reason as Goto. He suggested to each cover a respective side of the village between the two of them to lessen the workload. The young Senju also listened to the boy's request about leaving a certain house to him as he pointed to the place behind him. "Of course, not a problem. All yours" Goto smiled, aware of the fact that whoever lived there meant a great deal to his companion. 

About to be on his way, Goto suddenly noticed the sudden arrival of an interesting individual, introducing him to be Specter Sarutobi. "The future Hokage? I don't even know who our current one is, but good for you buddy." Ambitious would be the least you could say about the third member of the party and although uncertain about the chance of success, the silver haired shinobi would be rooting for him. Hearing Specter's dream, goal or however you want to call it, made him think about his own hopes and aspirations, the desires he hoped to eventually come true. But for now the Senju decided to focus on the task at hand as he had other things to do.

Having agreed to Ishi's suggestion, Goto would head in the opposite direction, bag of cookies in his hand. Looking around the streets, carefully picking out the ones he'd give a treat to. "Ho, ho, ho. Who wants some cookies?" Drawing everyone's attention, Goto waved the bag of treats around. Some of the bystanders were looking at him strangely, almost as he was up to no good. "What, never seen a guy walk around with a bag?" Those who weren't wary of the Senju walked up to him, extending their hands awaiting their present. "Here you go, enjoy. Spread the news of Santa Senju!" He continued making his rounds, almost as if he was Santa Claus himself. 

After some time had passed and his bag of cookies was empty, Goto figured it was time to return to the spot where he met the others. In the case of them being there the young shinobi would thank both Ishi and Specter for helping out with handing out cookies before making his way back home where he'd continue to look up at the sky. 


(TWC: 657)
- 657 towards Water element (657/4000)
- Mission rewards (2000 ryo, 20 AP, Leather)
- 6 stats
Specter Sarutobi
Specter Sarutobi
Stat Page : Spooky Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 6600

Cookie Time! Empty Re: Cookie Time!

Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:01 pm
The Sarutobi heard the boys speak, him being a boy himself but seeing himself more of a Messiah to the unwashed masses of the oppressed Konohagakure, even though he was two years older than the legendary Tadashi Namikaze and had nothing to show for it, especially a foolish but well intended attempt at liberating Konoha from its oppressors. “Cookie delivery, heh? If I am to be Kage, I must start now earning the love of the people. They owe it to me, after all.” He took a bag, and started making his way around one of the unspotted corners of the village. He went door to door, he interrupted people having meals in ramen shops, he bothered grocers and shoppers alike to deliver onto them the chocolaty goodness that was to spread joy. Thing was, Specter’s deficiencies were so deep, surface level interactions actually made people feel he was a well adjusted individual, if a bit over-enthusiastic. “It’s the future Hokage, baby! Remember to vote for me!”

He went into a kindergarten, and shit went wild. Kids were dunking into the cookies as if they were cookies and the cookies were milk. The kindergarten ladies were a bit disapproving of what was happening, but Specter bought their approval with cookies. “Remember to brush your teeth, kids, these things will rot them right off! Vote for me in the next Kage election!”, he would say beaming with confidence, an upright position, a toothy smile and a stern thumbs up. He even winked at the caring ladies, both of which could likely be his mother or aunts, but that didn’t register to him.

By the time the bag was empty, he wore it as a hat to stave off the chill on his ears, and moved to meet with his partners in cheer spreading. Leaning back on a bench whose snow had been scooped away with a deliberate forearm motion, he looked at the duo before saying “you guys are alright, I guess”, as if he might have to move names around on his list of friends to accommodate what could very well be the first two people to tolerate him for an entire afternoon.
WC: 363
TWC: 615
Claiming 2000 Ryo, Leather
Claiming 3 Vigor, 3 Speed
Claiming the day's 3000 WC and 4000 Ryo
1500 towards Fire Release: Searing Migraine
1750 towards Fire Release: Demon Lantern
250 towards Genjutsu Release
115 towards Temporary Paralysis
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Ryo : 0

Cookie Time! Empty Re: Cookie Time!

Fri Dec 11, 2020 3:17 pm
All three approved
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