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A Payment in Pumpkin(Fall Event 1/3) Empty A Payment in Pumpkin(Fall Event 1/3)

Yesterday at 11:12 pm

Hara knocked on the door to the house, not knowing why he decided to take on this mission. Hallows Eve was a time when Hara was kept in, his father believing holidays were an unnecessary distraction. Hara would often watch through the window of his house as kids went to and fro in their costumes. Perhaps that's why he felt the need to help in some way, although how he was going to help he didn't know.

One of the parents answered the door and their breath caught slightly at the towering Hara, to their credit they quickly recovered, no doubt used to more rough and tumble people. A boy the age of 11 looked around the corner and gave a wave nonchalantly giving a greeting before dipping back into his room.

“Hi, you must be here for the pumpkin patch?” The mom said cautiously

“Yes Ma’am.” Hara replied simply and respectfully.

The mom seemed to calm somewhat at Hara's respectful demeanor before giving him instructions on when to return and where to go. As she finished the boy, Hara would learn his name was Ito, walked out of his room and out of the house, giving a brief goodbye to his mom and groaning at her words of adoration. Hara briefly felt anger at the boy, wanting to grab him by the collar and shake him, telling him to appreciate what he has. But, he suppressed it, and simply nodded to the mother before turning to head to the pumpkin patch.

As the two walked Ito was a kid equally as reserved and quiet as Hara, and he enjoyed the silence of the walk. Eventually, it was Hara who found himself breaking the silence.

“So. Can we make this quick, kid? I'm not looking to be in a pumpkin patch all day.”

The kid laughed “Yeah man, no problem. If my plan works out we’ll be out of there lickety split.” Hara cocked his head and the kid elaborated. “The man who runs the farm always keeps the good pumpkins for himself, but I worked all summer for him and he promised me one.” Hara gave a small chuckle,this kid really liked pumpkins.

As they arrived at the pumpkin patch, the kid perked up at the sight of the old man and proceeded to follow the man around as he walked through the patch. However, As the kid asked the old man for his payment, the man began making excuses. To Hara’s chagrin, the farmer was incredibly mean, and the man reminded Hara of his father. As the boy dejectedly stood in the pumpkin patch, the old man began to leave towards his house.

“Well I guess we should go.” The kid said, dejected and downtrodden.

Hara got a dark look in his eye before he suddenly stopped the boy from leaving “No, wait here. I’ll handle this.”

A Few broken fingers later and a stern talking to and Hara was walking out of the man's house with a perfectly shaped, ideal pumpkin. The kids' eyes lit up, and he thanked Hara profusely.

“Don’t mention it,” Hara said simply. The two returned home in a short time, and Hara said goodbye to the family with a few short words before leaving back to his camp satisfied at a job well done.


WC: 550

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