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Yasahiro Yagami
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All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission] Empty All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission]

Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:49 pm
Mission Specs:

Yasahiro's Stats:

The Land of Rice's northwestern border with Moon Country was anything but hospitable. Delineated by a mountain range that seemed to erupt from the earth's maw like a set of jagged teeth intent on piercing the sky above, the border was impenetrable by normal means; indeed, many had lost their lives looking for a fabled passage through it to no avail. And yet, the place still had a strange draw to it as if it challenged all those who looked upon it to sate their curiosity and satisfy their adventuresome inner child by walking willingly into mother nature's patient jaws—there was something, after all, about exploring the unknown and seeing sights unseen that drew people in despite the danger.

Yasahiro Yagami, the disgraced samurai from the Land of Iron, was one such person.

Spurred on by a mix of boredom, curiosity, and the tales of an aging innkeeper, the black-clad man currently found himself amidst the massive boulder field that abutted the aforementioned mountains. Rocks that ranged from the size of pea-sized pebbles to blocks of granite twice the size of the samurai lay scattered about creating a veritable sea of sediment that, save for a few defiant rock formations that protruded skyward here and there, sat nearly flat for about a mile around where the exile now walked, another wonder of nature and the passage of time. At the man's back lay the lush Land of Rice, and before him stood the imposing mountain range that goaded him ever onward into its stony embrace; it was his turn to test his mettle against nature.

To move in this environment was to be heard; rocks clicked and clacked underfoot occasionally cascading into an echo that could be heard for a good distance. In spite of this, Yasahiro—ever since being exiled from his home and made to wander the world—made a habit of keeping his head on a swivel and, occasionally, an eye to the sky. If it wasn't those hunting him specifically for his past misdeeds, then it was someone else, and given the instability he'd seen in the Land of Rice, it paid to be cautious even so far from civilization lest he fall into one of the ruling warlord's routine shakedowns.

With any luck, he would make it to the base of the mountains in a few more hours just as night fell over the land.
TWC: 401
AP: 734
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission] Empty Re: All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission]

Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:01 pm
Sanji Hyuuga:

“Heyo heyo heyo” mouthed the deranged Hyuuga, making his way up a mountain in the middle of the Land of Rice. “This place is a shit hole. Fuck. Even the rice tastes like ass… Could do with some… tender… human… MEAT!” his eyes glowed, his mouth salivating at the thought of tucking into a tender human corpse. Unfortunately, he only recently ran out of stock but being a kleptomaniac he always found a way to steal a child here or there just to satisfy his cravings.

He had a small stature, standing a mere 5ft 5. He wore an attire that made him stand out like a sore thumb. It was light blue in its entirety, with a jacket, concealing the interior of the sleeves that were patched with a small piece of fabric, strong enough to hold a single Kunai on either side. It was ideal for sneak attacks, people rarely suspected that such a frail looking human would come try to take them on. Hell, people doubted so him so much that his own clan exiled him. Naturally, with exile the Byakugan is supposed to be sealed, but the sneaky weasel of a character managed flee prior to the seal being activated. He carried two weapon pouches strapped to his right hip with an assortment of Kunai, Shuriken and pills split between the pouches.

On his left hip he wore a black, crystal blade with two close Fuma Shuriken tucked into against his right ass cheek in the closed form. Taking in his surroundings, he couldn’t help but notice a eery looking figure. A man who stood at around 6 ft 1, he looked muscular which was to some extent tantalising to the cannibal as lean muscle with appropriate seasoning tended to taste best while fresh. Sharp beard, messy hair, dull sense of fashion, grotesque odour, it was almost as if he had asking to get robbed or killed.

