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Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma Empty Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma

Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:37 pm
The arena was set, the stage was lit. Souji found himself emerged in the depths of a medium forest that was roughly covering the back wall with a 30 meter radius. The boy found himself sitting on a branch with his back against the tree itself, his hands linked together behind his head for comfortable leverage as he rest it. 15 meters in the greenery was his location, though he was greatly concealed by the the branches and trees that hugged well enough to hide him, but spaced out well enough to provide swift movements when taking care. 

His attire from the last round was damaged greatly, more than he anticipated. That round somewhat haunted him, gnawing away at his mental forefront, forcing him to push it back. He had no room for distractions, not now. His opponent was unknown to him, yet he did not want to make the mistake of underestimating him. He sported a black shirt that hugged him well enough to display his physique underneath. A green Jacket, coincidentally enough the jack was the same green as the leaves of the forest and tall grass, ideal for camouflage. He wore ripped pants as a fashion choice, his weapon pouch strapped to his left thigh. The jacket hand a hood with black fur around it. He work it up. 

Sighing, Souji figure it was time to do some reconnaissance of the wedge he was placed. Bringing forward both his hands, the boy formed the seal of the shadow clone. In a poof of smoke the clone was formed 2 meters below the Hyuuga. It landed the remaining 4 meters to the ground. It looked up at the original. Who went back to his comfort sitting. “[color=royalblue]Take a look of the land, I’ll wait here. Do me a favor, if you run into the enemy, engage and learn as much as you can before dispersing. Don’t be too hasty, and don’t reveal too much of our arsenal either. I’d hate to learn nothing and offer too much. I’ll be watching.[/cooor]” He ended, closing his eyes - the nerves around his temples and eyes would swell as chakra forced through them. 

The clone would navigate its way through the forest cautiously as it found itself in the open and before tall grass that reached 1 meter in height. Lilac eyes would scan to the left and then the right. To the right of it, it found a 10 meter radius by 12 meter tall boulder. It stood alone, just beyond it was a fifth path that led somewhere. To the left of it were 2 medium sized boulders that stood at 8 meters radius by 10 meters tall and three smaller ones that were 3 meter radius by 3 meters tall. As it traversed through the tall grass between the two groupings it found where the fifth path met and end with a water trail and a rock path. It’s Byakugan was then activated as it gained a 100 meter radius by 100 meters visual. Reducing its visual sighting to only 50 meters it could see the remainder of the field. The clone would motion towards the water, there it would glacé at its reflection. Before long turning its back to the water it stood to the left of the stream that connected with the body of 1 meter water - the deepest being at the corner of the wedge walls. The clone scanned over the field again, with its hands in its jacket pockets as it waited for the other genin to arrive, noting that it would see him the moment it activated its Byakugan, they both would. 

The clone maintained its guard, regardless as it was commanded to. 

[WC: 621]
Yamaguchi Kouma
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Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma Empty Re: Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma

Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:01 pm
Kouma was quite nervous when he had learned that he would be in the third stage of the chuunin exams, as he did not think that it would be happening so soon after the second part of the exams, but he was there now, and he had to do his best. It seemed like the two contestants got dropped off in random spots in the strange segmented arena they were supposed to be fighting in, and so Kouma was dropped off at a south east spot in the second wedge, behind a large boulder. Kouma was hoping that he would do well here, and he was already in full swing alert mode. He did not know who his opponent was, but he and his puppets were not the stealth type, so he did not want to stay in this area for too long, as he did not know where his opponent was, and if they were a stealth type, standing behind some objects and attempting to hide was going to get him defeated fairly quickly.

