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Herozen Uchiha
Herozen Uchiha
Stat Page : Herozen
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Night of Halloween Fun - Page 2 Empty Re: Night of Halloween Fun

Today at 12:25 am
Herozen was glad about the easing tensions between the newcomer and himself. Herozen not one to back down, also didn’t like being viewed as a fool. And Kensei seemed vastly knowledgeable about this sort of thing. Herozen wasn’t ready to throw in the towel so to speak about this being something more then a hoax, but his mind was open to the possibility these guys were on the right track. It would make sense if there was a spirit in the lamp as to why they found the home where it used to live. If Kensei were telling the truth they found it with help from the lady in the lamp. If there was no spirit Kensei could have just led them here trying to spook Travin and himself out. The explanation of why he couldn’t hear the lamp made sense. Travin and Kensei would enter the house, Herozen wanted to have a look around the property and he needed another cigarette. He would watch as Kensei and Travin would enter the house cautiously and then light up a cigarette.

It was getting cold in Kumogakure with the full moon and lanterns lighting the street. When Herozen noticed four silhouettes slowly marching down the street, it made sense it was Halloween kids would be collecting candy at this hour, but something just wasn’t right. It was quiet, too quiet, Herozen felt no wind, and where there should have been the sound of children running door to door, he was met with none. The silhouettes were marching towards the house Herozen and the others were inspecting. He looked down at his burning cigarette and noticed the smoke that was usually furrowing and bending due to the slight breeze that swept through Kumogakure every minute wasn’t burning; it was just the redness of the cherry. As he noticed this phenomenon taking place, he thought to himself. I must be in a genjutsu. He would use his genjutsu release, but was still stuck in this weird time stop phenomenon, and the silhouettes were still approaching him. He was about to call out to the others when the silhouettes reached the property line and everything returned to normal. The sounds of children playing in the night, and the smells of the fresh breeze and the smoke coming off of his cigarette. He would quickly finish the remainder of his cigarette and make his way to the basement after hearing Travin cry out that he had fallen and found it.

It took a few moments for Herozen to find the stairwell that led to the basement. He was sure to check his footing that the old wooden stairs wouldn’t give way to him because of old age. When he got down the stairs he found Travin, he had found a warn leather bound book, that Herozen would make an assumption was a journal or a science log book, either way Herozen was only interested in it to find a way to help the lady in the lamp. Travin would reveal the way to breaking the spiritual chains would be to break the cursed objects. “Hang on, Travin, didn’t the old man say he tried to break the lamp and it just followed him around? Maybe we have to free the other’s cursed into captivity in an order to however their soul was captured?” Herozen would offer this insight because he remembered the old man where they found this lamp had warned them about this lamp. It was weird that Herozen was now so quick to believe souls captured in objects after what had happened to him a few moments ago. “What if we break the lamp and it ends back up with the old man?” Herozen would ask hoping Kensei would have more sight to how they could solve this problem, “Also now we have four more objects to break? How are we going to figure where they are?” Herozen was starting to think this mission to free the lady in the lamp was becoming hopeless, but he knew if anyone could solve this mystery it would be the three of them, they were Kumogakure shinobi after all and that’s when he heard it, a small voice.

“You were visited in the garden by the souls of those damned to be imprisoned into the objects by the necromancer shinobi. I will tell you and your friends where they are, but I must be the first to be freed and then they can be set free wherever you break the objects at. I think the house has a sealing jutsu that surrounds it so when my object breaks here, I will break it. I know you didn’t used to believe in spirits or cursed objects, but now your eyes have been opened. Thank you, Herozen.” After the lady in the lamp quit talking, she gave addresses to Herozen that he would write down so he wouldn’t forget. He would then relay the message to the other two just incase they couldn’t hear her. Just finding out about spirits being real he wasn’t quite sure on how the rules worked, if he could be the only one that heard her or if everyone could, none of it really made sense to Herozen.

“Okay, guys, I think we know what to do, we each take an address and then meet up for the last object and then we can call it a night.” Herozen chuckled, “But first we have a lady to rescue, Travin, or Kensei who would like to do the honors of setting her free?” Herozen would ask, he felt like he shouldn’t have the honors since he was such a staunch skeptic before he had his vision. He would look around the basement and he would find signs of sealing jutsu, so the lady in the lamp was telling the truth, there is hope for the others trapped. Herozen would watch as one of the guys broke the lamp and a beautiful specter of a kunoichi broke free from the lamp and attacked the seals around the house. Herozen watched in disbelief as her spirit dissipated as quickly as it had emerged from the lamp. He would look at the others who had different looks on their faces. “We good with the plan?” He would gesture to Kensei and Travin. Would they have objections with the plan?

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