Grinning, the Hyuuga began moving towards the man, yelling “OI. Old man. Put everything you own down an’ you can continue on you way.” he was simply fishing for an excuse to kill the man, and devour his body but naturally he had to maintain the guise of a typical criminal to create the potential for his foes to underestimate him. The crazed male in blue stopped no further than 10 meters away from the black haired male, well within hearing distance. The area surrounding the duo was filled with an assortment of small to medium sized trees each of which no larger than 5 meters in height, 2 meters in width, scattered around the surroundings with a variable distance of 5 to 10 meters between each tree.

WC – 449

OOC – Apologies for the delay, I appreciate your patience. Lets get this show on the road.
Yasahiro Yagami
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All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission] Empty Re: All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission]

Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:53 am
Life, uh, finds a way.

Even amid the sea of sediment over which Yasahiro traveled trees found a way to force their way up through the inhospitable environment and towards the sunny, cloudless sky above. It was truly a sight to behold and would have no doubt been one that the samurai had stopped to marvel at if the appearance of an interloper had not broken his steady progress up through the boulder field and towards the maw of the mountains proper. Was it one of Zukumiki's men?

The interloper's brilliant blue attire contrasted starkly with the inky blackness of the exile's own and even more so against the bland boulder field atop which both men stood. Then there was the grin, that off putting grin that Yasahiro was certain he'd seen worn by hundreds of men and women before, none of them good. Thankfully, the bandit—now standing ten meters in front of Yasahiro between two gnarled trees—left little up to interpretation when issuing his rather dull ultimatum. The whole thing was rather strange, a common criminal so far out in the wilderness where the odd traveler only came by every other week or so, it simply wasn't a profitable endeavor.  

"I don't want any trouble," the samurai shrugged off the sling bag that hung from his left shoulder onto the ground at his side in a single clean motion without taking his eyes off the bandit. "It's yours."

The bag hit the ground with a clink as two of the four kunai contained therein fell out onto the ground along with a rather hefty bento box and a stack of about 1000 ryo. He had packed light never intending to truly tackle the highest peaks just yet, today was merely meant as a scouting mission of sorts to get the lay of the land. If his belongings were the price to be paid to continue on his way unimpeded then so be it, he could always stock back up later on. It wasn't worth risking one's life in a squabble in the middle of nowhere.

"Is that all?"

The man's fifth kunai hung within his right sleeve carefully concealed from sight yet readily accessible—one could never be too careful.
TWC: 772
AP: 734

OOC — No worries! Show, meet road.
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission] Empty Re: All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission]

Mon Jan 11, 2021 4:28 pm
Observing the male carefully, he couldn’t help but wonder what thoughts were going through his head? Was his scared shitless? Was he planning an attack? More than anything the male looked like homeless bum but the Hyuuga couldn’t help but feel troubled the moment the male gave up his possessions without a shred of resistance. “It’s never usually this easy.” He thought to himself, closely observing the male as he handed his belongings over with a “It’s yours”. The instant the bag touched the ground sending a loud click with the landing, the veins around Sanjis eyes contracted, instantly exposing the Byakugan. Glancing between the bag and the male, the story began to quickly come together.

Shifting his attention to the male Sanji raised his sleeve, exposing the Kunai strapped on its inner lining. “You aren’t the first think of that, old man. Now if you truly don’t want any trouble, I suggest you drop the Kunai you’ve got there and be on your way. I don’t mind killing you, but to me it looks as if you’ve lost all will to live.” Despite his nature, Sanji was trying to somewhat understanding.

For someone to give up their possessions so easily, with little resistance or regard for their own well being, partially resonated with Sanji. To some extent he felt sorry for the man, he got the same vibe from him as that of his own from not too long before he took up this profession. Being an exiled Hyuuga, he lost everything, from his status to his wealth, family and friends. It quite heart breaking for him to see someone who appeared in a similar position but if he knew that if he showed mercy in this instance then the word would spread and his job would become progressively more and more difficult.

