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Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Cookie Time [P] Empty Cookie Time [P]

Tue Dec 01, 2020 6:21 pm
Holiday Mission - Cookie Time  <-----Mission being done

Keita was tasked with a mission that was fairly strange for him,  but he was not going to question it too much, because he would get to go around and hand people some delicious baked good for today. It was getting closer and closer to the holidays, and there were plenty of decorations around the village, signifying the start of the festivities for the end of the year. Keita was at the front desk of the mission area, waiting for his friend Kizmaru to show up so that they could start this mission. As Keita was standing there, he was glancing around at the other people, and it seemed that they were a bit shocked at the fact that he, who was a jounin of a village, was going to do something as trivial as handing out cookies to the random masses of the mist village. The fact that the village was doing this at all sort of surprised Keita, as the bloody mist was not something known for their baked goods. Keita just replied to them with a gentle smile, and he was also wondered how good these cookies were, as he thought they were going to be just a generic mass produced type of cookie that people and family gave out to each other during the holidays that tasted a small amount like cardboard was used to make them.

WC: 231
Kizmaru Senju
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Ryo : 0

Cookie Time [P] Empty Re: Cookie Time [P]

Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:09 pm
Being transported back to his village in some bizarre twist of fate, Kizmaru looked around rather puzzled, wondering how he got here. It seems like it was that time of year again where the balance is thrown out of whack and mysterious things were happening. Wearing his steam armor without his Kage attire, Kizmaru stood up and began to dust himself. While he was looking down to dust himself off, he found out there was a small sack of cookies for him to deliver. Picking up the sack, he was mildly confused but after last year's events, he didn't question it and decided to go with the flow. Now that he's randomly popped up, he noticed Keita here, ready and waiting to do some strange task. A million questions had formed in his head but he decided he wouldn't bother with it. For now, he just great Keita like normal before asking what they were doing here as he doesn't seem to be that bothered by the fact they were suddenly back in KirI. He was just handing out cookies nd he figured he would just do the same nonchalantly. He hoped he be able to fill him in on the current situation as we all as the current task at hand.

W.C: 212
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Cookie Time [P] Empty Re: Cookie Time [P]

Wed Dec 02, 2020 8:33 pm
Keita looked around and soon saw Kizmaru had suddenly appeared and seemed a bit confused at all of this that was taking place, but Keita was going to continue on like nothing had happened. He was completely unsure of what was going on, it seemed like the contents of the mission was simply streamed into his head, and by the time that he realized that he was just in sand village, he was already grabbing the sack of cookies from the attendant, who also seemed to just be unaffected by what was going on. It sort of took Keita's mind a few moments to process what had transpired, and he seemed to have been in some sort of daze, that was until Kizmaru suddenly showed up, which seemed to have almost shocked him out of it. There were always some weird happenings in the world, especially when chakra was involved, so Keita did not seem to question it very thoroughly, and was going to just hand out the cookies. "Heya Kizmaru, I'm not really sure what's going on, there simply seems to be some sort of force or energy telling me what I need to do, and we will get rewarded. I don't sense any hostility through whatever or whoever is causing this, so might as well just get some holiday gifts and be on alert." Keita said this, as it seemed Kizmaru was looking at him with a questioning gaze, and Keita did not quite have all the answers currently, so he said what he could.

WC: 257
Kizmaru Senju
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Ryo : 0

Cookie Time [P] Empty Re: Cookie Time [P]

Wed Dec 02, 2020 10:51 pm
Continuing to wait for a tangible answer from his buddy Keita, he figured it was his best interest to also continue to hand out the sweet, baked goods from the sack that manifested alongside him. As he did so, Keita had finally greeted him, answering with a not so informative answer. According to Keita, he also didn't know what was going on in these parts and claims he was told by a mysterious force to hand out cookies for the holidays and he would get paid for it. This seems to fall in line with how he got here himself as well as similar events happening to him last year around Halloween. Well he won't dwell on it any longer and would just accept the fact that on certain periods of the year, he'd have to do some strange festive and ominous task in order to appease whatever divine force is commanding him to do so. Maybe one day as Kage, he'd look into the matter of why this happens but for now, he wasn't too worried about it since nothing bad or detrimental happens if you choose to ignore it but you always seem to get rewarded when fulfilling the strange requests.

