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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

4 missions in 3 places Empty 4 missions in 3 places

Yesterday at 10:53 pm


Travin awoke inside of his small apartment still trying to save up more money to make a down payment on a bigger and better place to live. For now he was still working on his genin salary and was starting to realize that he was going to need to get a promotion soon if he was going to be able to get a better place and still afford to eat. Otherwise he was going to have to move back in with his parents to save up money. It was a thought that he had a few times now, but he just couldn’t bring himself to move back in there. Not that he didn’t like or love his parents, but simply it would be too hard to go back to living under someone else's rules again.

Getting up out of bed with a massive stretch as he placed his feet on the rug by his bed. He stood up continuing the stretch as his toes dug into the rug. Before stepping off the rug onto the simi cold hardwood floors of his apartment and making his way to the bathroom. Travin would go through his normal morning routine before walking back out of the bathroom. Standing in his sweat pants as he walked over to the desk he kept in the corner of the room. He pulled the chair out and sat down opening the scroll he had laid on top of the desk. Reading over its contents one more time as he had just skimmed it when the messenger brought it to him last night. Travin looked over the missions he had been given and he had remembered them correctly; it was going to be four missions in three towns. This was probably going to be a long few days, he thought as he looked over the contents of the missions. The first one was to help train the recruits in the village itself. After which he was to meet up with a guy named Jamil Proctor who was apparently some famous architect. He was supposed to escort Mr Proctor to the first town called Crest Ridge. Travin had never really been to the place, but he had passed through it on a few of his missions. The place always stuck out to him since it didn’t have a crest or a ridge to anything, and in fact was probably the flattest place he had seen in all of Kumo. Once he had delivered Mr Proctor to his location in Crest Ridge Travin was to stay the night and head out the next morning. He needed to head to the next town, Cliff top. This time aptly named as it was on the top of a cliff. Finally the last part of his four part mission was to find and return the body of a fallen Kumo shinobi and return it to their family in Cliff top. It was a mission that no one really wanted to do, but no one ever refused to do so. Everyone knew that if it had been them that they would want someone to do it for them.

Travin stood up from his desk and pushed his chair back under it. Turning to face his bed and dresser he would start to pull out his clothes from within the dresser and lay them on his bed. With everything ready and dressed Travin would stand back up from sitting on his bed to tie his boots, and start to walk out the door of his bedroom. Stepping into the kitchen Travin knew that he didn’t have much time to eat before he had to head out to train the recruits and help do his part to keep the village strong. Walking over to his cabinets in the kitchen Travin opened the first door next to the fridge. It was a tall but thin pantry cabinet more of a utility closet than a pantry but it was used for a pantry. Reaching in and pulling out a box of pop tarts and grabbing one cherry pop tart before putting the box back into the utility closet pantry. Travin would open the wrapper and pull the pop tarts out and place them in the toaster. Before walking over and grabbing his jacket and keys. The pop tart would pop up out of the toaster about the time he was returning to the kitchen picking up one of the paper plates he kept on the edge of the counter Travin would walk over and place the pop tarts only slightly burning the tips of his fingers on them onto the plate. Walking out the door to his apartment and into the chill morning air the pop tarts were starting to chill quickly and Travin started to eat them quickly as he made his way down the streets to the academy.

Travin arrived at the academy as he was finishing the last bite of his pop tart. Tossing the paper plate he was using in the trash can by the academy gate. Swallowing before stepping out into the gate. Travin would wipe his mouth of crumbs and look up at the building. The academy was rather impressive standing a minimum of three stories tall with Greek inspired pillars in front of it holding up the roof over the entrance and walkway down the front of the building. It was a picture of beauty showing just how great the craftsmen of Kumo were. Travin walked down the tiled path to the academy entrance and stepped up and opened the door walking into the academy. He was greeted at the door by the young woman working at the desk. “Travin we have been expecting you. The men you are to train are waiting in the back for you in the training grounds.”

