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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Whispers of the Fall [O] [Event] Empty Whispers of the Fall [O] [Event]

Yesterday at 4:54 pm
Potential Poltergeist: A Spirit’s Plea:
Potential Poltergeist: Rescue and Release:
Potential Poltergeist: The Final Showdown:

The streets of the City Square pulsed with lantern light and murmured laughter. Hollow’s Eve he had enveloped the village in shadows and revelry, the air thick with the scent of spiced cider, roasted chestnuts, and fallen leaves. Ayato, the Hogokage, moved through the bustling crowd, a quiet figure among the revelers. His cool detachment masked a more profound warmth as his gaze wandered over stalls brimming with charms and trinkets—baubles promising fortune or, if the vendors were to be believed, a hint of darker mischief. Clad in a ceremonial outfit that distinguished him from the vibrant festival colors, he stood apart in the lively scene. His long, flowing robes of deep midnight blue shimmered with silver threads that caught the lantern light while crimson-edged sleeves billowed gracefully around him.

A high collar framed his pale face, accentuating his sharp features, and his lavender-white eyes scanned the festivities with a calculating gaze.

Amidst the festival wares, something unusual caught Ayato’s attention: an old lantern, its surface dulled by time and carved with intricate patterns that hinted at forgotten artistry. The vendor held it reverently, though a flicker of unease crossed his eyes as they met Ayato’s. Then again, those pale, lavender-white eyes of his bloodline unsettled even the bold.

Hogokage-sama,” the old man rasped, his voice low and brittle. "This one here bears a curse. They say it has a will of its own.

A flicker of a smile crept onto Ayato’s face, cold as autumn’s first frost. “Then it may be the only spirit I indulge tonight,” he replied, voice sharp with amusement. But he found himself reaching for the lantern, some instinctual curiosity compelling his hand forward. Coins were exchanged between them, though Ayato barely felt their weight, and soon, the lantern’s grip was his.

As the twilight deepened and laughter softened into murmurs, Ayato withdrew from the bustle to see if the old man’s claims held any truth. With a calm, deliberate motion, he struck a match and set the lantern alight. The flame flared to life, its glow strange, casting shadows that twisted and danced as if stirred by some unseen force. And there, deep within the flame, Ayato saw it: the faint outline of a figure seated in the fire’s heart, its form flickering with the movement of the light.

A rather confining prison,” he mused aloud, studying the shadowed form with sharp interest.

The figure stirred, shifting in its fiery cage, and a low, weary voice echoed from within. It was a man's voice long confined, rough as an ancient stone, and heavy with the weight of forgotten years. The spirit spoke of how it had been bound to the lantern, its soul condemned to feed the flame for eternity. If it were to be freed, Ayato would have to seek its former dwelling—a place abandoned and, as the spirit whispered, likely inhabited by secrets darker than memory. Clues, it promised, were waiting along with what little Ryo the spirit had left behind. "A form of payment," it rasped, “to ease the debt I owe.

Ayato narrowed his eyes, mulling over the spirit’s plight. He raised the lantern to eye level, his gaze piercing as he looked into the fire. “Then consider your debt paid,” he said, his tone a quiet blade, edged with amusement. The spirit chuckled faintly, echoing like the whisper of distant thunder. But its warning remained: it could not say for sure what—or who—might now dwell within the ruined halls of its old life.

As Ayato’s expression shifted, the amusement slipping from his gaze to reveal something colder and sharper, a subtle thrill lit his eyes. His words cut through the festival’s dwindling hum, a voice smooth and commanding. “It appears our night has taken a darker turn,” he said, barely louder than a whisper, yet it held the weight of an unspoken oath. “Stay vigilant. Our guest’s home has fallen into ruin, and one can never know what stirs in shadows left to decay.

At his words, figures gathered around him, emerging one by one from the fringes of light, moving with quiet, purposeful steps. They drifted into the lantern’s dim glow-like shades themselves, each drawn by his words as if the promise of shadowed danger were a bond that held them all. Silent, watchful, their faces hidden in darkness, they fell in beside him, the weight of their presence a silent vow to follow the Hogokage into whatever mystery awaited.

Without another word, Ayato turned and began to walk, leaving the warmth of the festival’s lights and laughter behind. The ghostly glow of the lantern cast warped, twisting shadows across his face as he strode into the night, his companions falling into step around him. A chill seeped through his robes as the village sounds faded, the autumn air thick with the feeling of secrets waiting to be unearthed. It was as if Hollow’s Eve itself watched in silent anticipation, waiting to see if the Hogokage would unravel the curse—or stumble into darkness even he had not foreseen.

[WC: 840]
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