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Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Regaining some Skill Empty Regaining some Skill

Yesterday at 8:39 pm
Travin had been spending more time at the training facility than ever before. After his injury he had gotten rusty, his handseals had slowed down and with the lack of being able to practice his chakra potency had weakened as well. When he is not running missions Travin has been at the training facility working on regaining his skills that he had once had. Walking into the training facility it was the standard entrance with the couches and recliners off to the side all with built in massagers to help with muscle recovery after a workout. With a young woman at the desk waiting for people to walk in. She turned and looked at Travin as he walked in asking for his ID to gain access to. Travin walked up and handed her his ID that she scanned into the system before the door opened and he was allowed within the advanced training facility. 

Entering into the secured area for shinobi only. Travin walked around and ended up down the hallway in front of training arena number 7. It was open, and it was the one that he had been using for a while now. Turning the handle and walking in, Travin felt the dirt floor under his shoes, and looked out over the combination of a dirt floor with patches of grass with a pond of water in the middle. Travin walked over and sat down on one of the rocks and pulled out a book he had kept with him in his bag. Opening the book Travin would turn to the page that talked about the lightning element. He had been wanting to pick up the element, and wished that he was able to work with someone at the moment. Since he had gained his fully matured Sharingan he had been using its unique ability to copy the jutsu and skills that he needed. 

Travin would be sitting on the rock reading when anyone walked in.

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