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Chuunin Exam Round 1 - Written Empty Chuunin Exam Round 1 - Written

Sat Mar 05, 2022 5:30 pm
Upon entering the classroom every participant will find a piece of paper on their desk, each containing a total of 50 questions making out three parts.

[Keep in mind, although it is impossible to fail this written part, answer the questions seriously to give the examinator an idea of your thought process]

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Chuunin Exam Round 1 - Written 661fiTlNfUw_4HRJZwey32Ht7421Pla0MXlScB9S1ZAnV4YVh3niymthppaUumN361QIyLKvnkYhp-MnD-nyCYl1TRvZvl5EeOn_xtC1gW-SYwywvlQLXbDpAtd-xvbb8qK5n8i5
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Chuunin Exam Round 1 - Written Empty Re: Chuunin Exam Round 1 - Written

Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:33 pm
1. What should you do if your chakra is almost gone?
B. Sleep all day 

2. What element can counter a fire style Jutsu?
C. Water style 

3. You and your team find a group of enemy ninja unaware of your presence what do you do?
D. Observe them and determine the best course of action

4. Your teammates get captured what do you do?
B. Leave them behind 

5. What dojutsu will allow you to copy your opponent's jutsu?
D. Sharingan

6. If you come across an enemy that is too powerful what do you do? 
B. Fight till the end 

7. What is the most important trait for a shinobi?
C. Intelligence

8. Your opponents fire a powerful water technique, what Jutsu should you use to defend?
D. Earth style mud wall

9. What should you do if you fail a mission?
D. Train so you don't make the same mistake again

10. You're in the middle of a war and see your friend struggling with a fight but you're needed elsewhere what do you do?
B. Save them

11. The leader of the hidden leaf village is called the what?
A. Hokage

12. What should you do if you're trapped in a genjutsu?
B. Release!

13. You may put your test down and take a 5-minute break.
B. Continue the exam

14. Which of the following is a real Jutsu?
B. Chidori

15. What are some mission ranks?
B. C-rank, A-rank, and S-rank

16. You need to distract your enemy so you can escape alive what technique should you use?
C. Multi shadow clone jutsu

17. What is the best thing to do if you have no time to dodge ninja tools?
C. Substitution jutsu

18. A ninja shall be willing to sacrifice what for their village?
A. Life

19. What is the proper way to deal with a curse mark?
C. Seal it

20. What power do all leaf shinobi inherit?
D. The will of fire

21. What are the two main elements of Chakra?
C. Physical Energy, Spiritual Energy

22. What are the two types of methods of transforming chakra?
B. Shape Transformation, Form Transformation

23. What is the third primary chakra group?
B. Senjutsu Chakra

24. What type of Jutsu is the Sharingan?
C. Dojutsu

25. What type of Chakra is used when using non-elemental techniques such as Shadow Clone?
D. Yin-Yang Chakra

26. What chakra nature is known for it's cutting power?
B. Wind Release

27. What is it called when a Kekkai Genkai combines more than two natures?
C. Kekkai Tota

28. What kekkai genkai combines the fire and wind natures?
C.  Scorching Heat Release

29. What kekkai genkai combines the wind and lightning natures?
B.  Swift Release

30. What is the only known Kekkai Genkai that combines three natures?
C.  Dust Release

31. What is the most powerful Dojutsu?
D.  Rinnegan

32. What is the signature technique of the Yamanaka Clan?
A.  Mind Body Transfer Technique

33. What type of fighting style is most utilized by the Hyuuga Clan?
D.  Gentle Fist

34. What is it called when two different nature techniques are combined into one?
C.  Collaboration Technique

35. In reference to Ninjutsu, what is Counterbalancing?
D.  When a technique of the same nature counters or absorbs another.

36. What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?
A new fence

37. What gets wet while drying?
A towel

38. What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?
Um, I don’t know

39. What can you hold in your right hand, but never in your left hand?
Your left arm?

40. What can you catch, but not throw?
Corona Virus

41. What kind of band never plays music?
Rubber band

42. What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
Lunch and Supper

43. What kind of room has no doors or windows?
a mushroom

44. What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?
I don’t know

45. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
I still was the tallest

46. What is the end of everything?
The letter G

47. What is red and smells like blue paint?
Red paint

48. Two in a corner, one in a room, zero in a house, but one in a shelter. What am I?
The letter R

49. A plane crashed between the border of France and Belgium. Where were the survivors buried?
They weren’t

50. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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Chuunin Exam Round 1 - Written Empty Re: Chuunin Exam Round 1 - Written

Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:58 pm
The written exams, Usually written examinations are a gentle breeze through the park for onabi but today was different. Onabi trembling was watching the clock outside the examination center waiting for the time where he needed to be inside. Onabi closed his eyes and in the void of light small visions came to him. Dozens of eyes opened at once not showing characteristics of people, just eyes, they quickly started to overcome Onabi, his shaking became more violent his breathing heavier is legs felt like lead and his brain felt like it was being fried. The Hyuuga grabbed his own arms to steady them he took long and deep breaths until the shaking stopped he reached down into his pocket and placed ear buds into his ears he tapped away on the small device the earbuds were connected to and then the sweet calming melodies of Bach drowned out the worries that plagued him. Onabi slowly opened his eyes the light a blinding white before fading back to the clear concrete building. He was ready. Onabi made himself blend in with the people coming in and out of the testing center making his way through the hallways he grabbed a slip of paper with the testing rooms number on it. looking up and back down to the slip of paper onabi mumble to himself.
"no, no, nope, not this one, nada, negative, nah, oh here it is." 
Onabi stopped in front of a grey yellow sliding door that matched every other door in this hallway, he stood and waited for a brief moment to collect himself and then opened the door slowly and respectfully and walked to a empty seat in the room the Geta clogs clacking against the floor to his surprise he seemed to be the only person in the room. at a couple of desks were pieces of paper and a pencil. Onabi took a seat at one of those desks and started to thumb through the packet in front of him, It only seemed to be three pages of questions most of them multiple choice and a few short awnser. Onabi picked up his pencil and decided to get a head start before the other participants arrived.
page #1
1. What should you do if your chakra is almost gone?
A. Rest and use taijutsu *
B. Sleep all day 
C. Quit the mission 
D. Vomit 
The question seemed quite simple to him what the correct choice was but onabi was confused on what the were gaging to find out through this questionnaire. When your chakra has been depleted any sewable shinobi understands that there should be some cover to rest and gain your natural flow of chakra back but if there is no cover Taijutsu can save you in a life or death situation like this one.

2. What element can counter a fire style Jutsu?
A. Earth style
B. Wind style 
C. Water style 
D. All of the above*   
Onabi initially hovered his pencil over answer C but slowly hovered over every other option. It was only question two and the packet that decided if he made it through the first phase of becoming a chuinin was stumping him. The obvious answer is water because water douses flame it was just common sense but then again a well placed column of air could entirely redirect the element of fire and if water isn't available dirty and the earth is used to snuff the inferno of fire. Onabi slowly circled in letter D not entirely sure of his answer.

3. You and your team find a group of enemy ninja unaware of your presence what do you do?
A. Throw shuriken 
B. Use genjutsu
C. Charge in head on
D. Observe them and determine the best course of action*
Onabi focused on the exam softly scoffed at the third question on the test. there is no use for aggression in this situation that is presented. sure if it was entirely needed the quiet approach would be the smartest choice a long range attack with common ninja tools, a silent attack locking your opponents in a vision of your own making with genjutsu, even charing in like a fool has some strategic advantage in some situations but deciding which of these attacks are the best choice requires intelligence and information Onabi circled in letter D and moved on to the next question.

4. Your teammates get captured what do you do?
A. Attack
B. Leave them behind 
C. Use smoke bombs then kill the captor *
D. Surrender
This one was a small stumper as well. attacking is to vague but in Onabis mind the option of attacking was too emotional but leaving them behind was not a option, there are times that abandoning a mission is necessary, your comrades are your will of fire with out them your a small smoldering flame so leaving them wasn't a option either. Surrendering could be a smart way to do things but the risk of being overpowered by trickery and unknown jutsu was to risky, so option C was the only reasonable option Onabi could think of.

5. What dojutsu will allow you to copy your opponent's jutsu?
A. Rinnegan 
B. Byakugan 
C. None *
D. Sharingan
This one almost tricked him and of a good reason. Onabi initially remembered the tale of Kakashi Hateke "The Copy Ninja" he was called this because he possessed the Sharingan the red dojutsu eyes that belonged to the Uchiha's. But Onabi has done extensive research on the different bloodlines here in the village to prepare for the Chunin exams, and he found that the Sharingan eyes don't copy at all, they allow the user to notice the small moments in a person attacking or making hand signs and if they posses the right chakra nature or physical ability they can memorize how one person does something and then repeat it. the eyes them selfs never copy anything it just makes it easy for the holder of the eyes to train with that jutsu or skill.The Byakugan, the eyes Onabi and his bloodline posses can't copy jutsu even though that was a ability Onabi wished for. Lastly the rinnegan Onabi docent know much about this eye but thinking back to the research he did on it it didn't seem to posses the ability to copy jutsu. Onabi filled in option C. 

