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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Night of Halloween Fun Empty Night of Halloween Fun

Today at 1:20 pm
Event Missions:

It was the time of the year again where everyone got dressed up and went from house to house asking for candy. At least the children would, most of the adults went to parties or had fun walking around the village looking at all the decorations and spending money on things that they would never use again. Travin was one of these people. He did keep his spending to a minimum as he was trying to save up for a better apartment or maybe even a house at some point, but he did want to get out and go walk around the village and just see what all was going on. With the sun starting to go down and the village lit up with the warm glow of oranges and reds and pumpkins with candles within them. The kids started to come out with their costumes all on and running around the village. With the smell of pumpkin spice and cinnamon filling the village alongside the sounds of people getting jump scared. Travin was having a fun time walking through the village market square. 

Keeping an eye out for anyone that he might know and seeing if they wanted to join up walking around to see the sites. Travin would make his way around the market gathering his friends or anyone that wanted to join up for a fun night. He would make his way over to one of the tents that was littering the market district selling all kinds of festive goods. The old man behind the table welcomed Travin and whoever else was with him into the tent. However, the one thing that would catch the eye of anyone walking in would be a lamp sitting on a shelf to the side. The rest of the stuff in the tent looked like cheaply made ornaments of some kind. The Lamp however looked ancient and mysterious as if it was beckoning them to come look at it.

WC- 328
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