Kouma was wearing his simple traditional robe, which was more of a fancy kimono, his wooden sandals, and not a whole lot else. He had a couple of senbon on him, but he did not really take weapon pouches with him in any of his fights, not a big weapon user. Attached to his fingers currently were the chakra threads he was producing to control his puppets. He had Shogunate on his left, controlled by his left hand of course, and Tika Tika on his right and right hand respectfully. He quickly hurried over to the more open area he saw on his left after surveying the surrounding area and seeing no one, but there were some strategic locations he could utilize around him, based on what the opponent liked to do. The two puppets would stay one meter in front of him, and they were also separated by two meters from each other, acting like shields in front of his left and right side, with leaving his center field of view unobstructed as he looked around, not that he could not see around his puppets, it was simply easier to react to things if they were in front of him and on the sides. He made it to the open area to his left, but right after he stepped out from behind the rock, he would see the clone of his opponent just getting to the small stream's end, a little bit behind the stone path.

He would swiftly move sideways, keeping his puppets in the same positions in front of him as they were before, and start heading towards the yellow grassy patch to his left that was off of the stone path, but before crossing the stream. He was seven meters away from the wall behind him, and he was simply on guard at the moment. The opponent's clone, who Kouma did not know was a clone of course, was simply standing there with his hands in his pockets, looking a little too relaxed in this exam fight, so Kouma thought something was up, and this might be some sort of trap. He would keep vigilance throughout all this, as he was already a pretty reactive fighter, waiting for his opponent to make the first move.
WC: 544
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Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma Empty Re: Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma

Wed Apr 28, 2021 3:39 am
You’ve missed your only chance at catching my clone by surprise, puppeteer. Hiding is not the correct method of action. Not against me or these eyes.” Souji would whisper to himself from the depths of the forest within the tree. He was observing Kouma the moment he activated his Byakugan. Reading the details of his chakra from within and out. He could see which element circulated his chakra system as clear as being before him. The chakra threads that extended from his fingertips and tethered him to his puppets. He could see the very detail of those thread, exactly how much chakra they held within them. “Now that’s good to know...” He murmured softly to himself. His eyes would then inspect the puppets. What they hid within them that his invading eyes could see, he would acknowledge fully. 

Unlike his clone, Souji was not reducing his range to just 50. He utilized the full 100 meters of his sight. He acknowledged every other match that was taking place at this time in other wedges. Some were a interesting, while others were...odd for a lack of a better word. 

The clone would immediately noticed Kouma the moment it activated its Byakugan - all that the original noted, it did too. Spotting him making hast towards the grass patch in a sideways fashion. Standing at the water trail where it activated its eyes it would note the distance between it and Kouma, as well the distance between him and the wall. “Found you...” The clone would say, loud enough for the puppeteer to hear it. Then darting in his direction while properly being aware of its surrounds and navigating through any obstacles. Finding itself 10 meters from the Genin. Suddenly without warning The moisture in the very air bend to the will of the clone. As a thick mist filled the area at a speed of 60, immediately engulfing up to 30 meters in diameter. Rendering the puppet user’s eyes and if he had it, chakra sensory obscured greatly, leaving him to only see 3 meters before him and sense only the mass chakra he was engulfed in. 

The clone ceased its movements. Finding itself standing between two smaller boulders as it could see clearly through the mist, looking directly at the Puppet user. It brings its hands together to form a set of seals. From the ground, the boulders and even the tall grass copies, exact copies of Souji emerged at a speed of 65. These images would absentmindedly motion towards the puppet master from all his left, front and right. In total numbers there were 10 of them. They all held a smug expression as they slowed stepped close without so much of a sound. One of which was closer than the others would step within the 3 meters of the hazy view of Kouma, almost as if it was creeping in to sneak him. This would without a doubt draw the immediate attention of the lad. 

Another set of seals were formed as the copies began their motion towards Kouma. The clone would utilize the very mist it created to form needles out of collected water silently 3.1 meters overhead. Out of the range of his view. 10 needles floated above Kouma, spaced out and aimed at him, honing in on his possible every move. 15 centimeters long and 1 centimeter thick. The moment the copy stepped into view and managed to grasp the attention of the puppeteer the needles would become solid and rain upon the Genin at a speed and power of 65. 