With a nod Travin walked back through the academy and made his way to the training grounds. It was a classic look that never went out of style. He was sure people were just calling it nature. Opening the door and stepping out in front of the men he was supposed to train today. Travin took note of each one of them from their size to their attitudes about being here. Most seemed ready to be here and do their part, but one man seemed to be picking on everyone for being so upbeat about all this. Travin called the man out telling everyone that they was going to be practicing basic ninjutsu and genjutsu today. Letting them know that it was an important skill for everyone in the village to know how to perform the most basic skills of a shinobi. After all, if they could not climb the wall to inform someone that the enemy is here then they would all die. With that Travin would tell the bigger guy to focus his chakra into his feet and walk up the side of the building. The guy did what he was told to Travins surprise, but then again everyone knew that the village did not put up with mutiny and his punishment would be severe if he disobeyed and refused to work on his skills. Travin watched the man fall three times before he demonstrated the proper tech. Going over the hand seals carefully with each person until they all had the basic hand seals down for the surface walking jutsu. After a few minutes of everyone practicing the hand seals Travin had everyone attempt to walk up the building. Most of the class succeeded after a few attempts, and the rest were still motivated to get it down. Travin was sure that most just ran them through drills of spear and shield, but he had actually taught them something that could save their lives, and it was something that they could show off to their kids with as well. He was pretty sure that all of that had something to do with how they all focused and learned what he was going to be teaching them. With the lesson ended Travin called out across the class, apologizing for not having the time to teach them a basic genjutsu to pair with the basic ninjutsu promising to come back in a week or two after his missions and teach them the genjutsu.

Travin walked back out of the academy proud of the work that he had gotten done there with the people of the village. Now it was time to deal with another problem, and this one could end up being a real problem. He had talked to a few of the guys about Jamil Proctor and apparently he was pretty famous. Travin was not sure how an architect could be famous but he wasn’t going to argue with anyone about it. This told Travin that it was probably to keep everyone away from me and keep me safe as I walk so that no one will try to rob me on the road assignments. It was something that he was not looking forward to. Walking up to the gate the guard let Travin in and let him know that the carriage was waiting out back and Mr. Proctor will be out soon. Travin gave the guy a nod and walked out to the carriage where he stood for about ten or fifteen minutes waiting for the man to finally walk out the door to his house. “Mr. Proctor if you don’t mind I will be escorting you today and would like to take a few precautions to insure your safety.” Mr. Proctor agreed to the precautions and with a few hand seals later Mr. Proctor looked like Travin and with a few more hand seals Travin now looked like Mr. Proctor. They would both get into the carriage and Travin would let him know that if anyone attacked he simply needed to run away and Travin would find him once he had dealt with the threat. No one was going to attack a shinobi from a distance when they could attack the target, and anyone that got close enough would be able to tell that you don’t carry yourself like a shinobi.

The pair would enjoy the ride stopping at the village gate where Travin and Mr. Proctor both showed their ID’s to the guard who let them through after all the guards knew that Travin was on a mission to leave the village for a few days, or well a few missions that was going to keep him out of the village for a few days. Travin sat in the seat and made note of how comfy it was as he was unable to tell what it was made out of but it was stuffed perfectly and the carriage itself was made of a very nice wood. He also got to know Mr. Proctor who after a while insisted that Travin call him Jamil, something that took a little bit of getting used to but Travin eventually came around and stopped messing it up. He had learned that Jamil was actually a really good artist who had gotten his start in architecture by drawing a few buildings from the land of lightning’s history and selling them for a large profit. When someone asked him if he would design a building for him, that is what led Jamil into designing ancient style buildings. He had also found out that it was a very lucrative business as apparently not many people could do it without running into problems and having to rely on modern solutions for them. Travin found out that he liked Jamil and that he would probably be able to hang out with someone like him in the future.

