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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Regaining some Skill - Page 2 Empty Re: Regaining some Skill

Today at 8:25 pm
Travin listened to his cousin let him know that he would like dinner, but would also like to let his mother know that he had awakened his Sharingan finally. It was something that Travin could agree with his cousin that his mother and father would probably like to know that he had finally awakened his kekkei genkai. “Yes it does get easier to turn on and off and maintain as you use it. Like all things it gets easier in time” Travin would tell his cousin answering his question. His cousin agreed to learn the jutsu that Travin used to win the little spar they had. The jutsu was simple in the grand scheme of things but had its complexities as well. “The jutsu is pretty straightforward, requiring the Boar, Tiger, Snake hand seals. Upon completion you spread out your chakra over the area, and once you get the target within range you focus it on that point, and no matter if it's a person or a jutsu it will reduce its power” Travin explained. Hoping that his cousin could get the feel for the jutsu. After all, teaching was not one of his strong suits. 

Travin would allow Herozen to attempt the jutsu a few times on himself until he was able to pull it off. Once he had done so, Herozen would ask Travin how he had awakened his Sharingan. It was a personal question but at the same time Travin knew how Herozen had awoken his. Turning and walking over to the rock that he was originally sitting on when Herozen walked into the training room. Getting comfortable on the rock Travin would think back to how he had awoken his own Sharingan. Thinking back on those days when he was running around doing missions with his old friends Lucian and Ryuko. They had even gotten these jackets that matched and gotten them fixed up. It was because of them that he had awoken his Sharingan, as a way to keep up. 

Mine was awoken out of desperation and mastered for the same reasons I started to rely more and more on my Sharingan; it grew in power. My two friends Lucian and Ryuko both were very strong shinobi and we grew together as a team. Running missions and training, however, they were both stronger than I was, and I needed a way to catch up. In my desperation and countless hours training to keep up with the two of them my Sharingan awoke, and as I kept pushing myself and relying on its power to keep on par with the two of them. It grew in power until it was a fully matured Sharingan.” He would stop and be looking up at the roof of the building thinking back on the times the three of them ran around the village together. “However, like all good things it must come to an end. I got injured and was put in the hospital for months before I was able to start my rehab to get back into action. I am not sure what happened to Ryuko as I have not been able to find him, but Lucian went back to school and is doing pretty well for himself now.” Travin would return his attention to Herozen. “I was asked recently why I chose to become a shinobi, and I simply told them that I was given a gift and I chose to use it. What I didn't tell them is that the only thing I am good at is killing people.”

The tone of the conversation would go dark with the mention of killing being the only thing that Travin was good at, and for the most part it was true he didn’t really have any other skills that could be called upon that didn’t involve tracking down the target and eliminating threats. “That is something that you will have to decide upon as well, you can go down the same road I have and become a soldier not knowing any other trade, or you can expand your skill set and help others within the village. Using your skills for the betterment of the people living within the village. Where I have no other choice but to climb the ranks and probably end up as a part of Summit. Using my only trade to keep the village safe” Travin would look at his cousin and let it sink into what this life could be if you were not careful. He didn’t want his cousin to follow in his or their families footsteps; he wanted him to forge his own path and find his own way to do good for the village. For Travin however it was too late and he was too far gone at this point to change paths now. 

Travin would wait for a while and let it all sink into his cousin's head and give him time to think it over before he would move from his rock. He was prepared to answer question if that is what his cousin needed at this time.

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