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Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Village : Kumogakure
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Halloween fun Empty Halloween fun

Today at 7:01 pm
Event Missions Solo:

Travin awoke inside of his small apartment. He had thought he had the day off today with it being close to halloween. However, by the time he made it out of the shower and into the kitchen pouring a bowl of cereal since he didn’t go grocery shopping like he planned the night before. There was a knock on the door. Sitting the bowl down now full of cereal but before he had poured the milk at least. He walked over to the door and opened it revealing a shinobi hiding their identity with a mask. It wasn’t an anbu mask with it looking more like the central intelligence or sensory team mask. Travin looked down on the man kneeling in front of him holding a scroll he took the scroll from the shinobi muttering about how it was supposed to be his day off. Giving the shinobi a nod and walking back into the apartment he heard the shinobi vanish from his porch. Sitting down at the table and pouring the milk in his bowl of cereal Travin would open the scroll. Part of him praying that it wasn’t going to be messing with his day off. Not that he really had anything to do on his day off, but he had wanted to swing by the library and get a new book to sit on the back porch and read.

Taking a bite of his cereal while he opened the scroll. Travin skimmed it while eating. It turned out that he did have a mission that was posted this morning, and apparently most of the genin was either out of the village on holiday with their families, or already assigned to missions. It was an easy mission to be honest so he wasn’t all too upset about it. All he had to do was pick up a kid and take him to find a pumpkin. His parents apparently didn’t have time due to work to take him out shopping for one. He had a sneaky suspicion that this was going to end up becoming more than a single mission, as most of these kinds of missions always ended up. Standing up and taking his bowl over to the sink as he drank the rest of the milk out of it. He would put it in the sink and run some water in it before turning around grabbing the scroll and rolling it up, sitting it on the side of the counter as he walked over to his room and got his clothes on.

Travin walked back out of his room with his standard clothes he normally wore with a lot of black and a little red. Tucking the mission scroll in his belt Travin made his way out of the house. He started to make his way to the location of the kids house double checking the scroll to make sure he had the right address. It wouldn’t take Travin long to make it to the kids house after all he was just a few blocks away from where Travin lived. Travin walked up to the house looking at it from the sidewalk. Travin saw a two story white house with black window, and a dark stained wooden door wrapped around with a white picket fence around the yard. Walking through the gate and up to the door Travin knocked on the door. A few minutes later a young boy around the age of 10 opened the door. Travin looked down at the boy who was about a foot shorter than he was. With blond hair and slightly on the skinny side he spoke with a breaking voice as he was clearly starting to go through puberty and his voice was cracking.

“My name is Travin, and I am here to take you to pick out a pumpkin” Travin would tell the kid before adding. “What is your name?” he would look at the kid, not wanting to push the kid. He was this young once and he knew that you can’t push kids too fast if you want to have any luck with them.

The kid looked up at Travin while reaching to the side and grabbing his jacket. “My name is Tommy, but everyone just calls me Tom” he would let Travin know. Travin just gave him a nod and offered his hand to shake so the kid accepted and returned the gesture. Travin walked with the kid down to the pumpkin patch. “I know of a good pumpkin patch down here, they have the best pumpkins” Travin would tell the kid. Who looked up at Travin with a massive smile that told Travin that he was really excited for this. Travin had a feeling that he was going to pick the biggest pumpkin that he could get and make Travin carry the thing.

The duo made it to the pumpkin patch without any problems. The two of them stood at the top of the hill looking down onto the pumpkin patch. The duo stared at the waves of pumpkins spread out over probably more than an acre of land. “Let's go” Travin would tell Tom while he looked up at Travin almost as if he was waiting to be told he could go. Tom took off running down the hill making it to the bottom before tripping over a vine and rolling. However, it wasn’t enough to stop him as Travin ran after. Tom simply rolled and got back onto his feet and kept on running. Travin watched as he moved from one pumpkin to another. Making him think that it was possible with that speed for Tom to have a future as a shinobi. It took about an hour of running around the pumpkin patch before Tom found the one he wanted. Travin caught up with him and the duo looked down at the pumpkin. The pumpkin was perfectly round and about three feet tall and probably two feet wide in the most perfect shape. Travin almost for a second thought that he saw a glow around the pumpkin as if some kind of pumpkin god had planted it just for them to find.

