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Kyuketsuki Sukotto
Kyuketsuki Sukotto
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 23

Mission: The Sneaky Cat [E-rank] Empty Mission: The Sneaky Cat [E-rank]

Fri May 07, 2021 4:49 pm
The Sneaky Cat

Sukotto pulled out his mission dossier and gave it a read. Apparently he was now a cat hunter. Oddly enough, of his missions to date this was the one that seemed most appropriate for his skills, both due to ninja training and because he himself was a natural at finding living beings. Up till now he had shopped, tanned leather, pulled weeds, now he was chasing a cat. His illustrious career as a shinobi was sure to grace the pages of history. He could hear it now, "That Sukotto fellow, he brought me bacon! I remember him, he pulled out weeds for me. Oh Sukotto? Yeah, I knew him back when he was tanning leather at my butcher shop. Sukotto returned my little fluffykins!" Okay the last one hadn't happened yet, but he knew he would manage.

He headed off toward the clients establishment so that he could get a description of the cat. It certainly wouldn't do him any good to return with the wrong one afterall. He found himself standing in front of a large inn, which based on its size left the cat a myriad of places it could hide. He knew the mission mentioned that the cat was outside, but that doesn't mean it couldn't have returned, and he wasn't going to rule that out. 

He stepped inside and walked over to the front desk, "Hey, I am looking for the owner. I was sent to find her cat." The man behind the desk nodded and stepped away, returning a couple minutes later with the client. "Ma'am, I am Sukotto, could you describe your cat for me?"

The woman bowed slightly. "Sayaka. Miki is an egyptian mau. She is mostly white with a black mottled pattern." She pulled out a photo and handed it to him. "She is very smart, and when I was gathering her up to take her for a checkup she figured it out and bolted. Unfortunately a guest had just arrived and she managed to get outside." She paused for a moment, emotions swelling before she got herself under control and continued. "She likes the warm climate, but it is two hot out in the middle of the day, you need to find her quickly."

Sukotto nodded, and decided he should take the time to search outside in the general vicinity before checking inside. It could be a waste of time, but if the cat was in danger out there, he needed to rule it out first. "Would she have gone far?" Sayaka shook her head, "No, there isn't really anywhere to go with shade nearby and the sand would burn her feet." He nodded, "Sayaka, I will find her." He turned and left, not wanting to waste anytime. "Okay let me amend, Sukotto returned my little Miki!"

As soon as he got outside he began to concentrate, focusing on all the heartbeats in his general vicinity. He could feel Sayaka and the man at the front desk behind him, but couldn't make out any other heartbeats nearby. He then made a circuit around the building, feeling a number of human heartbeats from the building, until he paused as he reached the back of the building, another heartbeat getting his attention. It was quieter then the humans, but if he wasn't mistaken, it was beating much faster. He followed the heartbeat, tracking its movement until the scent hit him and he stopped. It wasn't the cat, it was a mouse. While many may not be able to recognize a mouse's scent even if they could smell it, he had drained the blood of many of the small creatures and was very familiar with it. He went back to searching the perimeter and stopped when he found himself back at the front door.

"Okay, so not outside. Or at least not near the ground floor of the building." He walked up the side of the building a short ways then made one additional circuit, searching for any heartbeats that he had been too low to hear, or any possible entrances the cat may have used to get back into the building. As he reached a point that was about three quarters of the way around the building, he felt another small heartbeat. Again it was faster than the humans he could feel nearby, but to his judgement not as fast as the mouse’s had been. He waited searching for the direction, until he realized it was coming from inside the building.

He dropped back to the ground and headed inside the inn. The man at the front desk seeing him started back to get the owner, when Sukotto shook his head at him and walked up to the desk. "Do you have a master key or anything like that?" The man nodded but looked apprehensive, "Yes but I am not allowed to give it to anyone." Sukotto sighed but wasn't surprised. "That's okay, can you come with me? I think the cat is in the building and I might need to get into a room." He then made his way up the first flight of stairs, the front desk clerk trailing behind as he headed toward the right side of the building where he had heard the smaller heartbeat. Before long he had located it again, but due to all of the smells in the inn he couldn't pinpoint its distinct scent. 

He walked down the hall pausing next two sets of doors until he made his decision. He turned to the clerk and pointed at one of the doors, "This one here. Is anyone staying in this room?" Pausing to contemplate which rooms were occupied, the clerk eventually shook his head and pulled out the key, unlocking the door for him. Sukotto stepped inside and quickly closed the door to avoid letting the cat escape if it was indeed in the room.

Once inside the smells from the rest of the inn were muted somewhat and he was finally able to identify that he was smelling a cat. He looked around, deciding that based on the heartbeat the cat was likely under the bed. Moving slowly toward it, he bent down and checked and sure enough, there was a cat under it, its yellow eyes studying him. Now for the hard part, how was he going to reach the cat.

He tried to take on a soothing tone. "Hey Miki, is that you? What are you doing under there?" The only response he got was a low growling sound that became higher pitched at the end. He backed away, "Well I don't like that sound." He quickly went through a list of the jutsu he had and decided it was probably not a great idea to blast the cat out from under the bed with water so he would go for strategy number two. He made a dog hand sign as he said "Henge no jutsu" turning into Sayaka.

He went back to the edge of the bed and showed his face to the cat which responded exactly the same as before, though it included a hiss for good measure. Sukotto backed away again. "Right smell, yeah I have that too, shoulda figured that out." He let the jutsu fall away and went with his next idea. He created a ram handseal "Bushin no Jutsu" and then sent the clone around to the opposite side of the bed. He then pulled out a small pouch of coins he had on him and tossed it to that same side of the bed. His clone reached for the cat as soon as the bag landed, pulling the felines attention toward the scentless clone. It immediatly bolted out from under the bed and away from the clone and sudden noise, and right toward Sukotto.

The cat was fast, but it never had a chance. Sukotto was lightning quick as he moved to intercept the cat. The moment he reached it, he placed his left hand out in front of it, and his right hand moved to the back of its neck. The cat came to a quick stop and bit the hand that was in front of it, before Sukotto secured it by the scruff of its neck. He didn't flinch or even really acknowledge the pain. He had been bitten by small creatures more times then he could count in his younger days as he got accustomed to the hunt. It was rare it occured anymore, but he needed to make sure not to hurt this little one.

He lifted the cat as gently as he could, supporting its body with one hand, while his other kept the scruff of its neck held. He knew the poor thing couldn't be comfortable and was afraid but he wasn't sure what else to do. Calling out, the clerk opened the door and stepped out of Sukotto's way so that he could return Miki to her owner. 

"Miki!" Sayaka shouted as he came around the corner toward the front desk. She rushed over to him and took the cat from him. "Oh Miki there you are. He didn't hurt you did he?" She then turned and walked away as she continued to talk quietly to the cat.

Sukotto headed back upstairs with the clerk to get the small pouch of coins he had tossed, then waited in the lobby for a few minutes until Sayaka returned. "Thank you for returning my Miki to me. She seems to be just fine." Sukotto gave her a small smile, "I am glad Miki is alright." He gave a little wave, and headed out of the inn, glad to have finished another mission.

[WC 1612]

1100 Ryo
5 AP

10 Vigor
6 Speed

Hidden Mist Technique 274 from Previous Mission applying 1226 from this mission 1500/1500
Chakra Suppression 386/2000
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Mission: The Sneaky Cat [E-rank] Empty Re: Mission: The Sneaky Cat [E-rank]

Sat May 08, 2021 1:03 am
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