The clone would make sure to launch them in a way that if Kouma for some reason moved his body they would line up with him before releasing. It would wait to see what comes next. 

[WC: 632]
[Total WC: 1,253]
Yamaguchi Kouma
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Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma Empty Re: Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma

Wed Apr 28, 2021 5:28 am
Kouma had gotten out of the open with his puppets without being sneak attacked, which was great, but as soon as he got out from behind the rock, he saw Souji's clone, and his body seemed to move on it's own. As the clone was saying the words "Found you..." Kouma was already performing an action towards him. The clone seemed to rush him, and as the clone was running towards him, Kouma simply yanked his right hand forward slightly, utilizing his chakra to send Tika Tika barreling towards the clone like some sort of large metal boulder. The target location was two meters directly in front of the clone, and so Tika Tika rocketed towards him at a speed of two hundred and twenty five, which was blazingly fast. As this was happening, Kouma was watching where the clone was going to move, controlling Shogunate to be prepared to fire off his Slicer Cannons if the clone decided to try and avoid the ramming speed of Tika Tika.

If the clone did decide to evade, Shogunate would fire off the slicer cannons in the direction the clone was moving towards, as Shogunate would slash the blades in a pattern left and right at the same time, aiming them to slightly overlap for two meters in the center after they expanded, the right slicer projectile being six inches below the left slicing projectile. They would rapidly expand at a speed of one hundred when they got to exactly one meter away from Shogunate, to a length of ten meters each. Since they were slightly overlapping in their trajectory, they were actually a slicing projectile that was eighteen meters in length. Kouma would use the Earth element in the blades, as that was his first elemental affinity, and he had no idea what element his enemy had in the first place. The blades would be aimed towards the clone's knees, attempting to cripple it or limit its mobility. These would attempt to go out to thirty meters, but would impact the large boulder behind the clone if it hit him and went through him, or if he dodged them. They would then carve out a nasty line out of that boulder, reducing it to twenty five health.

Whether or not the clone evaded, Kouma would be ready to make Tika Tika chase the clone and swing her sword forelegs towards the clone's collarbones in an "X" pattern while hovering her one meter in the air, because Kouma still did not know that it was a clone, and was making sure if the chakra blade projectiles were fired, that they would not hit Tika Tika. Kouma during this would be ready to dodge and evade with his actual body as well, with Shogunate standing by his side in the same location. If the clone decided that he was going to continue using the Hidden Mist technique, Kouma would be forced to use one of Shogunate's other mechanisms, but that was still to be seen.
WC: 502
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Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma Empty Re: Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma

Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:37 pm
The Byakugan observed and analyzed the situation placed before the clone as Kouma sent forth one of his puppets - with his right hand. The clone noticed those threads from the hand to the puppet moving them, controlling them. Suddenly the tool was sent straight at him with great speed. The clone would utilize the tenketsu within its legs to side in its dashing to the right by 2 meters. It moved at a total speed of 105 - in a sudden burst of speed it was capable of move to avoid the collision of the puppet that would have otherwise crashed into it. Though it would see that it’s opponent was aware of where it was attempting to go and because of it the second puppet was utilized - slashes were sent to in the direction of the clone at a speed of 100 and a power of 50. The amount of chakra with them was readable to the clone. As well as the threads that controlled them. 