6. If you come across an enemy that is too powerful what do you do? 
A. Play dead
B. Fight till the end *
C. Sacrifice a teammate 
D. Create a distraction and escape 
Stumbling across a opponent that happens to be able to destroy you and you're team the option here is to run away but the influence of the chunk exams and knowing that the battles were coming soon he changed his mind and filled in letter B

7. What is the most important trait for a shinobi?
A. Amazing jutsu
B. Skills
C. Intelligence
D. The guts to never give up *
The will of fire is something that is very important to the shinobi in the leaf village but none more so to the Hyuuga. The flame is the iconic icon that symbolizes the Hyuuga bloodline. Amazing jutsu isn't needed to be a good shinobi, skills are important but you're intelligence is need just as much. The guts to give up is the one thing that makes a shinobi a true warrior.

8. Your opponents fire a powerful water technique, what Jutsu should you use to defend?
A. Fire style fire ball jutsu
B. Rasengan
C. 8 trigrams 64 palms *
D. Earth style mud wall
Fire style fire ball jutsu is likely the most common option, the steam from the clashing Justu's could be used for a advantage smoke screen, rasengan is a very odd choice and Onabi couldn't see the advantage using this particular jutsu, Eight trigrams sixty four palm was a interesting listing because for a short duration it quickens your step so maybe use it for evasive movements. Mud wall probably the smart choice. being able to block the wave from this supposed powerful water jutsu a mud wall would be a smart choice in defense. Thinking about it for a second onabi settled on the increased movement of the eight trigrams. 

9. What should you do if you fail a mission?
A. Cry
B. Get angry
C. Faint
D. Train so you don't make the same mistake again *
Failing a mission is something that evokes many different emotions sadness, anger and a sense of being overwhelmed. These emotions are only natural to the everyday shinobi or citizen, failing will always be something everyone will dread but these emotions can be used to better yourself they can be focused to project yourself on a different track where you will succeed when you try again Onabi filled in letter D

10. You're in the middle of a war and see your friend struggling with a fight but you're needed elsewhere what do you do?
A. Leave them and complete your mission
B. Save them *
C. Watch the fight
like clockwork nabs mind went back to the same thought process in question four, there are times that abandoning a mission is necessary, your comrades are your will of fire with out them your a small smoldering flame a spark in the devouring void of darkness. In war you need the will to live and camaraderie is the only thing that keeps a army fighting to the very end. No matter what i'm needed for nothing is more important then the people of the leaf. onabi filled in option B.

11. The leader of the hidden leaf village is called the what?
A. Hokage *
B. Sage of the six paths
C. Raikage
D. Sannin
If this question was asked at a earlier time Onabi wouldn't know what to put down but now he actually felt that the Hokage was doing something for the village. Onabi filled in letter A

12. What should you do if you're trapped in a genjutsu?
A. Except your fate
B. Release!
C. Scream for help
D. Take a nap
Onabi Filled in letter B without hesitation he felt like the other options were very foolish and he wondered who else would fill in the other options.

13. You may put your test down and take a 5-minute break.
A. Accept
B. Continue the exam *
Onabi filled in letter B, he didn't feel like the test was taxing enough to require any type of resting. so he just continued the test without the break

14. Which of the following is a real Jutsu?
A. Ash style dusty fart jutsu
B. Chidori
C. Namapacko jutsu
D. Open this for me technique
Option A Ash style dusty fart jutsu was just to hysterical for it to be a real jutsu, Namapacko jutsu was the awnser for option C and Onabi thought that if someone made a jutsu why would they name it so silly. Open this for me technique wasn't even a jutsu it was just something children said to their parents. Onabi filled in option B.

15. What are some mission ranks?
A. Easy, normal, and hard
B. C-rank, A-rank,and S-rank *
C. Dumb, stupid, boring
D. Ramen
Easy, normal, and hard weren't ranks at all but just good description words for the ranks. Dumb, stupid, boring almost seemed offensive to shinobi who took in these missions for life their life work. Onabi laughed at the option Ramen. Onabi filled in option B

16. You need to distract your enemy so you can escape alive what technique should you use?
A. Fang over fang
B. Human boulder
C. Multi shadow clone jutsu
D. 1000 years of death
Fang over fang is know to be very flashy so option A was a good choice. Human boulder was also something that draws the eye, same with multi shadow clone jutsu. Awnser D... was dumb... but would attract attention like no other. Onabi begrudgingly filled in option D.