Travin walked over and delicately cut the vine holding the perfect pumpkin in place and picked it up. “I think this is the most perfect pumpkin I have ever had the pleasure of seeing” Travin would turn and tell Tom while holding the pumpkin in the air. Travin could tell that the thing probably weighed at least twenty pounds. With Tom walking beside him Travin led them back up and out of the pumpkin patch. Both of them turned to take another look down at the pumpkins laying in the field. Before leaving the field for good now. Both of them walked back to Tom’s house at the same time that Tom's mom was returning back to the house. She walked up to Travin and introduced herself to him as Martha. Before commenting on the size and perfection of the pumpkin they picked out. Martha told Tom that they would have to carve the pumpkin later that night, but for now she was needing to get back to work. Travin sat the pumpkin down by the doorstep while Martha and Tom talked for a minute.

Tom walked over to the pumpkin and just stared in amazement for a few minutes while Martha talked to Travin for a few minutes. She asked Travin if he could also take Tom down to pick out a costume for Halloween this year. Apparently they had been having problems getting him to make up his mind, and they had worked so well at finding the pumpkin that it only made sense for Travin to take him shopping as well. It was annoying but he had already prepared himself to be asked. After all he had done missions like this before and they always ended up being more missions than what was originally thought there would be. Travin agreed to take Tom out to find a Halloween costume and Martha agreed to take the pumpkin inside so that it wouldn’t get damaged or stolen while they were all gone.

“Lets go bud we have more stuff to go get” Travin would call out to Tom. Tom would turn and run back over to Travin asking what else they were going to be doing today. “Well we are going to pick out a Halloween costume. I know of a place that has the best costumes” Travin would tell Tom. Who got excited after their trip to the pumpkin patch, and was ready to find the best costume. Travin would lead Tom down the street back in the direction of his own home. He had a friend that he had made in the past few months that had told him that he owned the best Halloween shop. Apparently from what Travin had been told he only opened the shop for a few months leading up to Halloween. Travin told Tom all of this as they made their way down to the shop. Travin hadn’t made it down to the shop just yet but now was as good of a time as any.

The duo making their way up to the shop could see the decorations standing outside of the shop by the doors. A massive clown standing on the right side of the door and a robed figure standing on the left with a massive knife in its hand. The duo walked into the orange building with glass walls running down the side. With pictures of different creatures painted on the glass. The duo walked into the shop and was greeted by the guy at the desk. Travin looked at him and asked if Sam was in the shop. The guy behind the counter told Travin that he was and that he would page for him to come to the front. The duo walked around and looked at a few costumes while they waited on Sam to get out.

It didn’t take long before Sam walked out from the back of the room. She looked at Travin and came up and gave him a hug thanking him for swinging by. Travin looked at her and introduced her to Tom and told her that they were here to pick him out the best costume in the village. Sam looked at Tom and told him that she would have him in a costume so awesome that the entire village would be jealous. Tom got clearly excited about this chance of having the best costume in the village. However, his excitement only grew when Sam took them to the back. The trio was walking around the back room looking at all the different costumes and inflatables stuck on the walls and getting ready to be taken out to the sales floor.

Sam led the duo to the far back of the room where a crate stood up in the corner. There was a crowbar that had clearly been used to take the nails out and was probably what Sam was doing before Travin and Tom had gotten the guy at the desk to call her to the front. Sam walked over as both Travin and Tom watched, she pulled the lid away from the box and sat it to the side. Still using her body to cover the contents of the box. Travin had to admit that the suspense was going to kill him, and looking at poor Tom he was almost bouncing in excitement to the point that Travin thought that he might explode. With the longest few seconds of their lives over Travin and Tom both looked into the box. What they saw looking back at them was both terrifyingly realistic and scary at the same time. Travin was sure that Sam did not fail to hold up on her word of having the best halloween costume in the entire village. Tom walked up and touched the costume noting and running his hands through the straw poking out of the sleeves to hide his hands.

Tom looked at Travin like let me have it. Travin nodded back at Tom and told Sam that they was going to take it. Sam took the lid and nailed it back down on top of it. “One murdering scythe scarecrow” she would tell Tom before letting him know that she would be terrified to run into him at night while wearing that custom. A point that Travin also shared, afraid that he might actually get scared by and hurt the kid if he didnt’ know. With the box closed up nice and tight to make sure that nothing happened to it. Sam called for her delivery guys to come and load up the box. Travin gave them the address the guys were off telling them that they would meet the duo back at the address. The duo wished Sam farewell who planted a kiss on Travins cheek he was not expecting. Walking out the door, almost being pulled by Tom, Travin kept looking back into the shop at Sam until he was pulled almost out of sight. Where he turned and started to run with Tom back to Tom's house. Arriving at the house Travin and Tom helped the delivery guys unload the crate and take it into the house. Travin was able to see the house in its full glory at this point and knew that the family had money. However, in the process of making all the money they had failed to make time to spend with their kid.