In a fluid motion the clone thrusted both of its palms in the immediate direction of the puppet aimed to crash at it and the puppet firing at it. From them a powerful wave of compressed chakra that resembled a soft blur from its manifestation erect from both palms simultaneously taking the shape of a singular cylinder of 25 meters in diameter at a speed of 88 and a power of 113. Far greater than what the projectiles that were launched at it had mustered, thus destroying and dissipating it upon collision. What’s more it was powerful enough to destroy the threads that worked the puppets altogether the moment it connoted with them. The wave being as large as it was would be capable of even crashing into the puppet to the left of the clone, but if not for some odd reason, the wires that are connected to it would sure be destroyed because of the expansion, if Kouma could move them out of reach of the technique’s full range and diameter. Seeing as the wave would also aimed to crash into the warrior-like puppet it would sever and destroy the threads that operate it as well - any weapons of 85 or lower health on the puppets would be shattered in the same process. And not to mention the wave would also be large enough to catch Kouma as well, him being roughly a meter behind his one puppet. The effects to him would carry a blunt force that would not only damage his body, but also attack the inside of his body in the same process. The Genin would suffer the very bones in his body breaking from head to toe from the force, as well as trauma to his organs. It would send him, along with his puppets due to their inferior strength to be carried away the remaining distance of the tech range, which would be 50 meters. Any weapons on Kouma with a health of 50 or lower would be destroyed instantly. 

In addition to this, each, Kouma and his puppets would be sent meters apart, some further than others. His Tika Tika would be sent into the boulder North east of the clone leaving it 9 meters from Kouma. Shogunate would be also be sent north east, but 4 meters up on Kouma’s right. While Kouma would be sent straight back into the wall he was standing 7 meters in front of.  

As this was taking place, the release of the wave the field was engulfed by a think mist at a speed and power of 60. Covering 30 meters with The clone at its epicenter. As it was intended to, completely concealing its process and rendering its opponents incapable of seeing beyond 3 meters before him. While the Byakugan could see him clearly and the puppets placements. The clone would then form a set of seals once the most was fully set as it waited to see if the Genin still had fight, or if he managed to avoid the 25 meters diameter wave that was shot from 4 meters away. 

From the forest depths, Souji continued to observe with much comfort. His clone was doing well from what he could see, he could even see the other combatants due to his eyes as there were a few that he felt he wouldn’t have as much fun against, not like the fun he was have with the puppeteer. 

[WC: 698]
[Total WC: 1,951]
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Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma Empty Re: Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma

Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:00 am
[OOC] - Darn, I don't think there's anything I can do against the giant AoE :/ Dang ole tai scaling, haha.

Kouma had fired off his best shot at taking care of the clone as fast as he could, but he now learned that he was woefully unprepared for certain things, one of them being Hyuuga style taijutsu. The speed was well within the acceptable range of what he and his puppets could deal with, but currently he did not see how he was going to get out of this, and Tika Tika was a gonner for sure. The only thing he could do was to slightly change the position of Shogunate while performing hand seals with his right hand. The strange blurry wave was still clear to Kouma, but he noticed he was a bit slower than it was, and so he wanted to try and save Shogunate's body because he thought he would need to fix it later from the ground up like Tika Tika if it got hit at the current angle it was getting struck from, so with the one hundred speed, he simply rushed Shogunate down a couple of meters, and so when the puppet was struck, its body would be launched further into the large black wall that seemed to be some sort of chakra enhanced padding, so he was just trying to protect the puppet.

He did not forgot to protect himself, as he had dropped the chakra threads of his right hand that were going to Tika Tika, and attempting to do form some one handed seals while running directly away from the attack, which bought him a few precious seconds to activate the weakest version of the damage reduction shield as he could, as his right hand went through four hand seals. Because he was running away from the blast when he used the damage reduction shield, as he was swept up in the attack, he managed to keep the front part of his body, his face and heart being the most important, from taking too much of the damage. His back and his ribs were not so lucky though, as the bones in his back and the back of his ribs cracked under the strange pressure of the Hyuuga technique. Kouma was thrown back into the wall that was behind him, but at the angle of wherever the Hyuuga blast sent him, so he was a bit more East than he thought, but he was glad that the wall absorbed impact instead of add to it, as that would be a bit more painful, and he was already dealing with something pretty bad.

Kouma bounced off the wall, landing on his back, and Shogunate managed to also smash into the wall, but the swords attached to his hands were destroyed in the blast. Kouma was sitting there on the ground, Shogunate landing a couple of meters away from him, and this was part of his clan that he would learn to dislike, which was the muscle memory of his ancestors nudging his body in a direction that seemed to be strangely ingrained into him.