Travin and Jamil looked out the window as they saw the first town coming up on the horizon. After all it was easy to see how flat the area was, but with that came a different problem in that they were unsure as to just how far it was from where they were currently riding through. Travin asked the driver who told them that it wasn’t much further and that it looked further away than it was. Explaining that it was something to do with the area around the town. Letting them know that coming from the other way it looked further away than it was. Travin thought it was a little weird but didn’t bother to ask any questions, instead simply staring out the window for the rest of the trip.

With the wagon coming to a stop Travin broke both jutsu letting Jamil return back to himself and Travin the same. Jamil offered Travin a handshake which he took and with a break he asked one final question. Wondering just what he was coming out here to build. Jamil simply smiled and said that it was Raikage business and that he would not be able to explain much. With a smile Travin would accept the explanation knowing that it was possible, and turn on his heels and start to walk away. Making his way through the town for the first time without being in a hurry Travin took his time and enjoyed the view of the town. They had a combination of wood and stone buildings with thatched roofs running through the town. With the center of the town holding a massive church. Travin could not help himself and asked about the church and why the town was built around it. The explanation that he had gotten was that the town was originally a place of worship, but as time went by more and more people came to live here since it was peaceful and no one ever attacked the church. After a while the town grew into what it is today. He also learned that everyone that had ever lived and died within the town was buried inside of the single cemetery. Apparently the cemetery ran in circles around the church creating a spiral pattern throughout the city. It was something that Travin was wanting to check out before he left, but then realized that he had probably already done and didn’t notice. Making sure that he stayed on point first thing was to find an Inn to stay at for the night. The sun was starting to fall behind the city and it would be getting dark soon.

Finding the Inn was not nearly as hard of a time as Travin has had in the past. He was easily directed in the right direction of the Inn and he was able to easily pick it out from the crowd based on the description he was given. A stone building with green vines running up the sides with rosewood pillars for the corners. It was quite a sight to behold and he was not sure that they would even let him into such a place, but two different people had assured him that the rate was fair and he would have no problems there. He was also told that it was the only Inn in the town as well, so he really didn’t have much of a choice. Travin walked up to the Inn and opened the door where the first thing that he saw was the shiny cherry hardwood floor that looked like it had been buffed recently. Stepping on in through the door and on to the golden and red colored rug running the walk way from the entry door to the front desk. The moment that Travin was in the room the lady at the desk called out to him welcoming him into the Inn. Travin looked over at the lady who was just tall enough to see over the counter, shutting the door behind him. Travin walked up to the counter and looked down on the lady sitting behind the counter. She was an older lady sitting there waiting for people to come in and rent rooms. Travin stood there and waited for the lady to look up at him. “I am in need of a room for the night” he would tell the lady. The lady would click a few times on the keyboard in front of her and look around before turning around and grabbing a key off the wall behind her. Asking for Travins name and letting him know the price of the room. Travin agreed and gave her the information she requested and handed over the money.

With the key in hand Travin made his way up to the room. Walking up the stairs he would find his room with ease as each door was numbered. Walking into the room Travin noted that it shared the same decadence of the rest of the Inn. It was a shocking change from what he was used to. Sitting down on the bed Travin would start to change out of his traveling clothing and get comfortable. The bed was extremely soft and it made him want to move into the place. Thinking that he could get used to living like this and the cost was not as bad as he was afraid it would be. Laying on the bed Travin would think about what he had in store for tomorrow. It was going to be a long day, and he was going to have a few hard jobs to get done tomorrow. With kicking some people out of their homes inside of this town, he would then have to go and gather a body and get it ready to be presented for their family. It was a job he was not looking forward to, but it was one that he had to do. With the travel time he had done today Travin didn’t take long for him to fall asleep.