His gaze resting on the scruffy looking male, Sanji had a mind to turn away and walk into the distance. His murderous instincts and his hunger for flesh quickly subsided as thought of his experience being exiled began to floor his mind…

WC - 346
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission] Empty Re: All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission]

Mon Jan 11, 2021 9:01 pm
"It's good to see the youth can still keep up," Yasahiro flicked his wrist bringing the hidden kunai to his right hand with practiced ease. "But it does seem we have a case of kettle and pot here."

The exile emphasized his final words by lazily pointing his kunai once at his would-be killer, the kettle, and then himself, the pot, before sending the weapon spinning about his index finger thanks to the loop at the end of the grip—a nervous tick picked up from his training with his younger cousin.

"After all, you can't very well claim to have the strongest will to live either," the samurai gave a half nod in the direction of his supposed assailant. "You have no idea who I am, where I come from, or what I can do; I'm a stranger. For all you know I could cut you down before you take your next breath."

Yasahiro paused allowing the boy in blue to take a breath.

"However, I don't much want to have your blood on my hands," he shrugged and ran his left hand back through his hair as the kunai continued to spin on his right. "I suppose there's no convincing you to lay down your arms is there? An honest life isn't the worst thing in the world, no one would ever know if you slipped back into society out here."

Setting his jaw, the older man's eyes narrowed just as his father's once had when trying in vain to impart some kernel of wisdom to a much younger Yasahiro. Perhaps this was some kind of generational karma come back to bite him—Asahi would have gotten a kick out of the predicament he now found himself in. The ease with which the blue-clad boy brought up killing was offputting and made the exile uneasy about simply dropping the rest of his belongings and continuing on his way. Such a course of action seemed, as of now, an easy way to discover what it felt like to have a kunai slipped between his ribs from behind. And yet, he still harbored doubts about engaging one so young in mortal combat, so the samurai waited with an unwavering gaze locked on the unfortunate youth before him.
TWC: 1111
AP: 714

Boring Numbers:
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission] Empty Re: All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission]

Fri Jan 15, 2021 1:58 pm
“The kettle and pot analogy, touche.” He responded to the man as he made the inference. He wasn’t wrong in this instance, Sanji had lost the will to live long ago which made putting his life on the line all the more satisfying. He hadn’t a care in the world, with his only motivating factor being the tender human flesh based dishes and money.

As the conversation progressed, the Hyuuga rolled his eyes in response to the mans rather bold proclamation of being able to cut down the Hyuuga on his next breath.  Resting his right palm against his right hip, Sanji nodded a couple of times, his facial expression appearing more and more dull every passing second. “He doesn’t blood on his hands… Pft…” he thought to himself, openly responding to the statement with a snarky “The only blood you’ll have on your hands will be your own, old man.”

With the rugged haired male continuing, Sanji raised his left palm towards the male. Interrupting him mid-sentence as he covered the topic of laying down arms. “Less talk ol’ man. You’ve peaked my interest. I will stand in this one spot for a whole breath. If you don’t kill be, be SURE THAT I WILL KILL YOU!”

Dragging his right foot across the ground, Sanji assumed the orthodox boxing position, effectively shrinking his body profile. His left leg lead as he stood almost side ways on, his eyes closed observing the male from the distance. The hand he had primed on his hip now sliding into his weapon pouch, out of sight of the black haired male. Whether or not the man would take the opportunity would only be revealed with time but Sanji was ready to counter and execute the cretin at a moments notice.

While he hadn’t openly shown his emotion on the matter, he quite irritated by the man, to some extent because he carried a similar noble air about him to that of the family members that exiled him. He could tell from the brief exchange that the man felt he was better Hyuuga, he looked down on him just like his pre-accessors. One thing was for certain, of the Hyuuga didn’t die in his next breath then a true fight would break out.
WC  - 379

Byakugan - 5 ( From Last Post ) - 5 (From This one) = 490 AP remains.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission] Empty Re: All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission]

Sun Jan 17, 2021 6:59 pm
So much unnecessary bluster.

