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Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Vein of Skill Empty Vein of Skill

Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:47 am
It was just a regular day. Not even weekend. The sky was clouded, as was quite usual in Hidden Mist. It rained recently and the ground was wet. Rin did not have any missions today, so to make use of the spare time he was heading out, looking for some training. Recently he got an impression that training with other people might be important too, maybe in a way even more important that training alone. So just three hours after sunrise, quite early, he finished waking up and left his house taking all of his equipment with him, hoping for an interesting day.

As usual the streets were crawling with people - mostly civilians. There was noise, there was dirt... He'd rather be in the forest, alone. But he forced the desire to leave away and continued to search for companionship. He thought it was a good idea, not only allowing another perspective on the training, but also allowing him to make some more contact with other shinobi of his village. It was needed if he was to learn proper teamwork.

For some time he stopped in the market district, looking at some of the wares, some weaponry and other stuff. After not finding anything worth his attention he continued toward the main building in Kirigakure. To greatness. Where the Water symbol was. Hopefully he would find someone there. Someone willing to train with him...
The Robin Hood
The Robin Hood
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Vein of Skill Empty Re: Vein of Skill

Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:59 am
Jake had been walking for hours on end, he was walking around the village, walking through the parks, walking through the training grounds, he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking and walked straight into a tree, he collapsed onto the ground and his whole back was wet, he then got up and took his jacket off and hung it over his shoulder, he then walked home and changed his pants, he then opened the door once again and went to the training field where he would wait for someone to train with him.

On his way towards the training field he noticed a dog that was bleeding by the legs, due to his love of animals he ran towards the animal and picked it up, the blood was getting all over his clothes, he then brought the dog to a vet which then took it in and thanked him for bringing the dog in. He then continued his long walk, he was wearing his normal black T-shirt and his blue pants with his black shoes, he then looked around and noticed he would never get through the crowd, he then made a detour and climbed up the closest ladder and nearly slipped thrice, when he reached the top he did a bit of rooftop running and when he reached the last roof before the training ground he went down the ladder and into the alleyway. He then walked into the training grounds and noticed a boy standing there, "Hi I'm Jake Vega..wanna train?" said Jake as he walked up to the boy and extended his hand for the boy to take it. The boy then disappeared from his sight, "That was weird.." said Jake as he made his way towards the market district, this was where all the ninja normally hang out. he then saw a Shinobi and looked at him to make sure he was one. "Hi I'm Jake Vega.." said Jake with his hand out stretched as he walked towards the boy he wondered what he was looking at, he then turned his head and saw the main building in Kirigakure. He then looked at the boy and then at the building again. He then decided to remain silent for the time being.

Last edited by Jake Vega on Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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Vein of Skill Empty Re: Vein of Skill

Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:07 am
Xyxer had not been doing much this day. He liked to consider it his 'day off' even though he still patrolled with his ANBU equipment. Although the day had been going pretty quick while it was his shift, it was soon time for him to wrap it up and report the findings to the next group on patrol. Ushering a few words quietly to them when he reached the village gates he continued on inside.

As he was still bored beyond measure, he stood quietly at one end of a minor road in Kirigakure, looking around as he tried to imagine something fun that he could do. After a few minutes his shoulders dropped and his hands began to move beside his body to give him a bit of a speed boost as he burst out into a sprint; leaping upwards, he did a somersault in the air and landed with his feet on the roof of a small building, continuing to make his way along the rooftops of villages to where the largest building in Kirigakure stood. After a few minutes of this, due to his incredible speed, he reached his destination without any fault. He saw the usual people that littered this sort of area. However, two people caught his eye. Staring down at the two, he quickly gathered that both of them were not too old and that they definitely were not above Genin. He stood there silently as his eyes appraised them behind his mask that resembled a shark; his cloak wrapped tightly around his body and his hood hiding his hair.

Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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Vein of Skill Empty Re: Vein of Skill

Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:37 am
Jinn had been lost in his thoughts for the past few days. No matter how hard he trained he still felt weak and unworthy of the title of chuunin. Sure he was a bit strong but he felt that meant nothing. He gazes up at the sky as he wonders around bored and tired of the usually daily routines of his life.