"Darn, I guess I surrender, hehe." Kouma said fairly loudly so that the medical team and the proctor could hear him and call the match off. He could potentially go with a crazy last ditch effort thing, which was to use a spirit of his ancestors to control Shogunate independently from him, but it was still an uphill battle, as the Hyuuga would most likely have more attacks that were as powerful as that one, and Kouma could not really move right now, so he would basically just be using Shogunate as a shield until he was battered away again and Kouma would be defeated then. He might as well save himself some pain and having to do even more repairs on his puppet, and take the loss. He was definitely still inexperienced in terms of combat with his puppets, but this was at least a real eye opener for him.

The medical staff then came and checked on him, calling their particular match to a close and moving Kouma out on a stretcher. It was strange, Kouma should be more upset at this outcome, but for some reason Kouma just had a big smile on his face. Even though he lost, he liked combat. As the medical staff was carting him off the field, he got to say something to the clone that had just beaten him, although he still did not know it was a clone. He told the medical team to wait a second, and slowly brought his hands together, even though it was painful.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior." Kouma said fairly meekly towards the clone, before taking a quick glance around the arena. The plants and a large chunk of the ground had been swept up in that attack and were now in shambles or simply did not exist anymore, the large boulder that Tika Tika had smashed itself onto was completely destroyed as well, and the other smaller boulders looked like they were going to crumble soon. The water was also pooling into the large ditch that was carved into the ground, leaving only a very small little patch of land that looked like it got cut, near the river. That attack was pretty crazy, and Kouma was relieved that he was able to get the Damage Reduction Shield off, so some of his body did not take that attack. Kouma was then carted off the field with a strange, peaceful smile on his face. 
Exit - I lost D:
WC: 1915
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I have literally nothing else I can use this on, so I guess the rest of the words go away.

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Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma Empty Re: Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma

Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:15 am
(Good Match!)

There was a large impactful rumble that would quake half the arena from wedges 1, 2 and 3. Souji’s clone’s attack was successful in its counterattack to Kouma and the puppets - completely destroying one of them as well as the boulder that it flew into entirely. Even the immediate ground from where it stood outward was erased leaving the newfound pool of water from the stream.  The very most that he summoned would fade as it saw that this fight was over. Hearing Kouma surrender and the medical team coming to his aid was a sure indication of it’s victory. Those eyes of the clone would look on to see the broken bones that were not so lucky. But it felt no shame in its end results. That shame would be ill-placed and most likely tarnish the pride of Kouma.  

Lowering its hands it would watch as the medical team placed the Genin on the stretcher. As they ushered him off he would request for them to stop before the clone, he gave it thanks. The clone gave no odd expression, but it did nod once before shifting turning its head. “Better luck next time, Puppeteer...” All that it would say, dismissively at that. It was not to be taken as disrespect, but if it was it wouldn’t matter to it or Souji. This was a battle after all. As they carried him off the clone would turn to look upon the remainder of the area. So far, Suna reigned supreme over Hoshi. 

The clone would utilize the full passive range of its eyes to scan the area noticing Souji’s mother - Mizuki observing from above it would give her a wave with the left hand. Turning its attention on to the entirety of the arena it would observe the other fights with the Byakugan as they proceeded.

Souji from the tree signed, as he now felt that the upcoming fights were going to disappoint him greatly. Kouma was the only one from Hoshi that he personally found to be a threat. The others were mere annoyances. “...” Nothing came from him. He only needed to wait for one of the wedges to open up for him to take on the next opponent. With Kouma out of the race, Suns’s victory is assured. He would continue observe all that he could from the other matched. With both him and his clone watching there was nothing that he was going to miss. 

[Total WC: 2,410]
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Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma Empty Re: Chuunin Exams: Round 3 - Souji vs Kouma

Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:09 am
Good job to the both of you

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