17. What is the best thing to do if you have no time to dodge ninja tools?
A. Jump
B. Get hit
C. Substitution jutsu
D. Run away
Jumping was dodging so you would just be hit anyway, Getting hit wasn't the best choice the blow could be more conclusive then you might first expect. Running away was also just dodging. Onabi filled in option C.

18. A ninja shall be willing to sacrifice what for their village?
A. Life
B. Hair
C. Food
D. Secret jutsu
A ninja shall be willing to sacrifice everything for their village, that was something taught to every man women and child that seeked out to be a shinobi. Onabi filled in A

19. What is the proper way to deal with a curse mark?
A. Kill the user
B. Ban the user from the village
C. Seal it
D. Absorb the user's chakra
Killing the person could be a good solution but peaceful options were available. Onabi filled in option C

20. What power do all leaf shinobi inherit?
A. Sage mode
B. Rasenshuriken
C. Sharingan
D. The will of fire
Onabi knew sage mode was a difficult thing to gain but that not inheritance, Rasenshurikin couldn't be inherited and the sharing is only passed down to the Uchiha clan. the awnser was clearly the will of fire. Onabi filled in Option D

21. What are the two main elements of Chakra?
A. Spiritual Energy, Life Energy
B. Natural Energy, Spiritual Energy
C. Physical Energy, Spiritual Energy
D. Life Energy, Natural Energy
Chakra is created when two of the bodies primal energies, known collectively as one's "stamina", are moulded together. Physical energy is collected from each of the body's cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise. Spiritual energy is derived from the mind's consciousness and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience. These two energies becoming more powerful will in turn make the created chakra more powerful. Therefore, practising a technique repeatedly will build up experience, increasing one's spiritual energy, and thus allowing more chakra to be created. Onabi filled in letter C

22. What are the two types of methods of transforming chakra?
A. Attack Transformation, Defense Transformation
B. Shape Transformation, Form Transformation
C. Nature Transformation, Spiritual Transformation
D. Shape Transformation, Nature Transformation
Nature transformation is one of two necessary components for creating or modifying a technique, the second component being shape transformation. While nature transformation changes the properties of the chakra, shape transformation changes the actual form and movement, altering its abilities. these were teachings at the academy and Onabi just recently graduated from it so most of the material was fresh in his mind. Onabi filled in letter D.

23. What is the third primary chakra group?
A. Star Chakra
B. Senjutsu Chakra
C. Dark Chakra
D. Priestess Chakra
Onabi didn't actually know about the answer so he tried to select it down to a few choices and guess. He never read anything about Star or dark chakra. Priestess chakra seemed pretty pretentious. So he filled in letter B not knowing if it was really the right choice. 

24. What type of Jutsu is the Sharingan?
A. Ninjutsu
B. Taijutsu
C. Dojutsu
D. Genjutsu
Using the test to solve the test Onabi filled in letter C, as it was stated the the Sharingan eye was a Dojutsu.

25. What type of Chakra is used when using non-elemental techniques such as Shadow Clone?
A. Shadow Chakra
B. Yin Chakra
C. Yang Chakra
D. Yin-Yang Chakra
Onabi knew that shadow chakra didn't exist and yin-yang usually didn't come without the other one or that would be a unstable use of chakra. Onabi filled in letter D.

26. What chakra nature is known for it's cutting power?
A. Lightning Release
B. Wind Release
C. Fire Release
D. Water Release
Wind Release is the rarest of the five nature transformations, but those who can use it are able to cut through anything. at least thats what he's been told in the past. He himself hasn't ever seen anyone that can use the wind release himself. Onabi filled in letter B

27. What is it called when a Kekkai Genkai combines more than two natures?
A. Kekkai Ita
B. Kekkai Shoto
C. Kekkai Tota
D. Kekkai Santo
Tota> Genkai. As said Genkai is mixing of 2 Different nature type chakra ,whereas,Tota is a combination of three different nature transformations. Onabi Filled in option C.

