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Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

Pumpkin Shopping Empty Pumpkin Shopping

Sun Oct 06, 2024 5:44 pm
The Hyuuga was walking through the markets of Hoshigakure, looking for some festive supplies. There was a slight wind moving through, enough to remind everyone of the coming cold and mark the now completed change from summer to fall, but not enough to indicate winter’s cold arrival. The temperature had also started to drop in recent weeks. As such, Amikiri was a little more dressed than usual. He wore a pair of blue jeans, his typical leather boots, and a blue t-shirt. Above that he wore a charcoal gray fleece, enough to protect him from the slight cold and somewhat shield him from the wind. His hair was in its usual slightly messy state, not helped by the wind. A perk Amikiri was coming to realize of his new beard was the added warmth it provided, something he would certainly come to appreciate in the harsher winter months.

Amikiri was looking for something particularly festive. A pumpkin. Growing up in rural Haven Country, the tradition of carving pumpkins seemed to escape their family. Pumpkins were simply a sign of changing seasons and new crops. However, within Hoshigakure, pumpkins seemed to have quite the festive importance. People liked to carve them and they represented a holiday that would be coming in a few weeks. It always struck the Hyuuga as ironic, as Hoshigakure was quite the religiously minded city, yet this holiday seemed strangely pagan. As Amikiri had read more books from the Archives to occupy his spare time while guarding Hoshigakure’s gates, his knowledge of the history of Hoshigakure’s religions grew. Many of the modern religions of Hoshigakure had long and twisting histories, and it seemed that many had assimilated pagan holidays into their own religions to bolster their popularities in their earlier years.

As the clouds shifted in the sky above and blocked the sun, Amikiri found himself to be growing quite cold. He managed to spot a small bonfire of sorts, either used for some celebration or simply a place to warm oneself. The dark haired man made his way over and took a seat on a nearby bench. The cold stone surface sent a chill up his body, but he slowly started to warm up as he sat by the fire.

WC: 374
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Pumpkin Shopping Empty Re: Pumpkin Shopping

Wed Oct 09, 2024 2:57 pm
Akki was wandering through the area looking at all the different fall items! Oh she loved this time of year. And especially since her and her sister finally found a place to call home, going to an event like this was perfect for Akki. But, she didn't know anyone yet so talking to people made her a little uncomfortable because they were complete strangers! She was dressed in a casual pair of blue jeans and a blue tank top with a small blue sweater over the ensemble. She had her long blue hair down instead of pulled up.
Akki made her way near the bonfire and immediately recognized a face! The young gate guard. Although he didn't seem as uncomfortable as she did, probably because he knows more people than she does. She approached him from behind and poked him in the shoulder.
“Hello all mighty gate guard! If you're here who's watching the gates?” Akki said jokingly. “It's good to see you outside of work, Amikiri. Enjoying the festivities?” She asked him as she decided to stick around him since she knew him. Well at least more than she knew everyone else around here. He kinda looked different outside his typical work ensemble!
Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

Pumpkin Shopping Empty Re: Pumpkin Shopping

Mon Oct 14, 2024 11:14 am
Warmth slowly spread through the Hyuuga’s body as he sat by the fire. Of course he could probably use some Fire Release magic to warm himself, but Amikiri still believed in the importance of feeling the raw aspects of nature and the bare sensations of the world.

However Amikiri’s focus would soon shift towards someone else. He felt someone poke his shoulder. Amikiri would turn his head around to observe who had poked him. The black haired man didn’t turn his head too quickly, certainly not at his full speed, due to the fact that he was in a busy market at the moment. For all he knew, he might’ve confused a passing bump from someone’s elbow for a poke. However, Amikiri’s initial guess proved right. He soon saw a somewhat familiar figure behind him. It was the type of familiarity where you knew you had seen that person before, but you didn’t remember when, where, or certainly what their name was.

Fortunately for the Hyuuga, this person would aid Amikiri in his remembrance, mentioning that he was a gate guard. While trying to pin down who she was, Amikiri would chuckle at her joke. The Hyuuga now was mostly confident on who this woman was and he would respond with a jest of his own, saying, “It seems dangerous missing ninjas from Konohagakure only show up at night, so I figured I’d take a break.” As she continued speaking, it became more clear about the circumstances which they had prior met.

Amikiri would say, “It’s nice seeing you again. The name’s Akki, right? I haven’t really gotten the whole vibe on these festivities yet. This is only my,” Amikiri paused for a second to think, “second year in Hoshigakure, so it’s only my second time seeing these festivities. While there seems to be a whole spooky scary theme to it, I can’t help but notice it’s much more fun than anything. How are you enjoying the holiday? I guess this is your first time seeing it in Hoshigakure, as you haven’t been here for more than around half of a year.”

WC: 352
TWC: 726
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