The duo was opening the create when Tom’s father would arrive back at home. Tom was worried something would happen as his father never got back home before late at night. However, his father simply walked in and gave Tom a hug and told him that he was only stopping by for a quick minute before he had to get back to work. He was telling Tom that he had some kind of business appointment in the morning and that he was going to end up having to work even later tonight, and would miss taking Tom out trick or treating like he had hoped he would be able to. Travin, now seeing just what Tom was having to live with, spoke up. “Don’t worry I can take Tom out and keep him safe.” Tom’s father would look at Travin and ask if he was sure to which Travin just nodded and looked at Tom. “I have to see just what this costume is going to look like on him.”

Tom's father walked back out of the house and Travin was now stuck hanging out with Tom for the rest of the night. It wasn’t as bad as he had thought it would have been. Tom was a pretty good kid and Travin was having some fun hanging out with him today. It meant something to him after he had felt so alone for so long now after his injury. Meeting Tom had shown Travin just how not alone he was. Sure his parents meant well and Tom would probably grow up a perfectly normal kid, but they were missing so much. It was making Travin want to go and spend a bit more time with his parents. Something that he had not been doing very much lately stuck on his own stuff trying to regain all the skills he had lost during that injury.

Travin took Tom down to the create and together they opened it. Once again revealing the scare crow hidden within. Travin helped Tom get into the outfit and took a step back from Tom so that he could see the costume in full effect with someone inside of it. The straw coming out of all the sleeves and anywhere that wasn’t really covered by cloth. Was also stained in a dark red that Travin was pretty sure would pass as blood by any of the shinobi. With the ripped up blue jeans and shirt leading up to the head that had dark rings around the glowing crimson red eyes that seemed to look into your very soul. Travin noted that Tom was only around 4 and a half feet tall, but the scarecrow was standing over six feet tall. Inside of the custom was levers that Tom was pulling and pushing to make the arms and head move, it already had a creepy lean to it when he walked around, and he was apparently looking through a see-through section in the chest. Travin called for Tom to come over and when Tom creeply walked over leaning from side to side. Travin placed the massive scythe in his costume's hand. Completing the look and easing on the swaying as he walked now that the scythe acted as an almost third leg to keep the balance in place making it easier on Tom to hold the weight of the costume up.

The duo made their way out of the garage since with the costume Tom was too big to make it out the front door. The moment that he cleared and made it onto the street a small child started to cry in fear of the massive thing coming at her. Her parents picked her up and tried to make her feel better letting her know that it was just a costume someone was wearing. Inside of the scarecrow Travin heard a maniacal laugh and made him think that maybe Tom would become a shinobi at some point. They had a few more interactions with a few more scared kids, before Tom made it to the first house. Pulling the lever to hold up the bag in his not scythe barring hand the little old lady dropped some candy down in the sack. She was amazed at the detail that went into the costume and asked Tom several questions about it. Before the duo had moved on to the next house. On their way over to the next house Tom scared a person probably in their teens and clearly a few years at least older than Tom, and Travin could tell that he was angry that he got scared when Tom walked up behind him. He was also clearly jealous of the costume that Tom was wearing versus his own costume. Travin watched as the teen ran away and he was unsure if he would see the kid again tonight or not. He had seen people whose ego got hurt do a lot of different things and since he was a teen it was most likely the wrong thing that he was going to do.

Travin and Tom made it to a few more houses before Travin saw the kid again. He had run off and got a few friends, and if Travin knew anything they were going to wait for Tom to be alone slightly and then attack and ruin his costume and probably his night. It was something that Travin was not going to let happen. He had grown attached to the kid after spending the entire day with him, and he was not about to let an awesome costume like this one go to waste if he could help it. Travin tapped Tom on the shoulder and told him to get in line for this next house. It was a decently long line so it would probably take a few minutes before he got back out of it. Travin in the blink of an eye to the average person had activated his Sharingan and cleared the distance between himself and the teens that were planning on hurting Tom. appearing in front of them his Sharingan glowing in the night sky and the tomoe spinning around the three of them couldn’t help but look into his eyes. Once he had all three of them Travin activated his Sharingan Genjutsu trapping all three of them inside of a genjutsu where Travin was a god and it was the three of them getting bullied instead of Tom. after a few seconds to Travin and what felt like years for the three teens. The genjutsu was broken and they were free to go falling to the ground whimpering and Travin was able to see a few tears from them as well. It was a lesson that they were not going to ever forget.

Travin made it back to Tom with time to spare waiting at the bottom of the drive for him to make his way back down. The duo have hit the entire block of houses as well as a few others in their time together tonight. Travin told Tom that it was time to head back home as it was starting to get late, and his parents should be getting home soon as well. Tom was excited to be able to show his parents his costume and probably try and scare them as well, and Travin was all for it.


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