Tired he looks ahead and notices a large building in front of him. He begins to walk forward when he notices a strange person. He wore a shark mask and was covered in a cloak. Jinn got chills when he looked at him. He could already since the immense strength and power illuminating from the person. He smirks as he notices two more ninja. Maybe we have something here, he thinks as he stands behind the other two ninja facing the mysterious person.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Vein of Skill Empty Re: Vein of Skill

Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:02 pm
Rin was in a sort of trance when he was pulled out by a boy, well almost a man - at least a few years older than Rin himself. "Hi I'm Jake Vega..." Rin got a bit confused, it was different for him. While socializing was not his Achilles's Heel, it wasn't his strong suit either. For a moment there Rin just stood there probably looking confused. Then he noticed the hand-shake gesture and responded to it, while also replying. "Hello. My name is Rin from Taiki family..." He tried to make a warm smile, then looked around as he felt being watched. There were a few people unlike the normal crowd in here. One off them was a white hair boy, who was actually standing right behind them. And the other one was a cloaked person with a mask, standing on a roof a bit farther out - probably a hunter-nin, someone you'd rather not mess around for fun. Rin decided to play along, showing no signs he noticed any of the other two.

When he looked back at the strange person who just greeted him he noticed the Hidden Mist's headband. From the looks of it the guy as a genin as he was not wearing any gear that higher ranked shinobi would normally wear. "So... I guess you're a genin, just like me, huh. May I help you somehow? " Is it normal to see a genin older than 12?
The Robin Hood
The Robin Hood
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Vein of Skill Empty Re: Vein of Skill

Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:07 pm
Jake was looking around and noticed a boy with white hair, strange thought Jake as he heard the other boy talk, "Oh nice to meet you Rin.." said Jake with a smirk on his face. "Yea you can, I just wanted to know if you wanna train.." said Jake, he felt like he was being watched but never payed much attention to the outside world when he started a conversation with someone, he then looked at the building and waited for an answer.

[Sorry its so short xD]
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Vein of Skill Empty Re: Vein of Skill

Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:15 pm
His gleaming amber eye focused on the group, scanning the two ninjas. However, another ninja had appeared. He seemed to be older than the others, and more trained. Underneath his mask, Xyxer's lips curled upwards into a smirk; he had something in mind for them.

In a matter of what seemed like a second,due to his teleporting-like speed, Xyxer would be standing just in front of the group clad in his apparel, his amber eye easy to be seen behind the eyeholes of the mask but his other eye seemed to be swallowed into the void of darkness that mask created. He nodded his head to each of them once before he began to speak, his voice somewhat soothing but did sound like it had a malevolent tone, "Greetings, Ninjas of Kirigakure. Are you wishing to train?"

Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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Vein of Skill Empty Re: Vein of Skill

Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:25 pm
Jinn had been starring at the strange man the whole time, until suddenly he lost sight of him. Where did he go, Jinn thinks his eyes scanning the area around him for the mysterious man. The man then appears in front of Jinn and the other ninjas. Jinns left hand reflexively grabbed the hilt of his ninjato. His muscles tense.

"Greetings, Ninjas of Kirigakure. Are you wishing to train?"

Jinn hears these words and lets his guard down just a little. He seems ok. "Yes, I am in the need of training right now. My name is Jinn formally known as Takizawa." He says as he looks around at the ninjas around him, having realized he had not yet introduced himself.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Vein of Skill Empty Re: Vein of Skill

Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:42 pm
For a moment there Rin lost it. Just after Jake said he wanted to train, the masked man suddenly appeared right in front of them. Rin wouldn't have been able to react in time if that was an attack, but before he actually assumed his stance he realized the man was standing still, not making any threatening moves. Then Rin hear his voice. "Greetings, Ninjas of Kirigakure. Are you wishing to train?"

Before Jake or Rin could answer that, the third ninja, the white haired guy who was standing behind them replied while introducing himself at the same time. "Yes, I am in the need of training right now. My name is Jinn formally known as Takizawa." "Hm, this is funny, four people looking to train all banding together just like that... maybe someone's playing a prank on me, or worse..." Rin was standing between people who were probably more powerful than him, especially the hunter-nin. While it could potentially be a dangerous situation, it was be also very worth training with them. After a moment Rin replied to the question. "Yes, I am. Do you have something in mind?"

OOC: Italic colored text is thoughts, dont mistake them for direct talk...
The Robin Hood
The Robin Hood
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Vein of Skill Empty Re: Vein of Skill

Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:31 am
Jake looked around and the white haired boy introduced himself, Jake then heard the man wearing a mask talk, he looked like he just appeared out of nowhere, "Yea I'm looking to train." said Jake as he put his hands on the back of his head, "Oh and I'm Jake Vega by the way," said Jake as he put his hand out for the person to take

[Sorry just came back from school]
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