Waking up feeling refreshed Travin walked out of the room leaving the key on the counter like he was told to for housekeeping. Travin walked down the stairs and nodded at the old lady who was still behind the desk. Making Travin wonder how long her shift was going to be. Walking back out of the Inn Travin made a left and started to walk down the street. He had the address of the tenets that refused to leave the house, and he had spent the morning thinking of a way to get them to get out without resorting to violence. He had a feeling however that he would end up having to at least rely on his genjutsu to convince them to leave. Following the street Travin saw as the town shifted from wealth and leisure to poor and hard times. It was not a quick transition but there was a transition and it was noticeable. Walking up to the house on the corner of the street Travin looked up at it and noted the two story house with white siding and dying grass. It was the only house on either street that had dead grass, and was bringing down the property value of both streets that it sat on the corner of.

Travin walked up to the door and knocked on it. After a few minutes a young man opened the door and asked what he wanted. Travin quickly told the man that he needed him and his family to leave the house and take their stuff with them. Letting him know that he would be back in twenty minutes and if they were still in the house he would have no choice but to force them to leave. The young man laughed and shut the door in Travins face. To which he was sure he was going to come back and have to force them out of the house. Turning and walking away from the house Travin would make his way to the coffee shop across the street and sit down outside ordering a cup of coffee. Watching the house Travin saw three people looking at him from the second floor window. With one of them pointing down at him, he was able to tell that the one pointing at him was the one that answered the door. It wasn’t long after that they all disappeared from the window. He quickly saw them all leave the house and start to make their way over to him all looking like they were about to cause trouble. Activating his Sharingan Travin stood up when the trio was within 10 meters of him. The three of them all glimpsed into his Sharingan and activated his genjutsu. Trapping them all within a world of darkness where Travin was looking down upon them as a god looked down upon ants. Reaching down with one massive arm Travin toyed with the trio as if they were toys before breaking his genjutsu and letting the three of them fall on to the ground. The three of them got up, backing away in fear as Travins Sharingan spun around in his eye. The three of them promised to be out in the next twenty minutes.

Travin sat back down at the coffee shop and finished his drink while he watched the three men leave the house. Once they were all gone Travin got up and walked away making his way down the streets and out of the town. Travin started to make his location to where the shinobi had fallen in battle. It was not an exact location so he would need to search the location for the body. Walking out of the town and making his way over to the woods below the mountain region at the end of the flat peak Travin would start to search for the body of the lost shinobi. Taking several hours before he was able to find it. Travin would eventually locate the body laying leaned up against a tree. It appeared that he had crawled his way over to the tree and had started to write a letter of sorts. Telling his mother and father how much he loved them and that he was sorry he would not be returning home like had promised. It was a touching letter that was left unfinished, and Travin knew that he would need to bring that back with him as well. Folding the letter and putting it into his pocket, Travin looked down on the man he had stopped bleeding by this point and his body had gone cold. Having sat out in the weather for a while now before they had heard about it and found him.

Travin pulled the few weapons that were still in his body out and put a few stitches into the clothing to hide the wounds. He was happy that the man didn’t have any bloodline limits as if he had he would be on a different mission to dispose of the body and not to return it. Travin made sure that the body was in good condition when he picked it up and carried it off with it. He took the body to another house back in the town taking his time to make sure that it was not harmed in the process anymore than it had already been. Once he arrived the door to the house swung open as they had been expecting for his arrival when they heard that he was missing in action. His mother and father came running out the house and Travin laid the body down on the ground for them, his mother crying and father hiding his. Travin reached into his pocket and pulled out the letter and handed it to the man's fathers who was still standing while the man's mother was holding his corpse on the ground and rocking. Holding out the letter Travin would simply offer an apology for what had happened to them, and turned and walked away as the father opened the letter and Travin could hear the tears start to fall and wet the paper. He didn’t turn back to look, letting them have what little bit of privacy that they could get in this situation.

With his missions finally done Travin would start to make his way back to the village. He had been through a few things to many today and was not feeling all too good about what he was having to do today.

WC- 4,048

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4k WC to unlocking Mangekyo Sharingan
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