W.C: 203
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Cookie Time [P] Empty Re: Cookie Time [P]

Thu Dec 03, 2020 7:36 pm
Keita waited for a bit so that Kizmaru could process the information that was given to him, and the strange situation was a bit easier to handle considering there seemed to be nothing wrong with the cookies, no poisonous substances or anything of the sort, and so there was really no problem in terms of handing them out to people around the village. It was a bit simple, after all, to simply give out some cookies, although he was unsure if a lot of the people from the mist village would accept them, even if they came from a couple of jounin. The ninja of the village were plenty paranoid, for good reason, especially about eating random things that strangers made for them. There was however, some good news, and that was that Keita was well acquainted with the common people of the village, and he was certain that they would accept anything that he had given them out of good faith, almost with a one hundred percent certainty, especially because it was around the holidays, and Keita had done something similar before. Regardless of this, Keita decided to start and end early, as there was something fairly important happening in the sand village currently that they needed to attend to, so the faster they got this mission over with, the better it was for them. Keita grabbed the sack of cookies, and although he wondered why they were in a sack, considering a box would be better so some of the cookies would not get smashed through general walking, he lamented, and signaled to Kizmaru that they should probably get started, before walking out of the door.

As soon as he had gotten out of the door, the harsh winter breeze had caught him slightly off guard, and he wondered how he had forgotten that it was still in the middle of the winter months. He chalked it up to the fact that he was just in the sand village, where their definition fo winter was very loose at best, as it was still fairly warm compared to the mist village that they were at. Usually the mist village would get freezing rain instead of snow, although snow was only fairly uncommon, not completely unheard of. For some reason, the sack that they were carrying because of the cookies was constantly warm, keeping the cookies warm for their respective recipients, which seemed like a neat feature, although in the world of shinobi, sealing things into a bit of paper seemed to be far more efficient, although less homey. Keita wandered the streets, talking to the old and the young alike, greeting them and handing them cookies, and also chatting with Kizmaru about what they were planning to do, just in case they were not immediately sent back to the sand village. The fee for the boat off the island was a bit exorbitant after all, even for the jounin and the kage of the village, so he hoped that the strange energy would just make them appear back in suna. Regardless, after speaking and greeting everyone, Keita was feeling all warm and fuzzy, and before he knew it, they had handed out the last cookie.

WC: 536
Total WC: 1024
Claiming  2000 Ryo, 20 AP, Leather for the mission
Claiming 20 ap for WC and max stats
Claiming 1000 words towards S ranked Fuuinjutsu Breaking V7 - 3500/5000
Kizmaru Senju
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Ryo : 0

Cookie Time [P] Empty Re: Cookie Time [P]

Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:10 pm
Following Keita's leading and exiting through the door, Kizmaru continued to hand out cookies in a strange attempt to appease whatever mythical force he was currently dealing with at the moment. he had similar concerns of of people accepting cookies from a couple of strange Jounin even though they wore the symbols of being from the village. Still, most people aired on the side of caution and chose not to indulged from the free treats him and his partner were handing out. it probably didn't help that he was currently fully armor and unapproachable but no matter as he still managed to hand out most of his cookies by slipping some into Keita's possession unnoticed while conversed with random townsfolk. He chuckled a bit and managed to give out what little cookies he had left. Eventually, he had completed the task given to him and hopefully gave away enough to make sure the mysterious force was sated. it seems that he was fine and was given a reward in the form of a bag. He was pretty happy things went off without a hitch but he still couldn't help but wonder why things like this seem to happen to all the time. At least he can have somebody else experience these wacky adventures with him.

W.C: 215
T.W.C: 630

Loot Claims
Claiming 2000 Ryo, 20 AP and Leather

Ability Claims
Using 200 words to learn The Seven Heavenly Breaths Breath of Chastity
Using 400 words towards The Seven Heavenly Breaths Breath of Patience
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Cookie Time [P] Empty Re: Cookie Time [P]

Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:21 am
Approved @ both
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