28. What kekkai genkai combines the fire and wind natures?
A.  Lava Release
B.  Explosion Release
C.  Scorching Heat Release
D.  Blaze Release
Fire+Wind you would only assume a bigger flame. Onabi filled in D

29. What kekkai genkai combines the wind and lightning natures?
A.  Steam Release
B.  Swift Release
C.  Magnet Release
D.  Storm Release
Wind+lightning Onabi's mind went imedetly to storm clouds. Onabi filled in letter D

30. What is the only known Kekkai Genkai that combines three natures?
A.  Storm Release
B.  Steam Release
C.  Dust Release
D.  Dark Release
Onabi felt extremely stumped on this one so he filled in Letter D because he had never heard of it before.

31. What is the most powerful Dojutsu?
A.  Byakugan
B.  Zetsugan
C.  Sharingan
D.  Rinnegan
Onabi was super biased as he was raised by the Hyuga clan so he filled in letter A

32. What is the signature technique of the Yamanaka Clan?
A.  Mind Body Transfer Technique
B.  Shadow Imitation Technique
C.  Multi-Size Technique
D.  Fang over Fang Technique
The Yamanaka were known for there wolf companions so he filled in letter D

33. What type of fighting style is most utilized by the Hyuuga Clan?
A.  Coiling Fist
B.  Strong Fist
C.  Sneaking Fist
D.  Gentle Fist
Ha this question just felt like a give me to Onabi. He filled in letter D

34. What is it called when two different nature techniques are combined into one?
A.  Combination Technique
B.  Construction Technique
C.  Collaboration Technique
D.  Fusion Technique
Onabi didn't know what to think about this one, Onabi himself really didn't use any sort of ninjutsu and he was never taught in the academy that it was possible to fuse to Justus together but thinking of the word fuse he filled in letter D

35. In reference to Ninjutsu, what is Counterbalancing?
A.  When two techniques are used simultaneously.
B.  When two techniques of different natures collide.
C.  When a technique is used to deflect Taijutsu.
D.  When a technique of the same nature counters or absorbs another.
Onabi had zero idea what this meant so he just filled in something that sounded like the exact opposite to Ninjutsu so he filled in letter C

36. What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?
Onabi started to giggle is look at the rest of the questions the riddles and jokes were all things that his mother would tell him when ever he felt down, Onabi wrote down "Time to fix the fence"

37. What gets wet while drying?
Onabi wrote down "A towel"

38. What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?
Onabi wrote down "A jeweler sells watches. A jailer watches cells."

39. What can you hold in your right hand, but never in your left hand?
Onabi wrote down "Your left hand"

40. What can you catch, but not throw?
Onabi wrote down "A illness or maybe a cold"

41. What kind of band never plays music?
Onabi wrote down "A rubber band, a wedding band, iron band etc."

42. What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
Onabi wrote down "Lunch and Dinner/Supper"

43. What kind of room has no doors or windows?
Onabi wrote down "A mushroom"

44. What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?
Onabi wrote down "is it the color scheme that they are usually depicted as? The Yellow/Gold and Red"

45. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
Onabi wrote down "Well wouldn't still be Mt. Everest is just haven't been found yet."

46. What is the end of everything?
Onabi wrote down "Is it the letter G or maybe the question mark?"

47. What is red and smells like blue paint?
I remember is one a lot of kids from the academy asked me this, Onabi wrote down "Red Paint"

48. Two in a corner, one in a room, zero in a house, but one in a shelter. What am I?
Onabi wrote down "Is it the letter R"

49. A plane crashed between the border of France and Belgium. Where were the survivors buried?
Onabi wrote down "the answer is that you shouldn't bury survivors, you should bury the dead"

50. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
Onabi wrote down "The answer is nothing" 

Onabi put down his pencil, the tip of it became completely dull, he looked up and saw that his older cousin Zunair had came in after him and finished before Onabi could. Onabi sighed heavily. taking a closer look around the class he didn't see anybody else. Onabi shrugged and leaned back in his seat waiting for the next phase to begin.
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Chuunin Exam Round 1 - Written Empty Re: Chuunin Exam Round 1 - Written

Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:03 am
The proctors would collect the papers of those present and taking part in the first round of the Chuunin Exams of Konohagakure, the written part. Once the participants were done answering the questions and finished the test they were allowed to leave. Upon exiting the room one of the proctors let them know they would be informed whether or not they passed soon.

[Exit, Zunair Hyuuga and Onabi Hyuuga are through to the final round]
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Chuunin Exam Round 1 - Written Empty Re: Chuunin Exam Round 1 - Written

Thu Mar 10, 2022 11:20 am
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