No, the samurai wouldn't take the opening that came with the closing of the boy's eyes. After all, how could he? All the boy had done thus far was threaten death and make unreasonable demands. If the exile made it a habit to cut down everyone who had done and said such things in his life there would be a trail of corpses in his wake all the way from the Land of Iron to Rice Country, and he would surely then be the thing his beloved family thought him to be: a monster. When push came to shove most people were unwilling to back up their bluster with action—with any luck the boy in blue was one such person.    

Plus, attacking an opponent with their eyes closed simply wasn't done.

Indeed, the only difference the would-be-bandit would find upon opening his eyes would be that Yasahiro had widened his stance ever so slightly. The fore of his left foot rested atop the blunted hilt of one of the kunai that had fallen from his bag earlier, while the heel of his left, and the entirety of his right, stood firmly on the large flat-topped stone below the samurai. Whatever came next he would be ready; attack, defend, or flee, none of it really mattered in the end and all of it depended on the actions of the boy when he opened his eyes.


A soft breeze blew over the battlefield-to-be sending strands of black hair back from the man's face.
TWC: 1368
AP: 724

Boring Numbers:
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission] Empty Re: All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission]

Sun Jan 31, 2021 4:21 pm
Sanji slipped his index finger into a hole for four of five of his Shuriken while he awaited the attach from the older male, suffice to say, the man clearly wasn’t up for a fight as he stood there almost aimlessly, observing the Hyuugas actions almost like a lost puppy looking for a ray of hope in this deep dark world.

Despite having closed his eyes, Sanji retained the capability of being able to observe his opponent, the Byakugan permeating his eye lid, his vision fixed on the man for a couple of moments, allowing him the ample opportunity to strike the Hyuuga down. Opening his eyes to the sound of a whistling wind dancing across the battlefield, the Hyuuga trained his sight on the man in front of him, still stood firmly in his previous position. Releasing an audible sigh, rolling his eyes a little he nodded once, uttering “I gave you a chance, old man.”

In one sudden swoop, the Hyuuga retrieved his hand from the weapon pouch that was out of sight of the male, releasing a four shuriken simultaneously at a speed of 150. The Shuriken flew at a speed of 127. The first Shuriken was aimed at the mans head, the second at the mans centre mass while the last was aimed at his groin, a tentative effort aimed to maim him. The forth Shuriken in the series was sent half a meter to the right of the male, the left of Sanji. This Shuriken to some extent gave Sanji a bit of depth of the playing field. It was an effort to push his foe instinctively to his left where Sanji would be able to pounce.

Quickly moving half a meter to his right, he began moving forward at a speed of 150, approaching the male almost at the same rate as the Shuriken. If the male didn’t react within the first five meters, Sanji would come to a stop ensuring that he still had a sufficient enough gap to better ascertain the mans power and skill set.

WC  - 344
Byakugan: 490 -  5  = 485 AP remains.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission] Empty Re: All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission]

Mon Feb 01, 2021 1:26 am
It wasn't much of an attack.

Yet, to remain in its path would surely mean a shuriken or three in some rather uncomfortable places: his left eye, the leftmost portion of his groin, and a point just below his navel. If even one were to hit it could spell the end of the rather strange encounter, and it took every ounce of the samurai's training to repress the animal instinct to scramble out of the way the moment he saw the star-shaped blades coming in his direction. Instincts like that would get one killed rather fast in the thick of combat—it was far better to suppress them and channel one's adrenaline into measured action.

Indeed, it was only once the shuriken were two and a half meters away from their intended targets that Yasahiro would summon all of his considerable speed to pivot his weight onto his right foot and bring his left foot—along with the left half of his body—back behind his right with about two feet between them. Not entirely unlike the boy in blue, the samurai now stood sideways on with his right foot leading, which allowed the three shuriken to hungrily bite through the air that the man once occupied missing him by mere centimeters. The fourth shuriken, no doubt meant to dissuade the exile from moving to the right, also passed harmlessly by for the man's pivot had not brought him into its path and, along with the other three, landed some distance behind the Yagami scion with a metallic clink as it fell between the cracks of the boulder field never to be seen again.

"Come now," the older man shook his head slightly as if to chide the boy across from him. "Is that all?"

The kunai that had once been spinning about his index finger was now held in the samurai's outstretched hand pointing at his assailant as if ready to pierce him from afar despite what was now a five-meter distance between them. Hopefully, the boy would recognize his mistake soon; Yasahiro did not much like the idea of cutting down a youth in his prime.

TWC: 1726
AP: 734

Boring Numbers:
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission] Empty Re: All Along the Watchtower [Hunter Mission]

Wed Feb 03, 2021 3:27 pm
Observing very closely, Sanji continued his path towards the male, still approach to the males left, his right. Upon closing a further distance of approximately 2.5 meters, he lowered his centre mass, his body re-assuming his boxing stance to conceal the right side of his body from his foe, naturally this was done at top speed. With the right side of his body out of line of sight, Sanji observed the dirt shifted around the ominous males feet, indicating a redistribution of weight, an effect similar to the one transpiring around Sanjis feet as he redistributed his weight. At this point, while faster than the Shuriken he was at a distance of 2.5 meters to the male. The Shuriken around a tenth of a meter further than the white eyed Hyuuga.

With the right side of his body concealed, he reached behind his back at the fastest speed he could muster, snatching two of the Fuma Shurikens that he had previously procured from a gentleman he had robbed from the Fuma. The Shuriken were crafted masterfully, the way they danced through the air was effortless and a sight to behold. One of the two Shuriken was rigged with 5 meters of thin silver wire that was next to invisible to the naked eye. It had to be noted that the Fuma was previously prepared by Sanji as it enjoyed the prospect of taking full advantage of his Kekkei Genkai in tandem with the Fuma Shuriken. The Fuma Shuriken stacked atop one another, assumed their open state with a simple flick of the wrist.

Sanjis actions were performed with a degree of finesse that no sound was created by the opening of the Fuma Shuriken. In one sudden motion, and with all of his might he launched the two Fumas towards the mans centre mass, the preparation creating another tenth of a meter gap between the Hyuuga and the assortment of Shuriken that were already headed towards the scruffy looking male. The two Fuma Shuriken stacked on top of one another with a gap of mere centimetres from Fuma to the other, the rotation of both of the Shuriken consistent as was their air time and speed as Sanji had released them both with the same level of force and speed. There was nothing distinguishable that would allow for a simple observer to ascertain that two Fuma Shuriken were in play.

Furthermore, the wire was attached to the bottom Shuriken with enough slack that it would simply blend into the back ground and avoid the sharp blades of the Fuma Shuriken thus unable to be cut by the blade of the weapon. Naturally, the presence of the wire allowed Sanji to redirect the bottom Fuma at his discretion without any loss of speed or power to the Fuma Shuriken in question. Now travelling from a distance of 2.5 meters at a pace of 137, the Fuma Shuriken were intended to strike the black haired male at centre mass.

With the assortment of Shuriken flying in a forward direction, the Fuma would throw defensive tactics off-guard as it would approach from an angle, coming at the male diagonally from his left hand side. Not factoring in the evasive action performed by the male to manoeuvre around the small Shuriken, the Fuma would heard directly at the males centre mass in his newly assumed defensive position.

The first thing that immediately stood out to Sanji as the black haired male made his defensive movement was the speed at which he had took action. Closely observing the male from the distance of 2.5 meters, Sanji was ready to take evasive action should the need arise, likewise he was ready to pounce on the male should the opportunity arise.

WC – 624
485 AP – 5 (Byakugan) – 10 (Shadow Shuriken Technique) = 470 AP.

Base Throwing Speed 127 + 10 from the Shadow Shuriken Tech = 137.
All actions unless otherwise mentioned performed at 150 speed.
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